how can I get the toys to them? They gotta have toys! Otherwise their
lives will be nothing but school and chores and washing their
stockings and... their stockings... THEIR STOCKINGS!”
Kris Kringle (Mickey Rooney)
there was one special toy he just HAD to
deliver. Suzy, a tiny little girl who was very, very sick, had asked
Kris for a toy Noah's Ark. Kris just couldn't disappoint her.”
Fred Astaire
is an early Christmas present for my dear friend FarAwayEyes. A
little bird told me that she's been feeling “twenty
shades of blue”, and I thought this song might cheer her up.
is the sort of rebel who would walk into a Jimmy Buffett's
'MARGARITAVILLE' and order a... Mojito. I like that about her.
(Eat yer heart out, Jimmy Buffettburg, you Chicken McNugget in hell!)
NOTHING' - Bruce Blackman
Feel better, FAE?
~ Stephen T.
OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However,
ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated
(read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I
don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Ah, medicine for the heart and the soul. It only took me once through to be in love with this song. The images are perfect. also.
ReplyDeleteMore than a thousand thanks yous. I fear you know me too well. Remember...
DeleteI didn't see how this song could possibly miss the target. In my opinion, it is literally a perfect Pop song. Sort of like 'Margaritaville' meets 'Key Largo' by Bertie Higgins, but with a better vocalist.
And now I'm off in search of the perfect Mojito to go with my scrambled eggs breakfast. (My "Happy Hour" starts early and ends late:-)
No, YOU "remember"...
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I am sorry to hear that FAE is still not doing well. Seems like this road has been particularly rock-filled.
ReplyDeleteNot heard this song before, but it is very relaxing. There are some songs that lend themselves especially well to sitting on the water and just watching the world roll by.
DeleteEven Cowgirls get the Blues, but FAE will bounce back better'n ever, cause the best ones always climb back into the saddle again.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I hope this song did the trick for FAE. If nothing else, I'll bet it made her feel better that you cared enough to even try.
ReplyDeleteMade ME feel better, and I already felt pretty doggone good... (But suddenly thirsty for a mojita...)
Ha! Yeah, I can certainly understand THAT. If you're buying, I'll have one wid ya.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
your post titles alone crack me up!
ReplyDeleteyou remind me of drunk uncle! you're doing a great job at equal opportunity dissing! everyone needs to be able to laugh at themselves!
Gee, thanks so much, TARA.
DeleteWhat a wonderful compliment!
And you know what? THAT is exactly the effect I strive for. Well, maybe not a "drunk uncle" so much, but more like a "drunk hottie". (Is "hottie" still a word anymore? I don't keep up too well with the current fads and tween expressions. I was just telling a friend the other day that I couldn't pick Beyonce out in a police lineup, which I might someday be called upon to do, obviously.)
Now where the hell did I leave that bottle of "Yo-Ho-Ho!"? (Also known as "Ho-Ho-Ho!" during the month of December.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Bah humbug! But I hope FAE is doing better. The song put me in a laid back mood.
ReplyDeleteI'm scared to imagine what Christmas present song you'd have for me--would it have something to do with "Styx"? Or maybe something by Nat King Coal? I've been a bad boy I know.
Tossing It Out
Ha! Yeah, LEE, you done been a bad boy, but then so has I. I wonder which of us will be getting the bigger lump of coal from Santa this year.
DeleteCome to think of it, how does that actually work? Is it that the worse you've been the bigger the lump of coal you find in your stocking? Or is it the other way around? The worse you've been you get an even smaller lump. (And then if you've been really super bad Santa actually leaves you lumps on your noggin?)
Yeah, Brother Boid, if this song, 'DOING NOTHING', doesn't put a person in a laid back mood, I don't think nuttin' could.
I love this song. And I also really dig the other two songs on the CD sampler I just received from Mr. Bruce Blackman.
Maybe if I straighten up my act right now, it's not too late to get the forthcoming full-length Bruce Blackman CD from Santa on Christmas morning?
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I'm gettin' into your blog. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteCHERDO ~
DeleteWell, just don't get yerself into anything you can't later be extracted from if you have regrets.
[THANKS! [;-)}
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
That's not a BAD plan... ;-)
DeleteOh, heck, I'm full of it.
DeleteI meant "'em"... I'm full of 'em.
~ D-FensDogg