blog has enacted a very strict 'Zero Tolerance For Guns' policy and
we enforce this Gun-Free Zone to the fullest extent of the law and
then some!
this means, of course, is that no guns are permitted on this blog.
Neither I or anyone else in the vicinity of this blog is permitted to
carry handguns, rifles, or any other kind of weaponry that shoots
bullets and kills innocent people.
this policy in mind, I beg you please, Please, PLEASE don't ever show
up here and shoot my sorry, defenseless ass! I mean, I'll do whatever
you say... I'll polish your shoes, I'll step 'n' fetch it, I'll not
complain if you kick me like I'm a dog you own and hate. But I beg of
you – PLEASE – just don't shoot me, 'cause I sure
ain't got no gun I can shoot back with, and there ain't nobody else
around here who can defend me against you, because they've all obeyed
the strict Gun-Free Blog Zone policy I enacted here.
* * * * * * *
other night I was fooling around on the computer while at work was
doing some online investigative work for my employer. And during the
course of my searches, I came across this GREAT article written by a
guy named Jon Beauchemin at his blog 'THE SMALL CHEESE'.
look-a-here, anyone with at least 2 brain cells to rub together
(myself included) has, for many years, made this very same argument
about gun control and silly “Gun-Free Zones”. A person has to be
pretty damned stupid not to “get it”. And yet, stunningly, there
are countless Americonned citizens who are just THAT
stupid. Look around you... most of the people you see still don't get
amazing though is that some school districts across the Americonned
landscape HAVE actually begun to wake up from the Kool-Aid
induced fog and are beginning to arm some of their school teachers so
that large-scale massacres of school children and defenseless
teachers and school administrators will become a thing of the past.
there's nuttin' new 'n' unique about this logical argument, but this
fellow, Jon Beauchemin, has taken the argument and turned it into a
very creative form. It's even funny in places (I literally GOLed –
Guffawed-Out-Loud - once or twice).
is a link to the blog bit at Jon's website. Read, learn, 'n' laugh...
at the stupidity that Uncle S(c)am has been trying to force-feed ya
with for decades now. This was an A+ blog bit and I know that for a
fact because I'm downright jealous that I wasn't the one to think of
putting the anti-Gun-Free Zone argument in this clever format.
Read the blog bit linked above, then watch this video:
Read the blog bit linked above, then watch this video:
Stephen T. McCarthy
OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However,
ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated
(read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t,
so I don’t have to
put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
I can see why you enjoyed that blog bit.
ReplyDeleteI simply cannot believe any THINKING person, regardless of party affiliation, would actually believe that a Gun Free Zone actually would deter someone from bringing a gun. I would feel like a complete moron even trying to argue that nonsense.
This would have been a good blog bit to include that YouTube footage I dedicated to you on Gun Free Zones:)
Delete>>... "I would feel like a complete moron even trying to argue that nonsense."
You WOULD be a complete moron trying to argue that nonsense. Unfortunately, we are SURROUNDED by complete morons in this country. (Heck, I could even name a few bloggers I'm familiar with who fall into that category. But I won't, because he's already afraid of me enough as it is.)
You were ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about that video! DOH! I had completely forgotten about it. (By the way, my recent memory loss has a lot more to do with a year of "graveyard" shi[f]ts than it has to do with alcoholism... although there's probably enough blame to pass around and share.)
Unless I miss my guess, by the time this reply to your comment posts, I should have corrected that awful oversight (aka, "the Gun-Free Zone video be posted at the end o' dis blog bit").
Thanks for the reminder. You just added a + to the A. Or turned an A+ into an "R".
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Oh no, guess I can't come around this site no more. You know me, I'm the one who, when I put up a post that hinted at the ridiculousness of gun control, was accused of wanting to kill babies. I also live in a state where I believe it's still legal to walk around with a gun visibly strapped to your waist, and I live here on purpose.
ReplyDeleteCan the American people get any more stupid? Can the government become a bit more nonsensical? No need to reply to those questions, as I already know the answer far too well.
I've recently run into a new twist created by the all powerful Obamacare program. Will the stupidity never end? Just another rhetorical question? Ha, ha, ha!
>>... "Can the American people get any more stupid?
DeleteOh, shit! You just HAD to axe, didn't ya?
Say, what are ya commenting on this blog bit for anyway? I happen to know you're armed and dangerous. (Probably dangerous even if you DIDN'T have arms... and legs... and... well... being a gentleman of the Old School variety, we'll just leave it at that.)
Please don't shoot my defenseless ass!
If you do, whatever will I use
to pull my two-wheeled cart?
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Yikk, uhhhmm, er, sorry, having trouble typing covered in all this dripping sarcasm! Of course, the people who need to read that will only say, "You're making fun of a serious topic! I suppose you went out right after that and shot a whale or a drowning polar bear!"
ReplyDeleteMe, I'm just amazed that airtight logic can fail to permeate the skulls of anyone who can string two words together. But you are right, half the people you see or better won't get this. Unless you live on the SE side of Ft Wayne where they'd say, "Hey, I ain' goin' in no school widdout my piece, n*****! Sides, I can' read no sign noway!"
>>... having trouble typing covered in all this dripping sarcasm!
Delete"Sarcasm", you say? Hmmm... I jus' don't see it.
The problem is that a lot of people don't understand that once the genie is out of the bottle, there's no putting him back in again. (You'd have just as much luck putting toothpaste back into the tube after squeezing it out.)
When I was young 'n' dumb, I thought Americans were, like, the smartest peoples on the planet. I never dreamed that I'd someday be calling them "the Americonned Sheeple" and with good reason.
By the way... 1) I never shoot whales - I always harpoon them, and 2) I've already shot 666 cryin' babies today, so FAE doesn't have to (and that's not even counting the buncha infant non-Liberals I've shot today), and 3) I never realized that Polar Bears COULD drown. Had I known that, I woulda been drownin' 'em for the last 3 decades - the fat Honkies!
Gotta run... I'm off to club some baby seals.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Alright, McCarthy, I've got my shotgun all locked up in a gun safe while I type this out, but if in the 3 and a half minutes that I'm pecking away at this comment someone murders me at my desk and I faceplant right onto my keyboard because I'm completely defenseless, well then that's on yofdjgfsdhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ReplyDeleteWell... believe me, FOLKS, I feel awfully bad that Bryan of the blog 'A Beer For The Shower' was shot to death while attempting to leave a comment on this blog bit, all because he had locked his shotgun away in a gun safe. Really, I DO feel bad 'bout dat.
DeleteBut you know what? At least no childrens were harmed in the making of his (partial) comment. And, seriously, even if 69 innocent adults are murdered due to random gun use by baddies, if even ONE innocent school childs life is saved from gun violence, I and other sensible Americonned People believe it's a worthwhile trade-off.
Remember Peoples, it's... "FOR THE CHILDREN!"
May God bless the dead Bryan for doing the right thing by locking his shotgun away before some innocent childrens got killed or worse! He was a martyr to a great cause, and I'm sure countless borned and unborn childrens will appreciate Bryan's sacrifice. (At least millions of unborned childrens die by abortion rather than by gun violence. Amerika should be PROUD of her anti-gun commitment to the childrens!)
Thanks, Bryan, you were a great symbol for the great cause. May your sacrifice be remembered everywhere and every time someone says, "Barkeep, gimme a shot."
And the barkeep replies, "Sorry, Amigo, but my gun's locked in my car trunk. Would you settle for an ounce of Jim Beam?"
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Does it count if I have a locked gun safe? Can I still hand around, pretty please?
ReplyDeleteCHERDO ~
DeleteMy REAL preference is that people who have guns keep them loaded and within quick reach... for my own protection, ya un'erstan'?
The only time I find it acceptable for the "Good Guys" to have their guns stored in a locked gun safe is if they are able to throw that gun safe and hit the "Bad Guy" in the head with it on the first try.
So... I'll leave it up to you to decide fo' yerself. Which is more accurate, your aim with a .38 or your fastball? Go with yer strength, please.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Does it count if I have a locked gun safe? Can I still hand around, pretty please?
ReplyDeleteCHERDO ~
DeleteMy REAL preference is that people who have guns keep them loaded and within quick reach... for my own protec---
Hmmm... There is something awful familiar about this conversation. Ever get dat Deja Vu feeling?
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
HA HA HA HA! These were great! I have forwarded your blog with links to a bunch of people.
ReplyDeleteI am armed, and dangerous... but only to those posing a danger to me or my family.
DeleteGlad ya liked it (like I KNEW ya would).
Preach it, Preacher! Preach it!
"Give me your tired, your poor, your locked and loaded yearning to belch fire."
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'