Monday, November 28, 2016


One of my bloggin' buddies, BR'ER MARC, asked me to explain why I've been saying for some time now that I believe the prophesied "Second Coming" of Jesus Christ will occur in 2029 (or 2028). I promised him that I would do that shortly after the end of the 2016 Presidential Election. Well, seeing as how it now looks as if for Snowflake America the 2016 Presidential Election will N-E-V-E-R end, I figure I better just go ahead and answer Br'er Marc's question now...
I have no way of knowing how much any of you are already aware of when it comes to Biblical End-Time Prophecies, so if I say some things that seem too obvious and you're thinking "Well, duh!", please don't think I'm trying to insult you. I'm going to explain some very basic ideas, along with the rest, if not for your benefit, then perhaps for someone who may discover this blog bit a bit later.
Some of what I am going to write is pretty common knowledge, but it will be sprinkled with some insights derived by me via personal teaching from God's Holy Spirit. I am certain that God will guide anyone by His Holy Spirit if that person opens up to God and is willing to accept, by faith, any guidance wherever it leads.
Most of The Bible has at least two (and in some cases probably three) valid interpretations: 1) that which pertains to the Earth, its history, and the history of mankind upon it. In other words, it applies to man's PHYSICAL being, and 2) a deeper, Spiritual interpretation that applies to God's Spiritual realm, mankind's true identity, which is purely Spiritual, and the process by which we are learning our way out of the physical realm and into the Spiritual realm where we really belong.

First and foremost, it's important to understand that saint Peter gave us the Divine Key that opens the door to understanding Biblical End-Time Prophecy and the "Second Coming" of Jesus (Yeshua) Christ. In fact, I've read the Bible cover-to-cover about 22 times and, other than Peter, I find no indication that any of the other apostles / saints knew that it would be 2,000 years before Christ's prophesied Second Coming. Peter absolutely knew that because he gave us the key that clearly revealed it. But according to my understanding, it seems that even saint Paul did not know this fact. It looks to me like Paul -- at least until close to the end of his life -- actually believed that he'd be alive to witness the return of Jesus.
But Peter knew that it was two thousand years off, and he all but said so when he gave us the key in 2 Peter 3. He was writing very specifically about the return of Christ, and in part he said:
2 PETER 3:
Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle ... that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior, knowing this first:
that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

1 Day = 1 Thousand Years
1 Thousand Years = 1 Day

That is the key to the whole thing.

But notice how prior to writing the key, Peter was talking about the creation of the Earth. At first glance that might seem to almost be irrelevant to the Second Coming of Christ Yeshua, but it's not. And the reason it's not is because the Genesis Creation account actually ties into the prophetic timeline of Christ's return and the promised 1,000 years of peace (read: Revelation 20).
Genesis 1 ends by telling us...
Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
And Genesis 2 begins...
Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.
If all of God's creation was completed on the Sixth Day, why was the Seventh Day even mentioned? Why are we told that God "rested" on the Seventh Day, and why did He "sanctify" that day on which He appears to have done nothing but rest? And why aren't we told that he rested on the eighth day, too? And the ninth? The tenth, etc.? In other words, if all of God's work was completed on the sixth day, why bother even mentioning a seventh day?
Because God established a 7-Day "Week", not an 8-Day or 9-Day week. And it was created as a 7-Day week because 7 DAYS (aka "7 THOUSAND YEARS" -- remembering Peter's key to the prophetic timeline) is the period which God decreed would represent everything He was to do on Earth, from beginning to end, until He completes this Earthly school system and creates a new Heaven and a new Earth (read: Revelation 21).
A blogger whom I've mentioned to a few folks before goes into some good detail about the 7 different Thousand Year periods at You should DEFINITELY check out his website!!

He has obviously been taught by The Holy Spirit, and I myself wasn't even aware of all those correlations. However, the importance of the 7-Thousand Years in the End-Time timeline I've known about for a long time.
God specifically mentioned that He was done creating or "working" after the 6th Day, and on the 7th Day He "rested". When we rest, we are at peace. "Peace" is one synonym for "rest". So what God was telling us is that when we get to the "SEVEN THOUSANDTH YEAR PERIOD" of Earth's history, it will be A "DAY" OF PEACE. As Revelation 20 tells us, Jesus is going to put down satan, the anti-Christ and the False Prophet, and they will be "bound" for "a thousand years" of peace on Earth, with Christ Yeshua taking his rightful place as the Holy King and Savior of mankind.
So, the 7 "Day" Creation story really has a prophecy of Christ's return and millennial reign cloaked within it...
1 Day = 1 Thousand Years
1 Thousand Years = 1 Day

It's very interesting to consider that the history of mankind on Earth appears to go back only 6 thousand years. If you forget about all the pagan pseudo-science and stick to only what we can know for sure (e.g., the fact that human writing goes back only about 6 thousand years) and consider that the Biblical genealogies for mankind indicate four thousand years from Adam to Jesus, and that it's been about two thousand years since Jesus was Resurrected and Ascended to Heaven, that puts us right now, in these times, at the end of the six thousand years and about to enter that final (7th) thousand year period. The 7th Day of rest, the 7 Thousandth year in which Christ was Biblically promised to be here to rule over a peaceful Earth.
We are right now on the brink of the most exciting moment that will ever occur on this planet: Armageddon, the return of the Holy Savior, and the vanquishing of satan for a "Day" of rest on Earth.
But wait! There's more...
Throughout The Holy Bible there are allusions to the End-Time scenario and clues to the timing of Christ's return. In fact, sometimes The Bible is remarkably precise. For example in Luke 19:28-44, when Jesus presented Himself for the first time as Israel's Holy King, He said: “If you had known, even you, especially in this YOUR DAY, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes." 

He was holding them accountable, for they could have, and should have, known that very day (April 6) that their prophesied Messiah was going to arrive. Their priests and scribes only needed to do the math in the Daniel 9 prophecy to know that the Man on the donkey was their King and Messiah. Instead, they rejected Him and He became their (and the world's) Eternal Passover Lamb instead.
So, The Bible don't fool around. Everything we need to know is in there if we study with serious intent, are willing to sometimes challenge traditionally cherished yet questionable dogmas, and humbly accept teaching from The Holy Spirit.
We know, of course, that the Old Testament and Jesus Himself prophesied in advance that He would be killed and would be Resurrected. And that's just what happened.
LUKE 24:1-7 says:
Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them, came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. Then they went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. And it happened, as they were greatly perplexed about this, that behold, two men stood by them in shining garments. Then, as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, they said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen! Remember how He spoke to you when He was still in Galilee, saying, ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.’”
"THE THIRD DAY RISE AGAIN". This is also a cloaked prophecy about Christ's return. Just as He returned to life and came back to His people after His crucifixion, it was promised that He would return to us, His people, a second time (read: Acts 1: 9-11).

Here, saint Peter's key comes into play again. 1 Day = 1 Thousand Years; 1 Thousand Years = 1 Day. When did Jesus return to His people after His Crucifixion? The Bible says, "the third day" He rose again. In fact, it was on the morning of the third day. How long ago did Jesus ascend into Heaven? 2 thousand years ago (or, 2 "days" ago). When does He return to His people? On the morning of the third day. Today (2016), the Sun is arising on the morning of the third day, or third thousandth "year", since Jesus left us. We should be expecting Him any time now, just as the Jews should have been expecting Him on that April 6th when He rode the donkey into Jerusalem.
There are a number of places throughout The Bible where Christ's Second Coming is alluded to and the timing of it is there to be discovered for people who don't read too quickly and really contemplate a bit deeper everything that is being said. Here's just one example:
Hosea 6 begins with...
Come, and let us return to the Lord;
For He has torn, but He will heal us;
He has stricken, but He will bind us up.

After TWO DAYS He will revive us;
ON THE THIRD DAY He will raise us up,
That we may live in His sight.

There's that Day / Year thing again. We have been living without Christ here bodily for two days (two thousand years), and satan has been having a ball during that time, as The Bible said he would:
Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.
~Revelation 12:12
But Hosea tells us that on the 3rd day (during the 3rd thousand year period) Jesus will raise us up (from the influence of the devil) and we will "live in His sight" -- for He will actually be here on Earth with us for that 7th Day (thousand years) of rest from the works of satan.
There are numerous references to the Apocalypse and Yeshua's Second Coming to be found in The Bible, and some tie into the restoration of Israel as a sovereign nation. Below are some lengthy articles that I think are very much worthwhile reading:
With this third one, all of it warrants consideration, but for our purposes here I will recommend that you initially scroll down and read the section 'This Generation Will Not Pass', from there down to the end of the article:

And that's not all!...
I will conclude this Reader's Digest version of my thinking on this topic by quoting from what I consider to be the best book on Eschatology that I have ever read, (Link>) 'END-TIME PROPHECIES OF THE BIBLE' by David Haggith. I'm sure this must be out of print now but inexpensive used copies are surely available online, and I highly recommend acquiring one.

In chapter 22, 'Millennium', David Haggith writes:
"Though the modern calendar measures years from the birth of Christ ("The year of our Lord", anno Domini, A.D.), it is probably not accurate enough to show exactly when the seventh millennium would begin, but most historians would agree the calendar is within a decade of being accurate on the birth of Christ. Many historians believe the birth of Christ actually happened in about 4 B.C., in which case, the millennium of Christ's reign would have begun in 1996, by the above reasoning, and obviously that did not happen.

"There's a second caveat: Many historians would insist more than four thousand years occurred between the beginning of human history and Jesus Christ's birth. That may be irrelevant to interpreting the Apocalypse, however, given that the appropriate calendar to use for Biblical revelation would be the Biblical calendar. Even then, there are discrepancies in the Biblical chronologies between various ancient manuscripts where two manuscripts each have different time spans for the same event. The current Jewish Calendar system, for example, shows only 3,760 years before Christ, which would place the beginning of the seventh millennium near the year 2240. Nevertheless, many historians agree Biblical genealogies count back very close to four thousand years before Christ. (Some say exactly four thousand years.)
"Then why didn't the seventh millennium begin in 1996? Perhaps Christ's life on earth should also be considered an interlude in the time line, so the prophetic clock may not have started ticking again until He left the earth. Jesus' life was certainly an interruption in the flow of human history. Small as the events of His life seemed in His own time, it's not hard to argue they were the biggest interruption history has ever seen in terms of their consequence."
All those years ago when I read that, it really struck a chord with me. Although it's surely speculative, something within me -- The Holy Spirit, I believe -- resonated with the idea that Yeshua's life on Earth was an interruption in the prophetic Apocalyptic timeline. It was like the clock was temporarily stopped, as in a Divine chess match, where God makes His move and then stops the clock. When God received Christ back into Heaven after His resurrection, God hit the Apocalyptic clock again and Earth was back on the Biblical timeline leading us to Christ's Second Coming on the morning of the 7th Day. 

Again, this is speculative. Haggith's idea may be incorrect and I may be wrong in considering it so seriously, but given all the other Biblical prophecies pointing to our time, I really don't think so. Knowing that Jesus Christ lived 33 years, I added those 33 years (stopped clock time) to 1996, and that's how I came up with 2029 as the year of Christ's return. 

What I find fascinating is that a couple of other online Bible students, whom I've never met nor conversed with, have come up with the year 2028 by using other methods derived from Biblical clues. Kind of interesting that we're all only 365 days off in our thinking!

Below is a very helpful chart which illustrates the 7-Day "Week" of Biblical prophecy from Creation to Earth's end:
To view that chart on a page where it can be enlarged for reading, go to the website 2028 End by clicking HERE.
It's a very complex topic but I hope this brief explanation has sufficiently illustrated some of the reasons I strongly believe that our Lord will return to us in our own lifetime. There's a whole lot more to this, but I hope this is a decent start.
Jesus is coming soon. Are we ready for that?
'ARE YOU READY?' by Bob Dylan
~ Stephen T. McCarthy.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


[Stephen T. McCarthy is...] "The King of hostility and actual name calling"
~ Andrew Leon
(It's good to be the king!)
"McCarthy ... who is about as intelligent as a box of rocks."
~ Andrew Leon
(That's still smarter'n a bag o' gravel!)
[Stephen T.] "McCarthy, who takes his name from one of the most deplorable persons in American history"
~ Andrew Leon
(Wot? Senator Joe McCarthy, a "Deplorable"?)
I guess it goes without saying then that I am (a proud!) "Deplorable". But being as dumb as a box of rocks, you ought to take the rest of this blog bit with a shaker of salt. (And don't upset me or I'll get hostile and call you names.)

As I'm sure most would agree, the 2016 Presidential Election was like none before in our lifetimes. It included so many unusual facets and revelations that one almost needed a program to keep track of all the players and all the "news flash" revelations which seemed to manifest every couple of days. It was really fascinating, full of intrigue and excitement for the politically interested.
An "October Surprise"? As in one? Fuhgeddaboudit! The entire month of October was full of surprises and they continued into November and right up through November 7th. Oddly, the quietest day in terms of breaking news was November 8th -- election day.
But as fascinating and exciting as it was, this election was also very important. The most important presidential election in our lifetimes, I firmly believe. Why? Because it may have (will have, unless "They" JFK Donald Trump) bought the USA a little more time before Armageddon or the Apocalypse (coming soon to a world near you). Nothing and no one can save the USA because "it is written", but maybe we have a wee bit more time to repent and come to Christ before the arrival of the anti-Christ (coming soon to a planet near you).
This campaign period included so many outside-the-box elements, so many peculiar players jockeying for position that for those who didn't understand The Big Picture, it was impossible to keep up, impossible to wrap their minds around the viewponts of the various factions.
The 2016 Presidential Election was so strange!
Well, I'll put it this way: I was fairly active in political website comment sections. That is to say, I was AWII and NSTPU (Arguing With Internet Idiots and Not Shutting The Phuq Up). And at different times in different comment sections on different websites, I was accused of being a "Leftist", a shill for Hillary Clinton, and a "Libtard". How could I, a staunch Constitutionalist of the George Mason Anti-Federalist variety, be thought of as a Liberal? Well, that's proof that this election period was like none other and it left a lot of people confused about who was representing what! So many of the convenient, old political labels were being ripped, torn, and Rip Torned, and it left many who don't understand "Deep Politics" (or "Eschatological Politics") mystified about who wore the white hats and who wore the black hats. Obviously, I was mistaken at times for a black hatter (not to mention the usual "tinfoil hatter").
If you didn't really grasp The Big Picture that Trump was maneuvering in, it was possible to think that Hillary Clinton was an old school Liberal, Ted Cruz was a Constitutionalist, Bernie Sanders a legitimate presidential candidate, and Stephen T. McCarthy a Leftist Libtard Shill for Hillary! How weird is THAT?!
If you didn't understand The Big Picture and therefore some of the things I'm writing here seem like enigmatic incongrutiating (look it up!), then just consider this as Lesson 1 in some foreign language. I'd try to 'splain it mo' better but... "what difference, at this point, does it make?"
Instead of backstory details, I'm just going to launch into my main point in... 3, 2, 1--
At, the day after the Presidential Election, I found an article titled 'LIMBAUGH: BIG GOVERNMENT LIBERALISM WAS TOLD TO GO TO HELL'. Seeing as how Rush Limbaugh has been a secret NeoCon shill for Big Global Government his entire career, this kind of irked me. Suddenly, after Donald Trump had just pulled off this amazing feat of becoming "President Underdog" , Limboob wanted to pretend like he was a real supporter:
Limbaugh told his listeners Republicans should not interpret the outcome as a message that they should reach across the aisle and work with Democrats. He urged them not to do that, saying it was a message that “big government liberalism” was rebuked by the American voters. ...
“Folks, they [liberals] don’t give up,” he said. “Their purpose for living is to beat us. We are their number one enemy. And even when they lose, that remains their objective. I’ve watched them. I’ve studied them. I know who they are. I know what’s going to happen. What needs to happen on our side is what needs to be different. We need to stop kowtowing to it. We need to look them in [sic] face, laugh and say, ‘You know, the corner of the room is over there. You guys lost. Learn it. Love it. Live it. And leave us alone. We’re in the process of fixing the mess you made.’ ...
“Look, I hate to be redundant here, folks,” Limbaugh added. “You couldn’t have a more clearly defined reason for the Democrats losing yesterday and the Republicans winning than what we got. And God bless everybody involved for making it happen. It couldn’t be more crystal clear. There’s nothing ambiguous about this at all. Big government liberalism, whether people know it or not, was told to go to hell."
I couldn't let that pass without a comment, so I wrote:
Look at Fatty Limboob running as fast as he can, trying to catch the caboose of the Trump Train and grab onto it as it roars outta town. If he wasn't so fat, he'd catch it. And that's when I'd whack him in the face with his golden EIB microphone and wave goodbye while he rolled and rolled back down the track where he came from.
~ D-FensDogG

My comment received immediate replies:
~ Trump Won, Get Over It
Rush did everything but grab the Pom pons. Not sure what you are talking about.
~ Stuffitcommies
Rush laid those tracks.
~ Dropkick
I responded to those blokes with the following. That was on November 9th. No "But-But-But-" reBUTTals from them yet.
Wow! You guys really don't get it. You STILL don't even realize what happened yesterday.
RUSH has ALWAYS been a NeoCon plant for the International Bankers. And as such, he did what he could to hurt Trump and promote the Bankers' candidates. That is up until he realized that Trump was going to get the nomination. Then he slyly shifted to Trump and tried to pretend he'd been a Trump Train enthusiast all along.


And you suckers with short memory spans are falling for it. Here are 3 links to articles that just might jog your memories about how Rush USED TO BE prior to seeing the Trump handwriting on the wall.

Limbaugh told his radio audience, "If conservatism is your bag, if conservatism is the dominating factor in how you vote, there is no other choice for you in this campaign than Ted Cruz…."
Limbaugh described Trump as a non-ideological candidate. "Trump's not a Republican; he's not a Democrat," he said.
"He's running as a Republican, but he's way beyond any of this. His definition of conservatism was we're gonna conserve. We're gonna conserve our money. We're gonna conserve our whatever…. Donald Trump is not an ideological candidate."
"This is not a criticism of Trump. But for those of you that conservatism's the answer and conservatism is the way, you have no choice here. Ted Cruz has got to be your guy. There's nobody even close. Nobody."


However, Rubio did find time to vote for ObamaTrade (TPA), even though he never read it. 
And Rubio is infamous for hisGang of Eight” affiliation for illegal alien amnesty, including his votes with Democrats to block amendments that would have forced border security first.
Yet this is who Rush Limbaugh chooses to call a “full-throated conservative”?

Limbaugh played an audio clip of Trump telling “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace that Cruz doesn’t have the “right temperament” because the Texas senator behaves “like a little bit of a maniac.”
“Whoa! Wait just a second here,” Limbaugh said, according to an online transcript of his show. “Doesn’t that kind of describe the way Trump has been dealing with people he disagrees with? I mean, he’s been calling them stupid, he’s been calling them incompetent, he’s been saying you can’t get anything done with these people.”​
Limbaugh said he wasn’t sure if Trump’s comment would damage him because he argued “the majority” of his base “is not conservative,” but instead is made up of independents.
The famed radio host said that the attack on Cruz seemed like it was ripped from a page out of the Democratic handbook.
“It doesn’t make a lot of sense,” Limbaugh told his audience about why Trump would use an “establishment” line of attack. ...
“These are two things that, if you’re a conservative voter in the Republican primary, these two things have gotta raise some red flags for you people, I would think,” he said.
“For any of you who are holding out hope that Trump is a genuine conservative. A genuine conservative, even in the Republican field, would not go after Cruz this way,” Limbaugh later added. “So that just raised a red flag for me, made me somewhat curious.”
Yeah, there you have it -- fine examples of Rush Limboob "laying the tracks", waving the pom-poms, and fully onboard the Trump Train "Drain The Swamp" Revolution! With fiends like that, who needs enemies?
And now, Limboob, O'Really?, Lyin' Levin, and the other (link-->) NeoCon traitors will all try to pretend they were with President Deplorable all along, hoping that their fan bases won't remember where they really stood and the damage they tried to do to Trump's campaign while faking their "Conservatism".
And Glenda Beck? Awww, she lost her marbles 40 miles back down the track. She won't ever be able to collect them all and catch the Trump Train now!
In closing, for your reading pleasure, I give you Andrew "LOL" Leon at his intellectual best. Take it away, Andy: 'DYING OF CANCER'
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Leftist Libtard Shill for Hillary

Sunday, November 13, 2016


D'plorable DogGs and D'plorable DogGettes ~


"You are the EXACT REASON why Donald Trump won the election!"
~ Thaddeus Dionne Alexander

~ Stephen T. McCarthy

Friday, November 11, 2016

Thursday, November 10, 2016



Ding!-Dong! The Bitch is dead. 
Long live President Underdog!

Do you want what's behind Door Number 1 or what's behind Door Number 2? Me, I choose Door Number 2.

Without a trace of hyperbole, I am declaring the 2016 Presidential Election to be The American Revolution, Part 2. In keeping with my personal tradition, I'm going to be blunt. In this analogy...

If you voted for Donald Trump, you were a courageous American revolutionary fighting against overwhelming odds for your nation's liberty. (I truly love all of you, my fellow "Deplorables". I thank you, and may God Bless you all! )

If you voted for Hellary Clinton, you were a Redcoat, an anti-freedom soldier of the British tyranny.

If you voted for a Third Party candidate, then you were a Tory -- an American supporting the British enemy. Also known as "a traitor to your country".

How's that? Which part did you play in this second Revolutionary War?

Considering the fact that it was a 100% certainty that either Donald Trump or Hellary Clinton was going to be the next president of the United States, and without even taking into account the exceedingly important Economics issue, my vote was based on four essential points:

#1: A vote for Hellary Clinton was a vote for untold millions more Late-Term and Partial-Birth Abortions. 

2: A vote for Hellary Clinton was a vote in accord with the strong voting advice of the Communist Party USA. No genuine American Patriot could possibly vote the way the Communist Party advises them to.

3: A vote for Hellary Clinton was likely a vote for World War III with Russia and the launching of nuclear weapons.

4: "Real Men" don't vote for Women to lead them. Anyone who thinks this is a joke does not know, or disregards as unimportant, The Holy Bible -- the Word of God. He established the order, not me.
I repeat, it was a 100% certainty that either Trump or Clinton would be the president. Therefore, anyone who voted for a Third Party candidate, although they may not have voted FOR Late-Term / Partial-Birth abortions, FOR the Communist Party USA, or FOR a nuclear World War III with Russia, they sure as hell DID NOT VOTE AGAINST THEM! Shame on you Tories! Now you should thank a "Deplorable" for standing against those things for your sorry ass.

I've been telling people that this election is one of the most astounding things I've ever seen. Trump had to fight EVERYTHING -- The Wizards Behind The Curtain (aka International Bankers), the Mainstream Media, the cheating, lying Democrat party (aka the Marxocrats), the millennial Snowflake Libtards, and Communists everywhere. And he even had to fight against his own political party, the Repugnantcans.

The ONLY thing Trump had on his side was..... US, the everyday people of both genders (SURPRISE! -- there's only two) and all races -- Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, you name it. Yes, WE the patriotic, working class people (aka the "Basket of Deplorables"). And guess what. WE were enough to help Trump overturn the whole demonic system. Go ahead, pat yourself on the back and have a drink -- you sure as 'Hellary Clinton is going to Hell' deserve 'em!

In an election campaign that has been so improbable, the IMPOSSIBLE has happened!

In my 57 years, I have only witnessed one other thing that I might be able to use as an analogy for Trump's improbable campaign and impossible victory, and here it is...

Up until the very end, when Election Campaign Fatigue really set in and I started to get cranky -- feeling violent and starting to lose my sense of humor -- I enjoyed like mad the stuffs I was reading at the Alternative News sources I frequented. People at sites like Breitbart, World Net Daily, The Conservative Treehouse, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, YouTube, NeedToKnow.News, Wikileaks and Project Veritas did a FANTASTIC job of countering the lies, exposing crooked Clinton's corruption, and highlighting the outrageous bias of the Mainstream Media.

And my fellow Conservatives kept me in stitches. (I'm so proud of y'all!) It was a blast to read (and contribute to) the arguments in website comment sections, where the Deplorables routinely knocked the Libtards for a row of lib-labs. We made them look even sillier than they were to begin with. All the Marxocrats had were the usual false accusations like "racist", "homophobe", "xenophobe" et al.

But the Conservatives really rose to the occasion with some of the most clever, guffaw-out-loud remarks and memes I've ever encountered. I have a Word File filled with hilarious Conservative comments and rebuttals I copied from comment sections where the Deplorables defended Trump while doing battle with the minions of Hell's Grandma.

If nuttin' else, make no mistake about THIS: The 2016 Presidential Campaign proved once and for all that Conservatives are wittier and more creative than are Liberals.

Heck, the Conservatives even took Commie Michael Moore's words and turned them into pro-Trump videos that went viral:

God knows you People were great!! I've got tears in my eyes while typing these words. If you didn't vote for Donald Trump, it was as if you watched the whole game except that you went to the bathroom during the bottom of the ninth inning when Kirk Gibson came to the plate.

Here are links to a couple of post-election articles I really liked and recommend to you:

Trump Victory Is A Win For The Little Guy Over The Elite
by Michael Goodwin

This excerpt comes from the following article: 

At 7 p.m., there was no sign of a popular uprising led by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. There was no sign at 8 p.m. There was still no sign as time inexorably marched on. Something would have to break.

And then it did.

Like a scene out of the film “It’s a Wonderful Life”, people had begun to pray. But not just in one small town. Across America. And around the world. ...

As they prayed, something began to stir... 

Signs Of Divine Intervention In Trump Victory
by Garth Kant

Yes, I'm inclined to believe in that. For one thing, I saw it happening. I also had prayed about this and from work I was watching live updates on the voting results. Check my older posts -- I had said all along that Trump was going to win this election easily and that the only way Hellary could get the presidency was if the Marxocrats cheated big enough. My sole worry was whether the Trumpslide would be large enough to overcome the voter fraud and machine rigging of the Dumb-O-Crats.

But while watching the live returns, I saw that Trump was losing Florida and was WAY behind in Ohio. I knew that he HAD to win at least one of those states, if not BOTH. My friends and I were texting each other furiously. But Trump fell so far behind that for about 10 minutes, I confess, I lost faith. I kept watching, but I thought the contest was OVER and very early, too.

Trump was getting clobbered in North Carolina. I was shocked to my toes! I didn't think he could lose North Carolina. My friend in Tennessee with friends and family in Ohio texted that she found it hard to believe he was losing so badly in Ohio because everyone she knew was voting for him. At 5:08 my time, she texted: "Yeah, looks like Florida is a goner." Some of us were losing hope.

But then suddenly I noticed that every couple minutes Trump started ticking up another percentage point in Ohio. And then his numbers started shifting upward in Florida and North Carolina, too. After about 10 minutes of this, a fellow Deplorable at work came rushing up to me and said excitedly, "Are you watching this?!" He'd seen it happening too. Trump was surging. My Brother texted, "This is freaking interesting! This is a long way from over." I texted a friend in Lake Tahoe, "He's making a massive comeback!" And my Colorado friend texted: "I just cannot believe what I'm watching. I am in complete and utter awe. I have chills down my spine."

The Florida friend texted: "He's winning in Michigan. ... He is going to win Ohio. ... He is winning in Florida. I think he will win here too."

And then some time later she texted: "People are losing their shit on social media. ... They are using words like 'distraught'. ... When MSNBC starts talking about a Trump win... They look like they are going to cry."  

And then finally, "Clinton has shut down her HQ. People are leaving."

And that's when I started texting out: "Hokey-Smoke! The Fat Lady is singing... er, I mean, LEAVING!"

WE THE PEOPLE had won The Second American Revolution!! And the next day, November 9th, my Brother texted me to say, "It's mornin' in America. All aboard the Trump Train!!!!"

But the night before, after some of us had lost faith and hope, only to see Donald Trump come fighting back in the voting returns, my friend in Washington state put it all succinctly in great Biblical form: "I'd lost it [faith] too. "Could you not watch with Me one hour?" And me, after my recent post about how an angel had visited me in 2001 with a basic message about Faith... I was a bit ashamed of myself, I must confess. Well, live and learn... over and over and over again.

Some folks are yakking about Hellary Clinton winning the Popular Vote. Yeah, right. Tell ya what, get back to me on that AFTER you have deducted the Democrat Dead People's vote, the Illegal Aliens' vote, the Bussed-In Multi-Voter votes, the Voting Machine flipped votes, and all the votes of the Ex-Con Felons who were suddenly granted permission to vote. After you clean up that stinking mess, THEN and ONLY THEN will we discuss the Popular Vote.

And now, if Donald Trump can manage to stay alive, perhaps we can finally... DRAIN THE SWAMP!!

Alright, that's it from me. Now I'm gonna do my meditation session, then get on my trusty old bicycle and ride to The Peppermill casino, because God knows that after this emotional roller-coaster ride of an election.....

~ Stephen T. McCarthy


Saturday, November 5, 2016


Anybody who's not excited about voting for Donald Trump over Hellary Clinton clearly doesn't understand WTF is going on.

(For once it's not me who's the idiot, it's YOU.)

Here's a story I've never told anyone before:

In 2001, my Ma and I were greatly invested in the Arizona Diamondbacks who were massive underdogs to the New York Yankees in the World Series. On the morning of Game 6, the D'Backs were down 3 games to 2. If the Yankees won that night, the Series was over.

I found myself depressed at the grocery store, reading the newspaper headline about how the D'Backs were down to their last chance. Just then a very old lady walked up to me and said, "Is the World Series over?" Oddly, she asked that question in a way that seemed to indicate that she really did not have the slightest interest in the World Series.
I said, "No, but if the Diamondbacks lose tonight, it will be over."
Then she answered, "You've got to have faith", and she just walked away.

I knew instantly she was an angel. I watched her walk off KNOWING that she was a real angel from God's Spiritual realm. I'd had two previous encounters with angels, and this had that same strange vibration to it as the earlier two. The woman came out of nowhere and approached me for one reason only: To deliver a message -- a reminder about the importance of faith in life.

My Ma and I had followed the Diamondbacks' every game that year, and one of the pre-game specials they did all season long was to broadcast interviews with players who would describe some of the superstitious things they did before or during games. (Baseball has always been filled with entertainingly goofy superstitions.) The theme song for this Diamondbacks TV segment was appropriately the song 'SUPERSTITION' by Stevie Wonder. I've always loved that funky song.

A couple hours later, I was playing that song in my car when I was suddenly overcome by this tremendous emotional feeling and an ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that the Diamondbacks were going to win Game 6 that night. That little glimmer of hope and faith had been transformed into a "KNOWING". (Thanks, Angel!)

Later in the day, I drove to my Ma's house to take her to lunch, and I told her about what had happened to me in the grocery store and then later while listening to 'Superstition'.

We were going home after lunch and I still had 'Superstition' playing in my car. The song was on "Repeat". SUDDENLY MY MA YELLED!!  I nearly panicked, momentarily thinking I was about to hit someone with the car. So, I said, "What?! What are you shouting for?" 
My Ma replied forcefully, "You're right! We're going to KILL the Yankees tonight!!"
She had caught that same 'supernatural knowing' somehow, while also listening to 'Superstition'. She was so excited that I could tell this was NOT just wishful thinking but an actual 'KNOWING' like I had.

So, what happened in Game 6 of the World Series that night? Here's what happened...

And as everyone knows, the D-Backs went on to win Game 7 and the Series in one of the most exciting 'Fall Classics' ever.

I told you that to tell you this: Last Wednesday at work, I was watching the following video and had a similar kind of emotional reaction to it that I did to 'Superstition' in 2001. And I loved reading the remarks below the video at YouTube. The comment section is filled with pro-Trump sentiments from Blacks, Hispanics, Women, and people from countries around the world!

This video shows some of those Blacks, Hispanics, and Women who supposedly will NEVER vote for Donald Trump (if you make the mistake of believing the people who maintain the Mainstream Media propaganda opinions that are spoon-fed to them).

We all remember this famous image from the 2016 Presidential campaign...

That famous photo gave birth to my favorite meme of the campaign...

This is a good song and video. It made me Guffaw-Out-Loud once or twice. (Especially that line about Hellary's epileptic seizures!) ...

I texted the following to a few friends:

"My 'PROUD MEMBER OF THE BASKET OF DEPLORABLES' T-shirt arrived in today's mail. I'm wearing it right now at Great Basin Brewing Company and hoping for a fight. ;o) Whoop!-Whoop!"

One friend texted back:

"A Hillary supporter fighting someone? Psh, please! The only thing they fight is common sense."

"This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected" (?)

There is only ONE possible way that Hellary Clinton can win this election, and THIS is that way:

Alright, Peoples, get out there and do something right. Contribute your vote to a "Trump Train" Trumpslide victory over "The Wizards Behind The Curtain" -- those bastard Bankers who are setting up the world for the entrance of the Biblical "Beast" and his 666 mark.

~ Stephen T. McCarthy