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Think you know about the "Civil War"?
You might, if you've done some independent research. You don't, if all you know is what they taught you in your high school history class.
KODACHROME by Paul Simon
When I discovered that almost everything I had ever been taught was wrong, I figured this would likely hold true regarding what I'd been taught about America's "Civil War". So I did some reading on my own. Among the books I read, two of them were these:
In fact, in January of 2012, I even posted something here at F-FFF about Thomas DiLorenzo's excellent book, THE REAL LINCOLN: A New Look At Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, And An Unnecessary War.
Well, I discovered today that back on May 18th, Pastor Chuck Baldwin posted an exceptional article discussing some of the "hidden history" of Lincoln, the "Civil War", and the merits of the book by Thomas DiLorenzo.
Here is a link to Chuck Baldwin's E-Ticket article:
Today Jefferson Davis; Tomorrow Thomas Jefferson
I urge you to read that article. Even if you're already aware of Lincoln's deception and tyranny, even if you already plan to read THE REAL LINCOLN by DiLorenzo.
I kid you not, that is truly an eye-opening, must-read post for everyone who really wants to understand what happened then and what is happening today. That is probably, in my estimation, the best thing I've ever read by Chuck Baldwin... and he's written some very fine things!
It was a great refresher course for me, and it will be a real mind-blower for you, if you have not yet begun to unlearn all the crap you learned in high school (and kolludge).
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
The Civil War was a difficult time in our nation and filled with controversy. Now we might seeing a comparable political and social climate that could lead to some kind of confrontational situation worse that what we've seen so far in our own time. I'd hate to see another conflict like the Civil War, but that's what might be heading our way. I'm more concerned about the danger coming from the liberal left than I am of Russia or even ISIS.
ReplyDeleteArlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Communist Russia and ISIS are actually both a result of the Left (which includes the Neoconservatives -- the word "conservatives" in their name notwithstanding).
DeleteLEE, did you read that article I linked to by Pastor Chuck Baldwin?
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Yes, the article is excellent and makes some very good points. If there is an internal war in the U.S. in the future then according to Baldwin's reasoning this coming war would be a true civil war based on ideologies and domination of thought.
DeleteWhat the revisionists are overlooking or ignoring is that those heroes of the Confederacy were American heroes prior to that war. They were fine upstanding men who helped shaped the nation and respected even by the Union side. As this movement to tear down the Confederate past proceeds, it will be interesting to see how they treat Richmond, VA, the Capitol of the Confederacy, which has the beautiful Monument Avenue with its statues and monuments venerating those heroes of the Confederacy, and not to forget all of the cities and counties and other locales named after Jackson, Lee, Davis, and others.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
You raise some good questions, LEE. And it will be interesting to see how far these "Antifa" fascists will get before "the tree of liberty" gets a good watering from the blood of tyrants and patriots (as Thomas Jefferson once said).
DeleteIt's clear that the New World Order globalist ideology is in direct opposition to the Republican form of government envisioned and established by our Founding Fathers, and the two cannot exist side-by-side peacefully.
I do know, however, that The Wizards Behind The Curtain do NOT want to see a full-blown "Civil War" break out, because they would lose control and never regain it. Ideally, for them, would be just enough isolated skirmishes that they could declare Martial Law -- hoping that We The People accepted that (and that it did not in itself ignite a "Civil War"). It's quite a tightrope that they've been walking (successfully) for a very long time.
Ironically, today, over at Leon Cobarde's blog, he posted a blog bit about "freedom", and he cites as one of the "key individuals" from the past who provided a "voice for freedom" was Abraham Lincoln.
Undoubtedly, those know-nuttin' sycophants over at LOLeon's blog will soon be "yessing" him and praising his wisdom in the comment section -- none of them having a clue that Lincoln was a tyrant, a fascist, a mass-murderer, and hardly a "voice for freedom" (regardless of how the historical revisionists portray Dishonest Abe).
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...