David Mamet had a famous saying, essentially: …‘in order for genuine Liberals to continue their illogical belief systems they have to pretend not to know a lot of things’ ... By pretending not to know, there is no attachment to any adverse consequences.
~ Sundance
There are Three kinds of Communists. To begin, I'll tell you about the Fourth kind of Communist -- which isn't really a Communist at all. (That makes perfect sense to me. If it doesn't make sense to you, then get off my blog now. ;o)
There is a certain type of person who advocates Socialism, who never intends to help advancing it to the next stage of development, which is Communism, because s/he is in it just for the power and wealth s/he can grab as a government insider. What these human demons are really working toward is Global Socialism -- also known as the "New World Order" -- in which they imagine themselves entrenched within the ruling body of Fascists and above the Socialism they mean to install for the rest of us.
A perfect example of this Fourth type of Communist who isn't really a Communist at all would be Hillary Clinton.
[*Recommended Reading:
Tragedy And Hope: A History Of The World In Our Time by Carroll Quigley]
My regular readers are all smarter'n the average bear and presumably already have a full understanding of the details and complexities of the Communist paradigm as laid out by Marx, Lenin, et al.
But for those of the post-literate Millennial generation (and anyone who subjected himself to brainwashing by any Indoctrination Center of the American University System since the 1960s) I will put it in a nutshell so I can then continue with everyone on the same page:
First, there has never been a Communist nation. You know that, right? We only called the Soviet Union, Red China, Cambodia, and Cuba "Communism" in order to have a practical label we could apply to that twisted form of government, and because full Communism is what they all pretended to be advancing toward. Every one of them (quite naturally) got stuck in the "Dictatorship Of The Proletariat" stage of the 3-Step Program toward full Communism. (And of course, those in authority never REALLY ever intended to relinquish their stranglehold on power because... mankind's human nature -- which makes real secular Communism impossible. It's Retarded Idealism For Dictator-Wannabes and nuttin' more.)
As many have explained, in a nutshell, the nutty Communist plan was this:
1) Disrupt and wipe out the old order of Capitalism via Revolutionary Terror.
2) The representatives of the Working Class must then set up a Dictatorship Of The Proletariat. (Funny how so many of the Dictators who rose to power were NOT products of the Working Class, but privileged punks with relatively advanced education.)
3) The transition from Socialism to Full Communism. ("Socialism" is characterized by state ownership of land and all means of production.)
In this fairy tale, during the Third Stage, "the state will gradually whither away and then property will automatically belong to all mankind 'in common'" in which "each will produce according to his ability and each will receive according to his need". A perfect Utopia where all is one and one is all. No more dog-eat-dog world of competition. A perfectly satisfied planet of limitless abundance for every man, woman and child, because everyone is happily working for the common good. A place where all men are brothers and acting god-like without any need for a supernatural God -- the very idea of Him having been banned from this Man-Made ("Humanist") Paradise.
That, my friends, is the fantasy called "Communism" in a nutty nutshell. In Communist ideology, "the proletariat is assumed to be a special breed". Well, a person's gotta be a special breed of stupid to believe that! (Yes, I'm looking at you, Lenin and Lennon!)
[*Selected Recommended Reading In No Particular Order:
The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen
Basic Communism: Its Rise, Spread And Debacle In The 20th Century by Clarence B. Carson
Death By Government by R.J. Rummel
The Black Book Of Communism by Stephane Courtois, et al.
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
Humanist Manifestos I & II
Humanist Manifesto 2000: A Call For A New Planetary Humanism
You Can Still Trust The Communists To Be Communists (Socialists And Progressives Too) by Schwarz and Noebel]
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Many of the various types of Communists (Democrats and other Liberals, Socialists, Marxists, Antifa, etc.) like to label Right Wing Conservatives or Alt-Right as Nazis. Some do this out of ignorance, having been "edgeukkkated" (aka indoctrinated) by the Communist American University System, or by just being a member of the post-literate Millennial generation. And others do this out of deception, in order to miscast their enemies with an evil label as part of the Divide & Conquer tactic.
The term Nazi is simply a short nickname for National Socialist German Workers' Party. If the word "Workers" didn't tip you off (and it should have if you really know anything about Socialist tactics and propaganda) then surely the word "Socialist" did, yes?
Again, in a very easily understood nutshell explanation... The Nazis were simply a different flavor of Liberal (Leftist) scum. Unlike the Communists, they didn't pretend they were on their way to some fairyland of Humanist Paradise called World Communism. The Nazis were at the Dictatorship stage of "Socialism", and they intended to stay there.
The Commies have gotten away with categorizing real Nazis as Right Wing / Alt-Right / Conservatives by pointing out that during World War II the Commies fought against the Nazis. Therefore, if the Commies are on the Left end of the political spectrum, then the Nazis must be on the Right end of it, so they say. (Of course that wasn't until after the treaty of peace with the Nazis was transgressed and the two factions went at it.)
The bottom line is that the Communist Dictatorship and the Fascist Nazis were two different groups of Socialists. Since both of them intended to eventually rule the entire world, they both realized that one of the two groups had to be exterminated. Therefore the Liberals fought each other during World War II, each with their own long-term goal of world domination in mind.
Remember what you read above: "Socialism" is characterized by state ownership of land and all means of production.
Whenever you find governmental leadership altering or manipulating laws and institutions in a way that lessens individual liberty, and negatively impacts private ownership and decision-making via enforced national and state regulations, you have found Socialism, which is usually Communism in the making. (Never mind that real, full secular Communism is an impossible fantasy of epic proportions!)
In order to institute Socialism, the state doesn't really even need to own the land and means of production, as long as it is able to control them by way of governmental restrictions enforced at the threat of confiscation and imprisonment.
If you found this blog bit boring because you were already aware of all this information, then I apologize and promise (like Ed Wood, Jr.) that "my next one will be better". But it was necessary for me to establish this factual foundation first, before I could really dig in to explain and prove the meaning of this post's title. I will get to the real Meat 'n' Tater Tots in Part 2.
Just for kicks, I'll leave you with something a bit more playful. Some of you are aware of my blog Battle Of The Bands. Let's do a quick spoof of that titled...
Please feel free to cast a vote in the comment section below for which of these two Communist Rock Music anthems you prefer. And I will return here before too long to post Part 2 of 2 of this blog bit series.
IMAGINE by John Lenin
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I vote Ten Years After. I do like the song though I've never paid much attention to the lyrics. Most of the time I don't know what the lyrics are saying because I focus on the overall sound of the music.
ReplyDeleteAn irony of "communism"/socialism is that the countries that have tried it always seem to revert back to capitalism because that's what works in this world. Another irony is that I doubt whether the proponents and leaders of those ideologies purport to stand up for the "workers" though they themselves have likely done little if any real work and have been spawned in universities and spent more time in their heads than among the people who are the real core of society. Academics and intelligentsia are good at imagining, but they have a difficult time backing their dreams with logical evidence.
Tossing It Out
DeleteI vote for Ten Years After, too. Way, way back when, I did like that song. And of course that was when I was a stupid teenager and had no idea what the song was really implying. It was just good, electrified idealism, which appealed to me in my Stupid Years.
And, right, it's like I said in this blog bit: Funny how so many of the Dictators who rose to power were NOT products of the Working Class, but privileged punks with relatively advanced education.
We are always having unworkable, liberty-stifling, individuality-punishing government programs forced upon us by jerks with little to no real-life working experience. They all think they KNOW better than we do, despite a lack of hands-on, practical know-how.
Well, time for me now to clock-out, battle the traffic home, and then listen to some Bruce Springsteen songs in order to learn about the plight of the working man.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I would definitely choose John Lennon's song in this battle, komrade, because he paints a picture of a perfect utopia where there are no possessions, no countries, and no religion. No differences. No conflicts. We can all revel in our wonderfully boring sameness, live a modestly mundane life until we die, and then nothing happens after that because there is no God, only blackness and death.
ReplyDeleteThe end!
(I'm a sucker for a happy ending)
DeleteYou make some very sound arguments for why you're choosing John Lenin's ever-popular anthem to Communism. (McCommunism: "Over 100 million killed.")
And your fine description of the joys of joylessness instantly reminded me of [Link:) THIS.
Communism: It's not just for robots anymore.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I look forward to your part 2 of this blog subject. Part one is a nice review of truthy stuffs.
ReplyDeleteTo me the subject of capitalism vs. socialism/communism is as plain as the nose on YOUR face. I stand aghast that people don't understand the basic immorality of socialism, and inherent MORALITY of capitalism.
In fact, capitalism is the only moral system, precisely because it does not include some external party's moral beliefs. In undiluted form (UN-polluted by government interference) it is the most basic form of morality: the exercise of free will in commerce.
Animals knock each other on the head and take what they want. But when cave men first gained the moral sense to eliminate crime, ALL transactions were those of capitalism.
"Gort, I would like to acquire your Wooly Mammoth skin. Will you trade it for these three sharp flint stones?"
"Why yes, Thag, I would." Naked, bare capitalism. It is no more than elemental basic free will and exchange... minus crime.
Now if you add government, you add back crime in the form of a syndicate. You have the tribe decide to take Gort's Mammoth skin because Thag really needs it more than Gort... oh, and Gort has been hoarding too many flint stones and he has to give them to the politburo for distribution. Probably to themselves. Crime has begun.
As for the song: I vote for Ten Years After. Much catchier, and if you have to have socialism imposed upon you, at least you should have a toe-tapping melody to accompany it.
By the way: the ONLY way I could post here today is by turning OFF my VPN. Methinks the NSA is puttin' (not Putin) the thumbscrews on your readers! Who are these nuts and fruitcakes reading this madman?? Top candidates for the FEMA roundup, I guess.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the visit and the thorough comment, McITCHYFINGER!
Delete(As each day passes, I myself become more and more "Itchyfingered".)
Part 2 of this blog bit will be more scattered / less cohesive than this one was, but I think it will also be more interesting -- more personal than historic.
I loved your analogy using Neanderthals. It had a very Monty Python-esque flavor to it. It also reminded me of a very good book written by Peter Schiff titled 'How An Economy Grows And Why It Crashes'. That's an excellent publication for those folks who are immediately intimidated by the subject of Economics and fear it is too complex for them to comprehend. He uses analogies of fishermen on an island which break through all the jargon and illustrates the concepts simply.
I believe the biggest problem we have is that very few Americans understand the difference between Free Enterprise Capitalism and Corporate Fascism -- the latter more closely resembling today's American economic system.
It's easy for these Communist university professors to indoctrinate their Millennial students with Socialistic ideas when they can point to the Corporate Fascism around them and say" "THAT, kidlings, is Capitalism, and you can see with your own eyes that it sucks!"
And, of course, the Millennials would never think to question their bearded college professors and investigate the matter deeper for themselves as [*GASP!*] individuals.
It's also perplexing trying to understand what could EVER induce a person to believe that government is benevolent -- loves mankind -- and desires to improve things by way of regulation. Government is selfish and sinful because it is comprised of men and women who are selfish and sinful. But, boy-oh-boy, they have such faith in Uncle Scam to regulate everything for everyone's benefit, don't they?
Sixgun, I know I ain't tellin' you nuttin' you don't already know when I say... peoples is dum!
Very odd about the VPN. It's hard to believe that Uncle Scam is suddenly keeping tabs on me and my few readers after all these years.
Then again, maybe the CIA has learned how to read my mind and they've ascertained how my internal temper(ature) is rising with the global warming.
Great comment, Brother!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...