Knowing that I read The Bible from G1 through R22 every year, someone asked me my thoughts about the Revelation 12 Sign. In typical fashion, I said, "Huh? The what?"
It's a true fact that I hadn't heard about it, but I promised to look into it during the week and to get back to her about it.
So, what do I think about it now? Well, hmmm... When it comes to "End Of The World" type prophecies, I'm a Missourian: "Show me." I've seen 'em come and go and... we're still here.
I will say this though: The Revelation 12 Sign is quite interesting. The fact that it coincides with a Jewish Jubilee year really got my attention. ("Huh? A Jewish Jubilee year? What's that?" See? Now you're doin' it.)
There's a lot of speculation on what might happen on Saturday, September 23rd. If I were forced to bet every drink I hope to consume for the rest of my life on this, I would bet that nuttin' significant will happen. HOWEVER!... there are so many intriguing facets to this thing that I believe something really might happen. If so, whatever it is will be pertinent to Jerusalem / Israel, and NOT some global event. Although, most things that happen regarding Israel do eventually have global implications over time. (You'd know why that is if you'd read your Bible.)
Some say we will be struck by something from space. Some say the Revelation 12 Sign marks the beginning of the 7-year Biblical "Tribulation" period. Wrong and wrong. I don't know what will happen -- if anything -- but I know it WON'T be either of those two things.
We'll know if there's anything to this Revelation 12 Sign soon enough. In the meantime, below I have embedded what I considered the best video I watched on this subject.
My search also led me to a couple of videos which featured Jonathan Cahn. If you don't know who he is, then you've obviously not read his astounding book THE HARBINGER. (I reviewed 'The Harbinger' and you can read my review by clicking here: Where Was God On September 11th?)
I wholeheartedly recommend that EVERYONE read 'The Harbinger'. If you think there is no God or that God does not concern Himself with the United States of America, then you MUST read 'The Harbinger'! Buckle that seat belt, strap that crash helmet on and get started. You are in for one amazing E-Ticket ride.
Anyway, this first video featuring Jonathan Cahn (and has little to do with 9/23) is practically a dog and pony show for the creepy Christian hosts to peddle their product. Just fast forward through the dumb commercials like I did. Cahn (who can say a prayer like nobody's business!) has some incredible things to say and some eye-opening, head-shaking insight into the patterns or "templates" of The Holy Bible. Or as David Haggith put it in his essential book 'End-Time Prophecies Of The Bible': "A better metaphor for understanding the complex patterns between history and future (as seen by the prophets) may be derived from the recent mathematical discovery of fractals. Fractals are complex patterns formed by simple patterns that repeat at multiple scales."
(At this point, I know I'm starting to scare the atheists: "Whoa! He sounds serious, and sounds like he knows what he's talking about. Click off blog NOW! Must avoid all evidence of God!!")
If you're more interested in what may (or may not) occur in just a couple days from now, the third video below is for you. It's also an excellent little primer on basic Christianity if you're not really informed about what God and Jesus have done, are doing, and will do. (Being a "Maverick Christian", I don't necessarily agree with every single point the host makes about things like the "Rapture", but it's still an overall excellent video. And who knows? Maybe he has it more righter'n I do. Best to always keep an open mind when the evidence seems to warrant alternative viewpoints.)
Please lemme know in the Comment Section what y'all think o' this stuffs, eh? You can click the URL links for a bigger picture:
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I might try to watch the videos later, but they tend to run a bit long like so many other videos on this same topic. I've been hearing about 9/23 for the past year or more and have a relatively good sense of what it is all related to. One of my good friends in TN has been following this story as well and he brings it up every week when we talk to each other.
ReplyDeleteI tend to think like you are saying you do. I'm not expected anything major and I don't think Planet X is involved in any way. Now that's a crazy theory! But it's also a fun one.
I guess we'll see what happens over the weekend. I have a feeling that some of the doomsday prophets will end up looking pretty silly come Monday. YouTube is littered with an expanse of videos of prophecies that never came to fruition.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
DeleteThe first two videos with Jonathan Cahn are the ones I'd most recommend you watch. And after you fast-forward through all the "creepy Christian hosts' commercials" in the first one, it's only about 30 minutes.
Both are really well worth your time. The ancient Biblical "templates" Jonathan Cahn illustrates which seem to mirror the political lives of Bill, Hellary, Barack O'Commie and Donald Trump are really very, very fascinating!
I don't believe Cahn even mentions 9/23 in those videos. They are NOT really about The Revelation 12 Sign at all. The creepy Christian hosts just titled the videos that way to increase hits. But they were being disingenuous. It was Bait and Switch!! (Damn creepy Christians!) But what they switched to was really pretty amazing!
~ D-FensDogG
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