Loose DogGs & DogGettes ~
This is just a quickie with a couple of short videos I want to share with y'all.
One of the YouTube channels I subscribe to and most frequently visit is HighImpactFlix. Definitely one of my very favorites! I don't particularly care for the name, which sounds like a place you'd go to watch bonehead Action movies with lots of car explosions, ridiculous martial arts nonsense, massive shootouts and CGI overkill.
In truth, this guy, who is obviously educated and articulate, posts a lot of Social Commentary videos. Not all but many of them address the serious problem we have today in America of a militarized Police State actually enforced by police officers, who have become a de facto standing army for The Wizards Behind The Curtain. Our Constitutional rights are being trampled by an army in blue operating under the pretense of protecting us. (Have you ever read the Fourth Amendment? Are you familiar with our Founding Fathers' view of a "standing army"? Do you know anything about the history of police departments? Do you really think the police officer is your friend?)
In the ten years of Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends' existence, I have written and posted several blog bits about Law Enforcement. It's a subject I have some personal, first-hand knowledge of, having been involved in the Police Explorer program for a few years in my teens and actually having been employed by a police department to work in its Property Room. I have known and socialized with a good number of police officers. I have seen them in professional situations and have had many casual conversations with them, so I have a bit more "insider" knowledge than the average person does.
Being the strict Constitutionalist that I am, this militarized Police State that America is quickly becoming with the advances in technology, and police departments large and small operating with no citizenry oversight to speak of, concerns me greatly. And it's no secret that I am no fan of LEOs in general.
Below are just two of MANY very good videos I've found at HighImpactFlix that address this disturbing topic and trend. These are short, so please take the time to watch and think about them.
I would also urge you to subscribe to the HighImpactFlix channel at YouTube. So far, I have only ever seen one video posted there that I disagree with, and that's a pretty impressive track record because, as you probably know, I'm a very "disagreeable" person.

HighImpactFlix channel HERE.
There is another cop-citizen video I intend to post here at Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends before too long, but I figured I would sort of ease you into the topic by first setting the stage with these two introductory videos above. Feel free to comment below...
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I saw this post before and thought, "Nobody is going to comment on this I'm certainly not going to comment on this." I have no comment.
ReplyDeleteG DogG ~
DeleteThanks for the comment, McBrother!
~ D-FensDogG
That cracks me up, the classic rejoinder. Like I stuck my neck out too far and you hit the racquetball into the corner and it bounced twice before I could get there.
DeleteThe way I see it, "No comment" is a 9-letter comment.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'