[DOG POUND NOTES are simply random thoughts, ideas, and maxims that have occurred to me. I am totally convinced of the merit of some of them. Others may merely be food-for-thought or even outright Doggy Doo-Doo. I'll let you guess as to how I categorize each of them.]
No, I am not a "Grammar Nazi". I can't afford to be, as my own grammar is not good enough for that.
Nevertheless, I do have a grammar pet peeve. And that is when people say or write "I could care less" when what they should be saying or writing is: "I couldn't care less".
Not only is "I could care less" wrong, but it is 180-degrees wrong (literally, as wrong as it could possibly be), expressing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the person really means to convey. There's just no excuse for that. And especially when it comes (as it frequently does) from professional writers and commentators. Start paying attention to how often people get it wrong, including people who make their livings using words, and you will be shocked inside of one month.
Although this does not rise to the level of a pet peeve for me, another thing I've become painfully aware of is how often people say or write "BY THE WAY" ("BTW"), when what they really ought to be saying or writing is "INCIDENTALLY". Or even nothing at all.
There is no rule stating that you may not move on to a new topic without preceding it with an essentially superfluous remark like "By the way" or "Incidentally".
However, if you do wish to include an introductory remark or word, you should not be using "By the way" unless what you are about to say really is somehow related to something that was just expressed. "By the way" means that we are... by the way... or "in the neighborhood" of something that we were just discussing. There should be some shared idea or mood between what was just said and what you are now about to say if you are going to begin with "By the way,..."
"Incidentally" can be used to begin a new topic, if the new topic is not really related to anything that came before it. Or, if you'd prefer to save your breath or wear and tear on your fingers, you can just launch into the new topic without any introductory expression or word at all. "By the way" and "Incidentally" are really just conversational traditions that are mere ornaments; they are not at all necessary.
Lastly, I want to say that I cringe every time someone says, writes / texts "K" instead of "OK". Have we really reached a point where we're going to "dumb down" OK to K, just to save the trouble of saying or typing a single letter? WTP?! (I'll spare y'all the lecture on why "OK" should, technically, really be written as "O.K.", O.K.?)
What's next? Just leaving half a parenthesis for a smiling face -- ) -- because adding a colon or semicolon for the eyes -- : ; -- is just way too time-consuming?!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Hey guy, believe it or not, but the smiley face without the colon is actually already in style. I've seen it done many times and usually with heavy repetition like this)))))))).
ReplyDeleteP.S. Check my username (yes, it's me).
DeleteAlright, I have seen stuffs like this: ((((((((Love))))))))
But I have never seen )))))))) intended as a "smiley face". If saving time and trouble is the point, why would anyone hit the same key 8 times when they could just hit two keys once and get :) ?
I don't understand the reasoning behind that. Can you e'splain it?
~ D-FensDogG
Nope, twern't me. K?
Delete~ D-FensDogG
You’re a real Mark Twain type of smartass. By the way, Al Bondigas here.
ReplyDeleteJUDGE AL ~
DeleteThat may be the best compliment I've ever received. At least, for certain, the best compliment that also included the word "smartass" in it.
(Many sunrises and sunsets ago, you once said you thought I was in Ann Coulter's league, smartass-wise. That compliment was so memorable that I still remember it now, long after Senior Moments have become Standard Senior Protocol for me.)
~ D-FensDogG
Ha ha! I'll have to go back and check all my texts with you. I'm sure I've annoyed the CRAP outta you with my BTW's and K's.
ReplyDeleteMy pet peeve is when friends take me to task over things that I choose to do for a reason! Like overuse exclamation points!!! And use "k" because I'm afraid that autocorrect will change "ok" to "tits" or something worse.
BTW, my other pet peeve (as we've discussed) is people using the term "begs the question." It is UNIVERSALLY MISUSED these days. Begging the question is a logical fallacy, petitio principii in the Latin, referring to a circular argument.
I hear this three times a day from supposedly educated people. Well, they should have taken a logic class to round out their feminist studies and social justice classes.
DeleteI don't recall you ever using "K" rather than "OK" in a text to me. So, you're off the hook on that one.
Perhaps you've misused "BTW", but I don't recall a specific incident of it. And that really doesn't bother me, anyway. I'm sure I've misused BTW in the past. It's only been over the last 6 months to a year that I've been consciously attempting to avoid that error.
Auto-Correct changing "OK" to "tits" is hilarious. And, actually, not outside the realm of possibility. I have no idea why everyone hasn't turned off their "Auto-Correct"; it has to be the worst, most error-prone app ever invented.
Brother, the funniest bad Auto-Correct example I ever came across involved you. I forget the exact details, but basically you texted to me the name "Pontius Pilate", which Auto-Correct changed to "Linton". Then you texted something like "Stinking aotu-correct", and Auto-Correct failed to correct "aotu-correct".
Phuqin' "Auto-Correct" doesn't even correct misspellings of "Auto-Correct"! It's not just useless; it's actually an active troublemaker.
Yeah, you busted me on "begs the question" before, too. But I just now went back and re-read the explanation. And I still don't like it. Therefore, I still use misuse it.
If I don't like the officially correct way of using the expression "begs the question", that begs the question: Why should I bother using it in the officially correct way?
~ D-FensDogG
It's funny because when I commented on this blog a few years ago you remembered who I was. But that's probably because I mentioned "The Grove".
ReplyDeleteThe reason for the multiple ")"s rather than just one, is, I believe for emphasis. Rather than typing ":):):):)" they could just spam ")))))))".
P.S. Check my username (D'ya know me now?)
DeleteHa! I got it now! The Doors fan! (Did you ever get that organ you were looking for?)
I haven't heard from you in ages. Combine that with the fact that in real life, The Amazing Sixwell's initials are P.G., and... well, there ya have it.
"))))))))" -- How dumb is that?! Man, most days I am actually ashamed to be a part of the human race.
How've you been, Wheatstraw? It's good to hear from you again!
Ya know, you otter put in your $0.02 on my music blog here: STMcC Presents 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS'
Voting for this current Battle is still open through tomorrow. A lot of people don't seem to like this particular match-up, but I think you might. Well, the Thin Lizzy half of it you might, anyway. (If I had any feelings to hurt, someone over there might've hurt 'em,)
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
DeleteMarch 21, 2018 at 5:12 PM
Hey, you're right, I would have voted for the Thin Lizzy, but I think voting time is up now. If not, then you can add my vote.
Are you still an S/O? Because I'm not anymore.
Why don't you shoot me an email.
- PG
DeleteActually, your vote did indeed make it just under the wire.
My policy is to count all votes that get cast PRIOR to me hitting "Publish" on my BOTB RESULTS post.
So when I saw that you had cast a vote for Thin Lizzy 31 minutes before my RESULTS post went up, I changed their vote total from 15 to 16. Ha! Your vote came in "up to 11" in hours.
I copied your E addy before deleting it from your comment above. (Not a good idea to publicly post something like that, and I'm looking out for you like a [drunken] guardian angel.)
Kind of busy at the moment (selling my house in Phoenix), but I will definitely shoot you an E. Should be no later than sometime Sunday. So keep an eye on that InBox. And check the Spam folder if nuttin' shows up, Brother.
~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'