Stephen Sez: I’m on the corner of Drunk and Staggering, And I need an ear to bend. How about you, my ferret-faced fascist friend? Ain't you got an ear to lend? -- Stephen's Motto Iz: May our tolerance of diversity empower our non-judgmental, non-meanspirited multiculturalism. Can't we all just get along, give peace a change and vote for "Chance"?
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
. Below are 7 memes that I saw and liked, plus 2 memes that I made all by my lonesome. Click on 'em for enlarged views: .
Oh, so true, TRAINYARD JULIO! It's not the ability to choose that's so important to the Liberals; it's WHAT is being chosen that really matters to them. If it's something they don't like, then they are ALL FOR infringing on your right to choose it. Great point!
It's very similar to their buzzwords "diversity" and "tolerance". Their promotion of diversity and tolerance extends only as far as it supports their own confused and arrogant ideologies.
There is no real consistency in Liberals because they are truly insane. And, no, I do NOT mean that figuratively. Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder. They can't see that though, because a sick mind cannot diagnose its own illness.
Fortunately for the world, we are no longer far away from that moment when God is going to whistle loudly and then say, "Alright, that's it -- everybody, out of the pool!"
So, does the "living in the mind" meme refer to anyone in particular? Perhaps some Sawed-off Lying Sh**head? Or is it just funny in general, since it is fun to live rent-free in someone's head?!
McItchyfinger ~ Ha! :^D No, it doesn't have to do with the infamous sawed-off sh!thead. It was, however, posted with an intention beyond general humor.
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As I always say, liberals are adamant about a woman's right to choose... unless she's looking to choose a gun.
Me: I am so proud of my race.
SJW: *gasp* What are you, some kind of white supremacist?
Me: No, I'm Mexican.
SJW: Oh. Good for you! Brown power!
It's important to clarify.
(BTW, for anyone reading this, I am NOT proud of my race, because that's not something I chose, it's something I was born into)
Oh, so true, TRAINYARD JULIO! It's not the ability to choose that's so important to the Liberals; it's WHAT is being chosen that really matters to them. If it's something they don't like, then they are ALL FOR infringing on your right to choose it. Great point!
DeleteIt's very similar to their buzzwords "diversity" and "tolerance". Their promotion of diversity and tolerance extends only as far as it supports their own confused and arrogant ideologies.
There is no real consistency in Liberals because they are truly insane. And, no, I do NOT mean that figuratively. Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder. They can't see that though, because a sick mind cannot diagnose its own illness.
Fortunately for the world, we are no longer far away from that moment when God is going to whistle loudly and then say, "Alright, that's it -- everybody, out of the pool!"
~ D-FensDogG
So, does the "living in the mind" meme refer to anyone in particular? Perhaps some Sawed-off Lying Sh**head? Or is it just funny in general, since it is fun to live rent-free in someone's head?!
ReplyDeleteMcItchyfinger ~
DeleteHa! :^D No, it doesn't have to do with the infamous sawed-off sh!thead. It was, however, posted with an intention beyond general humor.
~ D-FensDogG
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