Stephen Sez: I’m on the corner of Drunk and Staggering, And I need an ear to bend. How about you, my ferret-faced fascist friend? Ain't you got an ear to lend? -- Stephen's Motto Iz: May our tolerance of diversity empower our non-judgmental, non-meanspirited multiculturalism. Can't we all just get along, give peace a change and vote for "Chance"?
Monday, April 9, 2018
. Below are 7 memes that I saw and liked, plus 2 memes that I made all by my lonesome. Click on 'em for enlarged views: .
The 3rd one from the top just leaves my head shaking. Can these people not get stuff so wrong? I mean, minorities (really whites are the new minorities at least in the workforce but that's a different story) are killing their own all the time. It's really a sad mess if you ask me. Oh you wicked boy with your creative twist to the former first lady (okay that's a stretch...I know). I think I would die if someone captured such horrible pix of me and posted them on the internet. Unfortunately that's one of the down sides to being in the public eye...someone always has a camera. Who am I kidding, everyone has a camera snapping pictures of anything that catches their eye.
HiYa, CATHY! Nice to see ya here. (Heck, it's nice to see ANYONE here! ...But you here be a happy surprise to me.)
At the rate they're going, before long there may be only one Black person left standing in Chicago. (You know, that city with stringent Gun Control in place? That city also known as ChIraq.)
>>... the former first lady
Oh, that was no "lady". (I mean that in BOTH ways.) Joan Rivers was telling the truth. ...Which may be why Joan Rivers is no longer with us.
I don't have any guns. Because I think I'd lose control here and there. My dad - who gave me my first B-B gun, greatest gift ever, took me to the rifle range (plywood planks between each shooting tunnel and when I cleared the chamber a hot casing fell on my leg), threw coke cans off the bank on the Brazos river and plunked at them with a .22. My dad - former Marine who Respects guns and knows what to do with guns - gives a gun or two from his collection to my brother in law each Christmas. I don't have guns because I don't know what I would do with them. I'll tell you one thing, by golly. I'm sure as heck glad some of my neighbors do and people who come into the neighborhood don't know who has them and who doesn't. And, yes, people who walk into gun free zones like Chicago are much less concerned, more brazen, kill a lot more people then, for example, Texas. In Texas, where (my estimate) 80% of people have guns in tier cars... nobody's gonna pull to the side of the road to start no monkey business. And a correlation that when one passes another car on a Texas highway they wave all polite like. Of course.
Ha! Yes, sir, McBrother DogG, there's a lot of truth in that old maxim, "A well-armed society is a polite society".
Before moving to Reno three years ago, I lived for 20 years in Phoenix. There's a lot about Phoenix and Airheadzona in general that I didn't care for. (Although I may be moving back, because Reno is for Retards!) But I always appreciated the fact that the Gun Law in Arizona basically boiled down to this:
Carry what you want, where you want, when you want, and how you want.
It was not uncommon to see someone walking down a Phoenix sidewalk with a sidearm in broad daylight.
In that respect, there was still a lot of "Old West" mentality to be found in Arizona. And that's a "damned good thing!"
Of course, the Libtards will shout: "Is that what you want?! Everyone walking around with guns and shooting people at the drop of a hat, like it was in the 1800s?!"
The only problem with that question is that it displays (as is always the case) the complete ignorance of Leftists. They not only lack any sign of reason, of critical thinking ability, but also show no signs of having truly studied history. Hell, they can't even figure out which bathroom to use.
The truth of the matter is that because so many people WERE openly armed in the West (and the term "Gun Control" was barely a thing) that the number of shootings and bank robberies was MUCH LOWER than they are today. In terms of shootings, 2018 America is far wilder than 1881 America was, and it's because in 1881 nearly every man was capable of interfering with a robbery in progress.
People watch old Western movies but don't actually study the history of the times.
Man, with your intelligence and information, you must feel like some sort of an alien outsider where you live, huh? I mean, you are surrounded by so many who have not only drunk the Kool-Aid but are even crying out for more. Being a native Angeleno, it kills me seeing what has happened to "The Golden State".
It'll never happen, 6 senators from former California. Though at least two, well, two from the light yellow would be Republican. The orange and dark yellow would be bulldozed respectively by Frisco and LA. East of Frisco and north of Frisco are quite relatively conservative. Not much of a map representative 3 state map.
In contrast, two states - one on the coast and the other east of the coast could result in 2/4 Democrat senators and 2/4 Republican. Of course two or three states it'll never happen. The old bragging rights used to be, "Texas is the only state that wants to secede and California is the only state - 6th biggest economy in the world! or something" that can. Now that sectors of the tech sector are moving to Texas and North Carolina and people with money are moving to Oregon... CA has a weak hand. Likely 40 are or more states are like, "Hey CA! Secede! Get out of our country!" How two senators are both from Frisco is beyond me. In the abstract, I'm considering moving to Texas upon retirement. I actually like Arizona - been to Phoenix and Scottsdale - don't mind 110 degrees it's a dry heat and does seem a cowboy/western state. So when I retire I may move "west" or Western.
In terms of guns preventing violence. Hell, a 300 pound guy in overalls with a big truck and a look on his face "I'm slow to anger but make me mad and like a Black Sabbath rhythm section I'll build up steam and walk you down" works for me. And for the right reasons - to make one be good and follow the law and good cultural norms. That's a pretty good place to be. I do think a lot of people in CA are bailing. Even if you live in conservative area - look at the U.S. senators, look at the governor, (X $billions for a train to Fresno??? and no water for farms to save the orange bellied salamander even though the rest of the salamanders will do fine) look at the gerrymandered folks in Sacramento. If one is conservative in CA, one is not represented. And Oregon, Texas, Arizona are beautiful states. Eastern CA is a beautiful state. It's unfortunate that the coastal elitists are The State.
Well, G DogG, you've got it all correctly analyzed as far as I can tell.
Just on a superficial note, in terms of names or labeling, it would seem so ludicrous to have California split up into three states with L.A. being in "California", and NOT "Southern California". But then California turned into a Cuckoo's Nest long ago, so nuttin' would need to, or should be expected to, make sense at this point.
I wouldn't trade my 1960s and '70s childhood in SoCal for anything. But neither would I move back to California for anything.
In fact, one of the reasons I dislike Reno is because of the huge number Californians living here, most of them from the Bay Area. (I'm surrounded by people who voted for Hellary Clinton. Or as Scar put it in 'The Lion King', "I'm surrounded by idiots.") I am seriously thinking that before this year is over, I may well be back living in the Phoenix area again -- 110-degree heat and all.
Maybe we'll both wind up there someday. I'll bring my Brother and we'll meet you at 'The Main Ingredient' for brunch 'n' beer, Bro!
We'll if I meet y'all, I'm gonna have to get into better shape. I walk that's right walk for an hour+ each day. Not run. Just "speed walk." After sitting in an office chair for 50 hours per week. It's on my will.
Jeez. I grew up in WESTERN New York so as not to be confused with NYC..(Niagara Falls and Lewiston near Buffalo home of famous blizzards)* and, likewise will never go back. I wouldn't trade that background because it makes me appreciate CA. Compared to Western New York: Reno, Phoenix, and CA are Club Med.
We're like John Elways. Remember: "If I get drafted by Baltimore I won't play football. I'll only play football for a team in the West." Unprecedented!
* When I noted famous blizzards I think you already saw this/pictured in your mind as the same time I wrote it
McBrother DogG ~ Until I can get back here (hopefully tomorrow) with something mo' better, from the bottom of my glass I say... THIS.
If it weren't a Sunday night, I'd try playing catch-up right NOW. I could do it, too. ...A tumbler of Everclear mixed with some Bacardi 151 (just for a touch of mellow flavor) would put me right on track... (for a head-on collision).
Mo' Yak Later. Standby...
~ Stephen 'DogGtor of Alcohology & King Of Inebriation Nation'
Well, McDogG, the sad truth is that, in actuality, neither my Brother nor I drink anymore. Well, booze, I mean. But you'd hardly need to get in shape to drink with us, if we did. I mean, as long as the liver has been practicing... Ha!-Ha!
Elway's mindset was set right! As Jim Morrison said: "The West is the best. Get here and we'll do the rest."
Actually, I did not know ANYTHING about that game in the snow. I watched the whole video of highlights you linked me to, though. Man! There were some really A-list runs in that game, despite the snowy conditions.
I didn't watch a single NFL game last year. Truthfully, I'm done. Don't intend to watch football again, ever. Even if they started to enforce their own rules about standing for the National Anthem, it's too late for them as far as I'm concerned.
I really don't watch much of any sports anymore. I did watch some of the playoffs and World Series last year, only because the Dodgers were in. But I just can't get into that fandom mode anymore. I can always think of things I'd rather do now than "Couch Potato" away an afternoon.
I believe it was Kipling who said "East is East. And West is something else entirely." Something like that.
Dean Martin said that he felt sorry for people who don't drink because when they wake up that's the best they'll feel all day. Side-stepping that if you wake up with a hangover it takes a few drinks to feel as good as a non-drinker. I've considered quitting. I hear they have this patch, a 70 proof time-release patch that keeps one more than buzzed 24/7. Then you graduate to a 50 proof patch....
That's why most of my sports references are old school. I think I mentioned this before... two things kept me from "cutting the cable" hipster talk for not having tv: Sports and C-Span. The rest of tv seemed so unreal, couldn't relate. (Laugh tracks gimme a break. SCTV had laugh tracks because they were making fun of laugh tracks). Sports hyped to the moon. That left C-Span as the last refuge of non-fiction, low key non-fiction. Then it dawned on me that it was scripted as well. Congressman Tankerbell from Georgia's 6th district puts an ad in the local newspaper to watch C-Span at X hours... then stands up pin an empty chamber and does... and advertisement for himself. Like I said I think I already said this - I haven't had tv stations close to 15 years.
The Mayweather/McGregor thing was cool period. as well as the last round of Warriors/Lebron games. In hindsight, listening to the Warriors and Lebron recently inject politics into basketball or more so into celebrity Product!... diminishes their games and the game.
>>... I believe it was Kipling who said "East is East. And West is something else entirely."
I wonder where that leaves North and South. ...Well, in the North and South, I presume.
I've used that Dean Martin line a number of times, but I did NOT know it originated with Dean Martin.
The funny thing about him is that his excessive drinking reputation was really mostly a shtick. According to Frank Sinatra (if I recall correctly), Dean would nurse just one or maybe two drinks all night long at a party, but because no one ever saw him without that drink in his hand (the same one, unbeknownst to them), he acquired a reputation as a big drinker. And then of course he played it up, creating a kind of self-made myth.
My blogging persona has always been somewhat similar. I have joked about my drinking pretty much non-stop from the moment I first began blogging. But in my case, it was (mostly) true. I have exaggerated it to some degree, though. As I've said many times, anyone who drank AS MUCH as I have pretended to drink would have died of cirrhosis of the liver long before now.
>>... I hear they have this patch, a 70 proof time-release patch that keeps one more than buzzed 24/7.
Well, DAMN! I wish I knew about that before. That sounds GREAT! All the effect but without spending all that money and time in the bathroom. Sign me up!!
I figured you're - well now that you mention it - you're drinking is legend. Anybody can drink but to drink and do things so cool is legendary. Like Morrison who lives. Anyway. Debbie Downer/rump Gus here. I agree that Martin's drinking was an act and - depending on the mood, Martin was as good depending on the mood better than Sinatra (don't have me killed). I heard that after Dino's son died in a plane crash, Dino really drank for real, drinking in his house, walking to the bar to drink, walking back o the house to drink. He really started to drink for real. Numb. Dino just kind of faded away after his son died. Had nothing to live for. Cheers! Reality. You have to admit that Dean Martin is better than Richard Cheese? I admit Dean Martin is better than Richard Cheese. Yet I've Richard Cheese songs exponentially more than Martin. I have no idea what it means. Cheers!
Ha!-Ha! Yeah, I'd have to say that my reputation as a drinker (in this little cul-de-sac of the Blogosphere) IS kind of legendary. But only because I myself did so much self-promoting of it.
Hmmm.... Did NOT know that about Dino becoming a "real" hardcore drinker after the death of his son. (You seem to be my One-Stop Shop for all things Dino. Ha!)
I'll confess that I'm not really a Rat Pack fan. Never really resonated with any of them much. Although both of my parents were big into "The Chairman Of The Board". Particularly my Ma. My Pa favored Nat "King" Cole.
Richard Cheese can make me laugh. Dino doesn't make me laugh. And I'm more likely to turn the dial on Dino, looking for some old "Outlaw" Country music instead (e.g., Waylon & Willie & The Boys).
By his own confession, Dino was essentially trying to imitate Bing. And since I'm not a Bing fan, my Dino-apathy is the model of consistency.
You know what I really did like though? The "Lounge" scene in real life. Used to take my girlfriend, The Countess, to a piano bar in Santa Monica. Or was it in West L.A.? Well, right near the border, either way.
And here in Reno, at the Eldorado Casino is a piano lounge called Roxy's. It's the real thing, and I loved going there... back when I was ordering better stuffs than O'Doul's Amber. They have, like, 101 different "Martinis"; very neat real bartenders ("mixologists); and the requisite piano-playing singer of lounge songs. Really cool! I think you'd dig it, DogG.
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ReplyDeleteThe 3rd one from the top just leaves my head shaking. Can these people not get stuff so wrong? I mean, minorities (really whites are the new minorities at least in the workforce but that's a different story) are killing their own all the time. It's really a sad mess if you ask me. Oh you wicked boy with your creative twist to the former first lady (okay that's a stretch...I know). I think I would die if someone captured such horrible pix of me and posted them on the internet. Unfortunately that's one of the down sides to being in the public eye...someone always has a camera. Who am I kidding, everyone has a camera snapping pictures of anything that catches their eye.
DeleteNice to see ya here. (Heck, it's nice to see ANYONE here! ...But you here be a happy surprise to me.)
At the rate they're going, before long there may be only one Black person left standing in Chicago. (You know, that city with stringent Gun Control in place? That city also known as ChIraq.)
>>... the former first lady
Oh, that was no "lady". (I mean that in BOTH ways.) Joan Rivers was telling the truth. ...Which may be why Joan Rivers is no longer with us.
Have you a terrific day, Cathy, my friend!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I don't have any guns. Because I think I'd lose control here and there. My dad - who gave me my first B-B gun, greatest gift ever, took me to the rifle range (plywood planks between each shooting tunnel and when I cleared the chamber a hot casing fell on my leg), threw coke cans off the bank on the Brazos river and plunked at them with a .22. My dad - former Marine who Respects guns and knows what to do with guns - gives a gun or two from his collection to my brother in law each Christmas. I don't have guns because I don't know what I would do with them. I'll tell you one thing, by golly. I'm sure as heck glad some of my neighbors do and people who come into the neighborhood don't know who has them and who doesn't. And, yes, people who walk into gun free zones like Chicago are much less concerned, more brazen, kill a lot more people then, for example, Texas. In Texas, where (my estimate) 80% of people have guns in tier cars... nobody's gonna pull to the side of the road to start no monkey business. And a correlation that when one passes another car on a Texas highway they wave all polite like. Of course.
ReplyDeleteHa! Yes, sir, McBrother DogG, there's a lot of truth in that old maxim, "A well-armed society is a polite society".
DeleteBefore moving to Reno three years ago, I lived for 20 years in Phoenix. There's a lot about Phoenix and Airheadzona in general that I didn't care for. (Although I may be moving back, because Reno is for Retards!) But I always appreciated the fact that the Gun Law in Arizona basically boiled down to this:
Carry what you want, where you want, when you want, and how you want.
It was not uncommon to see someone walking down a Phoenix sidewalk with a sidearm in broad daylight.
In that respect, there was still a lot of "Old West" mentality to be found in Arizona. And that's a "damned good thing!"
Of course, the Libtards will shout: "Is that what you want?! Everyone walking around with guns and shooting people at the drop of a hat, like it was in the 1800s?!"
The only problem with that question is that it displays (as is always the case) the complete ignorance of Leftists. They not only lack any sign of reason, of critical thinking ability, but also show no signs of having truly studied history. Hell, they can't even figure out which bathroom to use.
The truth of the matter is that because so many people WERE openly armed in the West (and the term "Gun Control" was barely a thing) that the number of shootings and bank robberies was MUCH LOWER than they are today. In terms of shootings, 2018 America is far wilder than 1881 America was, and it's because in 1881 nearly every man was capable of interfering with a robbery in progress.
People watch old Western movies but don't actually study the history of the times.
[Link> THIS is one of my favorites.
Man, with your intelligence and information, you must feel like some sort of an alien outsider where you live, huh? I mean, you are surrounded by so many who have not only drunk the Kool-Aid but are even crying out for more. Being a native Angeleno, it kills me seeing what has happened to "The Golden State".
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
It'll never happen, 6 senators from former California. Though at least two, well, two from the light yellow would be Republican. The orange and dark yellow would be bulldozed respectively by Frisco and LA. East of Frisco and north of Frisco are quite relatively conservative. Not much of a map representative 3 state map.
ReplyDeleteIn contrast, two states - one on the coast and the other east of the coast could result in 2/4 Democrat senators and 2/4 Republican. Of course two or three states it'll never happen. The old bragging rights used to be, "Texas is the only state that wants to secede and California is the only state - 6th biggest economy in the world! or something" that can. Now that sectors of the tech sector are moving to Texas and North Carolina and people with money are moving to Oregon... CA has a weak hand. Likely 40 are or more states are like, "Hey CA! Secede! Get out of our country!" How two senators are both from Frisco is beyond me. In the abstract, I'm considering moving to Texas upon retirement. I actually like Arizona - been to Phoenix and Scottsdale - don't mind 110 degrees it's a dry heat and does seem a cowboy/western state. So when I retire I may move "west" or Western.
In terms of guns preventing violence. Hell, a 300 pound guy in overalls with a big truck and a look on his face "I'm slow to anger but make me mad and like a Black Sabbath rhythm section I'll build up steam and walk you down" works for me. And for the right reasons - to make one be good and follow the law and good cultural norms. That's a pretty good place to be. I do think a lot of people in CA are bailing. Even if you live in conservative area - look at the U.S. senators, look at the governor, (X $billions for a train to Fresno??? and no water for farms to save the orange bellied salamander even though the rest of the salamanders will do fine) look at the gerrymandered folks in Sacramento. If one is conservative in CA, one is not represented. And Oregon, Texas, Arizona are beautiful states. Eastern CA is a beautiful state. It's unfortunate that the coastal elitists are The State.
I may have forgotten this opening paragraph for my above comment? These boxes are so small I write in Word and paste here. Anyway:
ReplyDelete"Even if approved by state voters, splitting up the state still would require approval from Congress."
Well, G DogG, you've got it all correctly analyzed as far as I can tell.
DeleteJust on a superficial note, in terms of names or labeling, it would seem so ludicrous to have California split up into three states with L.A. being in "California", and NOT "Southern California". But then California turned into a Cuckoo's Nest long ago, so nuttin' would need to, or should be expected to, make sense at this point.
I wouldn't trade my 1960s and '70s childhood in SoCal for anything. But neither would I move back to California for anything.
In fact, one of the reasons I dislike Reno is because of the huge number Californians living here, most of them from the Bay Area. (I'm surrounded by people who voted for Hellary Clinton. Or as Scar put it in 'The Lion King', "I'm surrounded by idiots.") I am seriously thinking that before this year is over, I may well be back living in the Phoenix area again -- 110-degree heat and all.
Maybe we'll both wind up there someday. I'll bring my Brother and we'll meet you at 'The Main Ingredient' for brunch 'n' beer, Bro!
~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'
We'll if I meet y'all, I'm gonna have to get into better shape. I walk that's right walk for an hour+ each day. Not run. Just "speed walk." After sitting in an office chair for 50 hours per week. It's on my will.
ReplyDeleteJeez. I grew up in WESTERN New York so as not to be confused with NYC..(Niagara Falls and Lewiston near Buffalo home of famous blizzards)* and, likewise will never go back. I wouldn't trade that background because it makes me appreciate CA. Compared to Western New York: Reno, Phoenix, and CA are Club Med.
We're like John Elways. Remember: "If I get drafted by Baltimore I won't play football. I'll only play football for a team in the West." Unprecedented!
* When I noted famous blizzards I think you already saw this/pictured in your mind as the same time I wrote it
McBrother DogG ~
DeleteUntil I can get back here (hopefully tomorrow) with something mo' better, from the bottom of my glass I say... THIS.
If it weren't a Sunday night, I'd try playing catch-up right NOW. I could do it, too. ...A tumbler of Everclear mixed with some Bacardi 151 (just for a touch of mellow flavor) would put me right on track... (for a head-on collision).
Mo' Yak Later. Standby...
~ Stephen
'DogGtor of Alcohology &
King Of Inebriation Nation'
Well, McDogG, the sad truth is that, in actuality, neither my Brother nor I drink anymore. Well, booze, I mean. But you'd hardly need to get in shape to drink with us, if we did. I mean, as long as the liver has been practicing... Ha!-Ha!
DeleteElway's mindset was set right! As Jim Morrison said: "The West is the best. Get here and we'll do the rest."
Actually, I did not know ANYTHING about that game in the snow. I watched the whole video of highlights you linked me to, though. Man! There were some really A-list runs in that game, despite the snowy conditions.
I didn't watch a single NFL game last year. Truthfully, I'm done. Don't intend to watch football again, ever. Even if they started to enforce their own rules about standing for the National Anthem, it's too late for them as far as I'm concerned.
I really don't watch much of any sports anymore. I did watch some of the playoffs and World Series last year, only because the Dodgers were in. But I just can't get into that fandom mode anymore. I can always think of things I'd rather do now than "Couch Potato" away an afternoon.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I believe it was Kipling who said "East is East. And West is something else entirely." Something like that.
ReplyDeleteDean Martin said that he felt sorry for people who don't drink because when they wake up that's the best they'll feel all day. Side-stepping that if you wake up with a hangover it takes a few drinks to feel as good as a non-drinker. I've considered quitting. I hear they have this patch, a 70 proof time-release patch that keeps one more than buzzed 24/7. Then you graduate to a 50 proof patch....
That's why most of my sports references are old school. I think I mentioned this before... two things kept me from "cutting the cable" hipster talk for not having tv: Sports and C-Span. The rest of tv seemed so unreal, couldn't relate. (Laugh tracks gimme a break. SCTV had laugh tracks because they were making fun of laugh tracks). Sports hyped to the moon. That left C-Span as the last refuge of non-fiction, low key non-fiction. Then it dawned on me that it was scripted as well. Congressman Tankerbell from Georgia's 6th district puts an ad in the local newspaper to watch C-Span at X hours... then stands up pin an empty chamber and does... and advertisement for himself. Like I said I think I already said this - I haven't had tv stations close to 15 years.
The Mayweather/McGregor thing was cool period. as well as the last round of Warriors/Lebron games. In hindsight, listening to the Warriors and Lebron recently inject politics into basketball or more so into celebrity Product!... diminishes their games and the game.
G DogG ~
Delete>>... I believe it was Kipling who said "East is East. And West is something else entirely."
I wonder where that leaves North and South. ...Well, in the North and South, I presume.
I've used that Dean Martin line a number of times, but I did NOT know it originated with Dean Martin.
The funny thing about him is that his excessive drinking reputation was really mostly a shtick. According to Frank Sinatra (if I recall correctly), Dean would nurse just one or maybe two drinks all night long at a party, but because no one ever saw him without that drink in his hand (the same one, unbeknownst to them), he acquired a reputation as a big drinker. And then of course he played it up, creating a kind of self-made myth.
My blogging persona has always been somewhat similar. I have joked about my drinking pretty much non-stop from the moment I first began blogging. But in my case, it was (mostly) true. I have exaggerated it to some degree, though. As I've said many times, anyone who drank AS MUCH as I have pretended to drink would have died of cirrhosis of the liver long before now.
>>... I hear they have this patch, a 70 proof time-release patch that keeps one more than buzzed 24/7.
Well, DAMN! I wish I knew about that before. That sounds GREAT! All the effect but without spending all that money and time in the bathroom. Sign me up!!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I figured you're - well now that you mention it - you're drinking is legend. Anybody can drink but to drink and do things so cool is legendary. Like Morrison who lives.
Debbie Downer/rump Gus here. I agree that Martin's drinking was an act and - depending on the mood, Martin was as good depending on the mood better than Sinatra (don't have me killed).
I heard that after Dino's son died in a plane crash, Dino really drank for real, drinking in his house, walking to the bar to drink, walking back o the house to drink. He really started to drink for real. Numb. Dino just kind of faded away after his son died. Had nothing to live for. Cheers!
You have to admit that Dean Martin is better than Richard Cheese? I admit Dean Martin is better than Richard Cheese. Yet I've Richard Cheese songs exponentially more than Martin. I have no idea what it means. Cheers!
Ha!-Ha! Yeah, I'd have to say that my reputation as a drinker (in this little cul-de-sac of the Blogosphere) IS kind of legendary. But only because I myself did so much self-promoting of it.
DeleteHmmm.... Did NOT know that about Dino becoming a "real" hardcore drinker after the death of his son. (You seem to be my One-Stop Shop for all things Dino. Ha!)
I'll confess that I'm not really a Rat Pack fan. Never really resonated with any of them much. Although both of my parents were big into "The Chairman Of The Board". Particularly my Ma. My Pa favored Nat "King" Cole.
Richard Cheese can make me laugh. Dino doesn't make me laugh. And I'm more likely to turn the dial on Dino, looking for some old "Outlaw" Country music instead (e.g., Waylon & Willie & The Boys).
By his own confession, Dino was essentially trying to imitate Bing. And since I'm not a Bing fan, my Dino-apathy is the model of consistency.
You know what I really did like though? The "Lounge" scene in real life. Used to take my girlfriend, The Countess, to a piano bar in Santa Monica. Or was it in West L.A.? Well, right near the border, either way.
And here in Reno, at the Eldorado Casino is a piano lounge called Roxy's. It's the real thing, and I loved going there... back when I was ordering better stuffs than O'Doul's Amber. They have, like, 101 different "Martinis"; very neat real bartenders ("mixologists); and the requisite piano-playing singer of lounge songs. Really cool! I think you'd dig it, DogG.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...