"JESUS died for you
so He wouldn't have to live
without you."
.I saw that on a bumper sticker on August 3rd and it started to bring tears to my eyes because I know it's true. It's really true. That's how much Christ Yeshua genuinely loves you. He accepted torture and death on a cross because He doesn't want to live forever without you. Christ did His part -- which was the most difficult part -- now... will you do your part?
{This blog bit is dedicated to my friend & Brother whom I call Master Peetie Wheatstraw. On a regular basis, I pray that he will receive The Holy Spirit in his heart, mind & body, see The Light, find The Way, and come to know The Truth and The Peace Of God Which Surpasses All Understanding. As a matter of fact, I said a pretty good prayer for Master Wheatstraw last weekend from my favorite meditation spot.}
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Last year, I was able to listen to recorded sermons of [link> Adrian Rogers on CSN (87.9 FM on my radio dial) during my morning drives to work in my truck. I loved that because Rogers was the best the preacher I ever heard (I'm not a fan of most of them) and he always got my day started on the right foot. I didn't agree with him on everything (such as occasionally some unchallenged traditional Christian dogma unjustified by The Holy Bible) but, boy, he could make me think, and he was funny, too! If you can make me laugh, I'll be your friend, even if I think you're very mistaken once in awhile.
But this year, my schedule changed, so I was leaving my house an hour later than before. At first I was bummed because it meant no Adrian Rogers sermons in the mornings. But soon enough I found that at my new travel time, CSN Radio was broadcasting James Dobson's 'Family Talk'. And I found that I like Doctor Dobson and his program, too. I've heard some pretty neat interviews this year during my morning commutes.
This past March, Dr. James Dobson was interviewing LEE STROBEL. Years ago, I had read three of Lee's books and thought they were pretty dern good. Most of the information wasn't new to me (I've been a "Maverick" Christian since April 6, 1994) but I'm always on the lookout for publications I can share with others who are open to searching for The Truth. (Yes, when you get right down to it, there's really only One.)
Lee Strobel is a best-selling author of more than 20 books. His classic, 'The Case for Christ', details his conversion from hardcore atheist to Christian writer, speaker and evangelist. He earned a Journalism degree from the University of Missouri and a Master of Studies in Law from Yale Law School. He was an award-winning legal editor at the Chicago Tribune for his Investigative Journalism.
In listening to Lee Strobel interviewed on James Dobson's 'Family Talk' in March, I found I really liked the man. He was talking about his latest book, 'The Case For Miracles', which I acquired and read shortly after hearing the radio program. I thought it was excellent. I also thought that I ought to tell my friend Peetie Wheatstraw about it, but I never did because... I'm a slacker.
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And then just a little over two weeks ago, LEE STROBEL was again interviewed on 'Family Talk'. This time the title of the discussion was 'If Jesus Lived In My House'. I thought it was a knockout interview! Again, Lee came across as likable and entertaining and with a very important message.
After Part 1 of that interview, I had the thought: I should tell Master Wheatstraw about this! Then I thought: Well, I'll wait until I hear Part 2 tomorrow morning and see if it holds up.
Again, sometimes I'm a bit of a slacker. Plus, I figured Peetie wasn't going to want to listen to this, anyway, so why pester him with it?
But, wouldn't you know it? -- Part 2 was so good (and included a story about William Lane Craig) that again I had the thought: I REALLY SHOULD tell Peetie about this!! (But would I?)
I looked down to turn off the radio in Chuck the Truck, and when I looked up again, I noticed that the license plate on the vehicle parked directly opposite from me began with 888. For those of you who don't know, that number symbolizes Jesus Christ. I stared at it for a few seconds and then thought: OK. Got it. I'll tell him.
My friend Master Wheatstraw once wrote in an Email that a person should have: "...the desire to know the truth, no matter how far it diverges from what you currently believe." I totally agree with that.
And it is in THAT spirit that I hope everyone who reads this will also click the links below and listen to those two Lee Strobel interviews, even if they currently don't believe in Jesus. Each interview is presented in two parts of about 25-minutes each. They are both very, Very, VERY much worth taking the time to listen to.
Or to put it another way: Whatever TV programs you were planning to watch tonight, these interviews are better, more important, and more worthy of your time. Whatever novel you were going to read tonight about vampires, zombies, or martial arts masters in outer space, these interviews are better, and better for you, too. (C'mon! It's not like I'm asking you to eat Brussels sprouts!)
In the first part of this first interview, Lee Strobel tells how his wife became a Christian, and Lee, a hardened atheist at the time, was pissed off about it. He even deliberately destroyed her beautiful garden because of it. Lee decided he would put his professional investigative journalism skills to work and show his wife how she had been deceived by a cult. He figured it wouldn't take more than a couple of days. {HA!-HA! Good luck with THAT, buddy!} It actually took him two years and at the end of his research, Lee Strobel himself had been converted to a Christian. {DOH! O, ye of too much faith in Atheism!}
And this goes to illustrate the great truth once stated by another former atheist turned Christian, the brilliant C.S. Lewis:
“Really, a young Atheist cannot guard his faith too carefully. Dangers lie in wait for him on every side."
THE CASE FOR MIRACLES: From Skeptic To Evangelist
Part 1
by Lee Strobel
March 26, 2018
To Listen, Click HERE
Scripture tells us that we must always be ready to give an answer for the hope we have in Jesus. Dr. Dobson talks with author, speaker, and Christian apologist Lee Strobel, about the role of apologetics in modern evangelism. Lee will also share his testimony of entering adulthood as a staunch atheist, and how he became a bold defender of the faith.

THE CASE FOR MIRACLES: The Supernatural In The 21st Century
Part 2
by Lee Strobel
March 27, 2018
To Listen, Click HERE

Part 1
by Lee Strobel
July 30, 2018
To Listen, Click HERE
When was the last time you shared your faith in Christ with your friends and family? Pastor Lee Strobel illustrates his passion to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Lee describes how life can be an unexpected adventure if we are: 1) motivated to share Christ, 2) available to share our faith, 3) prepared to share our faith simply and naturally, and 4) prayerful about opportunities to share Christ.

Part 2
by Lee Strobel
July 31, 2018
To Listen, Click HERE
But now I go away to Him who sent Me, and none of you asks Me, ‘Where are You going?’ But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper {The Holy Spirit} will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world {satan, the devil} is judged.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
But, I like Brussels Sprouts!
ReplyDeleteI do too. But let's face it, they gotta be the most hated of all vegetables. I was trying to think of the best veggie to put in that sentence. I figured it was probably between spinach or Brussels sprouts (I like BOTH of 'em), and I decided it was most likely the latter.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'
I'd have gone with eggplant.
DeleteHey, that's quite a story about how you got convinced to tell me this. And thanks for writing a post for me. I will listen to those stories that you linked to... and respond to the E that you sent... and... no, I think that's it!
ReplyDeleteTwo thumbs up, OFFICER WHEATSTRAW!!
DeleteI appreciate your willingness to listen and honestly evaluate. And I sincerely trust you'll find it time well spent.
After the double whammy of William Lane Craig and 888, I just KNEW I was supposed to share this with you, Brother.
If you come away with any Qs, you know how to get in touch with me. I'm the guy what scored [Link> 103 runs in 9 innings of Bible Baseball, so if I ain't got any answers for ya, then we BOTH be in trouble!
Remember what Saint Morrison said: "No one here gets out alive". But I fully expect to be matching wits with you on that Great Chessboard In The Sky. ;o)
~ D-FensDogG
Al Bondigas here. Dude, you can listen to Adrian Rogers or any other pastor on OnePlace Ministries. You can listen on your phone or home pc. They are all archived.
ReplyDeleteJUDGE AL ~
DeleteYeah, I've been to OnePlace before. But I really liked listening on the radio on the drive to work.
You can also use that Adrian Rogers link I put in this blog bit to go directly to Blanket Tomcat at YouTube. He's got a ton of Adrian's sermons uploaded there also, and many of them are actual videos where you can see him as he's speaking from the pulpit.
That guy, Adrian, had a real gift. He'd definitely found his calling.
~ D-FensDogG
This pastor really is entertaining and good. I laughed aloud a couple of times in the first five minutes.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, McSIXGUN!
DeleteI think he's very informed and also entertaining -- a great combination. (Similar to what Adrian Rogers had going for him.)
Also, the fact that Strobel was himself a strident atheist prior to becoming a Christian while endeavoring to prove to his wife how misguided her Christian beliefs were, ought to give him a lot of credibility with other current atheists. He was ONE OF THEIR OWN... until he let his guard down and started investigating the facts objectively. Great stuffs!
~ D-FensDogG
Hello Stephen,
ReplyDeleteFirst off, let me say thank you for keeping a watchful eye on my health status. I did leave a follow-up on Friday and I guess I should've carried it over on Monday's post but I didn't. Anywho, I'm doing well from the ear tube procedure, other than I picked up something in the hospital (bronchitis like symptoms) which has me still a bit down. I'll bounce back in a day or so I'm sure.
I enjoyed reading this review and I'm definitely interested in hearing these interviews. I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to do that today but I'm going to bookmark this to listen to in between blog visits and house chores. I have unconditional faith in Christ. I know what I can't see, God has covered but I find this characteristic is lacking in some that I know and they often question...no challenge the Bible being God's word and they see it as a book written by men with flaws. That's Satan's corruption misleading and filling others with doubt or to feel good about their poor decisions in life. I will take a peek at Strobel's book, too.
Have a blessed and pAwesome week, my friend!
HiYa, CATHY, My Friend!
DeleteI'm very pleased to hear you're doing well (except for that bronchitis thing).
I have NO DOUBT that you will find listening to those broadcasts rewarding and time well spent. You may even want to try sharing them with unbelievers in your own sphere of influence.
As Lee Strobel found out when he set about to prove his wife's religious beliefs wrong, the amount of evidence in favor of the historicity of The Holy Bible and our Lord's life, crucifixion, and resurrection is overwhelming.
I have often said that any person who doesn't believe The Bible has either not studied it, or not studied it enough.
I used to think that most people who didn't acknowledge the Truth of The Bible just didn't know about it. I've since come to realize that the vast majority of unbelievers have actually CHOSEN not to know The Truth. They're mad at God and/or don't want to have to answer to Him.
'THE HARBINGER' by Jonathan Cahn
The Truth: Some people "will do everything they can to attack and discredit it. ... Otherwise they'd have to accept it."
Unfortunately for the unbelievers, their ability to choose The Way of The Light will be coming to an end soon. And their not choosing The Light is itself a choice, and one they will need to answer for. This is not going to be pretty.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...