Stephen Sez: I’m on the corner of Drunk and Staggering, And I need an ear to bend. How about you, my ferret-faced fascist friend? Ain't you got an ear to lend? -- Stephen's Motto Iz: May our tolerance of diversity empower our non-judgmental, non-meanspirited multiculturalism. Can't we all just get along, give peace a change and vote for "Chance"?
Friday, August 24, 2018
. Below are 5 memes that I saw and liked, plus 2 memes that I made all by my lonesome. Click on 'em for enlarged views: .
It took me a while to figure out the Little Davey one, but then I recognized the twerp. What I want to know is who is funding this guy and his band of boobs. Aren't they touring the country on a bus or something and holding rallies?
LEE ~ According to numerous sources, David Piglet and his band of Commies are being funded by all the usual suspects (e.g., Soros-backed groups like Media Matters, etc.)
Unfortunately, one of my best sources for this kind of information was "disappeared" down the 1984 Orwellian "Memory Hole" during the recent purge of genuinely Conservative sites by The Wizards in the run-up to the November elections. (It's only because I have no readership that F-FFF is still standing.)
But below are a few URLs that pertain to this subject:
Crash helmet on and buckle your seatbelt; this is going to be a bumpy ride!
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It took me a while to figure out the Little Davey one, but then I recognized the twerp. What I want to know is who is funding this guy and his band of boobs. Aren't they touring the country on a bus or something and holding rallies?
ReplyDeleteArlee Bird
Tossing It Out
DeleteAccording to numerous sources, David Piglet and his band of Commies are being funded by all the usual suspects (e.g., Soros-backed groups like Media Matters, etc.)
Unfortunately, one of my best sources for this kind of information was "disappeared" down the 1984 Orwellian "Memory Hole" during the recent purge of genuinely Conservative sites by The Wizards in the run-up to the November elections. (It's only because I have no readership that F-FFF is still standing.)
But below are a few URLs that pertain to this subject:
Crash helmet on and buckle your seatbelt; this is going to be a bumpy ride!
~ D-FensDogG
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