My Brothers & Sisters, I wish you a Happy Easter.
Oh, Happy Day - Glen Campbell
O Lord, Our Lord - Marty Goetz
As I've said before, I had an unexpected Spiritual experience and became a (Maverick) Christian in a Los Angeles apartment on April 6, 1994:
In a sense, I think I've always had a kind of kinship with Jews. Part of it, certainly, must be attributed to my strong relationship with Martin Brumer - my best friend who was killed by a car thief in 1989. But there's more to it than that. It's a controversial topic I don't want to address here and now.
About a year before my Spiritual experience, my 'Born Again' friend and co-worker, Don ("Big D"), was attempting to convert me to his Christian beliefs. We engaged in several friendly debates about religion and spirituality. One day, Don gave me a couple pamphlets written by the Messianic Jew Zola Levitt.
I had never read The Holy Bible at that point, and I can still remember reading those pamphlets while on a road trip with my parents to Pahrump, Nevada. 'The Seven Feasts Of Israel' and 'The Miracle Of Passover' by Zola Levitt seemed like gibberish to me. I don't think I was informed enough then to question the idea of a Jew believing in Jesus. I was pretty ign'ant about Judaism and Christianity back then. I wuz just a dumb, dirty, heathen dog.
Right after my Spiritual experience on 4-6-1994, I began reading The Bible. And after I had read God's Word from cover-to-cover a couple of times, I ran across those Zola Levitt pamphlets in one of my book cases and decided to read them again. This time, they just blew my mind! I was so impressed by all the insight that Levitt, with his orthodox Jewish background, brought to my understanding of things involving Christ Yeshua / Jesus Christ. I thought back on that day I first read these pamphlets and found them to be nuttin' but gibberish, and I shook my head. Amazing what a couple years and some background research can do for a person's understanding!
Well, the night before last, I was watching a YouTube video, and I noticed a video in the Recommended Videos sidebar about a Jewish person who had become a believer in Christ Yeshua. So I clicked on it and found it so fascinating that I immediately watched another, and then another, and another.
I became instantly addicted to these video testimonials from Jewish people who, (like Zola Levitt, and Joel Chernoff, Marty Goetz, and Barry & Batya Segal - musicians I've been listening to for years), had become Messianic Jews (i.e., Jews who recognize that Yeshua was the prophesied Messiah of Israel).
The last two nights, I stayed up too late, watching these videos, and each one of them has been extremely interesting to me. I haven't seen a dud yet! In just two nights, [link> ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry has become my very favorite YouTube channel.
One of the things that I have found most surprising about these testimonials is how many of these Jewish folks said that, prior to learning the truth about Jesus, they thought that He was a Catholic, and didn't even realize that Jesus was a Jew. Some of these folks had even been led to believe that Jesus was anti-Semitic, that He actually hated the Jews. SMH!!
People, this is just one example of why you MUST research things for yourself and never just take some man or woman's word for something. Especially when the subject is truly important and the stakes are high.
It being Easter Sunday, I'd like to share a few of these testimonial videos with you, and encourage you to check out some more, if you find them as fascinating as I do.
I was the president of the synagogue! How could I believe in Jesus?
WOW! A Jewish lawyer and a leader in her synagogue who turned to Jesus in a supernatural way!
A Jewish boy challenged by a Christian Girl
[link> The Kooks Met Messiah
You will find many more testimonials and informative videos
at [link> ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry
If you want to learn every essential point and principle of The Holy Bible in only about 15 to 20 minutes, read the five chapters of the First Epistle of John (1st John 1-5) [link> HERE.
Happy Easter, all Y'all.
Bless And Be Blessed!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
ReplyDeleteOld Warrior Poet from the Amazon days. I knew you had stopped blogging, but thought maybe this COVID thang might have you up and running again.
You popped into my head and I figured I'd check and see if that was the case.
I had the EXACT same experience with this Youtube channel! I think I watched 3 hours of these testimonials one late night. Funny God's coincidences!
I hope you and your brother are doing well. I'm gonna try and catch up on some of your post.
End time events moving at a rapid pace. Isn't it all amazingly sad yet wonderful.
I'll be back to see that you got this message. God Bless!
Hokey-Smoke & Hoo-Wee!!
I can't believe it!
BROTHER, I have thought of you so many times over the years - you have no idea!
Wow! Man... I'm so glad to hear from you again! I even have you quoted in the 'Hall Of Fshame' side bar of this blog, because what you once said meant SO MUCH to me... and *STILL* does!!
I have been blogging off and on for years. And you're right, I dropped off for a quite awhile, but this coronahoax covid-666 scam brought me back to my 'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'.
I can't even remember the last time we were in contact. I moved from Phoenix, Airheadzona and spent 4 years in Reno, Nevada. (Did we interact during that time? I think maybe we did, early on.)
But since then, I moved 30 miles and 50 years South of Reno to Carson City, Nevada, where I hope to die... and sooner than later... unless, of course, there really *IS* a pre-Tribulation Rapture.
For the record, I believe we are, right NOW, in the "beginning of birth pains" stage. I think the Biblical 7-year "Tribulation" is likely going to begin in 2023, with the Second Coming of Christ Yeshua, our Savior, occurring in late 2029. I could be off by a year or two, but not more than that.
As Yeshua said, look UP, Brother, for our Redemption draws near... VERY near!
So phunny about us both discovering the 'One For Israel' YouTube channel and those testimonials from Messianic Jews!
You know me, I am highly analytical and detail-oriented. So, when someone asks me why I believe this or that or the other thing, I can immediately spout history and facts that support my positions. But when it comes to those Messianic Jewish testimonials, I don't really understand why I find them so incredibly interesting. WTP?!
...I don't really know. I mean, I always find it interesting to hear how different people came to accept Christ, but there's something inexplicably interesting to me when I hear Jews explaining how God turned them toward His Son. It's a (wonderful) mystery to me!
Were you as surprised as I was to learn how many Jews were led to believe that Jesus was "Catholic" and that the New Testament was (supposedly) highly anti-Semitic?
I found that mind-boggling! Whoa! How effective mental-programming can be. I almost laugh out loud every time one of those Messianic Jews says something like:
"I started to read the New Testament and was amazed by how Jewish it was!"
GOL! (Guffaw-Out-Loud!)
Apparently, most Jews have been led to believe that Jesus and His apostles were Catholics, not Jews! SMH!!
Brother... hearing from you again means more to me than you could know. Thanks for coming by. Man, let's stay in touch from now on until the Second Coming of our Savior. (2029?) In all seriousness, your visit here has made my week!
~ D-FensDogG
DeleteWow you've bounced around quite a bit over the last couple of years. You were always b****hn about AZ so I'm not surprised you made your way out of there.
I also had moved down to South Carolina for a bit, but found my way back to the right armpit of the US (metro NY area).
I personally don't have one of those cool "salvation stories" so I've always found other peoples very interesting. The ones on that channel just seemed to really resonate with me. It was a couple years ago, but after reading your blog bit I'm gonna revisit them once again.
We're on the same timing page. 2030 and it's a wrap! I'm rolling with pre-trib rapture, but I'm down for whatever the Lord has in store. I'm in it till the wheels fall off lol.
"Brother... hearing from you again means more to me than you could know. Thanks for coming by"
Feelings mutual buddy. Never worry, we'll have an eternity to hang. Literally.
If you ever want to drop me a line feel free to hit me up at my online personal email...
DeleteFor future reference: With 'Comment Moderation' activated (as I am required to keep it), when a comment is submitted, my Dashboard only shows me the first few sentences. In order to see the *entire* comment, I must "publish" it.
So, that's what I did with yours. And then I immediately read the whole thing. It wasn't until I reached the end that I saw your words, "please don't post", due to the Email address included.
But the good news is that your entire comment was only visible for about 30 seconds before I copied and deleted it.
I have saved your E addy and will definitely keep in touch wid ya!
I would STRONGLY urge you to get far away from NYC ASAP! I'll 'splain more about that in a future E. But short & sweet for the moment: NYC is the Biblical "Great City Babylon", and it is going to be completely destroyed in just one hour before long!!
I have a theory (it's only a "theory", so it may be right or wrong) that the people who have "cool salvation stories" are those folks whom God (for reasons known only to God) determined to save. But He, in his infinite Wisdom, knew that they weren't going to "Wake Up And Smell The Salvation" unless He went out on a limb and had to put in a little extra effort for their sorry asses. (And, by the way, I count myself amongst that sorry-assed group! [;^D)
So, if you got Saved without making God sweat at all - without making Him go out on a limb for you - it's probably a real credit to your soul!
As you undoubtedly know, there is a lot of confusion about the Rapture. No Rapture? Pre-Tribulation Rapture? Mid-Tribulation Rapture? Post-Tribulation Rapture?
Having read The Holy Bible from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 about 25 times, I am very familiar with every single verse used to justify all of the above positions. And I have come to the tenuous conclusion that the reason there is so much discrepancy about the Rapture is because The Bible is actually referring to TWO DIFFERENT Raptures. I think there may be a small-scale Rapture of sincere Christians just prior to the 7-year Tribulation period. And then the wicked people who have not been killed on Earth during Armageddon will be Raptured out of the Earth and sent to "hell" just before Jesus sets up His 1,000-year reign on Earth, centered in Jerusalem.
I guess I'm gonna have to "cut" this comment short because I just CUT myself between the thumb and forefinger on my left hand with a Ginsu Knife while trying to remove the damned plastic wrapping on a new bottle of Smoked Serrano Wing Sauce.
Let this be a lesson to you, Warrior Poet: 86-proof Bourbon & 86-proof Bourbon & Ginsu Knives DON'T MIX!!
Damn it! "I need a cold Mojito!"
~ D-FensDogG