[DOG POUND NOTES are simply random thoughts, ideas, and maxims that have occurred to me. I am totally convinced of the merit of some of them. Others may merely be food-for-thought or even outright Doggy Doo-Doo. I'll let you guess as to how I categorize each of them.]
Only selfish assholes hoard toilet paper!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I've heard of a lot of totally useless studies by researchers and academics, but I do think it would be worthwhile to do a study of this whole hoarding mentality and how it got started. This activity of overbuying for hoarding purposes got started somewhere by someone, but I somehow didn't get the message until I started seeing the empty shelves. Fortunately we had recently been to Costco and had our normal stockpile that we replenish every 6-8 weeks or so. I'd never seen lines to get into Costco until now and recently I've seen some absurd lines of people who are probably panic buying for the sake of hoarding. Hopefully those lines will be gone when our next Costco run is due.
ReplyDeleteIt really is absurd. Sadly my wife is starting to get sucked up into this mass group-think. Whenever we go to the supermarket or discount store now, she buys toilet paper if she sees it.
Maybe we won't need that Costco run for a while.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
DeletePanic-level fear makes people do completely irrational things. (And when everyone loses their mind, then The Wizards will have created the atmosphere by which they will be able to justify the martial law that they have been aiming at for a very long time.) Thankfully, we haven't seen rioting in grocery stores... yet.
I can understand why people have been hoarding hand-sanitizers and Lysol, etc. But I have never understood what made people think that they needed to hoard terlet paper. What does trying to avoid getting the coronavirus flu by excessive hand-washing and sanitizing have to do with how much terlet paper you need?
I have failed to make the coronavirus > toilet paper connection.
But then again, it's probably pointless for me to even attempt understanding the connection because, as I wrote above, "panic-level fear makes people do completely irrational things". There probably is no connection to make. It's just fear-crazy people doing crazy things.
>>... Sadly my wife is starting to get sucked up into this mass group-think.
Well, she's got a lot of company. Anyone who is wearing a face mask in public, but who doesn't have a serious existing medical condition that makes them especially susceptible to dying should they catch this flu, is also just a lemming, an irrational follower, an Americonned Sheep. And, unfortunately, all the evidence around us points to just how many non-thinkers there are in this country. No wonder America sucks now.
~ D-FensDogG
I'm sure I've seen this guy in the supermarket...
For every 1 Corona death, 10,000 people lose their jobs. Plenty of time to do some wrapping.
A pound of prevention is worth an ounce of cure.
I'm convinced some of these governors of the female variety are auditioning for vice president. (They know Creepy Joe's expiration date is coming up.)
The Outlaw Sig Maskless
DeleteI saw a man and wife in the local grocery store in the toilet paper isle. The sign said "Only 2 Per Customer", so they split up and checked out at the register independently, thus taking home more than 2 packages of TP.
They probably both also think they're going to Heaven when they die. Actually, I think they're going to hell, where there is no toilet paper, ever, and every meal is Ex-Lax, with a side dish of Ex-Lax, and frozen Ex-Lax for dessert.
>>..."A pound of prevention is worth an ounce of cure"
GOL! Bingo!
You might very well be right about the governors of female variety. (I would only add the word "communist" in there somewhere.)
~ D-FensDogG