For awhile now, my primary source of news articles has been Hey, any site that regularly publishes articles by Dr. Ron Paul is A-OK by me!
Certainly I like some writers at better than others. And some I rather dislike. Ironically, Lew Rockwell himself is one of my least favorite writers at However, overall, I think this is probably the best news site operating today. You will likely find more truth at Lew's than any other place calling itself "news". (That should be made into their official advertising poem-ette.)
It was through this website that I discovered Donald Jeffriesand, despite his misguided hope in Robert F. Kennedy Jr., he is amongst my favorite writers at Below are a few fairly recent articles by Donald Jeffries that I recommend to you:
QAnon, Trumpenstein, and the art of Winning
The Most Corrupt Country in the History of the World
Who are the Masters Behind the Curtain?
In that last article, I actually posted my first(and so far, only) comment on one of Jeffries' online articles. For the 1 or 2 of you who may be interested, here is my two-cents worth on the subject of 'Identifying Who's Really In Charge':
Stephen T. McCarthy
July 18, 2023
Mr. Jeffries, you seem like a good guy, and I am sure you wouldn't have banned a commenter unless you genuinely felt it necessary. I discovered your site a few months ago via and this is my first comment (please don't ban me. 😉)
I have been studying this N.W.O. agenda for a very long time, having been led to it at the same time I was led to Christ Yeshua (no coincidence in the timing).
Over the decades I have wondered who is at the very center of it all. The Illuminati, the higher-degree Freemasons, the Bilderbergers, the CIA, the CFR, the Club of Rome, English royalty, luciferian New Agers? etc., etc. The list of suspects is nearly endless, and there is unquestionably a lot of overlap. In the human realm, a solid, can't-miss target is "International Bankers". That's the category I have often pointed my longest finger at when discussing this topic with folks who are new to it. But, still, there is undoubtedly lots of overlap in the International Bankers category as well. (Surely many of them are Freemasons, luciferians, etc.) Or, if I want to capture all of the suspects at one time under a single tent I'll just say "The Wizards Behind The Curtain", and leave the particulars vague.
In John Stormer's epic and essential anti-Communism tome 'NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON ...25 YEARS LATER', the 1990 update of his 1964 classic 'None Dare Call It Treason', the author refers to the cabal like this:
For awhile now, my primary source of news articles has been Hey, any site that regularly publishes articles by Dr. Ron Paul is A-OK by me!
Certainly I like some writers at better than others. And some I rather dislike. Ironically, Lew Rockwell himself is one of my least favorite writers at However, overall, I think this is probably the best news site operating today. You will likely find more truth at Lew's than any other place calling itself "news". (That should be made into their official advertising poem-ette.)
It was through this website that I discovered Donald Jeffries
QAnon, Trumpenstein, and the art of Winning
The Most Corrupt Country in the History of the World
Who are the Masters Behind the Curtain?
In that last article, I actually posted my first
Stephen T. McCarthy
July 18, 2023
Mr. Jeffries, you seem like a good guy, and I am sure you wouldn't have banned a commenter unless you genuinely felt it necessary. I discovered your site a few months ago via and this is my first comment (please don't ban me. 😉)
I have been studying this N.W.O. agenda for a very long time, having been led to it at the same time I was led to Christ Yeshua (no coincidence in the timing).
Over the decades I have wondered who is at the very center of it all. The Illuminati, the higher-degree Freemasons, the Bilderbergers, the CIA, the CFR, the Club of Rome, English royalty, luciferian New Agers? etc., etc. The list of suspects is nearly endless, and there is unquestionably a lot of overlap. In the human realm, a solid, can't-miss target is "International Bankers". That's the category I have often pointed my longest finger at when discussing this topic with folks who are new to it. But, still, there is undoubtedly lots of overlap in the International Bankers category as well. (Surely many of them are Freemasons, luciferians, etc.) Or, if I want to capture all of the suspects at one time under a single tent I'll just say "The Wizards Behind The Curtain", and leave the particulars vague.
In John Stormer's epic and essential anti-Communism tome 'NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON ...25 YEARS LATER', the 1990 update of his 1964 classic 'None Dare Call It Treason', the author refers to the cabal like this:
"It is the result of a gigantic conspiracy - but it is a conspiracy of shared values. ... Millions have become a part of the conspiracy of shared values."
Over time, I have come to believe that this is the best way to view the situation. There are just TOO MANY suspects, too many varied cults & organizations, in on the same agenda to believe that they are ALL being secretly directed by a single human being or a single small group of inner-circle master manipulators. I believe that when it comes to the "human" portion of this conspiracy - although some groups may have more influence than others - John Stormer's "conspiracy of shared values" makes the most sense.
However, stepping outside of the "human" realm, I *DO* believe that a single spiritual entity directs all of the various groups / cults, and that entity is the Biblical satan (fallen angel and God's greatest enemy). Here is the reason we can never "vote evil out":
"Then the devil, taking Him [Jesus] up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; FOR THIS HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO ME, AND I GIVE IT TO WHOMEVER I WISH. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”
~ Luke 4:5-7
And this...
"We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one."
~ 1 John 5:19
Yes, the vast majority of human beings who have been placed into positions of authority and influence (the International Bankers, the leaders of Big Pharma, judges, lawyers, politicians, etc.) have been assisted and positioned by satan. And the "conspiracy" is a convergence of various cults and groups being orchestrated (some knowingly & some unknowingly) by "the wicked one" & his minions (demons) in the unseen realm. After 30 years of digging and contemplating, this is the only explanation that completely makes sense to me.
Three of the most important and underrated words in The Bible are "it is written". What "is written" in Scripture is a legal contract between God and His children (us) and nothing and no one can alter it. Jesus made it clear that things will go as "it is written" (His crucifixion was included because it was "written"). All End-Time prophecies including the demonic infiltration of "this world" MUST occur, and is increasing. (I believe we have entered "the beginning of sorrows" period of Biblical End-Time prophecies, with Christ's return just around the corner.)
So, I believe the most important thing we can do is get right with God, our Creator; and try to encourage our brothers & sisters to do the same. I always recommend that people begin with 'The 1st Epistle Of John' (it takes only 15 minutes to read).
Voting won't save this country nor "this world", because their fate "is written". But praying can help us and others, individually, in the short time that remains.
May You Bless & Be Blessed!!
~ Stephen
(a.k.a. D-FensDogG @
Over time, I have come to believe that this is the best way to view the situation. There are just TOO MANY suspects, too many varied cults & organizations, in on the same agenda to believe that they are ALL being secretly directed by a single human being or a single small group of inner-circle master manipulators. I believe that when it comes to the "human" portion of this conspiracy - although some groups may have more influence than others - John Stormer's "conspiracy of shared values" makes the most sense.
However, stepping outside of the "human" realm, I *DO* believe that a single spiritual entity directs all of the various groups / cults, and that entity is the Biblical satan (fallen angel and God's greatest enemy). Here is the reason we can never "vote evil out":
"Then the devil, taking Him [Jesus] up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; FOR THIS HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO ME, AND I GIVE IT TO WHOMEVER I WISH. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”
~ Luke 4:5-7
And this...
"We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one."
~ 1 John 5:19
Yes, the vast majority of human beings who have been placed into positions of authority and influence (the International Bankers, the leaders of Big Pharma, judges, lawyers, politicians, etc.) have been assisted and positioned by satan. And the "conspiracy" is a convergence of various cults and groups being orchestrated (some knowingly & some unknowingly) by "the wicked one" & his minions (demons) in the unseen realm. After 30 years of digging and contemplating, this is the only explanation that completely makes sense to me.
Three of the most important and underrated words in The Bible are "it is written". What "is written" in Scripture is a legal contract between God and His children (us) and nothing and no one can alter it. Jesus made it clear that things will go as "it is written" (His crucifixion was included because it was "written"). All End-Time prophecies including the demonic infiltration of "this world" MUST occur, and is increasing. (I believe we have entered "the beginning of sorrows" period of Biblical End-Time prophecies, with Christ's return just around the corner.)
So, I believe the most important thing we can do is get right with God, our Creator; and try to encourage our brothers & sisters to do the same. I always recommend that people begin with 'The 1st Epistle Of John' (it takes only 15 minutes to read).
Voting won't save this country nor "this world", because their fate "is written". But praying can help us and others, individually, in the short time that remains.
May You Bless & Be Blessed!!
~ Stephen
(a.k.a. D-FensDogG @
'Loyal American Underground')
POSTSCRIPT: This blog bit was edited amended on September 21, 2024.
Hello my friend! I practically composed a bonafide case study for you last week ;-) Then a power outage zapped everything I had been working on...
ReplyDeleteQuite a lot to think about here. The website you mentioned is as upsetting as it should be. I'm so sick of being expected to accept the sick ideas of the mentally warped. I guess you are too.
Prayers - the belief in something better than what we're currently experiencing is refreshing. Hope is such a commodity these days. But I do hope, with all my heart, that things get better soon.
Until again,
DeletedEAR dIEDRE, it seems you submitted this comment yesterday at 15:45. I discovered it in my dashboard about 15 minutes ago. (Somebody or... some thing... was apparently hiding it from me.)
A bonafide case study for me last week? And then a power outage zapped everything you had been working on?! Tell me more... if satan will permit it! :^D
I'm sorry to be the messenger of bad news, but... I can abbalouly promise you that things will get worse (...unimaginably worse!!) before they get better. Do you know why? Because... IT IS WRITTEN in The Bible (whichever translation you may happen to own).
However, I am thrilled & privileged to also be the messenger of GOOD NEWS!...
The Good News is that there is nothing to fear. Why not? Because... IT IS WRITTEN in The Bible (whichever translation you may happen to own).
Do not fret—it only causes harm.
(Psalm 37:8)
Do you know [Link> What is the Most Common Phrase in the Bible? If not, click there.
Yes, yes, yes!!! Things are going to get unimaginably ugly real soon. But I am so-ooo looking forward to it. Because that means "the end is near", and the end will be the beginning of {QUITE LITERALLY!} peace on Earth! All we need to do is get right with God and prepare as best we can. HE will take care of the rest.
If you wish to discuss this further, shoot me an Email. (Got an Email address for me? If not, give me yours in a comment. I will copy the address & then delete it, rather than posting it.)
Everything -- and I do mean *EVERYTHING* -- is proceeding right on schedule, according to God's timeline. And rest assured that God is literally "Almighty", and *ONLY* He has, or ever will have, control over the Keyboard of the Eternal Computer In The Sky. :^D
satan is in semi-control for now, but... "he knows that he has a short time". (Revelation 12:12)
~ D-FensDogG
DeleteCheck your Email InBox. If there ain't nut'n there, then Spam might be hiding something from ya.
~ D-FensDogG
As perhaps your most devoted non-reader, I was dismayed that I found this point and was compelled to read it! That leads me to praise you for what you wrote, and to pose this question: Did Mr. Jefferies answer your comment?
ReplyDeleteSixgun McItchyscratchy
Mister McItchyscratchy
Delete(indeed my most devoted non-reader!) ~
Ha! Yes, sir, Six. Mr. Jefferies thanked me for the comment and stated that I had made some good points. A smattering of his followers also added some "Thumbs Up" clicks to my comment.
I can still remember how I felt in 1994 when I fully realized what is going on. I felt *desperate* to try to alert everyone so we could save the country and the world. Later, when I became more knowledgeable about The Word Of God, a great peace settled upon me. I realized that "what is written" is etched in granite and no mortals can alter it. So then my efforts became focused on individuals rather than the whole country and the entire world. (People can be saved, but this evil system CANNOT be!)
~ D-FensDogG