This is Part 2 of 2. Part 1 is here.
(Psst! The "dog" is in Part 1.)
For me, those are the Spiritual messages being primarily conveyed in the wonderful film 'MARY POPPINS'. Being an angel from God, Mary is able to alter "perceptions" at will. The movie seems to address how it is our own personal perceptions that impact what we "think" is real (what we seemingly experience as "real"), and what we "think" is important in life.
Mary: "Never judge things by their appearance. I'm sure I never do!"
Let us not be fooled by false Appearances; and let us be vigilant in aligning our Priorities with God's value scale, eschewing the manner in which "this world" misjudges things..
Ever heard of the famous saying, "Change your mind, change your life"? Mary changes minds, she alters the way others perceive big and little things. I feel that the movie entertainingly illustrates to some extent what my Spiritual slogan is hinting at, and what I believe is probably True in a deep, mystical way. It requires some real Spiritual understanding to wrap the mind around this idea or concept.
Thirty years of diligently studying The Holy Bible, and my quest to understand ultimate Spiritual Truth, has led me to take a cursory look at Quantum Mechanics. This has been addressed in a few books I've read over the years.
Thirty years of diligently studying The Holy Bible, and my quest to understand ultimate Spiritual Truth, has led me to take a cursory look at Quantum Mechanics. This has been addressed in a few books I've read over the years.
{*Click on photos to enlarge them and read the text.*}
In another book I read which addressed elements of Quantum Mechanics, the author stated that a number of scientists who have studied this subject in great detail have reached a point where they believe the word that seems to best describe what we think of here as reality is an "IDEA". In other words, what a person or people imagine or believe has a strong effect on what they perceive to be their reality / our collective reality. You change the "idea" and the so-called "reality" changes with it.
I'm reminded of Jesus saying, "Let it be to you according to your faith" (Matthew 9:29) and "Your faith has made you well" (Luke 8:48). This seems to coincide perfectly with the concept that our perception of reality is primarily associated with our ideas, thoughts or beliefs.
Where does a Man walk on water? In a dream. That's my answer, because walking on water (or flying without wings) strikes me as being almost stereotypical dream imagery. (I have not walked on water in any of my dreams, but I have been able to fly without wings on several occasions. And I didn't even need an umbrella, like Mary Poppins does.)
On the first page of that Bible Cheat Sheet I sent to you a year or so ago, you will find one category titled "WE ARE SLEEPING". It includes 4 Bible verses that seem to be alluding to the idea that we are asleep and that what we think of here on Earth as "reality" is in fact a dream (or better yet, a nightmare) that we are collectively having. My Spiritual slogan may be more accurate, may coincide with Spiritual Truth to a greater degree than you have likely imagined.
In another book I read which addressed elements of Quantum Mechanics, the author stated that a number of scientists who have studied this subject in great detail have reached a point where they believe the word that seems to best describe what we think of here as reality is an "IDEA". In other words, what a person or people imagine or believe has a strong effect on what they perceive to be their reality / our collective reality. You change the "idea" and the so-called "reality" changes with it.
I'm reminded of Jesus saying, "Let it be to you according to your faith" (Matthew 9:29) and "Your faith has made you well" (Luke 8:48). This seems to coincide perfectly with the concept that our perception of reality is primarily associated with our ideas, thoughts or beliefs.
Where does a Man walk on water? In a dream. That's my answer, because walking on water (or flying without wings) strikes me as being almost stereotypical dream imagery. (I have not walked on water in any of my dreams, but I have been able to fly without wings on several occasions. And I didn't even need an umbrella, like Mary Poppins does.)
On the first page of that Bible Cheat Sheet I sent to you a year or so ago, you will find one category titled "WE ARE SLEEPING". It includes 4 Bible verses that seem to be alluding to the idea that we are asleep and that what we think of here on Earth as "reality" is in fact a dream (or better yet, a nightmare) that we are collectively having. My Spiritual slogan may be more accurate, may coincide with Spiritual Truth to a greater degree than you have likely imagined.
How secure is the "reality" of Mr. George Banks when his son, possessing only two pennies, can cause a run on a long-established bank? That scene makes me Chuckle-😄ut-Loud every time I see it!
FUN FACT: In my childhood years, flying kites was actually a fun activity that was pretty common in parks and on school playgrounds on weekends. I have memories of my own Pa, in the mid-1960s, taking us kids to grassy areas a couple of times and flying kites with us. This really WAS a bonding sort of experience that dads and kids shared way back when the world was *relatively* sane. I can't remember the last time I saw anyone flying a kite. Now we have drones being flown about, but those are more for adults than they are bonding activities between parents and their children.
That concludes the trip through my own Spiritual interpretation of the truly wonderful 1964 Disney classic 'MARY POPPINS'. Now, I gotta run. I have a date with Mary; we're going to have a jolly holiday together and drink a practically perfect amount of...
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Having been made aware (reminded, because I always forget to look... sometimes you go months between posts!) of this blog bit, I was drawn to read it. (I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.)
ReplyDeleteIt is excellent. It makes me actually want to watch the movie again, and as I think you know - I was never a fan. Perhaps I, more than any of your friends, should have made the connection you are making. I don't say that because I have anything up on your other buddies in the spirituality department. Just, rather - as we've discussed - I think we share some similarities in regard to our view of reality.
As I think I mentioned a year or two ago via email, I was not enamored with the movie as a kid. My parents took me to it when it was released. and I remember thinking it was stupid. I was bothered by the combining of live action and cartoon, I didn't see the point of the story, and was expecting something different. But, I was a kid and not looking for more or different than Disney usually provided. So I will grant that I'll have to re-examine on this one!
One strong memory of watching the movie was that we saw it at the Campus Drive-In in San Diego.
I knew nothing about the birds and the bees at that point, but my parents had to move the car. I started asking them what was going on in the car right next to us, because it was rocking like mad and a woman was screaming. Years later I said: "Ah HA!!"
Sheboyganboy Six
McBrother Sheboyganboy ~
DeleteTerrific comment! And I sincerely thanks ya for the compliment, Good Sixsir! Truly pleased you enjoyed reading this post. I don't know if this is true or not, but I want to think that I am the only person who has ever used the words "Mary Poppins" & "Quantum Mechanics" in a single blog bit. Either way, I get 48 kudos for that. And you get 48 kudos for the Jessica Rabbit remark. I love, Love, LOVE that movie, too!
I'm sure I've told you this before, but in 1978 I had a scene in a movie with Jessica Rabbit. She was known as Amy Irving at that time, and later came to be known as Mrs. Spielberg. We were both in an institute for psychically gifted youngins and her ability was being tested by seeing how accurately she could read my mind (the symbols I was telepathically sending to her). It was a Brian DePalma movie starring Kirk Douglas called 'The Fury'. Bad movie! But I got my 15 seconds of fame (sans dialogue).
This is the first E-Ticket blog bit I have been inspired to write in a lo-ooo-ng time. I actually thought about you while I was putting this together because I knew that the interpretation I have assigned to this movie was, to a fair degree, also aligned with the way you think of Spiritual reality and false appearances, etc.. I figure that if you watch the movie again with the interpretation I (apparently) invented for it, you'll enjoy it a great deal more than you did as a kiddo.
If you do re-watch it, I suggest that afterwards you also watch this very interesting 50-minute program that can be found at YouTube:
The Making of Mary Poppins (1964) | Full Documentary
That was good stuffs!
I fully understand how kids can miss so much. For example: I loved the TV series 'Batman' as a child. I pretty much lived for that show. But watching it now as an adult, I may like it even more so because I realize how clever and funny it was. As a child, I thought the show was deadly serious and never picked up on a single trace of humor in any of the 3 seasons' worth of episodes.
Also, for another example, last night I watched the old Twilight Zone episode 'A Kind Of Stopwatch' (1963). That episode completely & utterly freaked me out when I was a kid. I never realized that it was humorous and what an annoying twit the main character was! Yeah, sometimes kids just don't have enough experience to see some of the finer details and to grasp subtle messages.
Another thing I like about 'Mary Poppins' is the word "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". It makes for a fantastic password. No hacker would ever think of it and so I use it for everything -- my health insurance plan, my debit card, my credit card, and all of my banking accounts!
(Hmmm.... Perhaps I've said too much. ;-)
Really cool pictures of the old drive-in theatre! I love that stuffs! I clicked on a link that led me to the address where it was located: 4565 College Avenue, San Diego.
I'm pert-sure I mentioned this to you before, but one of my very, VERY favorite possessions is a cassette tape (now transferred to CD) from Sept. 21, 1985 titled 'Me, Lynth & The Beach Report' (random songs and disc jockey yakking). To me it is like stepping into Mr. Peabody's 'Waybac Machine'. And the very first words heard on Side A are "Highway 94 and College Avenue". It was referring to San Diego, because the radio station, 69 XTRA Gold, was located just across the border in Tijuana, Mexico.
There's a great series of articles online about that wonderful but defunct radio station:
1985 was kind of "the end of the good times" to me. So that 9/21/'85 tape contains a lot of beautiful memories.
Thanks again for the fun the comment, McBruhthuh.
~ D-FensDogG
Very interesting posts on Mary Poppins, Stephen. I always loved that movie too, mostly because I wanted a Mary in my life who was sweet, firm and unflappable. And "angel" is a great description of her and Bert.
ReplyDeleteI'm also very interested in the Quantum Physics aspect. I worked as a temp at the University of Maryland's Quantum Physics Department for a short time, and had to type the notes of one professor. Obviously most went over my head, but some of it was so mind-blowing that I did further research into it.
My entire life has had spiritual or supernatural aspects to it. When I was little I used to think I left my body and went to the top of the classroom. Now they tell me it's because of abuse, but I felt free in that classroom. I remember the sensation as if it were yesterday. I also "saw" things, and until 5 years old, I had "family" that visited me when I was falling asleep. They gave me comfort when I was little, but as I grew older it upset me. I couldn't see them clearly, and they became fuzzier and more transparent. Eventually they stopped coming, or I lost my ability to see them. The idea of Quantum Physics, that we are not tethered by earthly planes of existence, has always made so much sense to me. There are different dimensions. Simultaneous realities. I often feel that I am not alive. I do not exist here. I know the psychiatrists would have a field day, but again, it doesn't happen when I'm upset. Often when I'm calm. My dreams are filled with colors and warnings. Many which have manifested, and when I fly in dreams I can PUSH myself, as if on a swing and slow down and speed up as I fly throughout the sky.
I often feel so heavy here. My legs are like iron. I know that God lightens us as we get closer to him. I've been told by "professionals" that I could have Schizoaffective disorder. Or maybe I'm just one of those who are able, sometimes, to get a glimpse through the illusion. Maybe seeing too much can cause madness. Or sanity? Thank you!
Howdy, CINDY ~
DeleteThank you for coming by and for taking the time to leave such a fascinating comment!
I am a fan of classic Disney animation, so it seems only natural that I would like 'Mary Poppins'. But the more I watched it, the more attractive it became as I began applying my own Spiritual interpretation to it. Today, I count it amongst my Top 25 Favorite Films of all time.
Your background related to ideas in Quantum Physics is very interesting. And having read a couple of your posts that addressed dreams, I thought that you seemed somewhat similar to me in that regard. I've not had any sort of out-of-body phenomenon occur to me, but have had many peculiar Spiritual experiences and my dreams are usually quite extraordinary. I experienced my first lucid dream when I was just a little kid, and it seemed to be intended as a lesson about not fearing things in this external, physical realm. A friend of mine committed suicide in 1976, and shortly afterwards he visited me in a dream and literally mocked me for thinking that he was "dead".
My Pa passed on in 1996, but he has contacted me many times over the years. And early last year my Grandpa visited me in a dream to assure me that he knew how much I loved (love) him.
>>... "I couldn't see them clearly, and they became fuzzier and more transparent. Eventually they stopped coming, or I lost my ability to see them."
That actually seems to be pretty common with Spiritually-minded people. I don't know if you have any belief in reincarnation, but I am a firm believer in it, and many studies have shown that children who remember a past life often begin to forget about it when they get to be about 5 or 6 years old.
>>... "I often feel that I am not alive. I do not exist here."
I found that particularly interesting because...
Very close to where I live, there is an area that is approximately 30 square blocks in size. This area doesn't have any official name, but I have nicknamed it "The Ranchlands". There are some really old homes there (1940s? '30s?) that are on large tracts of land. In "The Ranchlands" there are places where one can find geese, ducks, chickens, roosters, goats, horses, and one place even has a friendly bull. I love to take really long walks in this area - walking for 60 to 90 minutes - and quite a number of times I've had this peculiar *feeling* come over me. I find me saying to myself, over and over again, "I'm not here. I'm not really here." This doesn't always happen, but when it does, it's a very, VERY distinct feeling or mood. I can't explain it, but I seem to feel as if I'm really more of a "shadow" than a physical being.
I also have a bare-bones theory that perhaps *everything* that seems to be happening now, in actuality, occurred in the distant past. However, for some reason (which I can't really understand & explain), we believe that everything is happening in the present.
Anyway, thanks again for visiting here and leaving such a very interesting comment. I genuinely appreciate it!
~ D-FensDogG
Thank you, Stephen! After I posted I thought I should come back and delete it. He'll think I'm insane, I thought! I'm so glad I've found a fellow traveler. I am Christian, but the past-lives concept makes so much sense. Maybe it is our Purgatory as we work things out. I don't know. I am so glad you have the people you care about visit you in your dreams. I've had a few, but sometimes a person will come out of nowhere and tell me something. It is truly amazing.
Delete"The Ranchlands" near you is very interesting. I used to dream about a town near the beach with a boardwalk, homes, etc., and I knew every part of it, but it is nowhere I've ever seen or been. I've looked but I can't find it. It's been awhile since I've had that dream, but I was always so happy to be back there, then frustrated when I awoke.
I think the distant past theory sounds very plausible. I don't have dreams about Vikings or the Middle Ages, just places that seem like they are at least 100 years or so in the past. Maybe we forget the older ones because we could never move on. Maybe we learned what we were supposed to then, and those memories no longer matter.
Great blog site - you have put a lot of time and yourself into it. Lots of interesting stuff that I look forward to reading. Take care, my friend. Cindy.
Part Two of my comment that I forgot to include! - "*everything* that seems to be happening now, in actuality, occurred in the distant past. However, for some reason (which I can't really understand & explain), we believe that everything is happening in the present"
DeleteI often think that there are multiple realities happening simultaneously. Quantum Physics sort of explains this. There is a spiritual "vibration" of some sort and we move back and forth between the "past" and "present." "Present" being what we assume is "right now." Maybe that's how the Saints bilocated. They learned how to travel back and forth. I don't think everyone has these abilities, mostly because the Godless society flushes it out of us. But people like ourselves still pick up that spiritual "vibration" and sense that "reality" is merely a trick of light. Shifting sand. "I'm not really here." "Time" is a vision that flickers past you, seen only for a second in the corner of your eye.
End of Part Two! Cindy
>>... "After I posted I thought I should come back and delete it. He'll think I'm insane, I thought!"
DeleteGOL! (Guffaw-Out-Loud!)
If I deleted everything I've ever posted online which I thought might lead folks to suspect I was insane, I would need to delete almost...
To borrow from my hero, Bobs Watson, in the movie 'On Borrowed Time', "I don't give a hoot" what folks think of me. And, methinks, neither ought you to do so.
Thanks for the excellent follow-up comment. I'll get back to ya tomorrow, when things quiet down hereabouts.
~ D-FensDogG
Part 1:
I nearly always refer to myself as a "Maverick Christian". Why? Because I don't want to mislead people. Jesus baptized me on April 6, 1994. (You might remember my comment to you on D.J.'s blog about how, for years, I said that God was dead in Los Angeles. And then after leaving the entire state of California, I was mysteriously compelled to return so that God & Jesus could reveal Themselves to me right there where I said God did not exist. UHP! I was an idiot!)
I've read the entire Bible about 30 times and have unquestionably been educated by The Holy Spirit of God. And there are some mainstream or "orthodox" Christian beliefs that I think are absolute HOOEY! (to put it very mildly). So I refer to myself as a "Maverick Christian", so that the indoctrinated Christians don't get the idea that I am one of them. Of course, there are plenty of mainstream Christian beliefs that I wholeheartedly endorse (e.g., the virgin birth; Jesus was the prophesied Messiah, the King & Savior of the world, and through His Sinless Sacrifice, we are forgiven; He was resurrected on the Third Day and is very much Alive today & returning soon, etc., etc.)
However, I do not attend any church today and haven't for a long time. Why? Because I probably couldn't restrain myself from standing up during a standard sermon and yelling, "BULLSHIT!", at least two or three times during the hour. No "orthodox" Christian pastor would want me in his congregation, and I'm good with that. It's best for all concerned that I keep "church" in my own home & heart.
>>... ""The Ranchlands" near you is very interesting. I used to dream about a town near the beach with a boardwalk, homes, etc., and I knew every part of it, but it is nowhere I've ever seen or been. I've looked but I can't find it. It's been awhile since I've had that dream, but I was always so happy to be back there, then frustrated when I awoke."
Hokey-Smoke! That reminded me of a short & true story that you may find interesting.
Continued Below...
~ D-FensDogG
Part 2:
DeleteEarlier today, I rode my old bicycle through The Ranchlands for a little over an hour. And because of this discussion we've been having here, I was thinking about the mystery of The Ranchlands.
As stated earlier, I don't *always* experience that peculiar Spiritual effect in The Ranchlands. Here's how I think it happens:
The Ranchlands feel very much like they were somehow lost in time. Some of the houses there are two or even three stories high. The streets are very wide and unmarked with paint; some of them are not even paved. And, astoundingly, there are some intersections there (even four-way intersections) where NO ONE has a "Stop" sign! There is very little car or foot traffic, and with some of the properties having empty horse stables and chicken coops, walking around in those 30-35 blocks elicits a kind of lonely vibe, and feels almost as if I've wandered into a strange 'Twilight Zone' episode.
When the conditions are just right (sunny, quiet, lack of wind), the mood seems to convey a "time travel" effect to me; like I've really gone back in time, somehow. The mood creates a deep feeling. At first, I'll feel like it's 1966 again, and I have gone back to Orange County, California. (I lived in Orange County through the 4th grade.) And then *that* feeling goes even deeper into my mind or soul, and I reach the point where I start mentally repeating the statements, "I'm not here. I'm not really here!"
I yakked all of that just so I could tell you the following:
Your story about the imaginary dream town near a beach reminded me that about 14-18 months ago I was in The Ranchlands and noticed, for the first time, a very small mini-market on the bottom level of a two or three story house. It was in the middle of a block and on the east side of the street. I thought to myself: The next time I come here, I'm going to go into that mini-mart and see what they have.
I spent the next 3 or 4 months trying to find that mini-mart again. At one point, while walking in The Ranchlands with my brother, I very nearly stopped a UPS or FedEx driver to ask him if he knew where the mini-mart was in that area.
I can tell you now, with 100% certainty, that there is NO MINI-MART in The Ranchlands! It was either a dream, or I slipped into some alternate "reality". But what's so bizarre to me is that I do NOT remember this as a dream. I mean, I have incredibly detailed dreams - just astoundingly detailed in so many ways - but when I wake up, I know that I had just been dreaming. However, this mini-market in The Ranchlands was *NOT* a dream, as far as I know. That is to say, if I saw it in a dream, when I awoke, I would *know* that I had seen it in a dream. But I don't remember this mini-mart appearing to me in a dream and contemplating it when I awoke.
Therefore, I can't help wondering if the mini-mart that I saw one day while walking in The Ranchlands was something that truly did exist at some point, but is no longer there. Could I have actually slipped into the past and seen something that existed before I moved into this area?! I really don't know, but even today I can still see it clearly in my mind.
These days, the only consistent blogging I do is at [Link> STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'. (Feel free to submit a vote any time you'd like to. The more votes I get, the happier I am!)
Back in 2010 I posted a 4-part series on [Link> REINCARNATION at my long-defunct blog titled 'STUFFS'. You might find that interesting.
Thanks again for your E-Ticket comments here, my friend!
May you always...
Bless & Be Blessed!!
~ D-FensDogG
Part 3
Cindy ~
Last night it suddenly dawned on me that I had neglected to mention something that I should have regarding the mysterious appearing / disappearing mini-market in The Ranchlands:
On the day I saw the tiny market, I was walking from South to North when I happened to glance to my right and noticed it on the ground floor of a large house on the East side of the street. The house was painted dark brown or dark maroon.
I was flabbergasted to see it there because at that point I had already walked through every inch of The Ranchlands several times in the past. I was mystified that I had never noticed the mini-mart before, and couldn't understand how that was possible.
For years now I have been doing a 24-hour fast one day per week. I usually start the fast somewhere between 11 AM and Noon on Sundays and end the fast at the same time on Mondays.
On the day I saw the mini-mart in The Ranchlands, it was roughly 3:00 or 3:30-ish PM on a Sunday, so I was in the process of doing my 24-hour fast. And that is the *ONLY* reason I did not go into the mini-mart when I saw it. It was clearly open for business, but anything I might have purchased, I would not be able to eat or drink until the following day. So I didn't bother going in, but vowed to return and check the place out within the next week or two.
I *did* go looking for the mini-mart again within about 7 to 14 days, but never found it. I've covered every inch of The Ranchlands multiple times since then (both on foot and bicycle), so I KNOW it isn't really there. At least not anymore... if it had been there sometime in the past.
I'm baffled by this mystery!
~ D-FensDogG
Hi, Stephen! Thanks for all the messages! The Mini-Mart story is an amazing one and I think great evidence for the different dimensions theory or even time-travel. I don't do drugs, although I did as a teenager, but I have had the feeling that I was on them, or in some sort of dream-state while awake. When I was at the top of the classroom is one example. Also, when I was little I would come out of my bedroom to go to the bathroom, and the fake tree in the living room would have "creatures" moving through it that scared the heck out of me. So much so that I started wetting my bed instead of braving the hallway to get to the bathroom. As you can imagine, THAT went over well.
ReplyDeleteAs we've discussed, when we are little and closer to our birth/death, I think we see through the veil, but it fades throughout time. It is interesting though how some of us still have the ability at times. As long as we have our feet surrounding Christ, I think we're okay. It's when we start to move towards the Occult aspect that I believe demons can attach to us.
I had the typical Ouija board scare that lots of young girls do and stopped that, but started doing Tarot cards. The readings were coming true, so I went further into it. At this time I was not baptized (not until I was in my 40's!), not in a Christian home, so it was risky. I remember walking to the local bookstore and looking at the Witchcraft and Magic section. One book I was flipping through was on the Occult. I must have been about 13. All of a sudden a woman came up behind me and said, "You really don't want to get involved with that. Let me buy you a different book." I was embarrassed - like I'd been caught, but she was extremely kind and nonjudgmental of me. She picked up the "Lilies of the Field," which had a picture of the movie with Sidney Poitier in it, on the cover. I was still so embarrassed that I said no thank you, but that is very nice of you or something. She watched me as I fled the bookstore. Now here's the fun part, when I turned back to look at her through the door, she was gone. She was nowhere in the store. I turned back so fast, she couldn't have gone anywhere else.
I believe she was an angel sent to save this sad little girl from herself. I stopped doing Tarot cards after that, then worked on my ESP abilities which if I practiced, got pretty good. I could have been the real Amy Allen in your movie! LOL Once I predicted 10 songs in a row on the radio. But I stopped that too. Still today I can think of a song and it is on or comes on. Or I say something, and the TV repeats it right after. I think I can pick up what has already been decided or is happening outside my knowledge. Sort of like your Mini-Mart. I think this also supports the different dimension theory. It's already happening or has happened or will happen somewhere and we just "spot" it or "notice it" or something. This is something John Keel wrote about, he was the one who "discovered" the Mothman events, that when we can "see" supernatural things, some of these things start noticing us back. And depending on the "thing," this can be good or bad.
I think all of this fits into the Quantum Physics theory that what we think the world is and how it works, is not correct. And if we put the idea of reincarnation in, then it throws everything on its head. I've always felt that reincarnation can fit into Christianity just fine. It seems to fall perfectly into Purgatory, but if I tell some Christians that, they'll kick me out of their reindeer games.
I'll be thinking of you walking through the Ranchlands. I believe there is something there that is trying to communicate with you or that resonates with your spirt. It's cool stuff. Stay safe. I'll check out your other page! God bless, Cindy
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the kind words. Thank you!
Yesterday was what I consider to be my "Spiritual Birthday". On April 6th, 30 years ago, Christ Yeshua baptized me in an L.A. apartment, because of all the times I said that God did not exist in Los Angeles. (God & Yeshua have terrific senses of humor!) I celebrated by riding "Good Vibrations" (my bicycle) in The Ranchlands and then watched some of my 'Goldenshadowland' videos. It's an exciting life, but someone has to live it!
>>... So much so that I started wetting my bed instead of braving the hallway to get to the bathroom. As you can imagine, THAT went over well.
Just say "NO!" to fake trees. (Well,... maybe a little Charlie Brown-er at Christmas would be OK.)
>>... Once I predicted 10 songs in a row on the radio.
Forgive me, but I just can't help wondering how that ability might have worked in predicting lottery ticket numbers.
[*wink!-wink! nudge!-nudge!*]
>>... I believe she was an angel sent to save this sad little girl from herself.
I have no problem whatsoever believing that's a genuine possibility!
I feel fairly certain that I have been visited by angels on at least three occasions. All three appeared in a female human form & all three interacted with me while I was living in Arizona. The first was one afternoon in late 1995 or very early '96, while I was working in a health food store. She looked to be in her mid-30s, I would guess. She didn't have "Bette Davis eyes", but she *DID* have "Janis Joplin hair". :^D
>>... It's when we start to move towards the Occult aspect that I believe demons can attach to us.
Agreed wholeheartedly! At one time I was nearly an expert in the Edgar Cayce readings and even worked as a volunteer correspondent for the A.R.E.'s Prison Outreach Program. (I still believe in many of Cayce's 'Health' readings, but the other stuff is very bad news!) And for about 5 years I was very much wrapped up in 'A Course In Miracles'. If ever there was proof of how diabolically brilliant satan is, it's the 'Course In Miracles'! After about 5 years I became suspicious of certain details and prayed to Christ about it. (Which is what I should have done even BEFORE investigating the Course.) 31 days after I began praying - on a very specific day - Yeshua gave me the answer in a remarkable way which still amazes me and makes me chuckle. (It was a combination Answer & Practical Joke, that only Christ could have pulled off!)
Hoot Gibson! I haven't seen the movie 'Lilies Of The Field' in a hunert years! I'm gonna put that on my list to see again soon. And speaking of movies, you have me bamboozled by this remark:
>>... I could have been the real Amy Allen in your movie!
I thought: My movie? And who is Amy Allen?
I Googled the name and found a songwriter, an actress, a Penn State Department of Philosophy professor, a photographer, and a psychiatrist. Amy Allen? Who she be?
Thanks again for the really terrific comments! You've obviously had a very interesting life with lots of fascinating experiences! And I'm really pleased to know that you are walking with Christ, because things are going to get wild (er... wilder!) soon. We're going to need all the faith and courage we can muster to get through what's coming soon to a planet near us. But with the help of God, Christ and The Holy Spirit, we will reach the glorious Promised Land.
~ D-FensDogG
Hi, Stephen! I thought you were in a movie??? Maybe it was another dream state. With Steven Spielberg's previous wife??????? Amy IRVING! That's the name. Forgive me if I imagined it all . . . it might have been in one of the different realities LOL
ReplyDeleteAh-Ha! Ah say... AH-HA!
DeleteSuddenly, the thick gravy thins; the bucket of Orange Juice in the sky begins to pour; the cart that left before the horse returns and opens the barn doors that were closed after the horse got out!!
Amy IRVING! Or, better yet, Jessica Rabbit singing 'Why Don't You Do Right?' OK, I got it now.
Fun Fact: 10 years ago I did a 'Battle Of The Bands' installment in which Peggy Lee & Jessica Rabbit went up against each other for bragging rights over that song. Peggy won, but I voted for Mrs. Rabbit.
Yeah, I had a 'silent bit' in 'The Fury', a lousy movie which included A. Irving. What I remember most about that day is that the director really knew what he was doing and I was in and out of the studio in about two hours or so. And a 'silent bit' was extra money, so that was a real win-win day for me.
You had me looking up some actress I'd never heard of before. She appeared in:
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Those are two movies that even Bill Gates couldn't pay me enough to watch!
I just got done watching 'Lilies In The Field'. This was probably my third time, but I hadn't seen it in about 35 years. It was better than I remembered. And Lilia Skala as 'Mother Maria' was *really* great! I would describe her as "Nurse Ratched in a nun's habit".
~ D-FensDogG