UFO visitors have been dogging our civilization for hundreds of years, and more likely, since the development of written language; perhaps even going back to the era of cave drawings before that. And if some interpretations of Genesis in The Holy Bible are correct, those “aliens” have been messing with us since about the very beginning of Earth-time.
Wanting to find some new, really topnotch, informative video pertaining to the idea that “space aliens” are in actuality demons, as a kind of afterword to my recent blog bit Semjase Sez: Earth Was Colonized By Extraterrestrials (Or, Between A Rock And A Space Place), I went to YouTube yesterday and just surfed around.
I couldn’t find any videos that I felt were either free of all misinformation or up to my ‘Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends’ standard. (You think that’s supposed to be a joke, but it’s not. I do have what I think are pretty high standards that have to be met for me to post something...most of the time. Seriously, I like to think that the dumbest thing about the ‘Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends’ blog is its name . . . and I didn’t even invent that; it was an insult some leftist loony liberal launched at me years ago. You know that story already, you know the gig!)
So anyway, although I found a number of videos making the (totally accurate) claim that UFOs and their occupants are in fact demonic in origin, I wasn’t able to find one video I felt was good enough and accurate enough to post here.
It doesn’t matter, because the previously posted Dr. Chuck Missler videos were more than good enough: 'Return of the Nephilim' - Dr. Chuck Missler. I mean, I wasn’t really expecting find anything superior to that fine lecture, was I?
But while I was surfing around in vain at YouTube, I suddenly had the idea to look for that excellent interview Alex Jones conducted with Aaron Russo years ago.
Aaron Russo, if you don’t know, was a film producer and director, best known for the movies Trading Places, Wise Guys, and The Rose. He passed away in August of 2007.
Aaron Russo was also a very knowledgeable political activist who fought against the Illuminati and its “New World Order”, even after Nick Rockefeller attempted to recruit Russo into his family’s Illuminati crime syndicate. The documentary this courageous man made, 'America: Freedom To Fascism', is something that every single American should not only see, but should own, so they can pass it on to the next generation as a warning.
Although I already owned ‘America : Freedom To Fascism’, it was my buddy BR’ER MARC who made me aware of the Alex Jones production ‘REFLECTIONS AND WARNINGS: An Interview With Aaron Russo’. Br’er Marc loaned me his copy and I never forgot some of the revelations that came from Russo in that interview.
I really need to buy myself a copy of that DVD also, but in the meantime, having located it at YouTube, I’m posting it here. I urge you to watch the interview, listen to what Mr. Russo has to say, evaluate his demeanor, and see if you don’t agree that he is sincere, that he is courageous, and that he seems like a very nice man.
I like the fact that in this 90+ minute interview, Russo even contradicts and corrects Alex Jones on his misconceptions in a couple of places. This goes to show that Russo really knew his stuff and that he was NOT Alex Jones’ “Yes Man”.
For those readers of my blog who don’t have enough free time right at this moment to watch this fascinating interview in its entirety, I am posting just above the “full film”, a clip of one of its major highlights: a ten-minute excerpt in which Mr. Russo speaks about things revealed to him in private conversations with Nick Rockefeller; things pertaining to 9/11, the phony war against terrorism, and the real agenda behind the formation of the Feminist (or "Women's Liberation") movement in the 1960s.
You really should return here and watch the whole interview, but whatever you do, DO NOT MISS THE 10-MINUTE HIGHLIGHT below.
My Americonned Brothers and Sisters, things ain’t what you think they are . . . and they NEVER were!
Ten-minute “must-see” highlight:
Rockefeller Reveals 9 11 FRAUD and New World Order to Aaron Russo
Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo {Full Film}
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
I always wondered if you were going to do a blog bit on this video. Glad you did. I remember the first time I saw it. What made this more than compelling was that Russo actually gave up rich's, fame, and the like to fight for freedom. This guy could have had anything he wanted. He blacklisted himself from the Hollywood elite by standing up for what he believed in. He turned down wealth and power from Nick Rockefeller to stand for freedom. The fact that he admidts he was tempted by Nick's offer is just added credibility (if your going to lie why say you were tempted to take the deal).
ReplyDeleteNow his sincerity in the interview by it self is not a guarantee for truth (though it should more than rule out alterior motives to anyone with two brain cells). However, anyone can do just some modest research on these topics and should be able (as of the date i'm writing this) to find more than enough proof from great books like: The Creature From Jekyll Island By G. Edward Griffin, Crossing The Rubicon By Ruppert, Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley, and many others.
Great work brother,
Thanks for your fine comment, BR'ER!
ReplyDeleteIn fact, I had always intended to post something about this interview, and I think I might have mentioned it a time or two in passing, but I had always focused more on Russo's movie 'America: Freedom To Fascism' because that's where the meat really is - the verifiable facts.
This interview may be more hearsay and it may be something better viewed after a person has already seen 'America: Freedom To Fascism', but having already promoted that movie on this blog on numerous occasions, I figured it was time I spotlighted this interview.
Thanks again to you for making me aware of it years ago, Bro. I don't see how anyone could watch 'America: Freedom To Fascism' followed by this interview, and walk away thinking that Russo was speaking anything but the truth.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteUFO's - Aliens - Demons - have you ever seen shadows of men, without people attached to them.
Aaron Russo - Ah, the nostalgia of it all. Not quite the same as those nights with ELP, but frightening all the same. Made more real by the fact that I live smack dab in the middle of one of his revelations at this very moment. What am I, just that lucky, or what? Nah. No coincidences. Apparently, God wants me in the path.
With just a teeny bit of research, I found an interesting 'personal' connection to Aaron Russo -I had no idea.
BTW - NOT even a small revelations, about the Woman's Lib Movement, but what I have always contended. It isn't over yet, only now they work it in reverse (you know, play it backwards if all else fails to hear the secrets). This is what I was trying to explain to you in that epistle I sent a few weeks ago. Proof that I am lousy writer, it took me 1525 words to explain what he was told in about 5 words. But,then I have a heart and I put it on the line a little too often, in all sorts of way. Those guys They/Them, there is nothing inside. They are just the lackeys for the real shadows. It is kind of funny, hilarious in fact, that they think they are the puppet master, when in fact they are the puppets.
I have a question. A rhetorical one, not meant to be 'fighting words', I'm sincerely wondering. (I would be more comfortable putting this question in a email, but you have said you would rather answer my questions here so your other readers could weigh in. That said, no 'hard feelings' if you decide not to publish this comment.)
What would you have the Americoned (I first typed Americooned -funny don't you think, if not completely UNPC. OK, that was my upbringing showing.) people do with this information?
Part 1 Of 2:
>> . . . UFO's - Aliens - Demons - have you ever seen shadows of men, without people attached to them.
I’m not sure if by that you mean what are often referred to as “shadow people”, or if you’re hinting at something else entirely.
I have never seen a “shadow person” (if that’s what you’re alluding to), but I think we have all had those experiences where we’re sure we saw the shadow of SOMETHING move in our peripheral vision, only to glance quickly in that direction and find no one and nothing there.
>> . . . Aaron Russo - Ah, the nostalgia of it all. Not quite the same as those nights with ELP, but frightening all the same. Made more real by the fact that I live smack dab in the middle of one of his revelations at this very moment. … With just a teeny bit of research, I found an interesting 'personal' connection to Aaron Russo - I had no idea.
These are the sorts of comments that drive me a little bit crazy. Can you please just come out and say what you’re hinting at here? WHAT Russo revelation are you living smack dab in the middle of? WHAT is this “personal connection” you have to Aaron Russo? I want to delve right into it, I don’t wanna spend time drawing it out first. Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? I’m interested in the meat and potatoes of this. Please put it on the plate.
>> . . . BTW - NOT even a small revelations, about the Woman's Lib Movement, but what I have always contended. It isn't over yet, only now they work it in reverse (you know, play it backwards if all else fails to hear the secrets).
Not surprisingly, I don’t know what that means. They play WHAT backwards? And HOW is it done?
>> . . . it took me 1525 words to explain what he was told in about 5 words.
OK, well, I assume you’re referring to the Illuminati’s funding and promotion of the Women’s Lib (Feminist) movement. Yes, I already knew that it (and most other subversive movements in this country) was being funded by the Illuminati (International Bankers) through their foundations.
[An important book that I wish every American would read is ‘Foundations: Their Power And Influence’ by Rene Wormser.]
But I found it interesting to hear Aaron Russo openly state that Nick Rockefeller had openly stated that the Rockefeller Foundation was behind the Women’s Lib movement as a way to tax the previously, mostly unworking half of the citizenry, and as a way to push their youngest children into the government’s indoctrination centers as early as possible.
In other words, he openly admitted to doing what those of us who have studied these things for decades already knew they were doing. Still, it’s interesting to hear it straight from a former friend of an Illuminati member.
>> . . . They/Them, there is nothing inside. They are just the lackeys for the real shadows. It is kind of funny, hilarious in fact, that they think they are the puppet master, when in fact they are the puppets.
Ahh, you’re talking about satanic influence, right? ABSOLUTELY! Some may not be entirely possessed, merely satanically influenced, and genuinely believing that they are doing what will ultimately benefit the people at large. (I don’t maintain that EVERY member of the C.F.R. knows what wickedness they do.) But the core group, the true Illuminati, the “Circle within the circle”, they KNOW that they are the minions of the devil; they are not deceived, but conscious agents for “the prince of the power of the air”.
Continued Below...
Part 2 Of 2:
ReplyDelete>> . . . What would you have the Americonned ... people do with this information?
First, investigate and see if what I say can be confirmed. (It can be, quite easily.) Then begin educating the other Americonned citizens whom they come in contact with; start their own blogs and spread the Truth. Our biggest adversaries are “IGNORANCE” and “APATHY”. Don’t back down from the liars but humiliate them, openly, in public. Fight for The Truth!
Do what you as an individual can do RIGHT NOW, ON YOUR OWN. Jim Morrison sang, “They’ve got the guns but we’ve got the numbers.” Well, Jim Morrison was a moron, but he was half on target with that semi-valid lyric. We definitely have the numbers, and we have a lot of guns TOO!
But we don’t even need violent revolution to change things; start with the small steps. One example: Do you have any freakin’ idea how fast U.S. Government policy would change, and how fast the T.S.A. would get the boot from our airports if everyone who didn’t ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO FLY to retain their job, simply stopped flying? No more vacations, no more weddings, no more funerals. Just say, “F##k NO!”
Do you have any idea how much pressure the airlines would put on Uncle Sam within just a matter of weeks to get the T.S.A. (Totalitarian Sexual Abusers) out of their f##king airports?! Before two months had passed the f##king T.S.A. would be gone. GUARANTEED!
We have the numbers, we have many of the guns, and we have ALL OF THE POWER! Unfortunately, we also possess most of the “Ignorance” and the “Apathy”. And we have to overcome both the government and the stupid-ass liberals.
But the dirty little secret is this: The Illuminati is scared shitless of We The People. They know that if the majority of us ever caught on to what they are doing to us, they would be hanged publicly in every city in America! Their biggest fear is a mass awakening of We The People.
So, you ask me, “What would you have the Americonned ... people do with this information?” And my short answer is this:
AWAKEN THE AMERICONNED PEOPLE WITH IT! And in the meantime, do whatever you can as a ferocious Loose Dog, rather than acting like a submissive Lemming.
~ ‘Loose Dog’ Stephen
‘Loyal American Underground’
POSTSCRIPT: I read your previous Email (all of it, not just the first 3 paragraphs). I simply haven’t had time yet to respond. Patience... it’s a virtue.
ReplyDeleteSomehow, I missed this post, but sitting here waiting on a repairman, I have some time on my hands.
This was an excellent video (you lent it to me if you remember) and I wish more people would watch it.
Sadly, your comment up above still holds true-Americans are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs but are far too apathetic to do anything about it.
Four more years of the 'O!
ReplyDeleteDespite the beer-saturated condition of my brain due to all those Blind Beer Taste Tests, I do indeed recall loaning that Aaron Russo interview DVD to you. I had borrowed it from Br'er Marc who gave me permission to pass it on to you after I'd viewed it.
I still suspect, however, that the Marxist Muslim in the White House is going to be only a one-term president for all the same reasons I previously stated. In fact, some polls show him trailing Romney now.
Of course, after Romney is officially named the Republican nominee, that's when the media will unleash the bomb it is currently withholding about the Mormon church's traditional view of Black people...
If you aren't already aware of it, it's some seriously screwy fiction about an ancient war in the spiritual realm and Blacks have been punished with their color because they declined to go to war in defense of God.
When the media starts publicizing some of the goofy shit that Romney's religion teaches, that is going to hurt him badly. But I still think Obama will not get nearly the support from Black and Liberal voters he did last time; many of them will simply not bother going to the polls.
It'll be a tight race, but I still think Romney will squeak out a victory (not that it will benefit the American people in any way). We'll see.
But either way, it's "more of the same". The same people who control our destiny will remain in power regardless of who lives in the White House. But you already know that.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'