Call me a “homophobe” (I don’t care... REALLY!), but dogged if this doesn’t have
the ring of truth:
OK, look,
we’ve been hearing rumors about Barack Hussein Obama’s supposed homosexuality
for some years now. You know, the accusations of haters, bloggers, and who all else, yakking about
the seeming absence of former girlfriends of the now-president and all that.
I’ll admit, he has always struck me as more than a tad
effeminate, but seriously, who can’t say that? I figured there was enough
Marxist daddy, Kenyan homeland, stolen Social Security Card number, fake Birth Certificate skeletons in Obama's closet already to keep
me occupied. And I thought that accusing him of “not-liking-girls” was maybe a
little over-the-top.
But then my brother, Nappy, pointed me in the direction
of Obama’s unmanly performances on the mound. Uh, “pitcher’s mound”, I mean.
I initially posted a video of Obama attempting to throw
the first pitch at a Major League Baseball game in the 10th edition of ‘Sex,
Tattoos & Violence R Us’ (here).
OK, I’ll say it: That’s a seriously Barbie-doll-looking throw.
And at the time, I wrote the
In all seriousness, my Sister … throws a baseball about fifty times
better than does the non-birth-certificate-havin’ p###y in the White House. [And, no, “p###y” did NOT stand for “party”.]
And I
posted the following YouTube video:
Video: Obama Throws Out First Pitch
Having just gone back to YouTube to get the URL for this video, I saw where
someone going by the pseudonym expos1994
commented: “This piece of shit socialist throws like a
Kenyan girl.” Best laugh of the week for me!
Thank you, Expos1994!]
But even
having seen the feminine way Barack Hussein Oliar throws a baseball, I wasn’t
prepared to think seriously about the rumors of his highness’s gayness.
however, that has changed. Today, the website WorldNetDaily posted an article
titled ‘Trinity Church Members Reveal Obama Shocker!’.
Trinity Church is the one whose principal
preacher is Jeremiah Wright, whom Obama referred to as a personal “friend” and
“a great leader” in a 2007 speech. Later, of course, when news leaked out about
Wright’s racial radicalism, Obama threw him under the bus.
But now
we have an article that goes into much greater detail about Obama’s rumored
“gayness”. I tell you the truth: I have ALWAYS guarded my credibility
carefully because I have always known that once a person is shown to have
publicly made an incorrect statement, it’s next to impossible for that person
to ever again fully regain their credibility.
that’s the reason why, regardless of how outlandish some of my claims may have
seemed to be at times, I have always made certain that I could back them
up before ever making them public. And that’s also the reason why NO ONE
has ever proven me wrong or made me look foolish in a public debate. I may seem
like a “loose cannon” at times but I assure you, my every statement is
carefully researched and weighed before I make it. And my track record is proof
of that.
said all that, I’m not prepared to state that I am absolutely certain that our
President is a fag homosexual, but I will admit that the following article sure
seems to have me leaning toward that conclusion. While some witnesses remain
“anonymous” (even if for damned good reason), I will mentally approach this
subject cautiously. But... if I had to place a bet one way or the other, I’d
place my bet on the “gay way”.
Although the
(so-called) “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright does not at all strike me as the
“matchmaker-for-fags” type, I must admit that my “sixth sense” tells me that
the following WND article is probably far more “Wright” than Wrong. Click on
the blue title below, which is a link to the original article at WND:
Rev. Jeremiah Wright 'provided cover for gays'
you’ve read the article, now vote:
Barack Hussein Obama is:
[ ] Communist
[ ] Gay
[ ] Kenyan
[ ] Muslim
[ ] All
Of The Above
[ ] None
Of The Above
Note: The
answer “None Of The Above” will not be tabulated in the results of this poll because if you checked that, you’re a maroon, and we don’t allow the votes of
maroons to skew our poll results. We recommend you try voting on the websites
of ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and/or CHRIS “Thrill Up My Leg, 'Cause I'm A Fag Too” MATTHEWS.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
I'm going with "all of the above".
ReplyDeleteInteresting theory here that wouldn't surprise me all that much. I always did think that Michelle Obama is rather masculine looking. I'm not sure how all of these most beautiful woman lists rank her so high. She's certainly not someone who I find attractive.
As far as the baseball pitch, I'm not sure I'd want to use that. I've always been confounded by the photos of pitchers on the sports pages. They always look like sissies they way they throw. Then there's that whole analogy of being the "pitcher" or the "catcher" in a homosexual relationship. Not sure where that comes from.
And I'm not even going to get into the concept of football with all those guys in their tight pants bending over before the guys in the back row, and them jumping on top of each other and weird stuff like that. Who knows what goes on in those locker rooms.
Does Obama like football? How about Broadway musicals and Barbra Streisand?
Keep throwing the crap at the Prez--maybe some of it will stick.
Tossing It Out
ReplyDeleteYes, Michelle has always seemed to me to be more masculine than her husband.
Still photos of professional baseball pitchers usually make their arms appear to be oddly twisted out of shape, and yes, sometimes even "sissy" looking. But when you see that pitcher in motion, it no longer looks that way. Unlike Obama whose pitch looks "sissy" in the still photo, and even "sissier" when you see it in motion. All joking aside, he truly "throws like a girl".
And, yeah, I'd be very surprised if Obama isn't a major fan of Babs and Broadway musicals. His favorite movie is probably 'West Side Story', where all those sissies pretending to be street hoods dance around like... well, like sissies.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Of course though, I like Broadway musicals and West Side Story is among my favorites. Not sure what that says about me. I'm not much of a fan of Streisand though.
Tossing It Out
Perhaps not a profound remark, but this blog bit had me literally laughing aloud. "Thrill up my leg!"
Thanks for showing that this douche bag not only cannot speak without a teleprompter, he can't throw, either.
ReplyDeleteSaved by Babs.
Glad ya liked it. If nuttin' else, B.O. is good for a laugh. (As Nappy would say: "The kid's a loser.")
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Not exactly sure what to say about all this except; are you kidding me?
ReplyDeleteI guess I would have to agree with your brother, althought I still expect he will WIN next month.
People are strange, and Barry is stranger than most.
ReplyDeleteYeah, he'll win a second term... if Dead People and Illegal Aliens vote early and often. Knowing the Democrat party like I do, I suspect both of those groups will do both of those things.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Nothing surprises me, but I'm not convinced. It could be true, or not. They are throwing out many accusations with those who "won't give their names." Not that I can blame them. It just subtracts from the credibility of the piece. Yet, given the history behind Bohemian Grove, the elite, the well known sexual practices of many who have been elected previously it doesn't surprise me. Heck Gorgeous George W. Bush kissed a male intern on the forehead after a speech once. I actually remember seeing that live on television flipping through the channels. Come to find out it was a bona fide homosexual male porn star. Given the acceptance of the homosexual community in our society now I'm puzzled more and more by the cover up. I know Georgie Bush was probably spanking Chad Savage (I believe that was his name) while doing the pelvic thrust tango.
Heck if we last another 10 years they won't be trying to cover up sex with other men. That will be in the open. It will be articles about "did such and such president participate in over seas rape of young children and wild animals." By the way, I'M NOT JOKING. That could actually be what your future leaders could be doing if you figure how quickly were degrading as a society.
Br'er Marc
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm not "convinced" either. But based on what little I've read about it (including the follow-up article at WND), if a gun "be" placed against my temple and I "be" forced to bet one way or the other (and assuming I didn't just tell the gunman to "Go f##k yourself and then pull the trigger!", which is more likely), I would actually bet that it's true. As I said in the title, this has a "ring of truth" to me.
And ordinarily, I wouldn't care about a person's sexual habits. But in this case, the reason I think it matters and is worth addressing is because, if true, it further amplifies the "layered lies" that constitutes Barack H. Obama's public life.
At some point, you must expect that even former supporters will begin to question whether or not they want such a flagrant liar in charge of the most powerful nation on the planet.
Hmmm... That's the first I've ever heard about "W" kissing the forehead of some male porn star. But you're right, it's not hard-- - er, "difficult", I should say - it's not "DIFFICULT" for me to imagine any kind of sinful behavior from the 'Bohemian Grove' crowd... the freakin' owl-worshiping M.F's. Man, what a warped world we're living in!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
A Communist gay Muslim Kenyan. The man really knows how to pad a resume. I don't have nearly enough adjectives to describe myself.
ReplyDeleteI have nothing to add to this conversation except... have you seen the back muscles on Michelle Obama? She's 5'11, her shoulders are broader than mine, and her back looks like... well, like she could lift a few logs. And oxen.
As a straight man, I can appreciate a little bit of muscle tissue on a lady, but I'd be hard pressed to marry one that had a more masculine body than I did...
I know, maybe we should have her throw that next pitch? She's probably got a rocket arm with those pythons she calls biceps.
ReplyDeleteHave Michelle throw the next pitch. HA!-HA!
Maybe that's why Barack agreed to marry her. Her physique being what it is, he can sleep with Michelle but still easily imagine Michelle is a man named Michael.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'