Have you
ever heard of the supercalifragilisticexpialidociously talented songwriting
team ‘The Sherman Brothers’ – Robert and Richard? These members of the
Songwriters Hall Of Fame did a lot of songwriting for Walt in the classic
Disney era. Yes, they composed ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’,
as well as ‘A Spoonful Of Sugar’ and the Oscar-winning ‘Chim
Chim Cher-ee’. Also ‘Magic Journeys’ (my ultimate “Goldenshadow” song)
along with ‘Makin' Memories’, ‘Winnie the Pooh’, and ‘The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers’.
And if you’re still not convinced that these blokes, the Sherman Brothers, could
write a memorable tune displaying genuine wordsmithing talent, give a listen
someday to ‘The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room’ – the
soundtrack for the Disneyland ride of the same name. Yes, these bros were very clever!
Well, a
little-known song written by The Sherman Brothers, probably in the 1950s or
early ‘60s, is ‘Christmas In Los Angeles’. One verse goes like this:
It’s sunny Christmas in Los Angeles
Get dressed up in their merry Christmas masquerade
But no one’s ringing sleigh bells from a sleigh
Christmas in Los Angeles
In making
reference to The Palisades’ masquerade (Pacific Palisades Park in the city of Santa
Monica, California), what The Sherman Brothers were alluding to was the 14
life-sized Nativity Scenes showing the early life of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ, which had already become a very unique Christmas tradition in that
Western-most city in the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area.
This past
Christmas brought us the story about how a sniveling, atheistic jackass named Damon Vix
(who lives in Burbank, NOT Santa Monica), with the help of some
atheistdick comrades and the piece-o’-crap District Court judge Audrey B.
Collins in California, managed to get the Santa Monica Nativity Scenes ousted
from their traditional setting in Palisades Park (since 1953) on the ‘bullshivik’
charge that they violated the utterly nonexistent ‘Separation Of Church And
State’ principle.
Damon Vix - as I pointed out in a previous ‘Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends’ blog bit titled You’re A Mean One, “Atheist” – is just another pseudo-atheist who doesn’t give one damn about the rights of the majority or Constitutional integrity. “Damien” Vix is nothing more than a cry-baby jackass who wants to ‘reign’ on everyone else’s parade. And most self-proclaimed atheists are just like him.
Vix and his Dix even made national news in their (predictable) victory against the Santa Monica Nativity Scenes – a tradition I grew up with and still make sizeable yearly monetary donations to.
Damon Vix - as I pointed out in a previous ‘Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends’ blog bit titled You’re A Mean One, “Atheist” – is just another pseudo-atheist who doesn’t give one damn about the rights of the majority or Constitutional integrity. “Damien” Vix is nothing more than a cry-baby jackass who wants to ‘reign’ on everyone else’s parade. And most self-proclaimed atheists are just like him.
Vix and his Dix even made national news in their (predictable) victory against the Santa Monica Nativity Scenes – a tradition I grew up with and still make sizeable yearly monetary donations to.
full-page story about the controversy even made the 11/20/2012 St. Croix Avis newspaper in the Virgin Islands . A friend of mine sent me the
news clipping which included this: “So many people
don’t understand atheists,” [Vix] said. “If you
read the signs we put up, one said ‘Love is all around you.’ That’s really a
better understanding of who most atheists are.”
With the
newspaper clipping my friend included a humorous note which read: “Poor misunderstood atheist . . . he looks like a guy
surrounded in love now, doesn’t he?”
what Vix looks like to me is a homosexual (not that there’s anything wrong with
that). Vix works in the movie industry, and so did I for seven years. Gays have
pretty much overrun ‘The Industry’, and after awhile you learn to ‘recognize
the gayness’ immediately in many of them. I could be wrong, but to my
well-trained ‘Hollyweird Eyes’, Vix has “West Hollywood Gay” written all over
him, even if he does live in Burbank – over 26 miles from Santa Monica’s
offensive Nativity Scenes!
the newspaper photograph my friend was referring to:
Vixen Vix
surrounded by love.
I don’t know about, but I definitely see an Asshole on the far left.
These devil-dog pseudo-atheists managed to get the Nativity Scenes moved to private property, despite the fact that prior to their official protests, the Scenes did not cost the city (taxpayers) any money at all, because they were entirely funded by private donations (like mine) and the vast majority of Santa Monica residents really liked the Nativity Scene tradition in Palisades Park.
These devil-dog pseudo-atheists managed to get the Nativity Scenes moved to private property, despite the fact that prior to their official protests, the Scenes did not cost the city (taxpayers) any money at all, because they were entirely funded by private donations (like mine) and the vast majority of Santa Monica residents really liked the Nativity Scene tradition in Palisades Park.
For the
record, I don’t have a problem with a person deciding - after objectively
examining the evidence in detail - that they don’t believe in our Creator and
our Savior. (Although the truth is that genuine, objective, in-depth
examination will always lead a person to God and His Son.) What I DO
object to is when pseudo-atheists lie and use any underhanded means available
to spoil things for us believers. And as I wrote in You’re A Mean One, “Atheist”, the very few “real” atheists go quietly about their unbelief, never
bothering to make it known to us believers unless truly necessary. It is only
the phony atheists who make a big show of their unbelief and attempt to ruin
things for God’s people.
Below are some snippets that I copied and pasted from various websites which explain the background and purpose of the Santa Monica Nativity Scenes as well as the recent controversy about them:
Below are some snippets that I copied and pasted from various websites which explain the background and purpose of the Santa Monica Nativity Scenes as well as the recent controversy about them:
annual Santa Monica Nativity Scenes display is a community tradition dating
from 1953 that celebrates the true meaning of Christmas. From the second Sunday
in December through the end of the year in beautiful Palisades Park , booths with life-size figures
depict events surrounding the birth of Christ.
and motorists can watch God’s love for man unfold in the Christmas story along Ocean Avenue .
businesses and individuals pay for the event with voluntary contributions. The nonprofit
Santa Monica Nativity Scenes Committee organizes the display.
The 13
churches and Santa Monica Police Officers Association, which make up the
committee, and their representatives invite you to visit the Nativity Scenes in
person and through this Web site. We hope that the display will lift your
hearts as it proclaims the start of "the greatest story ever told," God’s
redeeming love through the coming of Jesus Christ.
WHO: William J. Becker, Jr. (The Becker Law Firm)
WHAT: Santa Monica City Council meeting
WHEN: Tuesday, June
12, 2012 ,
beginning at 6:30 p.m. PDT
WHERE: Santa Monica City Hall , 1685 Main Street , Santa Monica , California 90401
— Attorneys for organizers of the Santa Monica Nativity Scenes will ask the
City Council on Tuesday to reject a staff proposal banning the nearly
60-year-old Christmas tradition and all other displays from Palisades Park . The Council will hear public comments
and act on the matter at a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 12.
year, the city instituted a controversial lottery system. That system led to disputes over the fairness
of the new rules when lottery-winning atheist groups displayed signs and
banners attacking Christian beliefs and left a full block within the park
The Santa
Monica Nativity Scenes will open Sunday, December 9, at a new location in the
2700 block of Ocean Park Boulevard between Clover Park and 28th Street . [*Incidentally, the new location - on private property – is very close
to the 1700 block area of Ocean Park Boulevard where I grew up.]
community Christmas tradition, dating from 1953, will return to its full
strength with 14 scenes with life-size figures depicting events surrounding
Christ’s birth.
“We are deeply grateful to the Watt Companies for donating display space that will allow all ofSanta Monica ’s distinctive Christmas
Story to continue spreading the message of joy, hope, and peace found in the
Christ child’s birth to residents and visitors,” said Nativity Scenes Committee Chairman Hunter
Jameson. He invited the public to the Opening Ceremony at 3 p.m. December 9 in Clover Park next to the display for
Christmas carols and recital of the Christmas story. … The lighted Scenes will
be on display until the first week in January.
“We are deeply grateful to the Watt Companies for donating display space that will allow all of
UPDATE: After a
small group of atheists stirred up controversy last year over the Scenes, the
Santa Monica City Council banned the display from its historic home of Palisades Park , provoking a federal lawsuit by
the Nativity Scenes Committee against the city for violating free speech and
free exercise of religion. A District Court judge’s November 29 dismissal
of the lawsuit will be appealed to Circuit Court. Details on the case are
available at the website of our legal counsel, William J. Becker, Jr., www.freedomXlaw.com. Our sincere thanks
to him for volunteering his time and to past partners Liberty Counsel and the
Pacific Justice Institute for paying court costs.
CELEBRATIONS IN PALISADES PARK : Jameson encouraged people to
participate in Christmas observances sponsored by other groups in Palisades Park this year. The Christian Defense
Coalition is sponsoring a Living Nativity from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, December 8, at the
park. People are invited to dress as shepherds or townspeople and join
in. Also, a friend of the Committee has organized Christmas celebrations
at the [Santa Monica ] Pier (southern) end of Palisades Park starting at 7
each night through December 23. Choir performances, caroling, skits, and
hot drinks are among the features planned.
DONATIONS: Thank you if you would be able
to make a financial contribution to meet expenses of putting up and taking down
the scenes and for storage, insurance, advertising. Donations are not tax
The full
14-booth Nativity Scenes were displayed in public in 2012, so in a sense . .
Damon Vix and his “atheist” organizations hadn't stopped
Christmas from coming. IT CAME!
Somehow or other, it came just the same.
December, I received a card with a nice note from Liz, a longtime Santa Monica friend of mine. She wrote: Wow! I
just saw your name on the list of Sponsors for the Santa Monica Nativity
Scenes. They are actually new and improved in the sense of being upgraded: new
backgrounds, new mannequins, new outfits. But, of course, it’s the same
Christmas story. Santa Monica needs more folks like you! Thanks
a million.
nothing changes the fact that the Nativity Scenes, for the first time since the
1953 beginning of this unique tradition, were displayed in a location other
than on the special, traditional Pacific Palisades Park bluffs site that overlook
the ocean and the pier.
To gain a
greater grasp of why it’s preposterous to ban references to God and Christ from
the public sector and why all Christian symbols and beliefs should NOT
be shoehorned into strictly private property, I recommend you click on the
title below and read the truly excellent
article by Robert Knight:
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I'm certainly in favor of laws to protect the rights of the individual, because those laws really can protect innocent people from grievous harm, discrimination, and injustice, BUT when all the "offended" individual has to do is simply NOT look at something, or NOT listen to something that is contrary to his personal beliefs, (or in this case, DIS-belief) it is absolutely ludicrous to harm the community to protect the pseudo-sensitivities of that individual. GRRR! It makes my blood boil. (You know what atheism is, don't ya? It's a non-prophet organization.)
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head with your description of 'atheist' versus 'pseudo-atheist' in this post and especially in the You're a Mean One,"Atheist" post. If only the pseudo-atheists (who think they are atheists) could absorb this. A little self-awareness goes a long way.
Guys like Vix have me searching for another doomsday calendar...maybe the Olmecs, Toltecs, or the Aztecs have something that works specifically for assclowns.
I would think the First Amendment would be a slam dunk here. Apparently not. This year, the governor of Rhode Island informed the public and local media that he was lighting the 'holiday tree". He purposely informed them ten minutes before he hit the switch, and then left the scene immediately afterwards so that he wouldn't have to deal with the questions regarding his decision to call it the "holiday tree". He's a middle of the road Independent after all but it would have been nice if he stood his ground and called it just what he calls it at home, a Christmas tree. And maybe, in this same fairytale, a judge would actually throw some of these lawsuits, and lawyers, out of the courtroom.
SigToo del Fuego
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment (which I agree with 100%).
Indeed, the rights of the individual MUST be protected. And that's why our Founding Fathers hated and did NOT establish a "Democracy", regardless of what the many brainwashed Americonned citizens believe.
Susan, I'm sure you've heard this saying before, but I'll repeat it for anyone who hasn't:
A "Democracy" is two or three wolves and one sheep deciding what's for dinner.
Our Founding Father's established in the United States Of America a "CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC", not a damned Democracy!
>>... You know what atheism is, don't ya? It's a non-prophet organization.
Ha! That's great. I don't recall having heard that one before. (But then again, I don't recall last New Year's Eve, either.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteThanks, Brother, for your fine comment.
This blog bit makes the (I believe) third post I've composed for 'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends' regarding this topic. Of the three, my favorite is the one you mentioned - 'You're A Mean One, "Atheist" - as I feel I really exposed the twisted psychology of most self-professed "atheists" in that installment.
I figured that other than a very brief, nutshell 'recap', there was no point in restating what I'd already posted at this time last year pertaining to these phony atheists and their mean-spirited, a-hole activities.
And you're right, of course, that the pseudo-atheists are quite lacking in the 'Self-Awareness' Department. Sadly, some of us understand them better than they understand themselves. (They are so completely transparent at times that it's a wonder they themselves can't see through it and discern their own true motives. Then again, if they could diagnose their own mental sickness, they probably wouldn't be mentally sick anymore.)
>>... Guys like Vix have me searching for another doomsday calendar...maybe the Olmecs, Toltecs, or the Aztecs have something that works specifically for assclowns.
Ha!-Ha! I LOVE IT.
>>... And maybe, in this same fairytale, a judge would actually throw some of these lawsuits, and lawyers, out of the courtroom.
That would be nice. Unfortunately though, most of the judges believe in the same fairy-tales and/or simply want to please those powerful people who butter their buns.
Great comment. Thanks!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
These people are a sad lot, a vocal portion of the ME generation that has existed through all time. They would take everything that is truly good from the world.
ReplyDeleteI've learned to be grateful for small victories. My gratitude goes to the people who quietly DO NOT go away, but keep finding that 'private property' in their hearts which allow us our freedom to choose and to those like yourself who so generously support them.
BTW - I had forgotten to mention somewhere; I finally googled John Savage- NOT A CHANCE he's not near as good looking as you, especially your eyes. You have much nicer, kinder, more thoughtful eyes.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand people like this. These are the same people who insist on working on Christmas day because they want to make a big stink out of not celebrating it. Here's an idea: you have a day off, so just take it and enjoy it, you dick. If they made April 30th National Atheist's Day and everybody got the day off, guess what, I'd just stay home and read a book while all the atheists gathered and celebrated... whatever they celebrate.
ReplyDeleteWhat's next? Is Damon Vix gonna come rip inflatable Santa out of little Timmy's yard and tell him Santa's made up and it offends him just because he's an atheist?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the good comments here. Work calls me now but I'll return later when time permits to add a couple more remarks to what you've said.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
You hit on a very powerful connection here. Most of what I call the "evangelical atheist" crowd are also "evangelical homosexuals". The chicken or egg moment for me is: Are they atheists so they can indulge the homosexuality without conscience, or are they gay because they've given their personalities over to a leader who does everything to upturn the way their Creator made it? I think it's the second, with a few individuals so self-deluded (to use one of their favorite terms)that they cop the first one too, just in case.
ReplyDeleteIt is not hard to see- from the outside- that these people are just puppets on a string. Of course, their powers of rationalization are too great to ever see it themselves.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the nice compliment. Honestly though, I think Charles Haid was right… I do look an awful lot like John Savage. I can’t speak to the eyes because I’m so busy using mine that I never have time to turn ‘em inside-out and look at them. But as for the rest of my face anyway…
To be honest, when people told me I looked like John Savage I never really “got it”. I had been a huge fan of ‘The Deer Hunter’ (probably saw it at least 10 times in the theater in 1978) and never once did it occur to me that I looked the least bit like Savage. And then the comparisons started rolling in. I’ll admit, when Charles Haid said I looked like his best buddy, it made me wonder. But I didn’t really give it much more thought until . . .
. . . about 6 or 7 years ago I just happened to stumble upon THIS John Savage photo and I damn near fell outta my chair! I thought: Whoa! I DO look just like him!
If you just add the brown and grey goatee I wear, THAT is pretty much what I look like, right down to (or up to?) the eyeglasses.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
ReplyDeleteApril 30th for 'National Atheist's Day'? Hmmm... I know you must have selected April 30th for some specific reason, but nuttin' leaps immediately into my mind. (Guess I'll have to Google it after I post this comment.)
I'd maybe select May 1st for National Atheist's Day, since it's already National Communism Day.
I like your idea about staying home on National Atheist's Day and reading a good book. I got to thinking: What book would I read on National Atheist's Day? Naturally it would need to be something that would get their goat.
The Holy Bible is an obvious choice. That would work. But then I read from The Bible every day, so it wouldn't be special for me.
Hmmm... Lee Strobel's 'The Case For A Creator' or 'The Case For Christ' would be good selections.
But, I think on National Atheist's Day I would want to read something that not only supports God but totally demolishes the unholy religion of most atheists. I speak, of course, about Evolution and Mr. Dumbshit J. Darwin.
So, I think maybe I'd select something like 'Tornado In A Junkyard' by James Perloff, 'Icons Of Evolution' by Jonathan Wells, 'The Politically Incorrect Guide To Darwinism And Intelligent Design' (also) by Jonathan Wells. Or maybe the tome 'Signature In The Cell' by Stephen Meyer.
Thanks to you, I'm all in favor of creating a National Atheist's Day, just so I can spoil it for 'em.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteI like your "evangelical atheists" label, because indeed their fervor for The Big Nothing, and their desire to ban the idea and reference to God and His Son is nothing short of xtreme religiousness.
>>... Are they atheists so they can indulge the homosexuality without conscience, or are they gay because they've given their personalities over to a leader who does everything to upturn the way their Creator made it?
I definitely get your meaning. Read my blog long enough and you'll find me occasionally saying that life has taught me that fairly often the answer to something is not This OR That; Either/Or, but rather, the answer is "BOTH" (depending upon the circumstances).
I'm definitely NOT saying that there are no Either/Or, This OR That situations. There are. But sometimes situations are a bit more complex than that.
I don't doubt for a second that SOME homosexuals have adopted an atheistic worldview because they know that the God of The Bible (the ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD) has pronounced homosexuality an "abomination".
I also don't doubt that some individuals may have been led into homosexuality by 'The Adversary' who seeks to undermine God's Ways whenever possible.
However, having grown up in the Los Angeles area and having worked for the better part of a decade in "Hollywood", I have known and spoken extensively with a number of homosexuals.
I have known some whom I was convinced "chose" that "lifestyle" as a form of rebellion against their parents or some other authority figure in their lives.
But I have known others whom I came to be convinced were quite literally "born that way". I mean, they were attracted to members of the same sex at the same early age you and I began to notice girls. They were too young to be "sexually rebelling" against anyone or anything, and they were too young and innocent to have opened themselves to demonic possession.
When it comes to homosexuality (gays and lesbians), I truly believe that each case must be evaluated individually because I sincerely believe there are multiple reasons to account for it on a case by case scenario.
It really would not surprise me if someday that elusive "gay gene" really is discovered in some laboratory. I'm sure it would not be found in the DNA structure of every homosexual, but I would expect to find it in a somewhat significant percentage of homosexuals.
Thanks for the good comment, Brother!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Let's donate money to the Santa Monica Nativity Scenes in honor of Vix's boyfriend. Now I think I'll go home, take a nap,and then go over to Thelma lou's to watch a little television. Yeah, that's the plan. Go home, take a nap, then go over to Thelma Lou's for a little television.
ReplyDeleteANONYMOUS ~
ReplyDeleteWell, do it then! DO IT! Go home, take a nap, and then go over to Thelma Lou's and watch a little television. Do it. JUST GO AND DO IT!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Oh, Stephen, good luck to you and yours.
ReplyDeleteGoober says, "Hey".
ReplyDelete~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I guess that's the way the dipsy doodle goes.
ReplyDeleteAre you sorry that you broke
ReplyDeleteyour mudder's heart?
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Oh yeah? You gonna make me?
ReplyDelete~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I missed this one, Stephen, but had read a story about the scene being moved.
ReplyDeleteAs many times as I make the offer, no one has claimed my $1 Million dollar prize if they can show me where in the US Constitution it mentions the separation of church and state.
Quite possible because IT IS NOT IN THERE!.
I believe the document says something to the effect of "making no laws respecting the establishment of a religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
Now it seems to me that banning a nativity scene would count as prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
But as usual, Liberal Thinkers in America are not really liberal thinkers, they just want their way. And like good sheep, the American people believe the "separation of church and state" sound byte and stand for this kind of BS.
And even though I have never seen the scene, I've donated just the same.
Ya see, I don't like pseudo-anythings! Especially pseudo-atheists!
ReplyDeleteYou've donated money to the Santa Monica Nativity Scenes Committee? Really? When did you do that? That's fantastic! THANKS!
Definitely a good cause, whether you've seen the fruit of their labor or not.
Yeah, pseudo-atheists really tick me off. (I guess that came through pretty loud and clear in this blog bit, eh?)
I also don't like pseudo-presidents. Not that we've had one in the White House ("Lied House"?) any time recently.
America, God is NOT blessing you,
because you are NOT respecting HIM!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteYa know brother,
We all have things we won't be proud of when we have to make an account before God on the day of judgement. Some of us will get in despite the fact that none of us deserve such love and mercy. We just had to believe God and in his son and we were saved. However, for all my short comings I truly feel for Vix. To have that much hate for the one true God. I truly hope he repents, figures it out. Because if he doesn't I personally would not want to be him explaining all of this. Just saying. It's not the earthly karma people should worry about so much. That Holy Karma (what we all know will be just) will really suck if you went through your whole life hating God and doing everything in your power to thwart him. I would hate to be a king herod, Mao, Rockefeller, Vix, or Hitler on that day. It will suck for a lot of people but it will really suck for those guys.
Br'er Marc
ReplyDeletewith ya.
Well said, Brother.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'