[DOG POUND NOTES are simply random thoughts, ideas, and maxims that have occurred to me. I am totally convinced of the merit of some of them. Others may merely be food-for-thought or even outright Doggy Doo-Doo. I'll let you guess as to how I categorize each of them.]
I think we need to ban Stupidity. And I don't just mean Auto or Semi-Auto Stupidity, but ALL STUPIDITY. Even Single-Bullet Muzzle-Loading Stupidity!!

~ Stephen T. McCarthy
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Al Bondigas here. Wow!! Ain’t evolution just grand? These are our future leaders, problem solvers and lawmakers folks. Strap your seatbelts and hold on tight.
DeleteWith luck, there really will be a pre-Trib rapture and we'll get "disappeared" from here before these full-on, brain-dead, unquestioning Kool-Aid drinkers finally leave Starbucks and their parents' basements and start getting jobs and taking leadership positions.
You could go to one of those anti-2nd Amendment protests and not find so much as two brain cells to rub together. Dumbest-phuqing-generation in the history of the USA! God help us!!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
It seems the same media that promotes no guns in the U.S. Is promoting guns in Syria. Almost a consensus among mainstream Republicans and Mainstream Democrats (I know, same thing) and MSNBC, CNN, alphabet soups on TV and government.... We should arm anti-Syrian rebels even though we don't know who they are. But Americans shouldn't be armed.
ReplyDeleteThe alphabet soup gang wants war with Syria for $ and ratings. They just don't want Americans to have guns. (And parenthetically because it's a cliché... The Oscars and politicians and celebrities should have armed guards - heavily armed guards - but real Americans should be arrested if their utility knife is too long). They're far removed from the regular people and the protection the Constitution affords regular people.
Bull's-eye, TONY CLIFDOGG!
DeleteOverall, no buyer's remorse from me when it comes to Trump. But one of the things he's done that I did not approve of was the launching of missiles into Syria after that (supposed) gas attack, which Assad probably had nothing to do with (if in fact it occurred at all).
I realize this wasn't really the thrust of your point, but I think we should get the phuq out of every foreign nation and their issues and learn how to lead by example instead of by manipulation.
Truth be told, the armed citizens of the U.S. are all that stands in the way of a global police state. And that, of course, is the reason The Wizards Behind The Curtain have been working so hard to disarm us.
Some producer needs to do a remake of the movie 'The Warriors', and this next time include an 'ALPHABET SOUP GANG'. Ha!-Ha!
Are you a fan of the movies 'Network' and 'Wag The Dog'?
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I heard some communists fed Hitler to start WW II or something. I'm glad the U.S. stepped in. And Korea was the last "good war"? that Ike, to his credit ended in six months like he said. No Orwellian perpetual war.. if proxy wars don't count. Why go toe to toe with the Russkies if we can all fund small countries to keep the fire going.
ReplyDeleteI know Network, have seen it at least a couple times some days back as a classic. With Faye Dunaway telling writers to do a Patty Hearst show to boost ratings. (paraphrasing) "So and so and his merry band of Bolsheviks - I don't care just do it!"
And Howard Beale. I suppose, sans him, TV is a tool.
Wag The Dog I've seen numerous times. Showbiz! I read the book inspiration American Hero which focused on the Iraq War - "Operation Desert Storm" good title! If you happen to have or get the DVD and haven't heard it - on audio track 2 or 3 Barry Levinson does full commentary throughout the movie on the mid-90's context when Clinton bombed stuff in attempt to change the Monica headlines. The media, pshh. I found Levinson's commentary as or more interesting than the movie. He likely knew more than the actors and "producer" of the war.
I own NETWORK. The speech that Arthur Jensen delivers to Howard Beale when he calls him on the carpet is pure nonfiction. So much so that I can hardly believe Hollyweird let that cat out of the bag for the whole country to see.
DeleteI have seen WAG THE DOG three times but don't own it. Based on what you wrote, I now intend to buy a copy and listen to the Levinson commentary.
Yeah, I remember all too well Bill Clinton calling on the military to change the Lewinsky headlines. Bill 'n' Hill are both complete psychopaths. But then the same could be said of most DC monsters. "The Pauls" are so few and far between in the nation's capitol.
The last "Constitutional" war we were involved in was WWII. The rest have been un-Constitutional "police actions". But then this country threw the Constitution into the trash before either one of us was even born.
It was American and British international bankers who bankrolled the "Bullshitvik Revolution" in Russia. And then it gets even worse from there. How many times has Amerika bailed out the Rooskies so it would have a convenient enemy with which to further its aims of global control while pulling the wool over the eyes of the Americonned Sheeple?
Alright, I better get on my mini-road trip / mini-vacation now before I work myself up into an emotional lather and can't enjoy it.
Yak later, McBrother.
~ D-FensDogG
Would You Like To See... 'It's A Wonderful Life' Come To Life?
ReplyDeleteI'm drunk off my ass on white wine mixed with Diet 7-Up. I don't care if it's the best wine in the world - I'm gonna drink it at fridge temperature mixed with - I already said that - Diet 7-Up.
Afghanistan is a "police action" for 17 years. If a cop frisked me for more than 1 minute I'd have a problem with that. The U.S. funded goofs to drag/bog down the Russkies into their own Vietnam.
And now the U.S. has been in 'Na -- Afghanistan for 17 years and counting. Makes no sense Bro.
You'll enjoy the Wag The Dog commentary more than I (and I enjoy it a lot) because a lot of it has to do with acting as well as politics. A lot about acting and the whole of making movies.
Complete side-note. I recall your buddy beat Sean Penn at chess and Penn ran into his trailer until your bud was kicked off the set.
And I'm spent on vino, famous MASH actor Bro.
In terms of working yourself into a lather, two points: JFK was so good at press conferences because of objective distance - he just saw it as a show(?) or so many painkillers injected into his back he was in a opiate dream-state..or having Addison's disease and knowing he didn't have long to live - he sure was in a hurry to get things done.
I think it was George Carlin who said he said he stopped caring and saw politics as theater. JFK already done it.
Politics is my soap opera, I don't really care who wins. It's a story. If it's gonna end in 2029 it's just a story and subplots on the way.
If you read this far - I'd be surprised if you did - thanks for your indulgence. On a side-note, I'm gonna watch it now. A Rand Paul near-filibuster. Again, it's not the politics or issues of it for me - it's not said negatively at all just damn good theater - Rand Paul can talk (for a long time as well) like nobody else... I suppose because he actually has something to say and means it.
I'm not even going to proofread what I wrote.
Cheers buddy/Brother.
DeleteThis was terrific! Only the second time ever that I wasn't the drunkest person in my comment section. (There should be "a major award" for that!)
I shall return (aka "I'll be bach") with an E-Ticket response sooner'n later. But right now... to bedroom, to bedroom to buy a few Zzzzzzzz; home again, home again, big as you please!
~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'
Delete>>... I'm drunk off my ass on white wine mixed with Diet 7-Up.
I read that and I don't think I ever felt that jealous of anyone before. Ha!
Not that White Wine and Diet 7-Up was ever my thing. Or even White Wine by itself, for that matter. But, Brother, I quit drinking last November, and there are times when I feel so... bored. I won't lie, I liked drinking, and I miss it. But... I did enough. I did my share of it... and a half-a-dozen other guys' share, too.
>>... You'll enjoy the Wag The Dog commentary more than I (and I enjoy it a lot) because a lot of it has to do with acting as well as politics.
That sounds really great. I'm gonna put it on my Wish List. Will probably buy it soon, however.
That Sean Penn story -- you've got a good memory, Brother.
I recall it as being chess, but Nappy (my biological bro) says it was backgammon. He may be right, because backgammon was a very popular time-killing game on Hollywood sets back then.
There's an awful lot of waiting on movie / TV sets, while the lights and cameras are being re-set after each shot. (There's far, far more time spent waiting in the dark than there is time actually spent working in front of the camera.) A lot of people liked to spend that "waiting for the next shot" time playing backgammon. (I mostly read, or sometimes drew in my sketchbooks.)
>>... I think it was George Carlin who said he said he stopped caring and saw politics as theater.
I can understand that viewpoint, but I could never share it. It's really just too important -- there are too many real-life (and death) consequences to political maneuverings and decisions, for me to quit caring and think of it as theater.
I mean, one bad, un-Constitutional ruling -- such as Roe v Wade, for just one example -- can have so many life and death repercussions that I would not be able to detach myself from politics that much.
>>... If you read this far - I'd be surprised if you did - thanks for your indulgence.
Ha! I read that far MORE THAN ONCE!
>>... I'm not even going to proofread what I wrote.
I like how you live recklessly, on the edge. Ha!-Ha! (This was a fun comment to read, DogG!)
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...