Hot Dog!!! (as George Bailey would say). That video provides all the evidence that anyone with at least two brain cells to rub together would ever need to see in order to know that there IS a conspiracy and the media is completely in on it.
One commenter added this great line:
Of course, just the fact that most people think we live in a "Democracy" already proves how successful the brainwashing has been.
I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
And to the Democracy for which it stands??!
The Founding Fathers detested Democracies and wrote extensively on why they eventually lead to tyranny by popular demand. And that's the reason our brilliant Founding Fathers gave us a... Republic. A Constitutional REPUBLIC!
As the accurate old saying goes:
"A Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what's for dinner."
.C'mon, you Americonned Sheeple, WAKE THE HELL UP!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Good stuff. I noticed in the W. Bush years the White House folks and Fox News were saying the same talking points consistently. Couldn't tell if Fox was telling the White House what to say or versa.. or a higher puppet master telling them both.
ReplyDeleteI never knew before your video do much of the media was in cahoots. Excellent video/wake up call. I imagine media sectors outside of TV are also often in the same echo chamber.
I thank you, Good Sir McDogG!
DeleteIndeed, it's an Echo Chamber that includes ALL communication venues of the Mainstream variety. And the Puppet Masters (or "Wizards Behind The Curtain", as I grew fond of calling them) pull the strings on the Puppets of BOTH Political Parties and make them dance.
Or as Bill Clinton's chief mentor wrote back in 1966:
The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers.
Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method.
These things any national American party hoping to win a presidential election must accept. But either party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, unenterprising, and vigorless. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.
~ Carroll Quigley
‘Tragedy And Hope: A History Of The World In Our Time’,
1966; pages 1247 and 1248
I appreciate you checking in and commenting, my friend!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Hey, you better watch out, if this makes little David cry then he's going to come for your sponsors.
ReplyDeleteThe democracy thing is funny, but my favorite part about this whole thing is his hypocrisy. Like how he talks down to adults, aka his "old ass parents", and how they don't even know how to use a "f***ing iPhone", let alone how to use a government. That quote referenced above. And yet in another interview he talks about how everyone accuses leftists of having a 'mean', threatening tone, but people like him don't have that and he loves everyone.
It's almost as if a 17 year old child is not a great source of logic.
Steven "Go Ahead and Come After My Sponsors" Crowder explains it all.
BTW, yesterday on Yahoo news they featured, front page, an article talking about Martin Luther King Jr.'s 9 year old granddaughter, who attended March For Our Lives and gave her thoughts on gun control.
A NINE YEAR OLD gave her stance on gun control and that was FRONT PAGE NEWS. Are you f***ing kidding me?
As I commented there: "Stay tuned for tomorrow when Yahoo features a precocious 6 year old who explains how we can win the war on drugs!"
DeleteYeah, that would be a tragedy if David Piglet got all my sponsors to pack 'n' go. That would leave me with NO sponsors, and then I'd have to go out into the big, bad "REAL" world and get a "REAL" job.
Oh, wait!... I already have NO sponsors and already DO have a "REAL" job out there in the big, bad "REAL" world. (Maybe Piglet ought to try getting a "REAL" job someday. ...And maybe try a woman, too, while he's expanding his experiences.)
"What's an iPhone,
and how does one use it?"
~ George Mason
~ George Washington
~ Thomas Jefferson
~ John Hancock
~ Patrick Henry
~ Samuel Adams
~ John Adams
~ Benjamin Franklin
~ Benjamin Rush
~ Josiah Bartlett
~ James Madison
~ John Jay
~ Henry "Light-Horse Harry" Lee
~ Paul Revere
David Piglet is lucky he didn't go to high school in 'Dogtown' circa 1976. He's the sort of pipsqueak that the bullies would have made hump the flag pole every morning for everyone's amusement.
~ #AllKidsOpinionsDon'tMatter
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
That makes sense, S-Man.
ReplyDelete"Indeed, it's an Echo Chamber that includes ALL communication venues of the Mainstream variety" makes sense, such as the NY Times and Bezos' Washington Post... they're just more wordy than TV abbreviated versions.
"And the Puppet Masters (or "Wizards Behind The Curtain", as I grew fond of calling them) pull the strings on the Puppets of BOTH Political Parties and make them dance." good synopsis as well as the one by Mr. Quigley.
The Democrats say "10" Republicans say "7" then they say, "Compromise on 9." Trump may be the first to say "14" or "4"
Congress and Media be like, "He's out of bounds!"
McDogG ~
DeleteYou're "Compromise" assessment is abbalouly spot-on! In fact, back in 2010, I wrote a long blog bit here at F-FFF titled 'X-Y-Z: THE MECHANIX OF AMERYCAN POLITICZ" [Abridged Version]' which was all about the method of Political Compromise that the two parties used to give the Americonned Sheeple the IMPRESSION that they opposed each other's ideologies, while in actuality, deliberately moving us incrementally in the direction of Socialistic Statism.
In a nutshell, the trick is that (to use your excellent example) "the Democrats say 10, the Republicans say 7. Then they say, Compromise on 9".
Then, this same issue will come up again in perhaps 5-10 years. And THIS TIME our reality is the 9 Position, that they had compromised to previously. And now the Democrats say 15 and the Republicans say, "We should stay at 9". They compromise us to 13. Then the Democrats say to their constituency, "We fought hard and were able to get you 13 from those nasty Republicans." And the Republicans say to their conservative base, "We fought hard for you and managed to keep the Democrats from getting 15."
But the truth is, 5-10 years ago, the Democrats were saying they would be satisfied with 10. Now we're at 13 and both parties are claiming victory! And secretly, the leaders of both parties already know that they are eventually going to keep compromising us Leftward until we get to 100, where all personal Liberty is gone and they have us living in their Orwellian Global Police State.
It's the oldest tactic known to warfare, Divide & Conquer, combined with that sneaky "Slowly Boiling The Frog" method. The Americonned Sheeple believe there are two diametrically opposed political parties fighting against each other. In truth, that's just an "Illusion Of Opposition" meant to keep anyone from noticing that every year we compromise our way further to the Left, which WILL end in Global Tyranny (for 7 years, anyway).
And you're right that Trump is the first president we've had who is attempting to change the way the game is played. That's why both parties abbalouly detest the man and are fighting against him. His own Republican party hates him as much as the opposition party does!
Excellent comment, Brother. Thanks! It's nice to actually start seeing some comments get posted on my blog bits again and a little dialogue taking place!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Incidentally, it should be noted that Carroll Quigley was NOT opposed to the method he described in 'Tragedy & Hope'. He actually supported the whole "Fake Opposition" format that the Democrat and Republican parties were/are using. He was merely stating the way it is, not actually complaining about it. He was an elitist who completely supported the New World Order tyranny that we've been heading toward since 1913 and the creation the Federal Reserve System.
"And now the Democrats say 15 and the Republicans say, "We should stay at 9". They compromise us to 13." Excellent point. I hadn't thought about the 10 yard markers keep moving. "This is a game that moves as you play." Politics is played within the 40 yard lines is a cliché. I didn't realize so much. It keeps moving. In the most narrow literal sense: New Deal--> I forget what LBJ called it Big Deal--> National Health Care---> Sanders' College for everyone for free! Everything is free! You're life is free! And everybody is shackled. To the overlords who are giving you this stuff, making you indebted. Chains on your brain. For life.
DeleteI figured this is and that issue and the other issue got moved to the left. Incrementally. Now that you mention it, it does seem to be a broad sweeping thing (scheme). The whole thing does seem to be lurching leftward. And more stylistically contentious. But they all kind of end up in the same place, "Of course raise the debt ceiling" vs "We'll wait a few days before raising the debt ceiling the same."
Reagan, the 'last conservative' (Don't be talkin trash about America's favorite president... literally there was a poll a few years ago and people said Reagan was their favorite. Paul McCartney!) His son Ron Reagan - a liberal - perhaps rightfully so said (paraphrasing) people only remember back so far. Reagan did double the national debt. Granted, no excuse, that's like on an individual level you owe $500 borrow $500 more and owe $1000.
In modern times, if you double the debt from $10000 to $20000... you owe a lot more than $500.
And who's gonna pay for it, by cracky. My grandkids, no skin off my nose.
WF Buckley had a famous coin for National Review, "Standing Athwart History Yelling "Stop." I have no idea what that means.
When Rand Paul is one out of 100. I kind of understand what it means. Homie can talk. I think as you seem to note, As gallant as he is, he just can't stop it. The lady is tied to the (Vanderbilts? Hearst?) train tracks... whoever the minor barons of the past were.. they weren't like four media companies that feed the world. As I think you noted elsewhere, it's not built to last for human beings. Now if you'll excuse me, I must ask a robot speaker what the weather is and stare at my "smart"phone as I walk down the street with my neck curved like the pre-picture of full evolution. And order organic potato chips that will be delivered by drone within two hours.
I thank you for the platform for whatever abstract I just said which I can't remember.
Delete>>... Everything is free! You're life is free! And everybody is shackled. To the overlords who are giving you this stuff, making you indebted.
Right on! (To use an enthusiastic late 1960s expression.)
Recently, on another person's website ('Fellowship Of The Minds' -- I recommend it!), some woman took exception to a comment I had left and she criticized me for not wanting people to receive essential things like a college education and all health care for "free". She was touting herself as a highly educated woman who had studied history and economics and who had traveled the world, etc.
So, I asked her:
Since we're giving away free BIG THINGS like education and health care, why be chintzy and stop there? If expensive things can be had "free" for everyone, why not also include the cheaper stuffs, too, and give everyone free cars and free groceries, as well? You know, food is essential, too, right?
Her answer?...
Pardon my skepticism, but methinks she didn't understand Economics to any greater degree than does a dead dog.
Ain't nuttin' free. Someone's paying for it somehow sometime. You know this; I know this. How come we can't get the Liberals to understand such basic economic concepts?
>>... When Rand Paul is one out of 100. ... I think as you seem to note, As gallant as he is, he just can't stop it. The lady is tied to the (Vanderbilts? Hearst?) train tracks...
Yip! The names you're looking for read more like Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, et al. But, nevertheless, yip -- you've got it!
Rand is basically right. He got it from his old man, Ron, who is "righter" still. (America had a couple chances to vote Ron Paul into the Presidency but blew it badly.) Ron's book 'A FOREIGN POLICY OF FREEDOM' is highly recommended by me.
>>... four media companies that feed the world.
And then when one does the research into these media companies and all the other major corporations, one finds that the controlling stockholders are International Bankers (aka Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, et al.)
>>... Now if you'll excuse me, I must ask a robot speaker what the weather is and stare at my "smart"phone as I walk down the street with my neck curved like the pre-picture of full evolution.
Ha!-Ha! Spot-on, McBrother! In fact, I was just telling another friend the other day how, about a week ago, I was walking down the street in a place called Victorian Square, and I noticed that 11 of the 12 people who walked past me, going in the opposite direction, all had their eyes glued on their 86phones ("Smart"phones) as they walked. The ONLY ONE who did not was a girl about 7 years old who did not have an 86phone.
11 out of 12 were feasting on electronic propaganda as they walked to their next destination.
If I were the Benevolent Dictator, the Internet would be shut down until every single American had read and passed a test on the book 'THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve'.
But since few of us read books anymore, and it's all about Bread & Circuses for the Americonned Sheeple, there isn't much hope. At least not until about 2029. I think that year (give or take a year) is going to be the real game-changer. Until then: Crash helmets ON and seat belts securely buckled. It's going to be a bumpy landing!
~ Stephen
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
We can discuss this further at some point in the future. I think we'll have a lot of time on our hands to thoroughly cover it in about, say, five years. By then, Trump will have been impeached, 21 million illegals will have be granted amnesty and the "right" to vote (but NOT citizenship... unnecessary,) and your and I will be sharing a bunk at a FEMA camp.
ReplyDeleteWe'll have all the time in the world to discuss the Republic, Quigley, the Founders, and by then the newest (and proclaimed as PERMANENT) Secretary-General of the United Nations: Barak Hussein Obama. At least until - when did you say? - 2029?
McREallyitchyfinger ~
DeleteHa! Well, it sounds like you're not a believer in the Pre-Trib Rapture.
We may not necessarily agree on every single sentence, but we're both definitely on the same page in the same book. Yep, what you describe is indeed certainly coming. I've been saying all along (since during the 2016 Presidential Election campaigns) that Trump winning is only going to buy us a little more time to win more souls to Jesus.
There is no way ANYONE can truly MAGA at this late stage of the game. How do I know? Because The Bible tells me so.
But I can't imagine YOU in a FEMA camp. I'm pretty sure you'd go out in a blaze of gunfire first. And so would many others.
I could be wrong (wouldn't be the first time -- that was on April 23, 1983) but I really don't see Trump being impeached. That's a little too dicey for The Wizards Behind The Curtain. They don't want to see a full-scale revolution take place with half of the Americonned Sheeple owning at least one firearm, and some with whole stockpiles of weapons and ammo. The Wizards couldn't win that contest, even with foreign mercenaries working for them. The LAST thing they want is to blow their cover and lose control of the sheeple now that they've come so far and gained so much ground with their many deceptions. I believe that if they ever lost control of the Sheeple, they'd NEVER get it back again, and I think they believe that, too.
I could see them assassinating Trump with some "lone nut gunman". Or, more likely, assassinating one of Trump's kids, to reign him in. ("Get the message, Mr. President? Is this worth the lives of your family members?")
But I think outright impeaching him would be the spark that sets off the Revolutionary Dynamite amongst We The People. I don't think the Wizards would want to take that chance.
Oh, yeah, Barack as Secretary General of the UN. That idea has been floated around and he would LOVE that. That would be right up his alley and the skinny queer could do a whole lot more damage that way.
Yes, sir, 2029, give or take a year or two. That's my prediction (not the 8-Ball's - Ha!) Of course, if there really IS a major Pre-Trib Rapture, that might not matter to us and we could be out of here even sooner. But I sure ain't puttin' no moolah on THAT scenario.
Hey, McBrother, thanks so much for reading and commenting! It's been real lonely over here at F-FFF for awhile. I'd forgotten what it was like to have multiple good folk commenting on something I've put together. It's GENUINELY appreciated, Sixgun!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...