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'The Big Short' - a must-see movie! Easily the best film of the last 20 years!! |
My buddy, Julio, and I were joking about the coronavirus a couple days ago. (Yes! While you were panicking and "panic shopping", Julio and I were joking. See, we know who God is. If you don't, then go ahead and 'panic'-away. You Americonned Sheeple probably SHOULD!)
Julio said that as of a couple days ago, coronavirus had killed a grand total of 282 Americans. That's 82 more fatalities than falling vending machines are responsible for every year (200).
Stairs kill 1,600 people a year! The coronavirus is going to have to work really hard and start exerting itself more seriously if it wants to become as dangerously notorious and frightening as a flight of stairs!
{*Of course, when coronavirus turns out to be nowhere even remotely as lethal as the so-called "experts" in the Mainscum Media have predicted, the Ameritards will say, "It's ONLY because we closed down business in the USA and took extreme precautions that so many lives were saved!" Yip! Conning the Americonned Sheeple ain't exactly Rocket Science! Just keep repeating the same bullshit often enough and they'll eat it all up with a fork and spoon, and even ask for dessert!*}
A good friend of mine who has worked as a professional nurse in a Washington state hospital for many years has said this about the coronavirus hysteria:
"Public hysteria is far more dangerous than the virus. ... It's pandemic by media. Or pandemic in name only. So overhyped, and there is no justification for it. And yet, here we are."
So, how did Uncle Scam (he of the horns and pitchfork who rules your life) pull off this mass hysteria about... a phuqin' flu bug? Below is a video illustrating how it was done. All you gotta do is pretend that the yakking heads are yakking about coronavirus [*shudder! shudder!*], rather than whatever their talking point was at the time these broadcasts were recorded:
How To Brainwash The mASSES
OK, now that you see how you were frightened into a (totally unnecessary and economy-wrecking) panic, let's hear a voice of reason amidst the Chicken Little "The sky is falling!" hysterics:
Dr. Shiva, PhD | COVID-19
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I paid a visit to my 99-Cents Only store the other day and I got into the "hoarding" fad. |
Also, some days ago, my Brother and I had a textversation in which I made a list of my choice for the Top 3 of UNCLE SCAM's greatest scams. I'm not even sure what my own criteria was for determining how to number these events. Perhaps a combination of 'Most Detrimental To America' and/or 'Most Audacious'. Anyway, here's my list:
UNCLE SCAM's Greatest Scams:
#1: The Federal Reserve Act.
(read: [link> Our Monetary Mayhem Began With The Fed and [link> 'The Creature From Jekyll Island')
#2: The Fake Moon Walks.
(read: [link> 'Wagging The Moondoggie'; and watch: [link> 'A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon')
#3: The Coronavirus Scare.
(See: the inside of your local grocery store)
Certainly 9-11 (an inside job) would make any Top 5 (or Top 3?) list. And man-made Global Warming along with The Killing Of A President in broad daylight in front of countless American eyes would have to be seriously considered as well. And how about Sandy Hook?
This #FakeCrisis is being perpetrated deliberately in order to crash our economy (to set up the coming global currency) and to institute total government control over We The People... exactly as God told us would occur in "the last days", as referenced in 'Revelation', the final portion of The Holy Bible.
This #FakeCrisis comes as no surprise to us who have taken God's Word ('The Holy Bible') seriously and studied it. If you know what it says in The Bible, then none of the evil in "this world" takes you by surprise, because you know perfectly well who Christ Jesus said was the ruler of "this world".
As I recently wrote to a friend o' mine:
As The Holy Bible tells us, satan is a liar and the father of lies, and satan is "the ruler of this world". Even Jesus confirmed that satan is the ruler of this world.
Therefore, our government rulers are agents of satan, and just like their leader - the father of lies - they too are liars. Probably 90% of everything ever said by an agent of satan is a lie.
This whole deliberate, illogical coronavirus scare tactic is most likely a test run for the next event of mass hysteria that they will foist on the Ameritards. Next time, they will probably insist that anyone who does not receive a government-approved vaccine must be quarantined in a FEMA (concentration) camp.
{*NOTE: I've since come to strongly suspect that *THIS* may in fact be the "REAL" False Flag event and NOT just a "test run".*}
A word to the wise: NEVER allow Uncle Scam to inject *ANYTHING* into you. Because - for just one reason - computer chips can now be injected into a person through a hypodermic needle. And there is very good reason to believe that the Biblical "mark of the beast" will be a computer chip, by which the world's satanic governments will be able to control all commerce worldwide.
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
~ The Holy Bible - Revelation 13:16,17
When that day comes, do NOT forget what I have told you here today. NEVER accept any government-mandated vaccine - NEVER, EVER!! Your soul will regret it if you do!
This has been a very, Very, VERY successful test run by Uncle Scam. Our evil government wanted to see if any true American patriots would utilize their 2nd Amendment Right to resist government tyranny. However, the meek Ameritards have responded with nuttin' but, "Yes, master. Whatever you say, master. Please, master, just keep us safe and healthy."
Well, the Americonned Sheeple are NOT safe and healthy! Their souls are sick and in great danger! But they won't realize that until it is too late for them.
Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
~ The Holy Bible - 2 Corinthians 6:17
[link> 2029 cannot come fast enough to suit me!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
DogGtor of Alcohology &
King of Inebriation Nation