Following is a single-question “Pass” or “Fail” test.
When you enter your polling place, accept your ballot and step into your booth or up to your partitioned cubicle to record your 2012 Presidential Republican Primary vote, you are being asked to mark the box that indicates . . .
[ ] 1: The candidate that the mainstream media claims has the best chance of beating Barack Obama.
[ ] 2: The candidate that Fox News claims has the best chance of beating Barack Obama.
[ ] 3: The candidate that the NeoConservative voices on the talk radio station you listen to claims has the best chance of beating Barack Obama.
[ ] 4: The candidate that the Democrat or Libertarian party claims has the best chance of beating Barack Obama.
[ ] 5: The candidate your Mommy, Daddy, Husband, Wife, Boyfriend, or Girlfriend claims has the best chace of beating Barack Obama.
[ ] 6: The candidate that the most recent polling figures claim has the best chance of beating Barack Obama.
[ ] 7: The candidate that YOU believe has the best chance of beating Barack Obama.
[ ] 8: None of the above.
If you checked number eight you answered the question correctly. If you marked any box other than number eight you have failed this test.
When you vote in the 2012 Presidential Primary election, you are being asked one very simple question, and yet it’s amazing how election after election so many voters get confused and waste their vote.
The only question you are being asked to answer on your ballot is this:
“Which presidential candidate would YOU most like to see occupying the White House for the next four years?”
That’s it. That’s all there is to it. You’re not being asked to speculate on anything; you’re not being asked to display your political prognosticating skills or your psychic prowess; you’re not being asked to answer any question that you are not immediately fully equipped, prepared, and informed enough to answer.
You are being asked one simple question that you and you alone, in the entire world, are uniquely able to answer:
“Which presidential candidate would YOU most like to see occupying the White House for the next four years?”

In the 2008 presidential election, many registered Republicans voted for a candidate they didn’t really want – John McCain – but they voted for him because they had been convinced that he was the only Republican candidate who had a chance of beating the Democrat. And in the end, McCain lost by a very large electoral college margin to Barack Obama. My candidate – Ron Paul – didn’t beat Obama either. So, did I ultimately waste my vote more than the others wasted theirs?
My vote did not lead to victory but it did lead to peace of mind, knowing that when push came to shove, I gave my one vote to the candidate I believed was the best person for the job.
If you voted unenthusiastically for John McCain, with a “lesser of two evils” mind-set, then your vote was wasted even more than my vote was wasted because not only did your vote not lead to victory but it did not lead to peace of mind either.
We both lost, but I cast my vote “honestly” – with no intellectual compromising - for the one man I genuinely wanted to see in the White House. You compromised your vote and won neither the election or the good feeling that comes with knowing that you truthfully did the very best you could for your candidate.
One hundred out of one hundred times I’ll take a loss with no compromising of the integrity of my vote over a loss WITH compromised integrity.
Regardless of what the talking heads and the polls claim, if you think the best man for the job is Ron Paul, you should vote for Ron Paul. Period. If you think the best man for the job is a woman, then you should vote for Michele Bachmann, etc. Cast only honest votes, my friends.
In 2008, nearly every voter I personally spoke with said they wanted Ron Paul to win the election. But when it came time to actually cast their ballots, most of them voted for McCain because they had been convinced by the media that he was the only one who had a chance to win the general election.
But I can’t help thinking that if everyone who said they most wanted Ron Paul had simply voted for Ron Paul regardless of the unfounded “rumors” that he couldn’t win, Ron Paul might really be residing in the White House this very day.

Here’s the Loop:
International Bankers and major Corporation Leaders have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo in America – neither wants to upset the apple cart or kill the goose that is laying their golden eggs.
The controlling entities of most major corporations are in fact International Bankers and other very wealthy individuals.
Mainstream media organs are major corporations.
The controlling entities of most major corporations (i.e., including manstream media organs) are in fact International Bankers and other very wealthy individuals.
International Bankers and major Corporation Leaders have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo in America – neither wants to upset the apple cart or kill the goose that is laying their golden eggs.
OK, you see what I did there? That little display of “here we go ‘round the mulberry bush” illustrates why the talking heads of the mainstream media (which absolutely includes so-called “conservative” talk radio and Fox News) attempt at every turn to sway your vote by repeatedly telling you in overt and subtle ways “who has a chance to win the upcoming election”.
If you watch or listen to political programs, you are being constantly conditioned to vote a certain way by dogmatists and propagandists representing International Bankers and Corporations. There are approved candidates and unapproved candidates, and it is the job of these media mercenaries to influence you to vote for the candidates that have been approved by the Bankers and/or Corporation Leaders.
The Bankers and/or Corporation Leaders want to make certain no person reaches the White House who might throw a monkey wrench into their money and power-making machines; they NEED you to vote into office a candidate who is secretly in bed with them, or whom they feel, at the very least, they can ultimately control.
A real “rogue” candidate (e.g., of the Ron Paul variety, not the Sarah Palin variety) is the last person the Bankers and major Corporation Leaders want to see reaching the White House.
Most political shows, debates, and polls are controlled and manipulated by these powerful people to influence the way you will vote. When it gets down to the point where you are voting for the lesser of two evils, they have already won and couldn’t care less which of them you vote for because they “own” both candidates.
But, if you could actually propel with your primary election vote a genuine Constitutional patriot/free market economist into the general election, you could, for the first time since Grover Cleveland was in the White House, experience real change – and I mean real “good” change!
Here is one fine example of how “they” – the plain and fancy “they” – have slipped it into the minds of voters that a vote for Ron Paul is a wasted vote:
Please feel free to copy and paste this blog bit or a link to it all over the Internet, and Email it to your family and friends.
And please vote “RON PAUL” in 2012.
Why I Would Never Vote For These 2012 Presidential Candidates…
You Just Don't Know How Much That Hurts Me!
Are You A Member Of The “Republocrat” Party?

~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Fantastic blog bit brother. Too bad as I was reading the beginning I quickly realized that all but number 8 is EXACTLY what 99% of all Americans do.
ReplyDeleteObviously we cannot predict what will occur in the future with absolute certainty. The past provides a clue, of course. But how each individual deals with the unknowns of the moment is determined by their inner character. -Christopher Nyerges
ReplyDeleteI found the above quote interesting. He said that in this blog bit:
I don't know this guy (or his political beliefs), and I follow his blog mostly because of his occupation (survivalist and wild plant expert), but he was dead on when he (from the same blog bit in 2008) said, "But – and now I speak to the voters – are we easily taken in by the smile, the hair, the color of the tie? Are we too "busy" to investigate in-depth those who would be leader? I hope and pray that such is not the case. If we allow the surface appearances of the candidates to determine our votes, than we have once again become our own worst enemy, and it will."
Well, I just wrote you a nice, long comment here, and the F-ing blog ate it when I tried to edit it@!@#@##@$*%)$!
ReplyDeleteSo... at this point all I will say is that the clip was awesome.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Brothers!
I gotta run out the door to a doctor's appointment but a proper reply will be posted here later today.
Yak Then...
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I wanted to add that the comment I wrote which vanished into ether was probably the greatest and most cogent prose since the Great War (and I mean the GREAT War.)
ReplyDeleteIt is really a shame that it was lost to posterity (which is, by definition, the ass of history.)
ReplyDeleteYou are (sadly) so right about your 99% number. Ain't that a drag?
When my Brother read the first part of this blog bit, his initial reaction was: "Well, everyone knows that."
NO! Only because my biological Bro is smarter than the average bear does he assume that the average voter already "gets" what I wrote in this blog bit.
NO! NO! NO! If the average American voter wasn't totally "out to lunch" then we wouldn't collectively be in the absolutely friggin' outrageous mess that we currently find ourselves in!
The very fact that we are in this condition is proof that my Brother (God love him!) is wrong in his assessment. (If he were right, the U.S. president at this very moment would be Ron Paul, NOT Barack "Commie" Obama.)
>> . . . "But – and now I speak to the voters – are we easily taken in by the smile, the hair, the color of the tie? Are we too "busy" to investigate in-depth those who would be leader? I hope and pray that such is not the case. If we allow the surface appearances of the candidates to determine our votes, than we have once again become our own worst enemy, and it will."
BR'ER MARC, I received your earlier Email with a link to this person's blog bit about Jesus possibly being "Black". I read his blog bit and will get back to you on that before very long.
But, as far as his quote above goes . . . in my opinion, he had no business putting it in the form of a question.
I mean, seriously... is he really not sure whether or not THAT is the approach of the average American when it comes to voting? THAT and the influence of soundbites and the deceptive words of "political commentators" in the employ of the Bankers and Corporate heads?
If he hasn't truly figured that out yet then all I can say is... [Read my mind].
BR'ER, I greatly appreciate the fact that you have not abandoned me; your occasional appearances here mean something to me. I genuinely thank you for your input.
I'll Email soon, Brotherman.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
POSTSCRIPT: A happy "Senator McCarthy's Birthday" to you. (If there was a shred of intelligence in America, today would be a national holiday!)
ReplyDelete>> . . . I wanted to add that the comment I wrote which vanished into ether was probably the greatest and most cogent prose since the Great War (and I mean the GREAT War.)
Uh... methinks you left out THIS tag:
...except for "TEST YOUR VOTER I.Q." (Or, "YOU ARE WHAT YOU VOTE")
Sixdude, sorry that happened to you... again. My advice? Do not write your comments in these "comment windows". I compose the majority of my comments in Word files and then copy 'n' paste them into these "comment windows".
That way, if the friggin' mothermushkin' system eats it, you can just re-copy it from your own personal file and tell the devilsystem that it . . . "FAILED!"
Only after I've seen my comment "published" on the blog (mine or someone else's) do I delete it from my own Word file.
Or... at the least... even if you DO compose your comments directly in one of these "comment windows", COPY it every few paragraphs so the bulk of it is preserved should the devilsystem try to eradicate it on ya.
ANYWAY... I hope that your murdered, historic, A-List comment was essentially telling me how right THIS blog bit is and what a genius I am for having thought of it and for writing it. Yeah... I think I can pretty easily imagine that's exactly what your non-appearing comment said. (And don't f**k with me and my imagination, McBrother!)
I'll again close with what I wrote to Br'er Marc because it comes directly from my heart 'n' sh!t...
A happy "Senator McCarthy's Birthday" to you. (If there was a shred of intelligence in America, today would be a national holiday!)
And remember (as Mama Cass sang), "The Good Times Are Coming".
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteMy standard practice with commenting on your blogs is to read and react. I dive in and immediately start writing. After a while I remember: OOPS! I had better save this or I may get hosed again. At that point I swipe, copy and paste into Word. If I remember soon enough I am safe, and that technique has saved me at least twice.
But sometimes I don't remember.
Really, I am just using the fact that it was lost to magnify my B-minus list comment. It was merely "decent". The best thing about it was indeed that I was praising your blog bit and telling you that you are a genius. How'd ya know? Damned geniuses.
ReplyDeleteSo it was really the ol' "Dog Ate My Homework, Which Was Exactly What The Teacher Ordered" ploy, eh?
Ha!-Ha! Well, you DO know how to recover nicely - I'll grant ya that!
Thanks anyway, for trying. I'll give you an "A" for effort, and your dog gets an "F". "BAD DOG! BAD DOG!"
~ McMeboy
ReplyDeleteI actually think he was just trying to get people to think there, but I get your point. I also don't think Jesus was black. At least not in the way people think of it today. Sadly, israel ancestry is somewhat of a paradox. Many who claim Jewish ancestry in fact had relatives who went into that area long after the Israel of Jesus time was gone. I have read a few accounts debating the true ancestry of modern Jews. I honestly don't give this whole thing too much thought (as it doesn't impact my life). Not that the true geneology of our Lord isn't important. It's just that no one can truly KNOW what was commonly understood as Jewish ancestry in Abrahams time, or Jesus time. This I believe is due to the fact that true Judean ancestry (from my research at least) is difficult to determine. I know Jesus wasn't the long haired white guy depicted European art. Could Jesus have had similar features to black men of today? I suppose, but such arguments are speculative at best. We don't have Jesus DNA to test, and I'm not sure "The Experts" (Whatever that means) can fully agree on what WAS considered Judean ancestry during that time period. There is a book called "The 13th tribe" By Arther Kessler (I think Kessler is the last name). I read about half the book, and his argument against modern day israel having judean ancestry of old brought up some good points.
Br'er Marc
ReplyDeleteYeah, you're probably right about that bloke just trying to get people to think a little bit about how they vote. But you know me and my approach...
I don't tend to soften my punches by phrasing my beliefs in the form of questions; if I'm riled up enough to write something for public consumption, I'm usually also riled up enough to say it boldly and often angrily.
"The 13th Tribe" - ya know, I think I've heard of that book. The title sounds very familiar, but I know I've not read it.
Yak Again Soon, McBro...
~ D-FensDogg'
'Loyal American Underground'