It had reached a point where a full charge on my cell phone battery provided me with only about five minutes of phone use before going dead again. But I really didn't want to splurge and shell out money for a new cell phone battery until I saw whether or not the world survives the Mayan calendar doomsday prophecy. I mean, why purchase a new battery if I'm not going to need one after December of next year?
But I just couldn't stand it anymore, and yesterday I forked over the cash (or, to be more accurate, "forked over the plastic") and bought a new battery. I'm sure this will come as welcome news to those friends of mine who have called me over the last few years, while my cell phone battery was slowly dying, only to have our conversations abruptly end when the line went dead. How many conversations ended with me saying something like, "Uncle Sam can take the Patriot Act and shove it up his--" or "The TSA can take their full-body scanners and stick 'em where the sun don't--"?
Anyway, I should be able to finish my thoughts from now on, and I expect this cell phone battery to last me until I grow deaf . . . or until next December 21st, if that represents my Day O'Croaking.
I'm sure I have mentioned more than once on my blogs that I read from The Holy Bible daily, and that I work my way from Genesis to Revelation each and every year - beginning the process again every New Year's Day (better known on my blogs as "Margarita Day").
I doubt that any of y'all doubted me, but just in case one or two of you are the Doubting Thomas sort, I have photos for proof. On Christmas Day of 2002, my Ma (may she rest in peace) gave me what I had hoped to get: THE HOLY BIBLE From The Ancient Eastern Text, translated into English from the Aramaic by George M. Lamsa. This immediately became my primary Bible, although I do still occasionally compare verses with the New American Standard translation and the King James Version.
In December of 2002, my Bible looked essentially like this:

Today, however, it looks like this:
As you can see, where I once read the HOLY BIBLE, I now study the HO BIB. (Ha! Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.)

The pink color in the upper right section of the cover is actually where the inscription that my Ma wrote in red marker on the inside of the cover has bled through over the years.
All of the following Biblical passages come from this George M. Lamsa translation of God's Word.
I would now like to share with you a little insight that I may have acquired in the process of diligently studying the Holy Bible for the last 16 years. I am going to propose a rather unique interpretation of a few verses from the Bible, from both the Old and New Testaments, and post it here just for consideration. Please understand that I am in no way stating or even implying that this interpretation is correct; I am not dogmatically insisting that my take on this is valid. In fact, to be quite upfront about it, I myself do not even necessarily believe the theory I am about to propose to you.
I feel it's important that we keep an open mind about Biblical texts, that we remain inquisitive but flexible, and refrain from making statements like "such-and-such is so" until the accuracy of the statement has been indicated to us beyond any reasonable doubt. There are plenty of Biblical passages that I take a firm interpretive stance on, but there are many other verses for which I am willing to consider multiple interpretations and take a "wait and see" attitude.
The following interpretation, in which I have correlated a seemingly End-Time prophecy from the Old Testament with End-Time prophecies from the New Testament, is a prime example: I am not making any claims for this interpretation beyond the statement that I believe it to be reasonable and possibly correct, and I offer it merely for your consideration. Your own take on these verses may be superior to mine.
There are some mainstream Christian preachers and teachers who believe that the United States of America does not prominently figure in the Biblical End-Time scenario. One of those persons is Tim LaHaye, of 'Left Behind' fame. LaHaye states:
One thing is clear when taking all of Bible prophecy together, the United States does not seem to be an end times player.
Russia, Israel, the former Roman Empire nations, China, Germany, Turkey, and the Arab alliance are all referred to; but there is no mention of the United States. All of which leads me to conclude that something dreadful is going to happen to either render the world’s only super power impotent in the last days or at best nullify her influence.
Tim LaHaye is far from alone in this thinking. However, there are others who take a nearly 180 degree different view of things. For example, The Philadelphia Church of God, which believes the End-Time prophecies that, on the Biblical surface, appear to relate to Israel, in actuality are largely intertwined with the future of the USA and Britain. You can study their take on this by requesting free literature from them, most notably their 1967 book 'The United States And Britain In Prophecy' updated in 2007.
I'm not taking a stand either way. I haven't concluded that all Biblical End-Time prophecy relates to Israel and the East, nor that none of it relates to the United States and the West. But I do have some ideas about a few specific End-Time Biblical verses that I find intriguing and somewhat compelling.
It was quite some years ago when it first occurred to me that the wicked city referred to as "BABYLON THE GREAT" or "THAT GREAT CITY BABYLON" might possibly be New York City.

In chapter 17, verse 5, we find this about a mysterious woman: And upon her forehead was a name written that not all could understand: Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.
Later verses in the same chapter reveal more about her: I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the wild beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns. ... Here is understanding for him who has wisdom: The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. ... And the ten horns and wild beast which you saw shall hate the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire. ... And the woman whom you saw is that great city which has dominion over the kings of the earth.
It should be noted that some Christian writers believe that the great city Babylon, which also happens to represent or from whom the Anti-Christ emerges, is symbolic of the Roman Catholic Church. One of the principal reasons for this being that Rome has often been referred to as "the city of seven hills" [Google it] - a Biblical reference found in Revelation 17:9 (and which I quoted above).
Now, I'm not nearly so convinced that the seven hills on which the woman sits represents Rome and/or the Roman Catholic church.
I am inclined to believe that Saint Paul may have spoken of the future Roman Catholic Church in a negative manner in 1st Timothy Chapter 4: Now the Spirit says expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, following after misleading spirits... Who prohibit marriage, and demand abstinence from foods which God has created for use and thanksgiving of those who bellieve and know the truth.
What significant religious organization prohibits its ministers from marrying and prohibits the eating of certain foods (meats) at certain times?
So, yes, there is a basis for suspecting that Saint Paul might have prophetically frowned upon the future Roman Catholic Church, but I am less convinced that the reference to the woman who sits upon the seven hills represents that same body.
We learn even more about this great city Babylon in the 18th chapter of Revelation, which includes an account of her destruction:
Come out of her, O my people, so that you may not become partakers of her sins and lest you be smitten by her plagues. ... Therefore her plagues shall come in one day, death and mourning and famine, and she shall be burned with fire; for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.
[Don't forget that in the 17th chapter of this book, we were told that the ten horns and wild beast which you saw shall hate the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire.]
Revelation 18:9 - 20: And the kings of the earth who committed adultery and lived deliciously with her will weep and mourn and wail over her when they see the smoke of her burning. Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, "Woe, woe, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour you have been condemned."
The merchants of these things, who were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, and they shall weep and wail, saying, "Woe, woe, that great city, which was clothed with fine linen and purple and scarlet, inlaid with gold, and precious stones and pearls! For in one hour these great riches are destroyed." And every shipmaster and all the travelers in ships and sailors and all those who labor at sea stood afar off, and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, "What city is like to this great city!"
...that great city, where all who had ships on the sea were made rich by reason of her preciousness! For in one hour she is destroyed." Rejoice over her, O heaven and angels, apostles and prophets, for God has avenged you on her.
What do we learn from these passages? For one thing, Babylon the Great is an exceedingly influential city of commerce. She has dealings with nations the world over. She is also obviously a seaport city - rich and powerful. And yet somehow this great city is entirely destroyed in a single hour, and the nature of her destruction, which includes tremendous burning, causes sailors to keep their distance.
Could anything but the raining down of nuclear missiles destroy such a rich and powerful city in just a single hour and include great burning? And is there any seaport city in the world today that can match New York for power and prestige? Any other city which has business dealings the world over and "which has dominion over the kings of the earth"?
One thing I feel fairly safe in saying: If the destruction of the great city Babylon, spoken of in the 18th chapter of Revelation, pertains to our day, then the city these passages point to must almost assuredly be New York City. What other seaport city in the world even comes remotely close to meeting the Biblical description of that great city Babylon? "What city is like to this great city!" [Rev. 18:18]
It's my belief that if the Babylon of Revelation 18 is NOT New York City, then the events being described in this chapter must be quite far down the road yet, because I believe it would likely take at least a few generations before any other seaport city in the world could reach the magnitude of power, riches, and influence that the Bible attributes to Babylon in Revelation 18, and which New York City enjoys at the present time.
I suppose the first question that one who isn't really aware of some of the subterfuge that has been ongoing within the American governmental/economic system for over one hundred years now might ask is: Why would God consider New York City to be "Babylon", and why would God punish it?
Well, the answer to that is quite simple, but it will require some serious research on the part of my reader before he or she will accept my word for this.
To put it simply and plainly, New York City is the heart and soul of the United States of America, and the United States has essentially become the bully of the world. That's not to say that there isn't plenty of wickedness to be found in every nation the world over. There IS! In fact, wickedness is the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) of "this world". Don't take my word for it - read your Bible!
But the single most dynamic, underhanded, influential, and diabolical location of wickedness in "this world" is New York City. Why? Because it's the most powerful and influential economic center on planet Earth. To put it all in a nutshell, New York City is home to the Harold Pratt House, which is located at 58 East 68th Street in Manhattan, and Pratt House is the home of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which is basically the operational entity for International Bankers - our ruling Elite - who direct both foreign and domestic policy and who have had a stranglehold on this country since the founding of the Federal Reserve System in 1913.
It is the International Bankers - directing our mainstream media, our entertainment companies, our economic decisions, our judicial rulings, our security matters, and our political policies via our representatives in Washington D.C. - who decide the fate of America. And these same International Bankers influence much of the rest of the world by exerting control over global economic entities such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
But I don't want you to take my word for this; research it yourself. You might consider starting with the books 'THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve' by G. Edward Griffin, and 'THE SHADOWS OF POWER: The Council On Foreign Relations And The American Decline' by James Perloff.
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but this country's salvation will NOT come from Washington D.C. Many of our elected politicians are CFR members who do the bidding of the International Bankers. And all but a couple of those politicians who are not CFR members are too cowardly and/or too interested in maintaining their comfortable jobs in Washington to tell You The People what is really going on!
Nearly all of our Congressmen and Senators are hand puppets or marionettes, operated by the International Bankers. And that goes for most of your favorite political analysts as well. If what I am telling you here comes as a surprise, then you can be sure that your favorite political talking head (whether he be Chris Matthews, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Moore, or ol' Marshmallow Head himself - Glenn Beck) hasn't been telling you the whole truth and the most important part of the truth. Yes, you've been betrayed by your Washington representatives and by your watchdogs.
Washington D.C. doesn't give the marching orders to the rest of this country. The marching orders come from International Bankers based on Wall Street and at Pratt House, home to the Council on Foreign Relations.
OK, now I want to really challenge you here to stay with me. Admittedly, this is where my Biblical interpretation begins to get rather speculative, and perhaps too imaginative. Nevertheless, these ideas have occurred to me and do seemingly tie in with my concept, if in fact I'm on the right path with these verses.
I'll be the first to say it: this starts to sound a shade "wacky" but... if perhaps I am on to something with this theory that the "Great City Babylon" equals "New York City", the 23rd verse in Revelation 18 might actually be hinting at this. It says: And the light of the lamp shall shine no more at all in you; ... for your merchants were the great men of the earth; for by your sorceries were all peoples deceived.
What specific thing symbolizes New York City more than any other? The Statue Of Liberty, right? Even over and above the Empire State Building, when one thinks of New York, Lady Liberty comes immediatly to mind. And what is Lady Liberty doing? She's holding up a torch - a light or lamp - that shines forth, and which has been poetically described as a call to "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free", which is inscribed on a plaque at the base of the Statue. Lady Liberty and the light she holds aloft is the most iconic image representing New York City to Americans and to the rest of the world.
If that were the only symbol I could point to which seemed to indicate that New York is the Great City Babylon, I would have been hesitant to mention it at all. But it so happens that I've found a similar symbol in the Old Testament that I think adds a little weight to the above speculation. We turn our pages back now to . . .

In the fifth chapter of Zechariah we find, in part, the following prophetic passages. Be aware that the word "ephah" is an ancient Hebrew measurement equal to approximately a bushel. The word can also mean something that is dark or gloomy:
Then he said to me, "This is the curse that goes forth over the face of the whole earth; for every one who steals shall be judged according to its contents; and every one who swears [falsely] shall be judged according to it.
Then the angel who talked with me went forth and said to me, "Lift up your eyes and see what is this that goes forth." And I said, "What is it?" And he said to me, "This is an ephah that goes forth, and in it are the transgressions of the whole earth."
And behold, a talent of lead was lifted up, and a woman was sitting in the midst of the ephah. And he said to me, "This is wickedness." And he cast her into the midst of the ephah; and he cast the talent of lead upon its mouth.
Then I said to the angel who talked with me, "Where are they carrying the ephah?" And he said to me, "To build for it a house in the land of Babylon; and it shall be established and set there upon its own base."
Wait for it now . . .

Might this be "the woman" and might this be the "lamp" which represents "that great city Babylon" and who is "established and set there upon its own base"?
And in conclusion, let's backtrack to the 17th chapter of Revelation. Regarding the mystery woman, we learned there that upon her forehead was a name written that not all could understand: Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth and that the seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits.
The seven heads appears to be seven rulers representing seven hills, or lands, upon which the woman sits, or has dominion.
Now, note what is upon the Statue Of Liberty's head. What does Lady Liberty wear? It is a diadem, or crown. And what is protruding from that diadem or crown? It is SEVEN rays! Wikipedia tells us that "The seven rays form a halo or aureole. They evoke the sun, the seven seas, and the seven continents."
Seven continents! Continents are land masses. And might not seven land masses be described in the Bible as "seven hills"?
The International Bankers dominate the United States and have incredible influence on the rest of the world - that is, the seven continents. They operate first and foremost out of New York City. New York City is represented by a "woman" with a "lamp". She sits upon her own "base", and wears a diadem or crown that represents global impact - an influence over the "seven hills" or continents of the world.
"And the woman whom you saw is that great city which has dominion over the kings of the earth". [Rev. 17:18] "What city is like to this great city!" [Rev. 18:18]
What city on Earth is like New York?

Fiction or Nonfiction?
Well, that's my interpretaton and I'm sticking with it (until something more logical comes along). It may be that most of my grades are poor: An "F" in 'End-Time Studies' or 'Eschatology'; an "F" in 'Presentation'; and an "F" in 'Plays Well With Others'. But I believe I deserve passing grades in 'Independent Thinking' and 'Originality'.
Incidentally, in case anyone is interested, the story of my life has been published and is now available on a Pulitzer Prize-winning Post-It note titled 'BAD BREATH AND BEYOND (And Even Worse Theology)'. Buy it wherever prostitutes are sold!

Stephen T. McCarthy visiting
"that great city Babylon" in 1983.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
I won't be one to say it ain't so. This is the first time I've ever heard this theory presented and it does seem feasible. It's now in my memory bank of conceivable interpretations and as bad as my memory tends to be about most things, I do tend to remember end time prophecy theories. This is well thought out and somewhat convincing. I'd like to here some other reactions to this.
the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2011
>>.....I'd like to hear some other reactions to this.
ReplyDeleteYeah, LEE, so would I.
Thanks for reading it. It was long, I know, but I felt it was important and that I kept it interesting enough to justify the length.
~ Stephen
"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11
ReplyDeleteConsidering I've never actually gotten you to ANSWER your cell phone, I'm surprised you opted for the battery when you originally purchased it.
As to the United States being a major player in the Apocalypse...well maybe as VICTIMS! CANNON FODDER!
I think we'll probably miss the whole thing because the networks won't want to interrupt 'Survivor' to tell viewers that the world is ending.
It will go from a commerical break to a mushroom cloud, and the only way we'll know is that people's "Grand Theft Auto XXVII-GTA Verus Rocky" games will all stop working....
And then we'll melt.
So your theory on NYC as Babylon is flawed, because Americonns are too friggin' DUMB.
ReplyDeleteTHIS reflects my attitude about it all.
As far as I’m concerned, last year wouldn’t have been too soon.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
ReplyDeletePlausible yes, all of it. Absolute, no way. Though if the book of revelation is going to happen in the next, say, 5 to 10 years I put this in the catagory of real, genuine, prophecy BY YOU... No joke. I have read in revelation where it talks about the eagle, and for me this could represent a nation (the eagle being our symbol). I even was talking to a minister who I honestly think has a good grasp of reality and biblical accuracy for a trinitarian. He stated, and I quote him from memory, "I'm absolutely convinced that the United States is Babylon." Could he be wrong. Heck ya. However, with RFID technology, the fact that Aaron Russo recorded one of the international bankers talking with him about it (Nick Rockefeller), and that their plans are to in fact chip the entire population should give anyone pause.
Think of it this way. For the first time in human history we have: technology to talk to someone around the world in minutes, technology to microchip the entire population with implanted global tracking technology, politicians pushing for a one world economy, the technology is available to implement a one world government and economy. Finally, people are truly not interested in the bible at all no matter how easily one can get one. Most christians make no attempt to read the New Testament let alone the Old. Far more are just plain ignorant. I have met many well intentioned and born again christians who have made little to no effort to truly understand. Though I can tell you that their passion for God is real, and their work for him has fruit. Many times it is that too much is fed to them, or that it is not the emphasis at their church. Not saying I'm a biblical scholar by any stretch. Just a guy who is hungry and wants to understand as much as possible.
Back on subject. Ya I think your possibly right on point. Given some of the hair brained things I've heard people say about the bible I wouldn't worry about what you wrote here. After all, you not only honestly represented your points, but you presented it for what it was.
Brer Marc
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to read this, and for the fine comment!
Yeah, I am pretty careful about how I phrase things. And especially when it comes to Biblical interpretations, I am cautious, and never state something as "a fact", but rather as a personal opinion or theory, unless I am extremely confident the matter is indeed "a fact".
Despite having studied The Bible to the extent that I have, I still believe there are some passages - particularly in Revelation - that we will not really understand until those events are actually occurring, and some, perhaps, not even until AFTER those events have occurred.
It was quite some years ago that I first began to entertain the idea that New York City was represented as "Babylon the great" or "that great city Babylon" in prophecy. But it was only maybe 3 years ago that I made the Zechariah connection in association with that.
I did a Google search and discovered that I am far from being the only person to associate New York City with "Babylon the great". In fact, I even found a YouTube video making that same claim and illustrating the point.
But as far as I know, my Zechariah connection might be fairly unique to me. Heck, even David Haggith failed to note it in his excellent book "End-Time Prophecies Of The Bible". However, I will readily admit that if Lamsa's translation was not my primary source for Biblical studies, I too would have missed the Zechariah connection (if it is in fact a genuine connection to the "Babylon" verses in Revelation).
And BR'ER, you are so spot on in your observations regarding the technology being available to implement "a one world government and economy".
And yet, despite Biblical prophecy remarkably becoming technologically possible right before our eyes (and the mind-set of our Elite to use the technology in accordance with the intent articulated in Biblical warnings being quite obvious to those of us who are paying attention), there are still so many "intellectuals" and "MENSA Morons" out there blindly insisting that The Bible is a book of "fairy tales".
Yeah, well, won't THEY be surprised when that book of fairy tales eventually bites them right in the ass!
Thanks for the comment, BR'ER!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Thought you'd appreciate these videos, really annoys the liberal class.
If I wasn't so tired I would look up the verse where Paul talks of what you just said Stephen. Really though the more I listen to people who are in fact worldly smart, but spiritually stupid the more I understand where it's coming from. PRIDE!!!! Why would someone go on other peoples blogs and attempt to insult, slander, and puff themselves up? PRIDE!!! What is the opposite of pride? Being humble. That's why I find a lot of very intelligent people abandoning the word of God, or being too blind to ever take it seriously. I was reading 2 Chronicles last night and not even thinking of our mutual encounter. How king Asa first followed adn trusted in God and was successful. Later he trusted in himself, his army and other kings and failed. It was his pride. The same pride Satan tempted David with to census Israel. It really clicked with me, and really I should have gotten it sooner as "One World" tells of it all too well. How can these people believe and follow the one true God when they have made themselves into God? After all, though they deny it, being that absobed with your own brain power is a self of self worship. That is exactly how Satan fell. "I will be like the most high" as it was stated in Isaiah. It is pride, which really is a form of self worship.
ReplyDeleteHe was attempting to say, "I'm smarter than you. I'll slander you, and you can't do anything about it. I hate what you stand for so I'll do anything I can to shame you." Not because they have a genuine concern about who might be reading something they disagree with. No, they have no concern about their fellow man. It is about their ego and that is just a manifestation of their pride. It is comes from the same tree that most evil comes from.
I almost left another comment telling the individual were talking about why I wont follow his blog (even though i actually look for opinions that differ from my own). I thought about telling him that he lost all credibility when he started calling people names like a 3rd grader. After all i do have one requirement when i read research something. The person presenting the information has to have a genuine passion for their subject that is not based around their own ego. You just can't trust people like that. Their ego comes first, even before the truth. The individual your talking about is obviously not stupid and is skillful in manipulation. Though his last posts really reveal more about him than he originally led on. Read carefully one realizes he wasn't very upfront with us. As he came into the subject with bias an an agenda.
[12 ] Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, [13 ] while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
ReplyDelete(2 Timothy 3:12-13 ESV)
Also remember the word of God also says that knowledge can puff one up.
Pass it on...
ReplyDeleteThe Alternative Market Project Has Been Launched
Part 1 Of 2:
ReplyDeleteBR'ER MARC ~
For some reason the first part of your 2-part comment below on "Pride" (the longer entry) got sent to my "Spam" file, while part 2 went to the proper "Comments" file and I published it.
I just now discovered part 1 under "Spam" and published it. Buggy system!
I VERY MUCH agree with your assessment about Pride and Self-Worship! That's right on, Brother! (Does the fact that I agree with you mean that you are now MY master?)
The only thing I'm not onboard with is your assessment of "G's" intelligence. To the contrary, I would argue that he is NOT very intelligent. And I'm not saying this simply because I dislike his personality.
In that exchange, he did not exhibit the traits I associate with intelligence, but rather the traits one generally finds in a person who is lacking in the ability to reason something out objectively.
Intelligent people don't resort to personal smears and ad hominem attacks when debating a subject because they know that facts alone will ultimately bring them victory. Emotional responses like we saw from "G" are always the first sign that the person is attempting to defend weak ground, they suspect as much, and must compensate with an overabundance of venom or passion.
Also, an intelligent person will view and evaluate as many of the available angles of a thing before coming down on one side or another. Yet, it was perfectly clear to me right from the get-go that "G" had spent little or no time pondering and evaluating alternate evidence and rationally and genuinely considering the views espoused by those who articulately oppose the position that he has chosen to accept.
When I spoke of past fraudulent acts and statements committed by some "scientists" who have attempted to sell the masses on the basic view that "G" accepts, he simply said that what I'd written was "absurd" and that was the end of that.
But if he had objectively examined the subject from the other side, he would have already known that all I'd said there was not "absurd" but easily verified facts.
His arguments for why he dismisses The Bible were immature, and displayed Junior High School depth of thinking. Obviously, he hasn't devoted much time to genuinely studying The Bible either.
(Anytime I find a person dismissing The Bible and/or Jesus by playing "the slavery card", I KNOW that I am in the presence of someone not given to much deep thinking or the ability to reason their way through a body of evidence, link up various ideas in a rational manner, and arrive at logical conclusions based upon that evidence.)
Continued Below...
Part 2 Of 2:
ReplyDeleteAnd I was not at all bluffing when I told him that I could go through his beliefs point-by-point and disprove or cast deep, deep doubt on every one of them. He probably really did believe that I was trying to avoid a face-off, but I wasn't. You know me by now, and you know I don't make statements I can't support. But he was so rude, so arrogant, and so biased in his view that I wasn't going to waste any more of my time on him.
I don't mind discussing a subject with someone whose view is 180 degrees from my own, because I always figure there's a good chance I will win them over to my side or at least cause them to seriously begin rethinking their stance or to at least begin considering the possible validity of an alternate view. But the moment I discern that the person is entrenched in their view and not at all open-minded to opposing viewpoints - in other words, an "intellectually dishonest ideologue" (which is precisely what "G" is) - I will not waste any additional time on him or her. ...Unless, of course, the subject is Senator McCarthy, in which case I will kick their ass anyway, just for the pure joy of it.
Ha! :o)
No, in my opinion, "G" is not half as smart as he wants to believe he is, and unfortunately, someday his own overestimation of himself will probably be the ruin of him. Let's hope he has a change of heart and mind before that occurs.
As far as his last posts are concerned - or the last ones I took a look at, anyway - I thought he had become almost comical. There was this long, long list of YouTube links that presumably prove him right. But he just sounded like he had become more and more desperate, and was just crying out for some acknowledgement that he had "won".
He came off looking like some manchild suffering from a bout of "The Terrible Twos" and I actually (almost) felt sorry for him at that point. Any GENUINELY intelligent person who comes across that exchange later is going to see "G" as a pathetic creature who was, in the end, reduced to some manic Neanderthal screaming himself hoarse in an empty room.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
POSTSCRIPT: His comments on the next blog bit showed that he wasn't even familar with how the Associated Press operates. Yeah, some "man of the world"! Just another know-nuttin' "Generation Text" know-it-all!
ReplyDeleteI see your point. By saying he was intelligent I didn't mean his argument was sound. He used very basic principles to attack those who oppose his view point: slander them, produce false evidence that looks genuine and contradicts the opposition, and make the opposition look like they don't know what their talking about. I don't debate with such people. For one, I'm not a good debater, and I don't like wasting my time. I agree with you in that he is not nearly as intelligent as he thinks he is. However, I disagree with you in his ability to manipulate the facts. Where you and I are able to see him coming a mile away, most people can't. To them his attacks seem like some guy fed up with religious cooks, and trying to set the record straight. I kid you not I work with people who are very smart in the field of medicine that would have fallen for that hook line and sinker. See friend, it is the knowledge of the Word of God that really is the back bone to politics and science. Some will curse me for saying that, but it's true. You either believe in greater odds than a trillion to one that order came from caos, or you believe in God, a creator. When one loses the ability to contemplate that God may in fact exist, they lose the ability to fact check so many things. I read his final posts well. We talked about loving the "Feeling" of christianity when he went to church but couldn't turn off his critical thinking. Bingo. He is one who is in love with the emotion of things, and when that lets him down he looks to destroy it. What he doesn't understand is that his own emotions are flawed. One can't just go with or leave something based on a feeling and be taken seriously (at least not by me). I got the impression he had issues with the church and how it made him feel, and decided to join a new religion. The religion of The big bang, darwinian evolution, and all the other fairy tales out there. In the end he shows himself to be just like his master Darwin. Darwin too left the church once his emotions took him in another direction. But most people don't consider darwin might have been impacted by the death of his child.
I do believe our mutual attacker is smart from a manipulative perspective. Just not from a logical non emotional one.
ReplyDeleteYou make a good point about the "Emotion" factor, and believing or disbelieving something based upon how it makes one "feel".
But for me, the bottom line is that a truly intelligent person ought to arrive at the correct conclusions more times than not; we're all fallible, and so no one is going to figure it all out right every time, but the genuinely intelligent person will hold far more correct beliefs than incorrect beliefs.
But in our exchanges with "G", he was wrong about 3 of the 4 topics that were introduced. He's wrong about The Bible being "a book of fairy tales"; he's wrong about Evolution; and he's wrong about Global Warming.
The only thing I can give him credit for is doubting the "Official Government Lie" about what happened on 9/11. But even then I can only give him half credit because I strongly suspect that had 9/11 occurred on USAP OBAMA's watch rather than on George W(ish I had a brain) Bush's watch, "G" would be telling you, me and Barguedust that we are all "crazy kooks" for questioning the Official Version.
I think he's a God-hating Leftist first and foremost, and all of his ideology is colored by that basic starting point. He's hardly objective (i.e., "scientific") as it was clear he knew little to nothing about what those earnest and dedicated individuals who oppose his views have had to say about the problems with Evolution and Global Warming, and the known facts that support a belief in the historicity and validity of The Bible.
Had 9/11 been perpetrated by a Democrat administration, I am convinced that "G" would have accepted the "Official Lie" because he would not have had the incentive to really dig in and examine the evidence with an open mind toward questioning the things that simply don't add up.
In other words, "G" is biased and his bias leads to faulty judgments ...and there ain't nuttin' "SMART" about THAT!
By the way, below is one of my very favorite quotes related to Global Warming:
“For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming? For how many years must cooling go on?"
~ Geologist Dr. David Gee the chairman of the science committee of the 2008 International Geological Congress who has authored 130 plus peer-reviewed papers, and is currently at Uppsala University in Sweden.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
You'll get no argument from me.
ReplyDeleteBrer Marc
Considering the fact that the book of Revelation, AKA the Apocalypse, meaning a revealing or unveiling, relies heavily on vivid symbolism, I think the harlot represents a dogma more than a physical entity. I lean toward false religion in general, which is a harlot that is in bed with all the power brokers of the world, or 7 continents. To bring about total destruction need not mean a literal, physical one, but a philosophical one, wherein the people, led by the deceiving powers that be, turn on religion en masse, and bring it down by simply turning their backs on it. It seems to me one of the major goals of the NWO is to discredit religion wherever possible, especially Christianity and Islam, two belief systems that are a major thorn in the elites side and make up the bulk of religious faith on this planet. I have no doubt they have something planned, another problem, reaction, solution type scenario, possibly a faked UFO invasion, to bring about the end of religion as we know it, to replace it with something even worse. Keep in mind that Babylon was a great religious mecca in it's day. Just a theory. Also, the Scofield version of the bible is very popular among the faith I call the Armagheddonites, you may learn about it here:
Part 1 Of 2:
ReplyDeleteHowdy, SALADIN ~
>>.....Considering the fact that the book of Revelation, AKA the Apocalypse, meaning a revealing or unveiling, relies heavily on vivid symbolism, I think the harlot represents a dogma more than a physical entity. I lean toward false religion in general...
Well, you could be right, and I never pretend to know things I don't KNOW.
There are some folks who consistently interpret The Bible literally and some who consistently interpret it symbolically. But life has taught me that seldom is the "Either/Or" approach the best. More times than not, the better way to view things is “BOTH!” And that reflects my own approach in attempting to understand The Bible.
The references to “that great city Babylon” (as cited in the blog bit above) strike me as too specific and literal-minded to be reinterpreted symbolically. Such as the mention of shipmasters and all the travelers in ships and sailors standing afar off and crying when they see the smoke of her burning and saying, "What city is like to this great city!"
I believe it’s speaking of a real city, and the only city that meets the Biblical standard in our day is New York. Perhaps it’s referring to another city, but if so, I believe it’s probably also referring to another time than our own.
The references to the woman with the lamp who is set upon a base, I have interpreted simultaneously in a literal AND symbolic way.
I do agree with you, however, that false religion plays into the End-Time scenario, as The Bible speaks not only of a “Beast” (anti-Christ) rising to power in the Last Days, but also of at least one “False Prophet” that aids the Beast. The False Prophet must almost certainly refer to a false religion or spiritual view that deludes the masses.
>>…..It seems to me one of the major goals of the NWO is to discredit religion wherever possible, especially Christianity and Islam, two belief systems that are a major thorn in the elites side and make up the bulk of religious faith on this planet.
I half agree with you here. Christianity for sure. But I see how Islam can be (and likely is being) used by the Elites in their Hegelian Dialectic maneuverings. The fact of the matter is that the mainstream media is not inclined to think critically of Islam and to publicly criticize it. I think Islam is a pawn that is being played in the geopolitical chess game.
Continued Below...
Part 2 Of 2:
ReplyDeleteI have studied Islam sufficiently to conclude that if it has a supernatural origin (and there’s reason to believe it very well might have), then it was demonically inspired. And the most important point that many people overlook in studying the New World Order is the demonic foundation that supports it. The NWO is NOT a secular movement directed by evildoing Elites who seek to enslave the rest of us solely from an egomaniacal standpoint, but a SPIRITUAL movement directed by anti-Christ forces. Failing to note this important feature is the fatal flaw of most of the books that have been published about the NWO.
As far as Muslims are concerned, I can get along just fine with any of them (and I have a history of doing so) provided they don’t follow the Qur’an too literally.
>>.....I have no doubt they have something planned, another problem, reaction, solution type scenario, possibly a faked UFO invasion, to bring about the end of religion as we know it, to replace it with something even worse.
Certainly a very real possibility! You are not alone in that suspicion, as I’m sure you know. And I find it fascinating that everywhere I turn these days, I seem to “encounter” another UFO-related story. Government’s releasing previously classified UFO documents, etc. There is no question that this topic is getting more press these days.
I was utterly captivated by the UFO subject from as far back as fifth grade (1969), and is it mere coincidence that a decade or so ago my long years of UFO studies led me to the conclusion that UFOs are in fact demonic in origin? I think not!
Thanks for your comment, Saladin.
~ Stephen