The following comes from The Los Angeles Times;
2009, February 18.
“Obama Orders More Troops To Afghanistan”
by Julian Barnes and Greg Miller:
Reporting from Washington -- President Obama ordered his first major deployment of U.S. combat troops Tuesday, authorizing 17,000 additional soldiers and Marines for Afghanistan in what he described as an urgent bid to stabilize a deteriorating and neglected country.
The deployment will double the number of American combat brigades in the nation at a time of tension with Afghanistan's weak government over civilian casualties of the campaign against the increasingly bold Taliban, and concern over neighboring Pakistan's ability to fight Islamic militants based there.
In a statement announcing the troop increase, Obama directed veiled criticism at the Bush administration, noting that a request from Army Gen. David D. McKiernan, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, had been pending for months.
"This increase is necessary to stabilize a deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, which has not received the strategic attention, direction and resources it urgently requires," Obama said.
. . .
In dispatching the troops for duty in Afghanistan, Obama also expressed concern about the threat from extremists elsewhere in the region, including in havens in Pakistan.
The following comes from Xtremely Un-P.C. And Unrepentant;
2008, August 14.
“It’s Six Of Obama, Half A Dozen Of McCain”
by Stephen T. McCarthy:
In the cover story “Apples To Oranges?” of the July 21st issue of The New American magazine, writer Charles Scaliger accurately says in comparing the proposed policies of Obama to McCain that the presidential contenders have “been winnowed down to two polished posers who offer the American public, yet again, not a choice but an echo.” And I’ll add that even a few of the seeming differences are just a matter of “telling the necessary lies” in order to appease the targeted constituency. For example, those folks who really believe that Obama will recall the troops from Iraq are setting themselves up for a major disappointment: if he ever truly does pull them out of Iraq it will only be to establish them somewhere else in the Middle East. Whether you elect Obama or McCain, the soldiers are not coming home anytime soon, so just get used to the idea!
MASTER OF CEREMONIES: “Holy cow! How ‘bout THAT, Ladies and Gentlemen? How does he do it? How does he do it? How does Stephen know the future? How can he accurately predict today what will happen in days to come? This boy is a wonder! A wonder, I tell you! And not only that, but it doesn’t take TWO people to write his Blog Bits, unlike the L.A. Times which apparently requires a team effort just to write a single news article. Put your hands together for The Uncanny Stephen! How ever does he do it?”
MANNY: “The gods have come down and visited the Earth! Stephen must be a god!”
MOE: “No, he’s psychic! A superpsychic!”
JACK: “He’s no psychic. He just got lucky, that’s all.”
MOE: “Nah. Stephen’s just a little smarter than the rest of you stooges.”
LARRY: “Maybe he’s just a very lucky, slightly smart, superpsychic god?”
CURLY: “A-Woo-Woo-Woo!”
MASTER OF CEREMONIES: “Well, folks, why don’t we simply ask him? Stephen! Tell us, how were you able to foretell the future 6 months in advance? How did you know that Barack Obama would continue to deploy American troops in the Middle East well before he was elected president? Back when he was still giving the American People the impression that he didn't approve of all this war business?”
STEPHEN T. McCARTHY: “No, people, you’ve got it all wrong! I’m NONE of those things you said I am. It’s very smple really; anyone can do it. All you gotta do is turn off the television set and back slowly away from it. Burn all your comic, romance, and murder mystery detective books. Then carefully and gently pull your head out of your... [Assuming you know where I was going with this, I’ll leave the rest of the sentence unwritten.] And now, start spending your valuable time reading REAL big boy and big girl books. You know (or maybe you don’t), informative nonfiction by serious researchers and scholarly writers.
“Anyone can generally know the future in advance; anyone can do it once they come to understand that both political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, are just puppets of one, unelected, powerful body: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). It’s easy to know where we’re headed because ALL roads lead to the single global government of ‘The New World Order’ being promoted by the CFR. And the Imperialistic American Agenda isn’t going to go away just because a Black Marxist has replaced a White Marxist in the White House. The Red, White and Bully isn’t about to release the stranglehold on Abu, Achmed, and the Mad Muhammad simply because they’re crying “Uncle (Sam).”
“Look, Dogg, if you want to snoop around and discover what’s planned for the immediate future, learn about the CFR’s ‘New World Order’ goals. And if you want to know what’s in the immediate future’s future, then read your Holy Bible – it’s all in there! God hasn’t left us in the dark. Or if you want a crash course on wha’ be hadnin’, then watch two programs: Aaron Russo’s ‘AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM’ and ‘WHEN GREED TURNS TO FEAR.’ The latter is a DVD available free of charge from I.C.A., and while it’s certainly not the most entertaining presentation in the world, it is loaded with important information you need to be aware of. Little or nothing in the future should take us by surprise.
“You don’t need to ‘Hope’ for ‘Change’ because change - REAL change - has been PROMISED… and promised by God, not by some very human god wannabe (who still refuses to show America his birth certificate thereby proving his Constitutional right to hold the highest office in the land). But that’s how I successfully predicted the future about our troops in the Middle East. I essentially killed my TV many years ago and turned my attention to Big Boy Books instead. That’s all there was to it: a lot of research and a little thought.”
JOSE JALAPENO [...on a stick]: “No bueno! Senor Stephen was mucho lucky, I theeeeenk.”
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Monday, February 23, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Every butthead who bought into the whole Global Warming scare ought to have their butt warmed by 40 stripes from Joseph Stalin’s coccyx attached to the end of a bear hide strap. Yeah, that means “most Americans” and “ALL Liberals” – yes, ye of the A.B.C. (Atrophied Brain Club).
Right-O, all ya Chicken Littles, the sky is indeed falling, but NOT in the form of Global Warming. Yes, our goose is cooked; yes, our bacon’s fryin’; yes our buns be gettin’ burned. But it’s no more than what we collectively deserve. We’ve earned our R.I.P. in the roaster because of our Godless national immorality and our stinkin’ state stupidity. But don’t be fooled any longer about Global Warming – that’s a sham and not a mechanism in our demise.
NEWS FLASH: Time magazine lied to you. The Democratic Chips And Dipsh#tism (The New York Times) lied to you. Your politicians (both Repugnantcans and Dumb-O-Crats) lied to you. Some so-called “scientists” lied to you. The Green Marxists lied to you. The United Nations lied to you. And that Nobel Peace Prize-winning nerd Al Gore* lied to you. And you believed ‘em all. If you had a brain you’d be brainwashed!
* When I was in school, I used to take the lunch money from twits like Albert Gore, AFTER the tough guys had taken my lunch money from me.
Back on April 10, 2007, I posted at Big Bitch dotcom the most antagonistic and in-yer-face thing I’d ever written. It was titled (link:) “STOP BEING A USEFUL IDIOT.” [I’ve got something in the works that will exceed even that in antagonism and in-yer-faceness, and which should p!ss off just about every last one of you. But that’s something for a future month.] In “STOP BEING A USEFUL IDIOT” I made the following statements:
It would be impossible to institute a global government as long as one nation remains too prosperous. (Why should a wealthy nation accept a new system with new laws, controls, and restrictions on its liberties?) For this reason, it is necessary for the Elite to wreck the American Constitutional system, so that in their desperate times, the American people will embrace whatever (Socialistic) solutions that the Elite offer as a means to salvation. The USA must be financially wrecked in order to establish a relatively equal (and desperate) global playing field. ...
It is no accident that our government enters into international trade agreements that ultimately send many of our best manufacturing jobs to the cheap (and sometimes slave) labor overseas and/or South-of-the-border. It is no act of stupidity when you hear of the military paying $500 for a single toilet seat. There is a damned good reason that so much effort is being made now to convince the people of the dangers of so-called “Global Warming.” The measures that will be installed to stem the imaginary disaster will curtail American manufacturing further and thus slow our economy, our ability to produce wealth. There is a method to the madness you see and read about daily. The Elite use myriad ploys to drain American wealth. There’s foreign aid (i.e., taxpayer money) given to nations - as often as not, America’s ideological enemies. There’s federally-funded grants to conduct useless studies to determine things like whether or not humming birds and honey bees seem to experience enhanced pleasure if Ravel’s “Bolero” or the Starland Vocal Band’s “Afternoon Delight” are played while the birds and the bees are doing it. And then there’s the hidden tax of inflation that comes with un-Constitutional fiat money (i.e., Federal Reserve Notes), but I won’t even go there because it’s more complex than a storyline from THE SOPRANOS, so you probably wouldn’t be able to follow it anyway. But these are just a few ways that our Puppeteers siphon off the wealth of our nation and exploit our labor.
I was able to boldly proclaim these things, and denounce the idea of catastrophic Global Warming because I had already perused genuinely objective research on the so-called “Global Warming” issue, and I had been convinced that it was yet another fraud foisted upon the unsuspecting American nimrod by nefarious New World Order Dictator wannabes. (It’s amazing what you can learn if you turn off the TV and start reading big boys’ and girls’ books instead of that Stephen King Krap!) Give those Marxist Maroons an A for effort, as usual, but an F for smarts, as usual. Did these elite little b!tches really think they could forever bully and wooleye REAL scientists? Did they believe that men and women who adhere to the genuine scientific method would remain eternally silent? Not speak up and say, “What is this anthropogenic global warming bovine excrement you’re trying to shove down our throats? What sort of sick game are you international bankers, elite politicians, brainless bureaucrats, green liberal losers and pseudo-scientists trying to play here?” Did the Dick Dawkins-like dips think they could perpetually shout down the Isaac Newton-types?
Well, I’m posting below the most recent cover article from The New American magazine, written by Ed Hiserodt and titled “WHATEVER HAPPENED TO GLOBAL WARMING?” This brief but to-the-point article puts a fair amount of the scam into a nutshell, so that even a few of you in the A.B.C. (Atrophied Brain Club) will begin to see the non-catastrophic light (i.e., you’ll begin warming to the truth).
By Ed Hiserodt
Now that record-cold temperatures across the globe are making a mockery of human-caused global warming, we look to see if this is merely a "weather hiccup."
Judge: Counselor, do you have anything to say before I pronounce sentence on the accused?
Attorney: Yes, your honor. Might I remind you that the victim my client was accused of murdering showed up earlier and is very much alive, sitting there in the front row?
Judge: Sir, this court does not deal in trivialities.
Attorney: But your honor, I'd respectfully suggest that since there is no victim, there has been no crime and my client is obviously innocent.
Judge: Counselor, you are very close to being in contempt of this court. I am the one who determines guilt or innocence here and your client is going to hang.
Attorney: But judge ...
In 1970, I recall New Orleans schoolchildren taking a 185-mile field trip to Jackson, Mississippi, so students might experience something they had never seen before: snow. This year they didn't have to bother, as Southern Louisiana was blanketed with four inches of the white stuff, the first major snow in 45 years, and only two inches shy of the all-time record of six inches set in 1895. It was also the earliest snow since record keeping began in 1850.
Not to be outdone, Las Vegas checked in with what local meteorologist Jerome Jacquest said was the most snow since 1979. With no snow removal or de-icing equipment, the airport was closed along with most roads. Gambling, however, was not affected.
Snow wasn't the only problem. Freezing temperatures in Denver set a new low of minus 18, eclipsing a record from 1901. White Sulfur Springs, Montana, reported 29 below, shredding the previous record mark of minus 17, set in 1922. For the week of December 15, 2008 alone, HAM Weather Service reports 1,537 record low temperatures in the United States and 1,110 record snowfalls — not exactly what one would expect while on the way to climate catastrophe owing to global warming.
Weather watchers know this isn't just an anomaly or freak occurrence. For the past 10 years, the summers have been cooler and the winters more severe. In Little Rock, for example, a chart in the newspaper shows there have been five consecutive months with average temperatures below normal. Since Little Rock is situated near the geographical center of the country, one would suspect that this is not an unusual condition, and indeed, such a suspicion is borne out by satellite measurements that cover the entire globe and are not subject to the "urban heat island" effect that has been shown to add as much as 10°F to recording stations in urban areas as compared to rural counterparts. An NBC crew sent out to show the Northwest Passage was ice free had their icebreaker stranded for three weeks because of thick ice.
With such obvious disputations of "global warming," one might also suspect that the convictions of some honest, objective members of the weather establishment would begin to waver — after seeing the victim alive and sitting in the courtroom.
Tip of the Iceberg
And in fact, it is apparent that more than just a few experts are wavering. When the news was reported of a British court announcing that Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth was unfit for school "because it is politically biased and contains scientific inaccuracies and sentimental mush," CNN meteorologist Rob Marciano — who was off-camera preparing to give the weather report — applauded and said, "Finally, finally!" He was particularly incensed that Gore blamed Hurricane Katrina on anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming (AGW). During the period of December marked by low temperatures, mentioned above, CNN severe-weather expert Chad Meyer commented during Lou Dobbs Tonight, "You know, to think we could affect weather all that much is pretty arrogant."
In a July 18, 2008 widely circulated article entitled "No Smoking Hot Spot," Australian Greenhouse Office scientist David Evans came out of the global-warming skeptics' closet. Although having written the carbon accounting model used to measure Australia's compliance with the Kyoto Protocol, Evans was wrestling with a problem: the greenhouse-gas signature is missing. If CO2 is the cause of global warming, then it must be absorbing solar energy and warming the air, which in turn warms the surface. Both alarmists and skeptics agree that all models predict a "hot spot" at 10 kilometers above the tropics. But there is no such hot spot. Quoting Evans:
We have been measuring the atmosphere for decades using radiosondes — weather balloons with thermometers that radio back the temperature as the balloon ascends through the atmosphere. They show no hot spot. Whatsoever. If there is no hot spot, then an increased greenhouse effect is not the cause of global warming. So we know for sure that carbon emissions are not a significant cause of the global warming. If we had found the greenhouse signature, then I would be an alarmist again.
The Rest of the Iceberg
A U.S. Senate minority report entitled More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims, subtitled Scientists Continue to Debunk "Consensus" in 2008, was released on December 11, 2008. [The U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works has made available a downloadable PDF of the full report at their minority website http://epw.senate.gov/minority/. Click on "White Papers and Reports"; the PDF is listed as "Senate Minority Report 2."] These 650 dissenting scientists are more than 12 times the 52 government-supported scientists who gave us the 2007 Summary for Policy Makers — the abbreviated version of the climate assessment by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — to which the major media looks adoringly for news about global warming. (There were, however, diplomats from 115 countries aiding the IPCC, making sure the warnings produced the greatest gloom and fear.)
The Senate report includes names, biographies, academic institutional affiliations, and quotes from hundreds of international scientists who have publicly dissented against man-made climate fears. Here are a few condensed remarks typical of the group as a whole:
• "I am a skeptic.... Global warming has become a new religion." — Nobel Prize winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever.
• "Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly.... As a scientist I remain skeptical.... The main basis of the claim that man's release of greenhouse gases is the cause of the warming is based almost entirely upon climate models. We all know the frailty of models concerning the air-surface system." — Atmospheric scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a Ph.D. in meteorology, and formerly of NASA, who has authored more than 190 studies and has been named "among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years."
• Warming fears are the "worst scientific scandal in ... history.... When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists." — UN IPCC Japanese scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning Ph.D. environmental physical chemist.
• "The IPCC has actually become a closed circuit; it doesn't listen to others. It doesn't have open minds.... I am really amazed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been given on scientifically incorrect conclusions by people who are not geologists." — Indian geologist Dr. Arun D. Ahluwalia of Punjab University, a board member of the UN-supported International Year of the Planet.
• "So far, real measurements give no ground for concern about a catastrophic future warming." — Scientist Dr. Jarl R. Ahlbeck, a chemical engineer at Abo Akademi University in Finland, author of 200 scientific publications, and former Greenpeace member.
• "Anyone who claims that the debate is over and the conclusions are firm has a fundamentally unscientific approach to one of the most momentous issues of our time." — Solar physicist Dr. Pal Brekke, senior adviser to the Norwegian Space Centre in Oslo. Brekke has published more than 40 peer-reviewed scientific articles on the sun and solar interaction with the Earth.
• "It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don't buy into anthropogenic global warming." — U.S. Government atmospheric scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
• "For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming? For how many years must cooling go on?" — Geologist Dr. David Gee, the chairman of the science committee of the 2008 International Geological Congress who has authored 130-plus peer-reviewed papers, and is currently at Uppsala University in Sweden.
• "The 'global warming scare' is being used as a political tool to increase government control over American lives, incomes and decision making. It has no place in the Society's activities." — Award-winning NASA astronaut/geologist and moonwalker Jack Schmitt, who flew on the Apollo 17 mission and is formerly of the Norwegian Geological Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey.
International Panel on Climate Change
The IPCC, the entity that has generated the go-to documents that politicians and most media turn to for global-warming proclamations, doesn't have the credibility of the dissenters. The IPCC was formed in 1988 by the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization. It is a single-purpose, single-interest organization. The entire reason for the IPCC's being is to provide evidence for anthropogenic global warming. Had it not been for the IPCC's activities, it is unlikely you would have ever heard the terms "global warming" or "climate change."
The IPCC has issued four "assessments" about the likelihood of AGW — in 1991, 1996, 2001, and 2007 — and the likely effects around the world should catastrophic warming occur. These assessments are typically 800 pages or so in length and (except for the last one) without indices, making them virtually worthless for any but the most dedicated reader. But one might not bother reading them anyway, as the importance of the reports is completely eclipsed by the "Summary for Policy Makers" (SPM) — or as some would suggest, Summary by Policy Makers. This document is what is released to the media and, as we shall see, is often quite different from the report itself.
Let us look at how the IPCC "Summary for Policy Makers" handled the assessments written by committees of scientists. The following are statements from the original document of the second IPCC report (1996), which had been approved by the scientific writers' committees. The first statement says: "None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed (climate) changes to the specific cause of increases in greenhouse gases."
That's pretty clear, so how about this one: "No study to date has positively attributed all or part (of climate change observed to date) to anthropogenic (manmade) causes."
There's not any waffling there, so let's look at one more: "Any claims of positive change of significant climate change are likely to remain controversial until uncertainties in the total nature variability of the climate system are reduced."
As Al Gore would say, that is "UN-EE-QUIV-o-cal."
Yet the three statements above were removed by the political influences, and in their place was substituted: "The balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate."
The late Professor Frederick Seitz, the former president of the National Academy of Sciences, in a June 12, 1996 letter to the Wall Street Journal, accused the IPCC of censoring the scientific content of the assessment report to agree with a position favored by bureaucrats, governments, and NGOs. Said Seitz: "I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the re-review process than the events that led to this IPCC report."
The bias of the IPCC was established by the lead editor of the first three IPCC reports, Sir John Houghton, who set the tone for the organization with the statement, "Unless we announce disaster, no one will listen." If you've been hired by the United Nations to provide evidence of global warming, you can't be pussyfooting around with statements that suggest it is not only unproven but well might not be happening at all. One is certainly comforted by such objectivity.
The IPCC and the Temperature Record
There is general agreement that the last ice age ended about 12,000 years ago. With the temperature some 20°F below today's norms and continuing that way for about 100,000 years, some 400 feet of the oceans' depth evaporated, fell as snow, was compressed into ice and covered the Northern United States to an estimated depth of one mile. With intermittent backslides and pauses, the Earth has generally been warming since that time. Yet the warming alarmists would have us believe that the warming that we have experienced recently is unprecedented, human-caused, and likely catastrophic. Oh really?
About 7,000 years ago, a warm period known as the Holocene Optimum coincided with the time that agriculture arose worldwide that, in turn, ushered in the Bronze Age. It is a period the IPCC simply ignores, as temperatures then were much warmer than their worst predictions under CO2-generated warming, yet catastrophe did not ensue. Polar bears had been around for the previous 190,000 years and survived the Holocene Optimum quite nicely, thank you very much.
After a few ups and downs, another warm period called the Roman Optimum is considered by historians to be a large factor in the rise of the Roman civilization, as society had the ability to produce more food than required to sustain the farmers, thus allowing others to construct the infrastructure of roads, buildings, and aqueducts upon which the empire was built. The Dark Ages, on the other hand, may not have been dark, but they were cold.
Then warmth came back in the form of what we call the Medieval Warm Period in about 950 A.D., known by historians as the Age of the Cathedrals. The Medieval Warm Period presents problems for alarmists because it can't be simply ignored. It is easy to prove that it was warmer than today. Not only do temperature proxies such as ice cores show it, but the flourishing Viking civilization on Greenland confirms it. Land that today is frozen solid then supported cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats for the "settlers."
Existence of the Greenland civilization is a source of embarrassment to the global warmers as it leads to a logical inconsistency:
Q. Was Greenland warmer during the period 950 A.D. to 1450 A.D. than it is today?
A. Without question. Crops and pastures were grown where today is permanently frozen ground.
Q. Could this be a localized temperature anomaly?
A. Only if such an anomaly can stay around for approximately 500 years.
Q. Were port cities such as London and Venice flooded by high sea levels during this period of high temperatures — temperatures several degrees higher than today?
A. No. [The Tower of London was built in 1078 A.D. on the north bank of the River Thames, a few feet above the high tide mark. Today it remains a few feet above the high tide mark.]
Q. So why would one expect them to be flooded today if temperatures rose considerably, to the level that would allow agriculture again in Greenland?
A. Duh. Because Al Gore said so?
Sadly for our ancestors, the warm climate didn't last. Europe experienced a prolonged cold, wet spell, causing crop failures and famine. Always being on the verge of starvation resulted in a general weakness that is thought to have prolonged and exacerbated the "black death," which killed approximately half of Europe's population. This cool period — from which many climatologists consider the Earth to be still emerging — is known as the Little Ice Age. It too is a difficult period to explain away, as there are records of "frost fairs" on the Thames in London from the early 1600s to 1814, with ice on the order of 11 inches thick supporting tents, wagons, and even a visiting elephant. Since temperatures obviously have been increasing for several hundred years, is it so unusual for them to still be increasing? (Except that they're not.)
In North America the weather was cold enough for New York harbor to freeze so that one could walk from Manhattan to Staten Island. During the Civil War, army reports indicated that in Little Rock, for several weeks each year, wagon teams could cross the iced-over Arkansas River, something no one alive today has ever seen.
The period between about 1645 and 1715 was particularly cold and coincides with the Maunder Minimum, where only about 50 sunspots appeared, compared to an expectation of from 40,000 to 50,000. (More sunspots mean greater solar activity. See sidebar on page 16.)
Summing up, the Medieval Warm Period was far warmer than the temperatures global-warming alarmists expect us to reach, without any of the catastrophes predicted by alarmists, and the Little Ice Age clearly shows that Earth had a cold spell from which it has been warming for some 200 years, benefiting plant, animal, and human existence on Earth. Enter the "hockey stick."
The Hockey Stick
The term "hockey stick" refers to the shape of a 1998 graph of temperature versus time as displayed by global warmers Michael Mann, Raymond Bradley, and Malcom Hughes. It performs several amazing functions for the alarmists, namely:
• Eliminates the Medieval Warm Period;
• Eliminates the Little Ice Age; and
• Shows recent temperatures to be rising catastrophically.
It was a blessing for the IPCC and, according to Christopher Monckton — writer and producer of the informative and entertaining video Apocalypse? NO! [Apocalypse? NO! is available from the Science & Public Policy Institute, http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/.] — the hockey stick was used in full color no fewer than six times in the 2001 IPCC assessment report.
Unfortunately for Mann et al., two Canadians were suspicious of their results and finally were able to obtain sufficient information to challenge the methodology that produced the "convenient" graph. Businessman Steven McIntyre and economist Ross McKitrick examined the construction and use of the data set of proxies for past climate that Mann had used to estimate the temperature from 1400 to 1980 and found collation errors, unjustified truncation and extrapolation, use of obsolete data, and calculation mistakes.
Global alarmists challenged the challengers, and the matter was taken to the Academy of Sciences and to a panel headed by Edward Wegman of George Mason University, commissioned by the U.S. Congress. Both referees found in favor of McIntyre over Mann. The Wegman panel fully endorsed the findings of McIntyre and McKitrick. "The NAS panel," as Christopher Horner puts it in The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming, "specifically repudiated three-fourths of Mann's record, specifically accused the IPCC of misrepresentation, and specifically accused the Mann team of down-playing historical uncertainties." Nonetheless, the once-proud and respected Nature magazine brazenly opined, "Academy affirms hockey-stick graph."
All of these investigations had been completed and were well known by early summer of 2006. Nonetheless, Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, not released until late November 2006, used the hockey stick as the centerpiece of his argument.
Goodbye Free-market Capitalism
If the IPCC and internationalists everywhere were content to let global warming remain an object of discussion and monitoring, its pronouncements would likely inspire the same type of humor as that elicited by an eccentric old uncle who tells about inventing the light bulb and sailing on the Titanic, but such is not the case. They want (demand) worldwide changes - decreasing levels of CO2 emissions through a worldwide cap-and-trade system for CO2. It is difficult to imagine any policy more destructive to our economy than "cap and trade." Today's bailouts are horrid and give government an equity stake in businesses — about as socialist as you can get. But "cap and trade" would gut the very system that has made the United States the wealthiest country in the world.
While there are a number of plans under discussion, most have the same basic elements:
• The government, or governments, would issue "carbon certificates" allowing a commercial or industrial user to consume a specified amount of carbon-based fuel. [Programs to extend this to individuals are already well underway in EU countries.] The total amount would be less than the currently used amount, making these instruments instantly valuable. If, for example, a manufacturer desired to expand or continue production (since the number of existing credits would be continually reduced to meet some Kyoto-type protocol), he would be required to purchase them from another manufacturer or on "the open market."
• The "open market" — the reason Ken Lay and Enron were such fans of global-warming alarmism — could be anywhere in the world. A self-coronated potentate from Cowabunga, Africa, might sell the credits he is given by an international body for not destroying a rain forest (formerly known as a jungle) to an American entrepreneur who wanted to open a shoestring repair business. Or an up-and-coming corporate executive might see a huge profit from moving his manufacturing plant to a Third World country (with no carbon certificate requirements), benefiting nicely from sales of the carbon credits obtained by closing his U.S.-based manufacturing plant.
The possibilities for corruption are endless. It would make all U.S. enterprises beggars to controllers of the carbon-credit apparatus. Carbon producers would become de jure criminals, and de facto criminals would become rich and powerful. Competition for the ever-decreasing credits would increase their value and the power the issuers had over our entire energy-dependent economy.
But in Our Arsenal ...
Saving the day may be a new organization, the NIPCC — the NON-Governmental International Panel on Climate Change. It has hundreds of scientists with varying backgrounds to show its objectivity. With bulldog Dr. S. Fred Singer at the helm, one should feel confident that the position of skeptics to climatic catastrophe will be well upheld.
Underpinning the global realism rebellion is the Petition Project of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Now with signed petitions from over 31,000 scientists with a minimum of a bachelor's degree, but including over 9,000 Ph.D.s, it is a force to be reckoned with now and in the future as the battle lines are drawn between skeptics and alarmists. For more information or to check on qualifications go to www.petitionproject.org.
If you want to hear from the finest minds on the subject of climate change, you should hurry to make reservations for the 2009 International Conference on Climate Change sponsored by the Heartland Institute in New York City on March 8-10. For the second year, TNA plans to be there for interviews with national and international speakers. For more information or reservations, contact ncomerford @heartland.org
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it, or call 312-377-4000.
Humor: Bane of the Absurd
More and more people worldwide are asking, "Hey, I'm freezing my buns off and the weather is getting cooler every year. But I'm going to have to change my lifestyle and reduce my standard of living because 52 scientist-lackeys say that carbon dioxide is causing global warming? Give me a break." The emperor has no clothes, and it's up to us to reinforce what is already known. Let us take every opportunity to ask, "Whatever Happened to Global Warming?" and at the same time point out that it's not a sin against the planet to drive an SUV or burn a peat bog. And — one last fact — in geologic time, our present level of CO2 is relatively low compared to earlier levels that were some 12 times the amount of concern to alarmists. Plants were very happy then, and oceans didn't boil away. Remember, plants thrive on CO2 — "Trees Love SUVs."
Additional reading: NOT SO FUN IN THE SUN
How Solar Activity Affects Temperatures on Earth
If CO2 didn't cause the warming we experienced through the 1990s, what did cause it? In 1801 astronomer William Herschel, discoverer of the planet Uranus and of infrared radiation, is said to have predicted the price of grain from counting the number of observable sunspots. When the sunspots increased, the weather warmed and the price of grain came down. During periods of low activity, the weather cooled, crops diminished, and the price rose. The relationship between solar activity and temperature has been noted for years, but the increase in solar irradiance can be shown to be too small to account for significant changes in temperature. However, the correlation was far too close to be coincidental and is a far better correlation to Earth's temperature record than CO2 as a climate forcing agent. It seems we were looking in the wrong direction. In 2004, Nir Shaviv and Jan Vetzer of the Hebrew University showed empirical evidence that "cosmic ray flux" had an impact on climate variability.
Though increases and decreases in solar irradiance wouldn't directly produce Earth's measured temperature changes, solar activity appears to have an indirect effect. A supernova sends out swarms of cosmic rays (mostly protons and electrons) that cause small particles in our atmosphere to attract one another, becoming nuclei for cloud formations high in the atmosphere. During periods of high solar activity, solar winds and magnetic fields act to block these cosmic intruders and prevent the formation of clouds. As high clouds reflect sunlight, preventing their formation increases the radiation reaching the surface and increases the global temperature. In other words, high solar activity, evidenced by sunspots, disrupts cloud formation, thus allowing more solar heating of the Earth.
The '90s were a period of high solar activity, but this has slowed down. In fact, it has virtually stopped. The total solar irradiance, as reported by NASA's David Hathaway, is at the lowest point on record — although the record is only a few decades long. Furthermore, sunspots migrate across the sun as the sunspot (solar) cycle matures. Usually a new sunspot cycle would have already been active by this time — but it hasn't started. This is very bad news for the global-warming alarmists, as the data show this is the precursor of a cooling trend. Actually, it is not such good news for skeptics either, as colder weather is much more dangerous and uncomfortable than warmer weather for many reasons. Personally, I'm not a big fan of driving a team of horses across a frozen Arkansas River.
If that wasn’t enough for ya, click on this, Doggs & Doggettes:
By Robert Ferguson
OK, Ya got it now, ya ABCers and Low IQers? For future reference – (just pretend we have a “future”) – when the Neocon Newtwits and the Liberal Loudmouths call a thing a fact, it’s a lie; when the Neocon Newtwits and the Liberal Loudmouths call a thing a lie, it’s a fact. It’s really a very simple formula that even you hapless registered Dumb-O-Crats should be able to follow well enough to avoid mis- and dis- information and steer clear of trouble. Oh, and remember: no matter what a professional Democrat or Republican says to you, always keep one hand on your wallet and the other on your Second Amendment right.
If the Neocon Newtwits and the Liberal Loudmouths fooled you once, shame on them. If they’ve fooled you twice, then shame on you, ya Red State Rubes and Blue State Boobs. (No, I wasn’t name-calling; I was roll-calling.)
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Every butthead who bought into the whole Global Warming scare ought to have their butt warmed by 40 stripes from Joseph Stalin’s coccyx attached to the end of a bear hide strap. Yeah, that means “most Americans” and “ALL Liberals” – yes, ye of the A.B.C. (Atrophied Brain Club).
Right-O, all ya Chicken Littles, the sky is indeed falling, but NOT in the form of Global Warming. Yes, our goose is cooked; yes, our bacon’s fryin’; yes our buns be gettin’ burned. But it’s no more than what we collectively deserve. We’ve earned our R.I.P. in the roaster because of our Godless national immorality and our stinkin’ state stupidity. But don’t be fooled any longer about Global Warming – that’s a sham and not a mechanism in our demise.
NEWS FLASH: Time magazine lied to you. The Democratic Chips And Dipsh#tism (The New York Times) lied to you. Your politicians (both Repugnantcans and Dumb-O-Crats) lied to you. Some so-called “scientists” lied to you. The Green Marxists lied to you. The United Nations lied to you. And that Nobel Peace Prize-winning nerd Al Gore* lied to you. And you believed ‘em all. If you had a brain you’d be brainwashed!
* When I was in school, I used to take the lunch money from twits like Albert Gore, AFTER the tough guys had taken my lunch money from me.
Back on April 10, 2007, I posted at Big Bitch dotcom the most antagonistic and in-yer-face thing I’d ever written. It was titled (link:) “STOP BEING A USEFUL IDIOT.” [I’ve got something in the works that will exceed even that in antagonism and in-yer-faceness, and which should p!ss off just about every last one of you. But that’s something for a future month.] In “STOP BEING A USEFUL IDIOT” I made the following statements:
It would be impossible to institute a global government as long as one nation remains too prosperous. (Why should a wealthy nation accept a new system with new laws, controls, and restrictions on its liberties?) For this reason, it is necessary for the Elite to wreck the American Constitutional system, so that in their desperate times, the American people will embrace whatever (Socialistic) solutions that the Elite offer as a means to salvation. The USA must be financially wrecked in order to establish a relatively equal (and desperate) global playing field. ...
It is no accident that our government enters into international trade agreements that ultimately send many of our best manufacturing jobs to the cheap (and sometimes slave) labor overseas and/or South-of-the-border. It is no act of stupidity when you hear of the military paying $500 for a single toilet seat. There is a damned good reason that so much effort is being made now to convince the people of the dangers of so-called “Global Warming.” The measures that will be installed to stem the imaginary disaster will curtail American manufacturing further and thus slow our economy, our ability to produce wealth. There is a method to the madness you see and read about daily. The Elite use myriad ploys to drain American wealth. There’s foreign aid (i.e., taxpayer money) given to nations - as often as not, America’s ideological enemies. There’s federally-funded grants to conduct useless studies to determine things like whether or not humming birds and honey bees seem to experience enhanced pleasure if Ravel’s “Bolero” or the Starland Vocal Band’s “Afternoon Delight” are played while the birds and the bees are doing it. And then there’s the hidden tax of inflation that comes with un-Constitutional fiat money (i.e., Federal Reserve Notes), but I won’t even go there because it’s more complex than a storyline from THE SOPRANOS, so you probably wouldn’t be able to follow it anyway. But these are just a few ways that our Puppeteers siphon off the wealth of our nation and exploit our labor.
I was able to boldly proclaim these things, and denounce the idea of catastrophic Global Warming because I had already perused genuinely objective research on the so-called “Global Warming” issue, and I had been convinced that it was yet another fraud foisted upon the unsuspecting American nimrod by nefarious New World Order Dictator wannabes. (It’s amazing what you can learn if you turn off the TV and start reading big boys’ and girls’ books instead of that Stephen King Krap!) Give those Marxist Maroons an A for effort, as usual, but an F for smarts, as usual. Did these elite little b!tches really think they could forever bully and wooleye REAL scientists? Did they believe that men and women who adhere to the genuine scientific method would remain eternally silent? Not speak up and say, “What is this anthropogenic global warming bovine excrement you’re trying to shove down our throats? What sort of sick game are you international bankers, elite politicians, brainless bureaucrats, green liberal losers and pseudo-scientists trying to play here?” Did the Dick Dawkins-like dips think they could perpetually shout down the Isaac Newton-types?
Well, I’m posting below the most recent cover article from The New American magazine, written by Ed Hiserodt and titled “WHATEVER HAPPENED TO GLOBAL WARMING?” This brief but to-the-point article puts a fair amount of the scam into a nutshell, so that even a few of you in the A.B.C. (Atrophied Brain Club) will begin to see the non-catastrophic light (i.e., you’ll begin warming to the truth).
By Ed Hiserodt
Now that record-cold temperatures across the globe are making a mockery of human-caused global warming, we look to see if this is merely a "weather hiccup."
Judge: Counselor, do you have anything to say before I pronounce sentence on the accused?
Attorney: Yes, your honor. Might I remind you that the victim my client was accused of murdering showed up earlier and is very much alive, sitting there in the front row?
Judge: Sir, this court does not deal in trivialities.
Attorney: But your honor, I'd respectfully suggest that since there is no victim, there has been no crime and my client is obviously innocent.
Judge: Counselor, you are very close to being in contempt of this court. I am the one who determines guilt or innocence here and your client is going to hang.
Attorney: But judge ...
In 1970, I recall New Orleans schoolchildren taking a 185-mile field trip to Jackson, Mississippi, so students might experience something they had never seen before: snow. This year they didn't have to bother, as Southern Louisiana was blanketed with four inches of the white stuff, the first major snow in 45 years, and only two inches shy of the all-time record of six inches set in 1895. It was also the earliest snow since record keeping began in 1850.
Not to be outdone, Las Vegas checked in with what local meteorologist Jerome Jacquest said was the most snow since 1979. With no snow removal or de-icing equipment, the airport was closed along with most roads. Gambling, however, was not affected.
Snow wasn't the only problem. Freezing temperatures in Denver set a new low of minus 18, eclipsing a record from 1901. White Sulfur Springs, Montana, reported 29 below, shredding the previous record mark of minus 17, set in 1922. For the week of December 15, 2008 alone, HAM Weather Service reports 1,537 record low temperatures in the United States and 1,110 record snowfalls — not exactly what one would expect while on the way to climate catastrophe owing to global warming.
Weather watchers know this isn't just an anomaly or freak occurrence. For the past 10 years, the summers have been cooler and the winters more severe. In Little Rock, for example, a chart in the newspaper shows there have been five consecutive months with average temperatures below normal. Since Little Rock is situated near the geographical center of the country, one would suspect that this is not an unusual condition, and indeed, such a suspicion is borne out by satellite measurements that cover the entire globe and are not subject to the "urban heat island" effect that has been shown to add as much as 10°F to recording stations in urban areas as compared to rural counterparts. An NBC crew sent out to show the Northwest Passage was ice free had their icebreaker stranded for three weeks because of thick ice.
With such obvious disputations of "global warming," one might also suspect that the convictions of some honest, objective members of the weather establishment would begin to waver — after seeing the victim alive and sitting in the courtroom.
Tip of the Iceberg
And in fact, it is apparent that more than just a few experts are wavering. When the news was reported of a British court announcing that Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth was unfit for school "because it is politically biased and contains scientific inaccuracies and sentimental mush," CNN meteorologist Rob Marciano — who was off-camera preparing to give the weather report — applauded and said, "Finally, finally!" He was particularly incensed that Gore blamed Hurricane Katrina on anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming (AGW). During the period of December marked by low temperatures, mentioned above, CNN severe-weather expert Chad Meyer commented during Lou Dobbs Tonight, "You know, to think we could affect weather all that much is pretty arrogant."
In a July 18, 2008 widely circulated article entitled "No Smoking Hot Spot," Australian Greenhouse Office scientist David Evans came out of the global-warming skeptics' closet. Although having written the carbon accounting model used to measure Australia's compliance with the Kyoto Protocol, Evans was wrestling with a problem: the greenhouse-gas signature is missing. If CO2 is the cause of global warming, then it must be absorbing solar energy and warming the air, which in turn warms the surface. Both alarmists and skeptics agree that all models predict a "hot spot" at 10 kilometers above the tropics. But there is no such hot spot. Quoting Evans:
We have been measuring the atmosphere for decades using radiosondes — weather balloons with thermometers that radio back the temperature as the balloon ascends through the atmosphere. They show no hot spot. Whatsoever. If there is no hot spot, then an increased greenhouse effect is not the cause of global warming. So we know for sure that carbon emissions are not a significant cause of the global warming. If we had found the greenhouse signature, then I would be an alarmist again.
The Rest of the Iceberg
A U.S. Senate minority report entitled More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims, subtitled Scientists Continue to Debunk "Consensus" in 2008, was released on December 11, 2008. [The U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works has made available a downloadable PDF of the full report at their minority website http://epw.senate.gov/minority/. Click on "White Papers and Reports"; the PDF is listed as "Senate Minority Report 2."] These 650 dissenting scientists are more than 12 times the 52 government-supported scientists who gave us the 2007 Summary for Policy Makers — the abbreviated version of the climate assessment by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — to which the major media looks adoringly for news about global warming. (There were, however, diplomats from 115 countries aiding the IPCC, making sure the warnings produced the greatest gloom and fear.)
The Senate report includes names, biographies, academic institutional affiliations, and quotes from hundreds of international scientists who have publicly dissented against man-made climate fears. Here are a few condensed remarks typical of the group as a whole:
• "I am a skeptic.... Global warming has become a new religion." — Nobel Prize winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever.
• "Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly.... As a scientist I remain skeptical.... The main basis of the claim that man's release of greenhouse gases is the cause of the warming is based almost entirely upon climate models. We all know the frailty of models concerning the air-surface system." — Atmospheric scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a Ph.D. in meteorology, and formerly of NASA, who has authored more than 190 studies and has been named "among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years."
• Warming fears are the "worst scientific scandal in ... history.... When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists." — UN IPCC Japanese scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning Ph.D. environmental physical chemist.
• "The IPCC has actually become a closed circuit; it doesn't listen to others. It doesn't have open minds.... I am really amazed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been given on scientifically incorrect conclusions by people who are not geologists." — Indian geologist Dr. Arun D. Ahluwalia of Punjab University, a board member of the UN-supported International Year of the Planet.
• "So far, real measurements give no ground for concern about a catastrophic future warming." — Scientist Dr. Jarl R. Ahlbeck, a chemical engineer at Abo Akademi University in Finland, author of 200 scientific publications, and former Greenpeace member.
• "Anyone who claims that the debate is over and the conclusions are firm has a fundamentally unscientific approach to one of the most momentous issues of our time." — Solar physicist Dr. Pal Brekke, senior adviser to the Norwegian Space Centre in Oslo. Brekke has published more than 40 peer-reviewed scientific articles on the sun and solar interaction with the Earth.
• "It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don't buy into anthropogenic global warming." — U.S. Government atmospheric scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
• "For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming? For how many years must cooling go on?" — Geologist Dr. David Gee, the chairman of the science committee of the 2008 International Geological Congress who has authored 130-plus peer-reviewed papers, and is currently at Uppsala University in Sweden.
• "The 'global warming scare' is being used as a political tool to increase government control over American lives, incomes and decision making. It has no place in the Society's activities." — Award-winning NASA astronaut/geologist and moonwalker Jack Schmitt, who flew on the Apollo 17 mission and is formerly of the Norwegian Geological Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey.
International Panel on Climate Change
The IPCC, the entity that has generated the go-to documents that politicians and most media turn to for global-warming proclamations, doesn't have the credibility of the dissenters. The IPCC was formed in 1988 by the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization. It is a single-purpose, single-interest organization. The entire reason for the IPCC's being is to provide evidence for anthropogenic global warming. Had it not been for the IPCC's activities, it is unlikely you would have ever heard the terms "global warming" or "climate change."
The IPCC has issued four "assessments" about the likelihood of AGW — in 1991, 1996, 2001, and 2007 — and the likely effects around the world should catastrophic warming occur. These assessments are typically 800 pages or so in length and (except for the last one) without indices, making them virtually worthless for any but the most dedicated reader. But one might not bother reading them anyway, as the importance of the reports is completely eclipsed by the "Summary for Policy Makers" (SPM) — or as some would suggest, Summary by Policy Makers. This document is what is released to the media and, as we shall see, is often quite different from the report itself.
Let us look at how the IPCC "Summary for Policy Makers" handled the assessments written by committees of scientists. The following are statements from the original document of the second IPCC report (1996), which had been approved by the scientific writers' committees. The first statement says: "None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed (climate) changes to the specific cause of increases in greenhouse gases."
That's pretty clear, so how about this one: "No study to date has positively attributed all or part (of climate change observed to date) to anthropogenic (manmade) causes."
There's not any waffling there, so let's look at one more: "Any claims of positive change of significant climate change are likely to remain controversial until uncertainties in the total nature variability of the climate system are reduced."
As Al Gore would say, that is "UN-EE-QUIV-o-cal."
Yet the three statements above were removed by the political influences, and in their place was substituted: "The balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate."
The late Professor Frederick Seitz, the former president of the National Academy of Sciences, in a June 12, 1996 letter to the Wall Street Journal, accused the IPCC of censoring the scientific content of the assessment report to agree with a position favored by bureaucrats, governments, and NGOs. Said Seitz: "I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the re-review process than the events that led to this IPCC report."
The bias of the IPCC was established by the lead editor of the first three IPCC reports, Sir John Houghton, who set the tone for the organization with the statement, "Unless we announce disaster, no one will listen." If you've been hired by the United Nations to provide evidence of global warming, you can't be pussyfooting around with statements that suggest it is not only unproven but well might not be happening at all. One is certainly comforted by such objectivity.
The IPCC and the Temperature Record
There is general agreement that the last ice age ended about 12,000 years ago. With the temperature some 20°F below today's norms and continuing that way for about 100,000 years, some 400 feet of the oceans' depth evaporated, fell as snow, was compressed into ice and covered the Northern United States to an estimated depth of one mile. With intermittent backslides and pauses, the Earth has generally been warming since that time. Yet the warming alarmists would have us believe that the warming that we have experienced recently is unprecedented, human-caused, and likely catastrophic. Oh really?
About 7,000 years ago, a warm period known as the Holocene Optimum coincided with the time that agriculture arose worldwide that, in turn, ushered in the Bronze Age. It is a period the IPCC simply ignores, as temperatures then were much warmer than their worst predictions under CO2-generated warming, yet catastrophe did not ensue. Polar bears had been around for the previous 190,000 years and survived the Holocene Optimum quite nicely, thank you very much.
After a few ups and downs, another warm period called the Roman Optimum is considered by historians to be a large factor in the rise of the Roman civilization, as society had the ability to produce more food than required to sustain the farmers, thus allowing others to construct the infrastructure of roads, buildings, and aqueducts upon which the empire was built. The Dark Ages, on the other hand, may not have been dark, but they were cold.
Then warmth came back in the form of what we call the Medieval Warm Period in about 950 A.D., known by historians as the Age of the Cathedrals. The Medieval Warm Period presents problems for alarmists because it can't be simply ignored. It is easy to prove that it was warmer than today. Not only do temperature proxies such as ice cores show it, but the flourishing Viking civilization on Greenland confirms it. Land that today is frozen solid then supported cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats for the "settlers."
Existence of the Greenland civilization is a source of embarrassment to the global warmers as it leads to a logical inconsistency:
Q. Was Greenland warmer during the period 950 A.D. to 1450 A.D. than it is today?
A. Without question. Crops and pastures were grown where today is permanently frozen ground.
Q. Could this be a localized temperature anomaly?
A. Only if such an anomaly can stay around for approximately 500 years.
Q. Were port cities such as London and Venice flooded by high sea levels during this period of high temperatures — temperatures several degrees higher than today?
A. No. [The Tower of London was built in 1078 A.D. on the north bank of the River Thames, a few feet above the high tide mark. Today it remains a few feet above the high tide mark.]
Q. So why would one expect them to be flooded today if temperatures rose considerably, to the level that would allow agriculture again in Greenland?
A. Duh. Because Al Gore said so?
Sadly for our ancestors, the warm climate didn't last. Europe experienced a prolonged cold, wet spell, causing crop failures and famine. Always being on the verge of starvation resulted in a general weakness that is thought to have prolonged and exacerbated the "black death," which killed approximately half of Europe's population. This cool period — from which many climatologists consider the Earth to be still emerging — is known as the Little Ice Age. It too is a difficult period to explain away, as there are records of "frost fairs" on the Thames in London from the early 1600s to 1814, with ice on the order of 11 inches thick supporting tents, wagons, and even a visiting elephant. Since temperatures obviously have been increasing for several hundred years, is it so unusual for them to still be increasing? (Except that they're not.)
In North America the weather was cold enough for New York harbor to freeze so that one could walk from Manhattan to Staten Island. During the Civil War, army reports indicated that in Little Rock, for several weeks each year, wagon teams could cross the iced-over Arkansas River, something no one alive today has ever seen.
The period between about 1645 and 1715 was particularly cold and coincides with the Maunder Minimum, where only about 50 sunspots appeared, compared to an expectation of from 40,000 to 50,000. (More sunspots mean greater solar activity. See sidebar on page 16.)
Summing up, the Medieval Warm Period was far warmer than the temperatures global-warming alarmists expect us to reach, without any of the catastrophes predicted by alarmists, and the Little Ice Age clearly shows that Earth had a cold spell from which it has been warming for some 200 years, benefiting plant, animal, and human existence on Earth. Enter the "hockey stick."
The Hockey Stick
The term "hockey stick" refers to the shape of a 1998 graph of temperature versus time as displayed by global warmers Michael Mann, Raymond Bradley, and Malcom Hughes. It performs several amazing functions for the alarmists, namely:
• Eliminates the Medieval Warm Period;
• Eliminates the Little Ice Age; and
• Shows recent temperatures to be rising catastrophically.
It was a blessing for the IPCC and, according to Christopher Monckton — writer and producer of the informative and entertaining video Apocalypse? NO! [Apocalypse? NO! is available from the Science & Public Policy Institute, http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/.] — the hockey stick was used in full color no fewer than six times in the 2001 IPCC assessment report.
Unfortunately for Mann et al., two Canadians were suspicious of their results and finally were able to obtain sufficient information to challenge the methodology that produced the "convenient" graph. Businessman Steven McIntyre and economist Ross McKitrick examined the construction and use of the data set of proxies for past climate that Mann had used to estimate the temperature from 1400 to 1980 and found collation errors, unjustified truncation and extrapolation, use of obsolete data, and calculation mistakes.
Global alarmists challenged the challengers, and the matter was taken to the Academy of Sciences and to a panel headed by Edward Wegman of George Mason University, commissioned by the U.S. Congress. Both referees found in favor of McIntyre over Mann. The Wegman panel fully endorsed the findings of McIntyre and McKitrick. "The NAS panel," as Christopher Horner puts it in The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming, "specifically repudiated three-fourths of Mann's record, specifically accused the IPCC of misrepresentation, and specifically accused the Mann team of down-playing historical uncertainties." Nonetheless, the once-proud and respected Nature magazine brazenly opined, "Academy affirms hockey-stick graph."
All of these investigations had been completed and were well known by early summer of 2006. Nonetheless, Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, not released until late November 2006, used the hockey stick as the centerpiece of his argument.
Goodbye Free-market Capitalism
If the IPCC and internationalists everywhere were content to let global warming remain an object of discussion and monitoring, its pronouncements would likely inspire the same type of humor as that elicited by an eccentric old uncle who tells about inventing the light bulb and sailing on the Titanic, but such is not the case. They want (demand) worldwide changes - decreasing levels of CO2 emissions through a worldwide cap-and-trade system for CO2. It is difficult to imagine any policy more destructive to our economy than "cap and trade." Today's bailouts are horrid and give government an equity stake in businesses — about as socialist as you can get. But "cap and trade" would gut the very system that has made the United States the wealthiest country in the world.
While there are a number of plans under discussion, most have the same basic elements:
• The government, or governments, would issue "carbon certificates" allowing a commercial or industrial user to consume a specified amount of carbon-based fuel. [Programs to extend this to individuals are already well underway in EU countries.] The total amount would be less than the currently used amount, making these instruments instantly valuable. If, for example, a manufacturer desired to expand or continue production (since the number of existing credits would be continually reduced to meet some Kyoto-type protocol), he would be required to purchase them from another manufacturer or on "the open market."
• The "open market" — the reason Ken Lay and Enron were such fans of global-warming alarmism — could be anywhere in the world. A self-coronated potentate from Cowabunga, Africa, might sell the credits he is given by an international body for not destroying a rain forest (formerly known as a jungle) to an American entrepreneur who wanted to open a shoestring repair business. Or an up-and-coming corporate executive might see a huge profit from moving his manufacturing plant to a Third World country (with no carbon certificate requirements), benefiting nicely from sales of the carbon credits obtained by closing his U.S.-based manufacturing plant.
The possibilities for corruption are endless. It would make all U.S. enterprises beggars to controllers of the carbon-credit apparatus. Carbon producers would become de jure criminals, and de facto criminals would become rich and powerful. Competition for the ever-decreasing credits would increase their value and the power the issuers had over our entire energy-dependent economy.
But in Our Arsenal ...
Saving the day may be a new organization, the NIPCC — the NON-Governmental International Panel on Climate Change. It has hundreds of scientists with varying backgrounds to show its objectivity. With bulldog Dr. S. Fred Singer at the helm, one should feel confident that the position of skeptics to climatic catastrophe will be well upheld.
Underpinning the global realism rebellion is the Petition Project of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Now with signed petitions from over 31,000 scientists with a minimum of a bachelor's degree, but including over 9,000 Ph.D.s, it is a force to be reckoned with now and in the future as the battle lines are drawn between skeptics and alarmists. For more information or to check on qualifications go to www.petitionproject.org.
If you want to hear from the finest minds on the subject of climate change, you should hurry to make reservations for the 2009 International Conference on Climate Change sponsored by the Heartland Institute in New York City on March 8-10. For the second year, TNA plans to be there for interviews with national and international speakers. For more information or reservations, contact ncomerford @heartland.org
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it, or call 312-377-4000.
Humor: Bane of the Absurd
More and more people worldwide are asking, "Hey, I'm freezing my buns off and the weather is getting cooler every year. But I'm going to have to change my lifestyle and reduce my standard of living because 52 scientist-lackeys say that carbon dioxide is causing global warming? Give me a break." The emperor has no clothes, and it's up to us to reinforce what is already known. Let us take every opportunity to ask, "Whatever Happened to Global Warming?" and at the same time point out that it's not a sin against the planet to drive an SUV or burn a peat bog. And — one last fact — in geologic time, our present level of CO2 is relatively low compared to earlier levels that were some 12 times the amount of concern to alarmists. Plants were very happy then, and oceans didn't boil away. Remember, plants thrive on CO2 — "Trees Love SUVs."
Additional reading: NOT SO FUN IN THE SUN
How Solar Activity Affects Temperatures on Earth
If CO2 didn't cause the warming we experienced through the 1990s, what did cause it? In 1801 astronomer William Herschel, discoverer of the planet Uranus and of infrared radiation, is said to have predicted the price of grain from counting the number of observable sunspots. When the sunspots increased, the weather warmed and the price of grain came down. During periods of low activity, the weather cooled, crops diminished, and the price rose. The relationship between solar activity and temperature has been noted for years, but the increase in solar irradiance can be shown to be too small to account for significant changes in temperature. However, the correlation was far too close to be coincidental and is a far better correlation to Earth's temperature record than CO2 as a climate forcing agent. It seems we were looking in the wrong direction. In 2004, Nir Shaviv and Jan Vetzer of the Hebrew University showed empirical evidence that "cosmic ray flux" had an impact on climate variability.
Though increases and decreases in solar irradiance wouldn't directly produce Earth's measured temperature changes, solar activity appears to have an indirect effect. A supernova sends out swarms of cosmic rays (mostly protons and electrons) that cause small particles in our atmosphere to attract one another, becoming nuclei for cloud formations high in the atmosphere. During periods of high solar activity, solar winds and magnetic fields act to block these cosmic intruders and prevent the formation of clouds. As high clouds reflect sunlight, preventing their formation increases the radiation reaching the surface and increases the global temperature. In other words, high solar activity, evidenced by sunspots, disrupts cloud formation, thus allowing more solar heating of the Earth.
The '90s were a period of high solar activity, but this has slowed down. In fact, it has virtually stopped. The total solar irradiance, as reported by NASA's David Hathaway, is at the lowest point on record — although the record is only a few decades long. Furthermore, sunspots migrate across the sun as the sunspot (solar) cycle matures. Usually a new sunspot cycle would have already been active by this time — but it hasn't started. This is very bad news for the global-warming alarmists, as the data show this is the precursor of a cooling trend. Actually, it is not such good news for skeptics either, as colder weather is much more dangerous and uncomfortable than warmer weather for many reasons. Personally, I'm not a big fan of driving a team of horses across a frozen Arkansas River.
If that wasn’t enough for ya, click on this, Doggs & Doggettes:
By Robert Ferguson
OK, Ya got it now, ya ABCers and Low IQers? For future reference – (just pretend we have a “future”) – when the Neocon Newtwits and the Liberal Loudmouths call a thing a fact, it’s a lie; when the Neocon Newtwits and the Liberal Loudmouths call a thing a lie, it’s a fact. It’s really a very simple formula that even you hapless registered Dumb-O-Crats should be able to follow well enough to avoid mis- and dis- information and steer clear of trouble. Oh, and remember: no matter what a professional Democrat or Republican says to you, always keep one hand on your wallet and the other on your Second Amendment right.
If the Neocon Newtwits and the Liberal Loudmouths fooled you once, shame on them. If they’ve fooled you twice, then shame on you, ya Red State Rubes and Blue State Boobs. (No, I wasn’t name-calling; I was roll-calling.)
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Saturday, February 7, 2009
[*From the STMcC Archive; 2005, February*]

~ Jesus Christ
THE WILD BUNCH: A Cinematic Masterpiece
To refer to “THE WILD BUNCH” as one of the greatest Western movies ever made is to do it a great injustice; no qualifying allowed. It is one of the finest films ever created in ANY genre!
Evaluating THE WILD BUNCH objectively in terms of narrative force, characterization, direction, scope, suspense, and pure excitement, it is unsurpassed in the pantheon of Western films – the “Citizen Kane” of Westerns.
Directed by SAM PECKINPAH in 1969, the story takes place primarily in Mexico during the revolution of 1913.
Unbeknownst to most Americans, 1913 also saw a revolution occurring in the United States. In December of that year, the Federal Reserve Act passed and was signed into law. This gave control of the U.S. economy to private bankers. The Federal Reserve Act began the Socialization of America in earnest. (Read “The Creature From Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin.) I can't help smiling when I hear the movie's principal character, PIKE BISHOP (William Holden), tell the German military advisor, "We share very few sentiments with our government."
'Changing Times' is the great overarching theme in THE WILD BUNCH, which follows an aging outlaw gang, fast becoming an anachronism. But The Wild Bunch is a rich tapestry of interwoven themes and motivations. I've been watching it at least once a year since 1989 and yet I never fail to find new textures in it.
The primary theme is even portrayed in the film's color scheme. While it was shot in color, nearly everything appears to be one or another shade of brown. The viewer is left with the distinct impression that he has just seen an old-time sepia-tone movie. The only other color that manages to occasionally make its presence felt is green. Green, the color of Spring - a new season being born after the dead of Winter. A slowly evolving new era; green life seeping into the lifeless brown.
Independently, the members of The Bunch hope to make one good haul and assimilate into this new epoch. But from the very first images on the screen the viewer is clued in that this is not feasible. The film opens with children (representing this new generation) tormenting a few scorpions by stirring up a swarm of red ants against them. The dangerous scorpions are simpy overwhelmed. This imagery will be reprised at the end of the picture in the form of the few remaining dangerous outlaws, the swarming Mexican revolutionaries, and a small child with a rifle.
Encountering their first automobile, The Bunch express an interest in trading their extra horses for it; encountering his first machine gun, PIKE BISHOP, the gang's leader says, "What I don't know about, I sure as hell am going to learn." These moments hint that The Wild Bunch does not desire to remain outside of the burgeoning new world.
The Wild Bunch consists of murderers and thieves, and excepting ANGEL (Jaime Sanchez) - the young, idealistic member of the outlaw band who is devoted to the people of his Mexican village - this Bunch suffers no allegiance to anything but their own self-interests. "We're not associated with anybody," DUTCH ENGSTROM (Ernest Borgnine) proclaims. The gang's internal squabbles are constant and when Pike chastises them, "When you side with a man you stay with him, and if you can't do that you're like some animal! You're finished. We're finished. All of us!" it remains to be seen whether or not this actually holds any meaning for any of them.
And yet, at times we see a glimmer of true humanity in these desperados:
They assist an old lady in crossing the street on their way to a robbery.
When we first see FREDDIE SYKES (Edmond O'Brien) he's showing appreciation for a Mexican infant.
ANGEL, singing and strumming a guitar, exhibits the ability to convey the sensitivities of a tender ballad.
TECTOR GORCH (Ben Johnson) belies his curmudgeonly exterior when at the sight of starving canines, he scolds, "Hey, Angel, why in the hell don't you tell your folks to feed them dogs?!"
"We're after MEN, and I wish to God I was with them," bemoans DEKE THORNTON (Robert Ryan), former comrade to Pike Bishop and now the leader of the ragtag posse chasing The Wild Bunch. And this is indeed a man's movie, portraying a lost time when men were men and women were ladies - a true rarity in our current era of artificial gender-bending.
Due to a severe case of "male-member envy" amongst women, America currently exists in a monogender culture. The Woman found that She was no longer content to HAVE a man; now She wanted to BE a man! So they utilized steroids and/or hGH, pumped iron, tattooed their bodies, took up sports, acquired pickup trucks, and (after physical standards were lowered to accommodate them) joined the Fire Department, the Police Force, and the Military.
[*2009 NOTE: Have you noticed that about half of all pickup trucks on the road today are driven by women? Have you ever asked yourself why this is so? Do women appreciate the great gas mileage they get with trucks? Have they fallen in love with the sleek lines and sporty look of trucks? Is it because women are forever hauling stuff and require the bed of a pickup truck? Or do they drive trucks because men do? Ah-ha! Why has The Modern Female chosen to be a fourth-rate man rather than a first-rate woman? If you answered, “Mass conditioning by Socialistic social engineers” then give yourself a pat on the back and an “Atta boy, Girl!”]
Some men met the women halfway by coloring their hair and wearing earrings. Hardly a movie, television program, or video game has been produced in the last 15 years that doesn't include at least one occurrence of a woman unrealistically knocking the stuffing out of some man. We managed to save the buffalo, the eagle, the whale, and the seal. But the "lady" seems to be extinct! THE WILD BUNCH harks back to a more natural and realistic era. It is a film about male dinosaurs, made by male dinosaurs, for male dinosaurs.
After accomplishing their goals, discontentment settles upon The Wild Bunch. If they are truly "MEN", why do they now feel like animals?
THE WILD BUNCH is masterful in every respect. Notice:
* The brilliant direction.
* The creative photography and juxtaposition of images.
* The world-class editing which yanks the viewer into the chaos of the action sequences. (According to ‘Wild Bunch’ editor Lou Lombardo, the original release print contains 3,643 editorial cuts, more than any other Technicolor film ever processed.)
* The clipped, conversational style of dialogue indicative of familiarity.
* How much the characters say throughout the film without utilizing any VERBAL dialogue whatsoever! (For Example: Notice how the decision to face off against Mapache and his troops is made particularly poignant because it is expressed in only 4 words: PIKE: "Let's go." / LYLE: "Why not?" Dutch just sees the look in Pike's eyes and he laughs with understanding: This is the showdown we need.)
* The excellent acting: career defining performances from Holden, Borgnine, O'Brien, Warren Oates, Strother Martin, and Emilio Fernandez - who is magnificent as the drunken General Mapache.
When THE WILD BUNCH was first released in 1969, it was highly controversial because of its excessive degree of violence. The graphic, slow motion shots of blood spurting from bodies was unknown in cinema at that time. The violence in THE WILD BUNCH, however, is pretty tame by today's standards. Practically every War and Horror movie released in the last 20 years exceeds this film in terms of gore. While the violence in THE WILD BUNCH is a significant component of the narrative, this is actually a character-driven story. Despite the blood and bullets, it’s really a Western for thinkers.
There are many more nuances in this fine film which I could discuss, but I hesitate to rob others of the chance to explore this masterpiece for themselves.
Not unlike the original "ROCKY" (1976), THE WILD BUNCH tells the story of losers who somehow stumble upon one last opportunity to redeem themselves and justify their existence; to dedicate what little remains of their lives to seeking one moment of honor. But whereas for Rocky Balboa success means avoiding being sent to the canvas for a count of ten, success for THE WILD BUNCH means being sent to the grave forever.
It has suddenly occurred to me that although I wrote, "I hesitate to rob others of the chance to explore this masterpiece for themselves," some readers might not actually know HOW to discover subtext and nuance in a film.
The cast and crew in a film company make Big Bucks - "Time is money!" And it can take an hour (or more) to set up for a single shot that might represent 5 seconds (or less) of action on the screen. If you see it, then know that it's there for a reason because it cost a good amount of money to put it there. So, there is one all-important rule to discovering underlying meaning in a film: ANALYZE EVERYTHING YOU SEE!
Ask yourself, "How might this relate to the theme or themes established in this movie? What additional information does this provide about the character/s?" There is no throwaway action.
The difference between a very good director and a poor one is that the master filmmaker has things to say and knows how to skillfully and creatively convey them - usually in a subtle fashion.
For Example [Warning: one very minor ‘spoiler’ included here]:
THE WILD BUNCH opens with a robbery during which Pike's horse inadvertently tramples a woman in the street. In making his getaway, Pike finds part of the woman's white shawl clinging to one of his spurs and he tosses it to the ground in disgust. THIS IS A DIRECTORIAL STATEMENT! And it gets restated at the end when a woman shoots Pike in the back, after which he wheels around and shotguns her to death. Why do you think Peckinpah spent the time (i.e., money) to show these things? He was using action to say something about the "civilizing" and "socializing" of ruggedly masculine individualists.
Remember: Think about EVERYTHING that appears on the screen. If you're seeing it, you're seeing it for some REASON!
Now enjoy the movie and the bloodied popcorn.
Uhm… I meant “buttered.”
~ Stephen ( T. rex ) McCarthy
[*From the STMcC Archive; 2005, February*]

~ Jesus Christ
THE WILD BUNCH: A Cinematic Masterpiece
To refer to “THE WILD BUNCH” as one of the greatest Western movies ever made is to do it a great injustice; no qualifying allowed. It is one of the finest films ever created in ANY genre!
Evaluating THE WILD BUNCH objectively in terms of narrative force, characterization, direction, scope, suspense, and pure excitement, it is unsurpassed in the pantheon of Western films – the “Citizen Kane” of Westerns.
Directed by SAM PECKINPAH in 1969, the story takes place primarily in Mexico during the revolution of 1913.
Unbeknownst to most Americans, 1913 also saw a revolution occurring in the United States. In December of that year, the Federal Reserve Act passed and was signed into law. This gave control of the U.S. economy to private bankers. The Federal Reserve Act began the Socialization of America in earnest. (Read “The Creature From Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin.) I can't help smiling when I hear the movie's principal character, PIKE BISHOP (William Holden), tell the German military advisor, "We share very few sentiments with our government."
'Changing Times' is the great overarching theme in THE WILD BUNCH, which follows an aging outlaw gang, fast becoming an anachronism. But The Wild Bunch is a rich tapestry of interwoven themes and motivations. I've been watching it at least once a year since 1989 and yet I never fail to find new textures in it.
The primary theme is even portrayed in the film's color scheme. While it was shot in color, nearly everything appears to be one or another shade of brown. The viewer is left with the distinct impression that he has just seen an old-time sepia-tone movie. The only other color that manages to occasionally make its presence felt is green. Green, the color of Spring - a new season being born after the dead of Winter. A slowly evolving new era; green life seeping into the lifeless brown.
Independently, the members of The Bunch hope to make one good haul and assimilate into this new epoch. But from the very first images on the screen the viewer is clued in that this is not feasible. The film opens with children (representing this new generation) tormenting a few scorpions by stirring up a swarm of red ants against them. The dangerous scorpions are simpy overwhelmed. This imagery will be reprised at the end of the picture in the form of the few remaining dangerous outlaws, the swarming Mexican revolutionaries, and a small child with a rifle.
Encountering their first automobile, The Bunch express an interest in trading their extra horses for it; encountering his first machine gun, PIKE BISHOP, the gang's leader says, "What I don't know about, I sure as hell am going to learn." These moments hint that The Wild Bunch does not desire to remain outside of the burgeoning new world.
The Wild Bunch consists of murderers and thieves, and excepting ANGEL (Jaime Sanchez) - the young, idealistic member of the outlaw band who is devoted to the people of his Mexican village - this Bunch suffers no allegiance to anything but their own self-interests. "We're not associated with anybody," DUTCH ENGSTROM (Ernest Borgnine) proclaims. The gang's internal squabbles are constant and when Pike chastises them, "When you side with a man you stay with him, and if you can't do that you're like some animal! You're finished. We're finished. All of us!" it remains to be seen whether or not this actually holds any meaning for any of them.
And yet, at times we see a glimmer of true humanity in these desperados:
They assist an old lady in crossing the street on their way to a robbery.
When we first see FREDDIE SYKES (Edmond O'Brien) he's showing appreciation for a Mexican infant.
ANGEL, singing and strumming a guitar, exhibits the ability to convey the sensitivities of a tender ballad.
TECTOR GORCH (Ben Johnson) belies his curmudgeonly exterior when at the sight of starving canines, he scolds, "Hey, Angel, why in the hell don't you tell your folks to feed them dogs?!"
"We're after MEN, and I wish to God I was with them," bemoans DEKE THORNTON (Robert Ryan), former comrade to Pike Bishop and now the leader of the ragtag posse chasing The Wild Bunch. And this is indeed a man's movie, portraying a lost time when men were men and women were ladies - a true rarity in our current era of artificial gender-bending.
Due to a severe case of "male-member envy" amongst women, America currently exists in a monogender culture. The Woman found that She was no longer content to HAVE a man; now She wanted to BE a man! So they utilized steroids and/or hGH, pumped iron, tattooed their bodies, took up sports, acquired pickup trucks, and (after physical standards were lowered to accommodate them) joined the Fire Department, the Police Force, and the Military.
[*2009 NOTE: Have you noticed that about half of all pickup trucks on the road today are driven by women? Have you ever asked yourself why this is so? Do women appreciate the great gas mileage they get with trucks? Have they fallen in love with the sleek lines and sporty look of trucks? Is it because women are forever hauling stuff and require the bed of a pickup truck? Or do they drive trucks because men do? Ah-ha! Why has The Modern Female chosen to be a fourth-rate man rather than a first-rate woman? If you answered, “Mass conditioning by Socialistic social engineers” then give yourself a pat on the back and an “Atta boy, Girl!”]
Some men met the women halfway by coloring their hair and wearing earrings. Hardly a movie, television program, or video game has been produced in the last 15 years that doesn't include at least one occurrence of a woman unrealistically knocking the stuffing out of some man. We managed to save the buffalo, the eagle, the whale, and the seal. But the "lady" seems to be extinct! THE WILD BUNCH harks back to a more natural and realistic era. It is a film about male dinosaurs, made by male dinosaurs, for male dinosaurs.
After accomplishing their goals, discontentment settles upon The Wild Bunch. If they are truly "MEN", why do they now feel like animals?
THE WILD BUNCH is masterful in every respect. Notice:
* The brilliant direction.
* The creative photography and juxtaposition of images.
* The world-class editing which yanks the viewer into the chaos of the action sequences. (According to ‘Wild Bunch’ editor Lou Lombardo, the original release print contains 3,643 editorial cuts, more than any other Technicolor film ever processed.)
* The clipped, conversational style of dialogue indicative of familiarity.
* How much the characters say throughout the film without utilizing any VERBAL dialogue whatsoever! (For Example: Notice how the decision to face off against Mapache and his troops is made particularly poignant because it is expressed in only 4 words: PIKE: "Let's go." / LYLE: "Why not?" Dutch just sees the look in Pike's eyes and he laughs with understanding: This is the showdown we need.)
* The excellent acting: career defining performances from Holden, Borgnine, O'Brien, Warren Oates, Strother Martin, and Emilio Fernandez - who is magnificent as the drunken General Mapache.
When THE WILD BUNCH was first released in 1969, it was highly controversial because of its excessive degree of violence. The graphic, slow motion shots of blood spurting from bodies was unknown in cinema at that time. The violence in THE WILD BUNCH, however, is pretty tame by today's standards. Practically every War and Horror movie released in the last 20 years exceeds this film in terms of gore. While the violence in THE WILD BUNCH is a significant component of the narrative, this is actually a character-driven story. Despite the blood and bullets, it’s really a Western for thinkers.
There are many more nuances in this fine film which I could discuss, but I hesitate to rob others of the chance to explore this masterpiece for themselves.
Not unlike the original "ROCKY" (1976), THE WILD BUNCH tells the story of losers who somehow stumble upon one last opportunity to redeem themselves and justify their existence; to dedicate what little remains of their lives to seeking one moment of honor. But whereas for Rocky Balboa success means avoiding being sent to the canvas for a count of ten, success for THE WILD BUNCH means being sent to the grave forever.
It has suddenly occurred to me that although I wrote, "I hesitate to rob others of the chance to explore this masterpiece for themselves," some readers might not actually know HOW to discover subtext and nuance in a film.
The cast and crew in a film company make Big Bucks - "Time is money!" And it can take an hour (or more) to set up for a single shot that might represent 5 seconds (or less) of action on the screen. If you see it, then know that it's there for a reason because it cost a good amount of money to put it there. So, there is one all-important rule to discovering underlying meaning in a film: ANALYZE EVERYTHING YOU SEE!
Ask yourself, "How might this relate to the theme or themes established in this movie? What additional information does this provide about the character/s?" There is no throwaway action.
The difference between a very good director and a poor one is that the master filmmaker has things to say and knows how to skillfully and creatively convey them - usually in a subtle fashion.
For Example [Warning: one very minor ‘spoiler’ included here]:
THE WILD BUNCH opens with a robbery during which Pike's horse inadvertently tramples a woman in the street. In making his getaway, Pike finds part of the woman's white shawl clinging to one of his spurs and he tosses it to the ground in disgust. THIS IS A DIRECTORIAL STATEMENT! And it gets restated at the end when a woman shoots Pike in the back, after which he wheels around and shotguns her to death. Why do you think Peckinpah spent the time (i.e., money) to show these things? He was using action to say something about the "civilizing" and "socializing" of ruggedly masculine individualists.
Remember: Think about EVERYTHING that appears on the screen. If you're seeing it, you're seeing it for some REASON!
Now enjoy the movie and the bloodied popcorn.
Uhm… I meant “buttered.”
~ Stephen ( T. rex ) McCarthy
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