Saturday, July 11, 2020


Wackypedia describes TDS this way:
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a term for criticism or negative reactions to United States President Donald Trump that are perceived to be irrational, and have little regard towards Trump's actual policy positions, or actions undertaken by his administration. The term has mainly been used by Trump supporters to discredit criticism of his actions, as a way of reframing the discussion by suggesting that his opponents are incapable of accurately perceiving the world.
I believe there is now a second form of Trump Derangement Syndrome which has manifested in many individuals, and it is almost a (reverse) mirror image of the original form of TDS. TDS II afflicts many irrational, illogical Trump supporters (Trumptards) who are incapable of seeing reality for what it is. They cannot seem to entertain the possibility, and wrap their minds around the fact, that Trump has sold them and America out; that Trump has become a traitor to the "MAGA" cause he claimed to be initiating. (Mark Dice, I'm looking at YOU!)
Donald "Traitor" Trump was sworn in as president on January 20, 2017. Steve Bannon, who in 2016 served as chief executive of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, later said, "We got elected on Drain the Swamp, Lock Her Up, Build a Wall."
On August 18, 2017 - just 7 months after the start of Trump's presidency - Bannon, who had the audacity to keep a record of Trump's campaign promises to the people, and the double-audacity to record what Trump was doing (or not doing) to actually deliver on those promises, was fired from his chief strategist position.
I think Steve Bannon made the same mistake that millions of Trump voters had made (myself included) - he had actually EXPECTED Trump to keep his campaign promises!
"He's so blatantly stupid, he's a punk, he's a dog, he's a pig, he's a con..."
~ Robert De Niro
That's what moron De Niro said about Trump while attempting to convince people to vote for Crooked Clinton. Donald Trump isn't terribly bright (he nicknamed her "Crooked Hillary" instead of the catchier, alliterative "Crooked Clinton"), but Trump isn't any more stupid than DeNiro is.
However, De Niro WAS right about Trump being a punk and a con!
When Trump fired Bannon, I knew we were in trouble. The tainted smell of Trump Traitorism was then noticeable to me. And as time went on, I could see the way Trump worked at NOT doing what he had promised We The People he would do. He had a way with framing situations so that, optically, it appeared that he was attempting to fight against "The Swamp" to get things done, but it was clear that he was doing very little. And often, he had a way of doing some little thing, and then turning right around and reversing himself on it in some other way. The Trump Kool-Aid drinkers never seemed to notice the about-face that this punk and conman was committing against his campaign promises.
No matter how badly Trump reneged on his promises, his Kool-Aid drinkers always found some (irrational) explanation for it: "Oh, he's just so brilliant that he's playing 4-Dimensional chess! He's outsmarting the opposition and maneuvering them into a position where he can checkmate them."
The checkmates never occurred, but that didn't stop the "4-D chess" claims!
Why was Trump putting Swamp creatures into so many cabinet positions, rather than simply ousting the creatures from Washington D.C. altogether? It's because Trump was brilliantly applying that old maxim: "Keep your friends close, and your enemies CLOSER!"
Yeah, right. Sure, sure. And here we are, nearly four years later, and the stench of the Swamp is worse than it's ever been!
Four years later... still no checkmates, Trump's administration is STILL loaded with Swamp creatures - many of whom he himself installed - his campaign promises are still just empty promises, with the economy and the entire country on the verge of completely collapsing!
In Nevada, Fat Steve Sisolak is our Stalin-in-Charge.
In my nearly 61 years of life, NO ONE has ever disappointed me more than Donald "Traitorous" Trump has, and for that, I am actually HOPING he LOSES the next presidential election (if in fact there even IS a next presidential election).
And some "conservatives" are still lapping up the Kool-Aid and planning to vote for this egomaniacal punk and conman for a second time / second term! UNBELIEVABLE!!
Where's the wall? Nonexistent.
Where's Crooked Clinton? She must have had a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card.
Has the Federal Reserve been audited? No.
Are Planned Parenthood's abortion mills still supported by YOUR tax dollars? Yes.
A person doesn't get my vote just by simply tweeting out that he is more patriotic than his opponent. He has got to EARN my vote! And in four years, all Trump has earned from me is my scorn. And there is a greater likelihood of me having gay sex with the corpse of Karl Marx than there is of me voting for Trump a second time and letting him make a fool of me TWICE!!
So, if there is another presidential election, and if I decided to cast a vote in it, who would I vote for? I will write in the name "Christ Yeshua" (aka Jesus Christ), and then hope He hears and answers my plea. (2029, I'm looking at YOU!) I may not be the brightest bulb in the hardware store, but at least I'm smart enough to learn from my past mistakes.
I urge all true patriotic Americans to "Dump The Trump" in November. There isn't much hope that the Kool-Aid-drinking Trumptards will see the light and wake-the-hell-up before the next election, but I know there are other sincere, patriotic, Constitutionally-minded Americans out there like myself who now see Trump for the punk and conman that he is.
For example, in the comment section of the Breitbart article [link> 'Donald Trump Threatens Regulation or Shutdown of Social Media Companies', one astute commenter named Phil wrote this:
“POTUS threatens” is basically the theme of the Trump Presidency. Lots of threats, very little follow through.
Birthright citizenship
Ending H1B
Defunding Planned Parenthood
Leaving Afghanistan
Draining the Swamp
Etc., Etc., Etc.
Please, let's not let Traitorous Trump make fools out of us AGAIN!!
If I had these masks professionally printed, I'll bet I could make a fortune selling them to fellow Nevadans! Steve Sisolak and 666 - the infamous Biblical mark of the anti-Christ.
A Bit About Masks:
I believe that Trump is entirely in on this coronavirus (covid-666) scam. And he is doing everything he can, surreptitiously, to crash the economy (e.g., having the Fed print trillions and trillions of dollars - 'counterfeit money' - out of thin air and flooding the economy with it by giving it away to all Americans, whether or not they even need or want it).
Face Masks have become the symbol of the Illuminati's 'New World Order' global crime scheme. There are several reasons they like seeing Americans wearing masks everywhere, but I'm not going to spend the time 'splaining all of that here. Just know this: If he wanted to, Traitorous Trump could put an end to all of the mask-wearing by employees in businesses in a single day.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an agency of the United States Department of Labor, has established standards for what Uncle Scam considers safe and healthy work environments. And it has repeatedly been shown that within a minute or less, the wearing of a face mask over the nose and mouth diminishes the oxygen level of a person's environment (the atmosphere immediately underneath the mask) to a point BELOW what OSHA has officially established and declared to be healthy.
And yet, we've now got employees required to wear face masks for full 8-hour workshifts. With the greatest hypocrisy of all time being that we also have representatives from OSHA visiting business establishments to ensure that all employees are in compliance with local face mask "guidelines" or "suggestions" (they AREN'T actual laws!) In other words, OSHA is policing the governors' unlawful demands that employers keep their employees in a condition that OSHA itself has determined to be unhealthy. Can hypocrisy possibly get more hypocritical than THAT?!"This world" has officially gone INSANE!!
Trump could make a public announcement TODAY and say that from now on, all businesses that are negligent in providing sufficiently healthy oxygen-level environments for their employees will be fined, or worse, for ignoring Federally established OSHA standards.
'Bye-'bye, face masks EVERYWHERE! American employees would immediately be freed from the illegal demands of their employers, mayors, and governors that they consciously create for themselves unsafe, unhealthy working conditions! YES, Trump could put this into effect today, and employees would no longer be caged under face masks by tomorrow morning.
No doubt, Traitorous Trump knows as well as I do that he could free the people from masks with a single statement and Executive Order. But being the punk and conman he is, he just ignores the crimes committed against We The People, who put his fat ass into the White House! Make no mistake about it: TRUMP is PART of the satanic NEW WORLD ORDER crime being perpetrated on God's children across the planet!
Baby Herman calls "Applesauce!" to the idea of harming your health by wearing face masks supposedly meant to keep you healthy. What kind of pretzel logic world is this?!
Finally, someone has actually written an excellent article illustrating so many of the things I've been saying about Traitorous Trump for about 3 years now:
[link> Trump Cannot Be Anti-Globalist While Working With Global Elites
Also, you can be sure that Trump will be a major voice in the 'Mandatory Vaccination' criminal cabal when we reach that stage of this scam, quite possibly before the end of this year:
[link> Donald Trump Partners With Gates-Funded Global Vaccine Alliance (GAVI) (Video)
If you want to understand what is Spiritually going on right now, below is a good video / sermon delivered by Christian pastor Carter Conlon on March 5, 2020. We are surely in that brief period that Christ Yeshua called "the beginning of sorrows" and which He said would occur just prior to the Biblical 7-year Tribulation time period ruled over by the satanic anti-Christ (666).
The Beginning Of Sorrows 2020

Yes, let's "Dump the Trump"! Traitorous Trump is a punk and a conman. Even an idiot like Robert De Niro can get something right every once in awhile, as do broken clocks and blind squirrels.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy

Monday, May 18, 2020


[INTRODUCTION: In a recent F-FFF blog bit, I told you all about how I met Mrs. Yoey O'Dogherty and how she expressed her appreciation at meeting a "normal" person who still had "the ability to think for himself" (i.e, I cancelled my appointment to donate blood when I realized that the blood donation center was going to require me to wear a face mask).
Well, Mrs. O'Dogherty and I subsequently exchanged a few Emails. And below I am posting an E I sent to her, after she had bemoaned the fact that she was unable to get any of the Americonned Sheeple (my term) to wake up and learn the truth about the so-called "coronavirus pandemic" and other lies and atrocities occurring regularly in the United States of Insanity (again, my term).]
I went to the anti-Sisolak march & protest at the Capitol yesterday. Were you there? ...If not, I'm going to need a note from your doctor. 😉
>>... Hospitals just do not need the blood.  Just about zero demand.
Now I feel zero remorse about refusing to donate blood if I were going to be required to wear a mask. I'll bet I was the first and only potential blood donor to take that stand, huh? (Yeah, I'm used to standing alone on various issues.)
>>... Maybe that needle is actually microchipping them while taking blood. haha Kidding I hope. :)
That wouldn't surprise me in the least!
>>... I started looking into this stuff in September 2002. I was looking into illegal adoptions, and found the story of Johnny Gosch.  That led to the Franklin Cover up, to Reagan turning a blind eye (the book "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America").  Then that led to Ted Gunderson, to SRA, Pizzagate, human trafficking, Bohemian Grove....... it goes on and on and on. 
Wow! You are definitely "Red-Pilled" to a significant degree! I rarely meet someone who is as aware as you are.
For me, it goes back to 1994. I had worked for a magazine publishing company in Prescott, Arizona. When I decided to leave Arizona and move back to my "homemegalopolis", Los Angeles, a co-worker and buddy in the Advertising department at the publishing company (who was a genuine Christian and now OWNS the company) gave me a going-away gift. It was a book about "The New World Order"
One month after moving back to L.A., I had a Spiritual experience and began simultaneously reading The Holy Bible and the book about "The New World Order".
For awhile, I thought I was studying two separate subjects - religion (Christianity) and politics. And then one night I had a revelation and realized that these two subjects were simply two sides of the same coin. Spirituality / spirituality and politics are very much intertwined. I would argue that a person's political views are merely an extension of their Spiritual / spiritual state.
>>... I am wondering if any new state or government laws about income tax / filing has been added since this video? [Aaron Russo's documentary [link> 'AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism'] I pay taxes, it comes out of my checks, no avoiding it. ... How do we get out of paying taxes when they take them from our checks? I'd love to know this!!
I am not aware of any changes in the law.
And you have zeroed in on the catch: I am pretty certain that all of those people who have fought and beaten the IRS about Income Taxes were self-employed. So they were likely refusing to file year-end tax forms and estimated tax forms during the year.
But most of us work for an employer / company, and the government (which I call "Uncle Scam" rather than Uncle Sam) has buffaloed all the employers into believing that they MUST require tax information from their employees.
I HAVE actually heard of a few employers who know the truth and have refused to obtain tax info from their employees, but these are very, very rare cases. The vast majority of us have taxes extracted at the time of payment - Uncle Scam grabs what he can BEFORE you and I even see the full amount of money we have earned with our labor.
I still have my deceased Mom's very old Social Security card. Right there on the card is printed the following: "For Social Security Purposes * Not For Identification"
And *THAT* is an ideal example of how "they" do it: Incrementalism.
Make no mistake about it, the government isn't just mistaken or greedy. The government is downright EVIL! (And there's a very good reason for that: Uncle Scam works for [link> "the ruler of this world".)
It's interesting that you mentioned Johnny Gosch and the Franklin Cover-Up. I have been a voracious reader nearly my entire life. Especially of Non-Fiction. And about 4 years ago, I read, back-to-back, 'THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL' by Nick Bryant and 'PROGRAMMED TO KILL: The Politics Of Serial Murder' by David McGowan.
Ever since then, I started (merely) about five or six books and only managed to finish one of them. I think THOSE TWO BOOKS, one right after the other, was the proverbial straw that broke this camel's back. I can't explain it, but I suspect I reached my saturation point when it came to learning about the evil of "this world".
>>... So far out it is hard for some people to believe, especially if they hear it from someone. (...) What's even more frustrating than being bent over by government is that people are unwilling to listen, much less stand together and do something.
Oh, believe me, I KNOW!!
I was "Red-Pilled" 5 years before the movie ('The Matrix') that gave us the expression "Red-Pilled" even existed. And for 2 or 3 years after I first learned what is really happening in this country / "this world", I tried DESPERATELY to awaken my fellow Americans before it was too late. (And I HAVE managed to "Red-Pill" maybe a dozen people.) 
But eventually I came to realize that there is NOTHING more True than what "is written" in "The Word Of God". The expression "it is written" appears many times in The Bible. In fact, even Jesus used it to say that He would DEFINITELY be crucified because [link> "it is written" in the Old Testament prophecies about the coming Messiah, that He would be crucified.
So, over time, the more I studied The Bible, the more it dawned on me that NOTHING I could do - no matter how many American patriots I could awaken to the truth - was going to change what "is written". It's all going EXACTLY as God foretold us it would.
This realization - that it was all completely out of my hands - gave me a tremendous amount of mental / emotional peace. Because knowing in advance how this is all going to play out, and that at the very end of it is going to be Christ's return and the greatest 1,000 years that this planet has ever experienced, I no longer stress-out about trying to awaken (or "Red-Pill") people. I do my best to pass The Truth on to those folks whom God brings me into contact with, and I leave the rest of it in His Hands.
The whole process (including the GLORIOUS ending, which will, in a sense, be like a return to "The Garden Of Eden") cannot be altered by ANYONE. Because "it is written", and what God has inspired people to write in black and white cannot be changed. When God puts something in writing, it is a Divine Contract, and not even the devil and his minions in government can alter it.
So, my friend, rest easy. I assure you, God has this.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy

Friday, May 15, 2020


Very often, people see and hear me criticizing the pure propaganda of the mainstream (I call it "mainscum") media. So, some might ask, "Where do D-FensDogG get his information at?"
Well, not from the TV, that's for sure! I don't even own a working boob tube.
There are several reliable, alternative sources - websites and video channels - that I regularly use to keep up on the truth, while avoiding all the New World Order deceit coming from 'The Wizards Behind The Curtain'. There are a small handful of sources that I want to share with you right now.
. [anti-state * anti-war * pro-market] is a source I have been using for many years. One of the things I particularly like about it is that it regularly features articles written by former Congressman Ron Paul. Had Ron Paul been elected president the couple of times that he ran for the office, this country would not be in the terrible shape it is today!
You can sign up for daily mailings to your Email InBox and will send you the latest articles about WTP(!) is happening all around you.
Another really big favorite website of mine is...
G. Edward Griffin's ''
Griffin wrote two books that I consider absolutely ESSENTIAL MUST-READ publications: 'WORLD WITHOUT CANCER' and [link> 'THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve'.
There are no political pundits I trust more than G. Edward Griffin and Ron Paul, and [link> Selwyn Duke, too.
Rush Limboob? Sean Hannity? Bill O'Reilly? Fuhgeddaboudit! And Donald Trump? I can't for the life of me understand why anyone smarter'n a rutabaga still trusts that clown! (I strongly suspect Trump sold us out during his pre-election meeting with Henry "Illuminati Puppet" Kissinger.)
Anyway, below are some links and excerpts of recent G. Edward Griffin website snippets. What Griffin does is search the Internet for the best, most important Liberty and Constitutionally relevant articles available day-to-day, then he writes up a very brief synopsis and links you to the original article that he is referencing.
And, like, one can sign up for daily updates from G. Edward Griffin's '' site, and the most important articles of the day will appear magically in your Email InBox. It saves you from having to bounce from one website to another looking for the real news gems and the truth that the mainscum media is deliberately hiding from you.
And that, Peoples, is why I am nearly always learning the freshest, most important information sooner than most of the blokes in my circle of... blokes. The reason I am generally ahead of the curve is because I pay attention to sources like Griffin's '' and plus a few others like [link> Selwyn Duke HERE & HERE (he is the most talented political writer in the country!), and [link> The New American.
Examples now from G. Edward Griffin's, here ya go:
Rockefeller Foundation Paper Published in 2010 Predicted How a Pandemic Can be Used as an Excuse to Establish Global Authoritarian Power
March 16, 2020
The Rockefeller Foundation published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. It was called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. The first scenario, titled, “Lock Step”, describes a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership. It envisions a future where a pandemic would allow national leaders to flex their authority and impose airtight rules and restrictions that would remain after the pandemic faded. The first half of this scenario already has unfolded. Will it continue as predicted? The information on Lock Step begins at about the two-thirds point of the article. The Rockefeller report in its entirety can be downloaded here. [The importance of this document cannot be overstated.] -GEG
First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have a Higher Rate of Sickness, 470% Increase in Autism
May 7, 2020
The first-ever, peer-review study has been published comparing total-health in vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Dr. Anthony Mawson led a research team that investigated the relationship between vaccination exposures and acute or chronic illnesses in home-schooled children. The vaccinated children had a much higher rate of autism and ADHD, at a rate of 470% higher than those who received no shots.  Vaccinated children were also more vulnerable to allergies and eczema. Unvaccinated children contract mild childhood diseases more frequently, but their vaccinated counterparts suffer pneumonia and ear infections more frequently. The finding that vaccination introduces a significant risk for autism is devastating to the vaccine industry and, therefore, will be vigorously attacked. –GEG
COVID-19 Had No Impact on US Death Rate So Far in 2020
May 11, 2020
The CDC website says the average US death totals since 2015 from all causes has remained unchanged so far in 2020. That means the huge numbers of reported COVID-19 deaths either never happened or they were deaths from other causes mislabeled as COVID-19. Hospital records show that almost all the COVID deaths were attributed to people with other medical condition. In New York, the 86% of those who allegedly died of COVID-19, had other conditions that could have been the cause of death. The fact that the overall death rate did not increase proves that the pandemic is a hoax. [Incidentally, the same thing happened with the grossly false reporting of HIV deaths in Africa.] -GEG
Suspicions Raised Over COVID-19 Tests after a Fruit was Declared Positive
May 11, 2020
The PCR test is in the news again after a man in Georgia, who was scheduled for surgery, tested positive and, four hours later, tested negative. Last week, President John Magufuli of Tanzania said he ran a secret experiment on test kits provided by the World Health Organization. He submitted swab samples from a goat, a sheep, and a piece of pawpaw fruit, which is similar to a papaya. The fruit and the goat tested positive for COVID-19. This would be funny if the consequences were not so serious. The economy and personal liberty around the world are being crushed, based on absurdities such as this. -GEG
Bill Gates Really Does Plan to Vaccinate Everyone in the World
May 11, 2020
In the first video of this series, James Corbett explains how Bill Gates leveraged his great wealth to gain control over all global-health institutions. He has funded research and public relations campaigns that, in the guise of philanthropy, have returned his money many times over. Gates is held up as a hero for donating billions of dollars to the quest for vaccines but, during this time, his net worth has doubled and now stands at $103.1 billion.
In the second video, Corbett continues to follow the trail of ‘philanthropy for profit’ and shows how Gates made a $10-billion commitment to develop vaccines for the world’s poorest countries in 2010, kicking off what he called a “Decade of Vaccines.” The story of how many people were maimed or killed by these vaccines is sickening. Gates now insists the world will not go back to normal until a vaccine has been developed. His plan includes unproven technologies, including DNA and mRNA manipulation. It is sad to realize that millions of people will be propagandized into accepting them, not realizing there likely will be massive casualties that follow. -GEG
Trump Mobilizing US Military to Deliver 300 Million Vaccines By the End of the Year
May 14, 2020
President Trump is mobilizing the US military, and “other forces”, to distribute a coronavirus vaccine that he predicted would be available at the end of the year. The program will focus on older Americans first. The White House has set a target of having 300 million vaccine doses by the end of 2020. No vaccines have been approved , though a number are under development. Producing and distributing a vaccine are seen as key steps to jumpstarting the US economy. President Trump, who has earned a lot of support in the past for criticizing the overzealousness of the pandemic, has now forgotten his words.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
D-FensDogG of the 
Loyal American Underground

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Well, I woke up this morning and I got myself a beer.
(No. That's not right.)
So, I woke up this morning feeling really great!! I don't know why I did, but I did.
Yeah, I know that you're not supposed to start out a piece o' writin' with the word "So". SO what? My writing is a GiR (1C4:7); it did not come from genes or from a man. SO I will break the literary rules of men (and Man's other rules, as well) whenever I feel that God is telling me that it's the right thing to do.
...And that is an ideal segue into today's blog bit.
Read on, [link> Gomers...
I woke up feeling so terrific this morning that I said a prayer to God, thanking Him for His many blessings and His mercy in my life. This was a special, unique, ad lib prayer - a prayer that I said EVEN BEFORE I said my regular morning prayer to God, which I say every morning before getting out of bed for the day.
A couple days ago, I made an appointment to donate blood today at 10:45 A.M. Then later that same day, I decided to cancel the appointment and just drop in to donate blood whenever I was next in the area of the donation center. I called the center to cancel my appointment, but no one answered the phone. Therefore, I figured I would just take that as a Sign to keep the appointment and force myself out of my house earlier than I normally would go anywhere on my day off from work.
I got to the blood donation center today about five minutes earlier than my appointment, and as I was approaching the front door, I saw a sign posted that said "face masks" were required inside. {*I call "bullsh*t" on that!*}
When I opened the door, I saw a bunch of nurses wearing face masks, as well as a guy donating blood at one of the beds, lounges, or love seats - whatever those things are called that you lie down on while those vampires nurses draw blood from your veins.
The receptionist at the front desk was also wearing a face mask. Hereafter, I will refer to her as Mrs. Yoey O'Dogherty, because I wouldn't want to get her in trouble with The Stupid Powers That Be.
I approached Mrs. Yoey O'Dogherty, told her my name and said, "I have a 10:45 appointment to donate blood. But I'm going to have to cancel it and come back at some later date, because I just don't do the face mask thing."
Mrs. O'Dogherty slightly lowered her face mask and quietly said to me, "Thank you".
We then had a fairly brief discussion in which she expressed her appreciation at meeting a "normal" person who still had "the ability to think for himself". She told me that her employer REQUIRED her to wear the face mask. She knew this whole fear-mongering Uncle Scam scam was... a scam - she wasn't buying it for a second. And Mrs. O'Dogherty seemed extremely relieved to finally meet a blood donor who was strong enough and informed enough to openly speak against the face mask requirement, and who was willing to take a stand against it by refusing to donate blood until the ridiculous requirement was abolished.
I won't bleed (for anyone) while wearing a face mask, like some common criminal shot by the police while he was trying to rob a bank. (No, not even for a BLOOD bank, I won't!)
Mrs. O'Dogherty and I then quickly exchanged some simpatico views about our state's governor, and she told me she would send me an Email directing me to where I could sign a petition to have his idiotic, communist ass recalled. (She did NOT say "idiotic, communist ass". I just added that for extra seasoning, and because *I DO* consider him an idiotic, communist ass... because he *IS*!)
Was that woman in the poncho attracted to the real me? Or did she just like my big camera?
In Mrs. O'Dogherty's Email, which she sent to me an hour or two later, she included a link to the following video. It's an EXCEPTIONAL video that I encourage all of you to watch from beginning to end. Dr. Buttar not only has impeccable credentials, but - *GASP!* - his passion and intensity reminds me so much of myself!  He is definitely a man after my own heart.
(And I have known The Truth that Dr. Buttar speaks of since shortly after the day Christ Yeshua baptized me in my own tears on April 6, 1994. See [link> HERE.)
EXCLUSIVE Dr Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses

Having watched that top-notch video that Mrs. O'Dogherty directed me to, I realize that she is certainly ready for the two videos I am going to recommend to *her* in my next
r-E-ply to her last E. First, there's this short confession directly from Hollywood itself:
"The World is a Corporation" (Network, 1976)

And then there's the REALLY HARD-CORE AND PROVEN "NEW WORLD ORDER" SATANIC TRUTH, as explained to the smarter Americans by Aaron Russo in 2006:
'AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism' [Directors Cut]

Listen, Peoples! Get right with God and Jesus Christ right NOW! Because the End *REALLY IS* near.
Nearer than you know!!
{"Can't you feel the whole world's a-turnin'?
We are real, and we are a-burnin'!"
~ 'Diamond Girl' by Seals & Crofts}
Blog Bit Inspiration: Mrs. Yoey O'Dogherty at the Blood Donation Center
Soundtrack: 'Me, Lynth And The Beach Report' (Side A)
~ Stephen T. McCarthy

Sunday, April 12, 2020


My Brothers & Sisters, I wish you a Happy Easter.
Oh, Happy Day - Glen Campbell

O Lord, Our Lord - Marty Goetz

As I've said before, I had an unexpected Spiritual experience and became a (Maverick) Christian in a Los Angeles apartment on April 6, 1994:
In a sense, I think I've always had a kind of kinship with Jews. Part of it, certainly, must be attributed to my strong relationship with Martin Brumer - my best friend who was killed by a car thief in 1989. But there's more to it than that. It's a controversial topic I don't want to address here and now.
About a year before my Spiritual experience, my 'Born Again' friend and co-worker, Don ("Big D"), was attempting to convert me to his Christian beliefs. We engaged in several friendly debates about religion and spirituality. One day, Don gave me a couple pamphlets written by the Messianic Jew Zola Levitt.
I had never read The Holy Bible at that point, and I can still remember reading those pamphlets while on a road trip with my parents to Pahrump, Nevada. 'The Seven Feasts Of Israel' and 'The Miracle Of Passover' by Zola Levitt seemed like gibberish to me. I don't think I was informed enough then to question the idea of a Jew believing in Jesus. I was pretty ign'ant about Judaism and Christianity back then. I wuz just a dumb, dirty, heathen dog.
Right after my Spiritual experience on 4-6-1994, I began reading The Bible. And after I had read God's Word from cover-to-cover a couple of times, I ran across those Zola Levitt pamphlets in one of my book cases and decided to read them again. This time, they just blew my mind! I was so impressed by all the insight that Levitt, with his orthodox Jewish background, brought to my understanding of things involving Christ Yeshua / Jesus Christ. I thought back on that day I first read these pamphlets and found them to be nuttin' but gibberish, and I shook my head. Amazing what a couple years and some background research can do for a person's understanding!
Well, the night before last, I was watching a YouTube video, and I noticed a video in the Recommended Videos sidebar about a Jewish person who had become a believer in Christ Yeshua. So I clicked on it and found it so fascinating that I immediately watched another, and then another, and another.
I became instantly addicted to these video testimonials from Jewish people who, (like Zola Levitt, and Joel ChernoffMarty Goetz, and Barry & Batya Segal - musicians I've been listening to for years), had become Messianic Jews (i.e., Jews who recognize that Yeshua was the prophesied Messiah of Israel).
The last two nights, I stayed up too late, watching these videos, and each one of them has been extremely interesting to me. I haven't seen a dud yet! In just two nights, [link> ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry has become my very favorite YouTube channel.
One of the things that I have found most surprising about these testimonials is how many of these Jewish folks said that, prior to learning the truth about Jesus, they thought that He was a Catholic, and didn't even realize that Jesus was a Jew. Some of these folks had even been led to believe that Jesus was anti-Semitic, that He actually hated the Jews. SMH!!
People, this is just one example of why you MUST research things for yourself and never just take some man or woman's word for something. Especially when the subject is truly important and the stakes are high.
It being Easter Sunday, I'd like to share a few of these testimonial videos with you, and encourage you to check out some more, if you find them as fascinating as I do.
I was the president of the synagogue! How could I believe in Jesus?

WOW! A Jewish lawyer and a leader in her synagogue who turned to Jesus in a supernatural way!

A Jewish boy challenged by a Christian Girl

[link> The Kooks Met Messiah
You will find many more testimonials and informative videos
at [link> ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry
If you want to learn every essential point and principle of The Holy Bible in only about 15 to 20 minutes, read the five chapters of the First Epistle of John (1st John 1-5) [link> HERE.
Happy Easter, all Y'all.
Bless And Be Blessed!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


[DOG POUND NOTES are simply random thoughts, ideas, and maxims that have occurred to me. I am totally convinced of the merit of some of them. Others may merely be food-for-thought or even outright Doggy Doo-Doo. I'll let you guess as to how I categorize each of them.]
Only selfish assholes hoard toilet paper!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy

Saturday, April 4, 2020


[Link> WHOA! Dr. Fauci in 2017: President Trump Will Be Challenged By a "Surprise Global Disease Outbreak"

[Link> The Data is In: Normal Flu is Thousand Times More Harmful than COVID-19
The population of Europe is 741-million. According to the World Health Organization, influenza may infect up to 20% of the population in the winter months, That is about 148-million cases of flu every year. As of March 23, 2020, there have been 170,424 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) across the whole of Europe since the first case was identified on January 25 – which is almost exactly two months ago. If the number of COVID-19 victims is multiplied by six to estimate the number for twelve months, the number would be 1,022,544 confirmed cases.
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Journal states that common influenza affects 9% of the world’s population annually. That includes 1-billion infections, 4-million severe cases, and 400,000 deaths each year. As stated previously, however, the projection for COVID-19 infections is about one one-thousandth as severe as for the common flu. [1-billion infections of flu compared to approximately one-million infections of COVID-16.] In other words, common flu is a thousand times more dangerous than COVID-19.
Read the full article [link> HERE.
In times like these, it's nice to enjoy a little "comfort food":
Comfort Food
Well, Ameritards, Americonned Sheeple, Pavlov's dogs, enjoy your weekend... at home... alone.
Me? I did a 3-hour hike last Wednesday, and the isolation felt good!
Hike Photos:
I may go for a bicycle ride this weekend, and explore the empty streets of Willoughberry.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy

Friday, April 3, 2020


If you read my two prior blog bits about the coronavirus (HERE & HERE), then you already know how disgusted I am with the Americonned Sheeple. They believe everything the mainscum media tells them, and they immediately went into hyper-panic mode like a Pavlov's Dog response.
I'm not at all surprised that Ameritards have fallen for this #FakeCrisis. But what DOES surprise me is how many and how quickly and how easily they fell for it. This was just way too easy for Uncle Scam to pull off without any real evidence, other than the constant fear-mongering repetition of the mainscum media personalities.
And unfortunately, it's not getting any better. It's actually getting worse. The emperor is naked - and anybody willing to research beyond the brainwashing propaganda of the yakking heads would realize that instantly. But now I'm seeing all these Ameritards walking around in goofy face masks.
I often wondered what major fad would eventually usurp the king of fads position that tattoos have maintained for so long now. And it seems that the answer is: goofy coronavirus face masks.
Seriously, every time I see someone wearing one of those face masks (especially when it's a young person), I just feel like slapping it right off their moronic noggin.
Two brain cells - one each.
Watch what you breathe, not what you eat.
This moron is sporting two popular fads simultaneously.
Face Mask Morons
The emperor is naked... except for a face mask.
Video: Empty Waiting Rooms, No Lines, Where Is The Pandemic Being Broadcast By MSM?


10 MORE Doctors and Scientists Criticize the Coronavirus Narrative

Off-Guardian at [link>Need To Know - 11 hours ago
A major concern is the faulty pandemic computer models used at imperial College in the UK that projected millions of deaths when, in truth, Covid-19 death rates are similar to the common flu. They say the coronavirus is no more dangerous than a bad cold.

End the Shutdown, Says Dr. Ron Paul

Ron Paul Institute and Mises Institute at [link> Need To Know - 11 hours ago
The Mises Institute article states: "Neither the Trump administration nor Congress has the legal authority to shut down American life absent at least baseline due process." Ron Paul says the pandemic is being used by politicians to spend money with wild abandon and to take away civil liberties.

How to Create a False Pandemic, by Jon Rappoport

Jon Rappoport at [link> Need To Know - 11 hours ago
Jon Rappoport, who has studied epidemics and pandemics for 35 years, marshals the evidence in this series of podcasts that the Covid-19 pandemic is one of the most colossal deceptions the world has ever seen. This is investigative journalism at its best.
America, before you keel over dead from coronavirus, I want you to hear me loud and clear: YOU MAKE ME SICK!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
D-FensDogG of the
Loyal American Underground