I am afraid Americans have lost their manhood and their valor. Oh, here and there there are still some signs of it, but we are getting womanish. The small comforts and cozinesses of life are now beginning to be of the utmost importance to us, and the little amusements. ... Men have forgot how to be brave, stern, masters of their government, their families, and their lives. ... Now men want safety and happiness.
~ Taylor Caldwell
(from her book “Ceremony Of The Innocent”)
Taylor Caldwell rocks! Liberals suck beans!
~ Yoey O’Dogherty
General manager, ACME Bean Farms
The following excerpt comes from the book ON GROWING UP TOUGH by Taylor Caldwell. My thanks to the Babylon Today website for posting it.
My introduction to Taylor Caldwell came years ago via the book 20th Century Heroes, a compilation of profiles originally published in The New American magazine. In the chapter on Caldwell, we learn that she “considered it a sport to fire back at leftists”. It seems that Taylor Caldwell was the original Ann Coulter. Woo-Hoo!
And now for the excerpt:
Recently a flowery young "Liberal" male with flowing hair and flowing hands - and a flowing tongue, too - demanded of me that I explain why and when I became a "Conservative". He wanted to know how I got this way.
Frankly, I couldn't remember just how and when, and I went home musing to myself. I searched my memory and soon it all began to click in my mind, episode after episode - all of them very painful one way or another. There are doubtless a hundred psychiatrists around who will find the following recounting of those formative experiences very interesting.
It all began, doctors, when I was a child. A "Liberal" aunt of mine, who had never herself been in need of anything material, had a deep passion for the Poor, from whom she was very careful to keep far, far away. While we still lived in England, where I was born, Auntie would frequently gather together outworn garments which her family had discarded and prepare them for the Women's Guild of our local Anglican Church. She would sit before the fireplace, I recall, and singing some sad Scots or Irish ballad in a very moving soprano, she would carefully snip every single, solitary button off the clothing.
I was very young indeed when this practice of Auntie's suddenly seemed outrageous to me. "Auntie," I demanded, "what will the Poor do for buttons?"
Auntie had very remarkable hazel and glittering eyes, and they usually glittered on me unpleasantly. They did so now. "They can buy them," she snapped. "They're only tuppence a card."
I pondered. If people were so poor that they had to wear other people's cast-offs then they certainly were too poor to buy buttons. I pointed this out to Auntie. She smacked me fiercely for my trouble and then began to shriek.
"A wicked, wicked girl!" screamed Auntie. "She has no Heart for the Poor!"
My uncle, hearing Auntie's shrill cries, stormed out of his studio and demanded to know what was the matter.
Auntie pointed a shaking, furious finger at me. "Your niece," she said, "doesn't want me to give these clothes - these poor old worthless rags - to the Poor!"
I was standing up now, having recovered from Auntie's blow. "If they're rags," I said, reasonably, "why should the Poor want them, anyway? And she's taken off all the buttons."
"Impudence," bellowed Uncle, who like Auntie was a flaming "Liberal" and also very fond of making a great show of loving the Poor (whom he had never met). And he grabbed me and soundly thrashed me on the spot. I am afraid I didn't ardently love those relatives after that, which was sinful, of course. But from that day on buttons had a special significance for me. I noticed that other of my "Liberal" relatives removed buttons from the garments they were preparing for the Poor, though I never discovered them patching these same old garments.
One rich relative did answer my cynical question about the button snipping with the brief reply, "It's thrifty, and I suppose, Janet, that's something you'll never be." I made it a point of learning all about thrift - and the lessons were all about me, too - and it never appealed to me thereafter. Thrift is an estimable virtue, I have heard, but somehow when I encounter thrifty "Liberals" - and they are inevitably tight with their own money - I always seem to see those buttons being snipped off the clothing for the Poor. I often think of the old little poem written by some Englishman who ought to be immortalized:
To spread the wealth the communist's willing:
He'll tax your pennies and keep his shilling.
To this day I find myself referring to male and female "Liberals" as "Mr. Buttons" or "Mrs. Buttons," among the less invidious names I employ when I am in form.
If you talk to most liberals, they’ll tell you that conservatives are insensitive, callous and selfish. To their own detriment, leftists tend to believe that those on the right simply don’t care about the less fortunate. While this doctrine has been embedded in left-leaning gospel for decades, research and reality paint a very different picture — one that has perplexed many of the left’s self-proclaimed “compassionates.”
American researchers have taken a pretty clear and concise look at this issue and the case is closed: Conservatives out-give and out-volunteer the opposition. Don’t believe me? Examine the facts.
~ Surprise! Conservatives Are More Generous Than Liberals
Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).
Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood.
~ Conservatives More Liberal Givers
The only debate is whether conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than liberals, as Arthur Brooks, author of "Who Really Cares," claims, or twice as much as liberals, as a study by Google indicates.
~ Study: Conservatives More Generous Than Liberals
It turns out that this idea that liberals give more…is a myth. Of the top 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last presidential election.
~ Who Gives And Who Doesn't?
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
A smiley face found semi-hidden on Barack “USAP” Obama’s (fake) long-form birth certificate? The lying Marxist’s short-form birth certificate bleeding through the white long-form copy given to the press? The word “VOID” hidden just above the name “Barack” on the long-form copy?
WTF is going on here?
Now I’m forced to revisit that crazy thought that the name of the registrar at the bottom of the long-form birth certificate, UKL LEE, might really have been meant as a Hawaiian-themed “Ukulele” joke for anyone who would catch it. In fact, this whole long-form birth certificate is now beginning to look as if it were truly meant as a joke – a forger thumbing his/her nose at all the “birthers” and having a good ol' laugh. It’s becoming so blatant that one might even be able to make the argument that a person behind the scenes was setting USAP up to be caught!
That ANYONE ANYWHERE could take this long-form birth certificate seriously at this point is preposterous! Even those liberals who don't truly realize that they are Marxists ought to be mad as hell about this now. If liberals had any man-stones, they would be outraged by these latest developments in the 'BO BC Saga'. But, of course, liberals have no man-stones at all - to go right along with the grey matter they don't have.
USAP (and whoever did the actual forging of this document for him) has made a complete mockery and a joke of our Constitutional system. They're actually joking about it right on the very document that was supposed to finally resolve this "Obama birth" question.
So, why aren’t the mainstream media watchdogs barking about this? (You know why, and so do I!)
Hokey-Smoke! This story is getting wilder by the week and is now heading straight for Carnivalville. Something Wacky This Way Comes, and yet the story appears to be the real deal. And in my opinion, this Undocumented Socialist Acting as President, this USAP sonofabitch, should be impeached before noon today!
A "Must-Read":
Computer experts find anomalies embedded in White House release
This one's definitely worth reading too:
Newly found details about birth registration show president's certificate out of sequence
And by the way, although I once cast my presidential vote for Alan Keyes (a Black man), I guess I’m a racist:
~ Stephen T. McRacist
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
A smiley face found semi-hidden on Barack “USAP” Obama’s (fake) long-form birth certificate? The lying Marxist’s short-form birth certificate bleeding through the white long-form copy given to the press? The word “VOID” hidden just above the name “Barack” on the long-form copy?
WTF is going on here?
Now I’m forced to revisit that crazy thought that the name of the registrar at the bottom of the long-form birth certificate, UKL LEE, might really have been meant as a Hawaiian-themed “Ukulele” joke for anyone who would catch it. In fact, this whole long-form birth certificate is now beginning to look as if it were truly meant as a joke – a forger thumbing his/her nose at all the “birthers” and having a good ol' laugh. It’s becoming so blatant that one might even be able to make the argument that a person behind the scenes was setting USAP up to be caught!
That ANYONE ANYWHERE could take this long-form birth certificate seriously at this point is preposterous! Even those liberals who don't truly realize that they are Marxists ought to be mad as hell about this now. If liberals had any man-stones, they would be outraged by these latest developments in the 'BO BC Saga'. But, of course, liberals have no man-stones at all - to go right along with the grey matter they don't have.
USAP (and whoever did the actual forging of this document for him) has made a complete mockery and a joke of our Constitutional system. They're actually joking about it right on the very document that was supposed to finally resolve this "Obama birth" question.
So, why aren’t the mainstream media watchdogs barking about this? (You know why, and so do I!)
Hokey-Smoke! This story is getting wilder by the week and is now heading straight for Carnivalville. Something Wacky This Way Comes, and yet the story appears to be the real deal. And in my opinion, this Undocumented Socialist Acting as President, this USAP sonofabitch, should be impeached before noon today!
A "Must-Read":
Computer experts find anomalies embedded in White House release
This one's definitely worth reading too:
Newly found details about birth registration show president's certificate out of sequence
And by the way, although I once cast my presidential vote for Alan Keyes (a Black man), I guess I’m a racist:
~ Stephen T. McRacist
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Monday, May 16, 2011
When I get to feeling like I'm so far over the hill that I'm on the bottom of the other side . . . that’s when I crank up to eleven one of my all-time favorite Beach Boys songs – “Long Promised Road” – and then I feel so invigorated that I put up my dukes and I . . . take a nap.
So hard to answer future's riddle
When ahead is seeming so far behind
So hard to laugh a child-like giggle
When the tears start to torture my mind
So hard to shed the life of before
To let my soul automatically soar
But I hit hard at the battle that's confronting me, yeah
Knock down all the roadblocks a-stumbling me
Throw off all the shackles that are binding me down
Sew up the wounds of evolution
And the Now starts to get in my way
So what if life's a revelation
If the mind speaks of only today
So real, the pain of growing in soul
Of climbing up to reality's goal
But I hit hard at the battle that's confronting me, yeah
Knock down all the roadblocks a-stumbling me
Throw off all the shackles that are binding me down
Long promised road
Trail starts at dawn
Carries on to the season's ending
Long promised road
Flows to the source, gentle force, never ending, never ending
So hard to lift the jeweled sceptre
When the weight turns a smile to a frown
So hard to drink of passion’s nectar
When the taste of life's holding me down
So hard to plant the seed of reform
To set my sights on defeating the storm
So I hit hard at the battle that's confronting me, yeah
Knock down all the roadblocks a-stumbling me
Throw off all the shackles that are binding me down
Oh, yeah
Hit hard at the battle that's confronting me, yeah
Knock down all the roaddblocks a-stumbling me
Throw off all the shackles that are binding me down
I'd love to see you
I'd love to see you
I'd love to see you
I'd love to see you...
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Postscript: The secret word can be found in the video itself.
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
When I get to feeling like I'm so far over the hill that I'm on the bottom of the other side . . . that’s when I crank up to eleven one of my all-time favorite Beach Boys songs – “Long Promised Road” – and then I feel so invigorated that I put up my dukes and I . . . take a nap.
So hard to answer future's riddle
When ahead is seeming so far behind
So hard to laugh a child-like giggle
When the tears start to torture my mind
So hard to shed the life of before
To let my soul automatically soar
But I hit hard at the battle that's confronting me, yeah
Knock down all the roadblocks a-stumbling me
Throw off all the shackles that are binding me down
Sew up the wounds of evolution
And the Now starts to get in my way
So what if life's a revelation
If the mind speaks of only today
So real, the pain of growing in soul
Of climbing up to reality's goal
But I hit hard at the battle that's confronting me, yeah
Knock down all the roadblocks a-stumbling me
Throw off all the shackles that are binding me down
Long promised road
Trail starts at dawn
Carries on to the season's ending
Long promised road
Flows to the source, gentle force, never ending, never ending
So hard to lift the jeweled sceptre
When the weight turns a smile to a frown
So hard to drink of passion’s nectar
When the taste of life's holding me down
So hard to plant the seed of reform
To set my sights on defeating the storm
So I hit hard at the battle that's confronting me, yeah
Knock down all the roadblocks a-stumbling me
Throw off all the shackles that are binding me down
Oh, yeah
Hit hard at the battle that's confronting me, yeah
Knock down all the roaddblocks a-stumbling me
Throw off all the shackles that are binding me down
I'd love to see you
I'd love to see you
I'd love to see you
I'd love to see you...
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Postscript: The secret word can be found in the video itself.
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
. . . That’s my own version of the more traditional charge “Lying like a dog!”
Web Articles:
As pointed out in this article, on the Kenya “forged” document which was published March 18, 2010, on a website called the Aloha Reporter, under the question “Is Residence on a Farm or Plantation?” one finds a penciled number “2” just below the word “Plantation”. This also appears in the supposed authentic long-form Barack “USAP” Obama birth certificate released by the White House in April of 2011.
In a comment section somewhere, I read where a person - thinking this dismissed the issue altogether - stated that the same number 2 could be found in one of the Nordyke birth certificates. I checked and sure enough, he was right.
Far from dismissing the problem of the number 2, for me, this seems to indicate that BOTH the “forged” document AND the (forged) long-form birth certificate that the White House is claiming to be authentic were in fact modeled after (or layered over) the Nordyke certificate.
Photostats of the Nordyke Twins long-form birth certificates were published by The Honolulu Advertiser in July of 2009, well before the phony birth certificate or the “real” phony birth certificate appeared.
This person below suspects the same thing that I do:
Claims phonies created by state in order to 'screw with birthers'
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
. . . That’s my own version of the more traditional charge “Lying like a dog!”
Web Articles:
As pointed out in this article, on the Kenya “forged” document which was published March 18, 2010, on a website called the Aloha Reporter, under the question “Is Residence on a Farm or Plantation?” one finds a penciled number “2” just below the word “Plantation”. This also appears in the supposed authentic long-form Barack “USAP” Obama birth certificate released by the White House in April of 2011.
In a comment section somewhere, I read where a person - thinking this dismissed the issue altogether - stated that the same number 2 could be found in one of the Nordyke birth certificates. I checked and sure enough, he was right.
Far from dismissing the problem of the number 2, for me, this seems to indicate that BOTH the “forged” document AND the (forged) long-form birth certificate that the White House is claiming to be authentic were in fact modeled after (or layered over) the Nordyke certificate.
Photostats of the Nordyke Twins long-form birth certificates were published by The Honolulu Advertiser in July of 2009, well before the phony birth certificate or the “real” phony birth certificate appeared.
This person below suspects the same thing that I do:
Claims phonies created by state in order to 'screw with birthers'
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Friday, May 6, 2011
A Review That’s MAINLY Tall TALE
[From the STMcC archive; written on March 28, 2007.]
Oddly enough, a lot of people seem to be of the belief that I was born on April 6th. (The fact that I used to tell people that April 6th is my birthdate may have played a small part in the confusion, but that’s just a guess.) In truth, I was born on the Eighth of August (which sure beats the Ides of March as a birthdate). This, of course, makes me a LEO THE LION. And when you are Leo The Lion, you are “The King Of The Jungle”, and people expect you to look like the top cat; you can’t exactly go out in public looking like a dog. And that’s why when I wash what’s left of my hair (which isn’t often and isn’t much) I use MANE ‘N TAIL Conditioner exclusively (except for when I use another brand of conditioner).
It is important that my mane is the cat’s meow when I cat around. Now in my 47th year, there’s a lot of competition from younger cats, and if I want to catch the eye of a lovely lioness, I simply must look my best. Any lion who would wash his mane ‘n fail to follow it up with MANE ‘N TAIL Conditioner should be flogged within an inch of one of his nine lives with a cat-o’-nine-tails! There’s simply no excuse - other than laziness – for not taking the little extra time to put the exquisite finishing touch of MANE ‘N TAIL Conditioner on your washing. Don’t you wish to look like a real cool cat from mane to tail before showing off your latest dance moves in front of the ladies? Don’t be a lazy lion!
MANE ‘N TAIL Conditioner will impart so much luster to your hair that it will make that other luster, Jimmy Carter, downright jealous. It works so well that you may have to shave your head and send your hair to Father Xavier Rojas for Confession. Split ends? MANE ‘N TAIL healed mine so well that I had to be fitted with a colostomy bag! If you want to continue with your cat and mouse game of running from one conditioner to another, you’re just wasting your time because all the hep cats know that quality hair products BEGIN ‘N END with MANE ‘N TAIL – the first and last name in hair care. Any lion who says I’m lyin’ had better “Put ‘em up! Put ‘em up! I can fight you with one paw tied behind my back. I can fight you standing on one foot.” (My only complaint is that MANE ‘N TAIL Conditioner doesn’t turn into a gazelle sandwich and a saucer of milk at midnight.)
You can be sure that this cat needs all the he’p he can get, and after I’m done shampooing my mane, I always finish the job with MANE ‘N TAIL Conditioner before leaving my lair and venturing into those Dens of Iniquity, chasing tail on a Saturday night. (Even though at my age, the tail I end up chasing is always my own.)
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
[From the STMcC archive; written on March 28, 2007.]
Oddly enough, a lot of people seem to be of the belief that I was born on April 6th. (The fact that I used to tell people that April 6th is my birthdate may have played a small part in the confusion, but that’s just a guess.) In truth, I was born on the Eighth of August (which sure beats the Ides of March as a birthdate). This, of course, makes me a LEO THE LION. And when you are Leo The Lion, you are “The King Of The Jungle”, and people expect you to look like the top cat; you can’t exactly go out in public looking like a dog. And that’s why when I wash what’s left of my hair (which isn’t often and isn’t much) I use MANE ‘N TAIL Conditioner exclusively (except for when I use another brand of conditioner).
It is important that my mane is the cat’s meow when I cat around. Now in my 47th year, there’s a lot of competition from younger cats, and if I want to catch the eye of a lovely lioness, I simply must look my best. Any lion who would wash his mane ‘n fail to follow it up with MANE ‘N TAIL Conditioner should be flogged within an inch of one of his nine lives with a cat-o’-nine-tails! There’s simply no excuse - other than laziness – for not taking the little extra time to put the exquisite finishing touch of MANE ‘N TAIL Conditioner on your washing. Don’t you wish to look like a real cool cat from mane to tail before showing off your latest dance moves in front of the ladies? Don’t be a lazy lion!
MANE ‘N TAIL Conditioner will impart so much luster to your hair that it will make that other luster, Jimmy Carter, downright jealous. It works so well that you may have to shave your head and send your hair to Father Xavier Rojas for Confession. Split ends? MANE ‘N TAIL healed mine so well that I had to be fitted with a colostomy bag! If you want to continue with your cat and mouse game of running from one conditioner to another, you’re just wasting your time because all the hep cats know that quality hair products BEGIN ‘N END with MANE ‘N TAIL – the first and last name in hair care. Any lion who says I’m lyin’ had better “Put ‘em up! Put ‘em up! I can fight you with one paw tied behind my back. I can fight you standing on one foot.” (My only complaint is that MANE ‘N TAIL Conditioner doesn’t turn into a gazelle sandwich and a saucer of milk at midnight.)
You can be sure that this cat needs all the he’p he can get, and after I’m done shampooing my mane, I always finish the job with MANE ‘N TAIL Conditioner before leaving my lair and venturing into those Dens of Iniquity, chasing tail on a Saturday night. (Even though at my age, the tail I end up chasing is always my own.)
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
[From the STMcC archive; written on March 29, 2007.]
It was my own fault, really; I had misread the label. I deliberately antagonized the neighbor’s Pit Bull, and then when that dog lunged at me, I laughed and sprayed him fully in the face, expecting his choppers to instantly dematerialize. It wasn’t until a month later, when the bandages were finally removed from my eyes (head, neck, chest, arms, and legs), that I saw this MANE ‘N TAIL product is a “Detangler”, not a Defangler! (Even so, I’ve deducted one letter from its grade only because I think that word should be printed more boldly on the label; it really isn’t clear enough if you glance at the bottle too quickly.)
But I’ll admit, once I figured out what this MANE ‘N TAIL Detangler is really designed to do and began using it as it was intended, I found that it does work exactly as advertised. It must have about 101 uses - I’ve tried it in several different capacities and it has truly worked well, and quickly too!
A few months ago, I wound up with a knot in my shoelaces (I’m old-fashioned and haven’t switched over to those newfangled velcro doohickeys yet), but just one quick spritzing and those laces practically detangled themselves. I was doing a little knitting recently (don’t tell anyone, because I’m not as big as Rosie Greer and they’ll laugh at me) when my yarn got all jumbled up. Well, I gave it a good spraying and I was back to knitting in a matter of minutes. Amazing stuffs! It’s no wonder that MANE ‘N TAIL Detangler is used and endorsed by celebrities: it works! Bob Dylan used it in 1974 when he was “Tangled Up In Blue”, and from what I understand, Bettie Page wouldn’t leave home without it.
And the MANE ‘N TAIL Detangler doesn’t just detangle the color Blue or common rope-like things; it works just as well on ANY kind of tangled mess. Heck, a year ago about this time, I was having all kinds of trouble with the Internal Revenue Service over my tax return. Uncle Sam was insisting that I owed him more of my money than I had figured. (Personally, I didn’t feel that I had gotten what I paid for to begin with.)
So, in refiguring my taxes, I gave the form a good soaking with the MANE ‘N TAIL Detangler just before mailing the tax form for a second time, and wouldn’t ya know it? Three weeks later, I received a tax refund check in the mail from Uncle Sam, WITH an apology for all the pain and suffering that he had caused me, and a promise that he would return to truth, justice, and the American Way in the very near future! Now, that’s what I call getting positive results from a product that more than delivers on its promises. (Maybe we ought to drench Washington D.C. in the stuff using crop-dusting planes, eh?)
The MANE ‘N TAIL Detangler works equally well on detangling personal relationships: I sprayed it on a troublesome woman once and she and her paternity suit disappeared in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, I learned that later the kid in question was drafted by the Los Angeles Dodgers and signed to a six and a half million dollar contract. Oh well, ya win some, ya lose some. (I’m an Old School, ponytail-free guy, so I couldn’t really say, but according to my Sister, this stuff can detangle long hair, too. Just an added bonus from a really versatile product.)
However, I can tell you from firsthand experience that the MANE ‘N TAIL Detangler works well at the breakfast table, too. Never again will some restaurant charge you for fresh-squeezed orange juice but secretly slip you a glass of cheap ‘Tang’ instead. One little blast of Detangler on the liquid’s surface and, if it’s 'Tang' in that glass, faster than you can say “The moon landing was filmed on a soundstage”, it will turn into clear water.
Now, they’ll REALLY have something special if those nice folks at MANE ‘N TAIL can just come up with a product that will then turn that “detangled” water into wine.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
[From the STMcC archive; written on March 29, 2007.]
It was my own fault, really; I had misread the label. I deliberately antagonized the neighbor’s Pit Bull, and then when that dog lunged at me, I laughed and sprayed him fully in the face, expecting his choppers to instantly dematerialize. It wasn’t until a month later, when the bandages were finally removed from my eyes (head, neck, chest, arms, and legs), that I saw this MANE ‘N TAIL product is a “Detangler”, not a Defangler! (Even so, I’ve deducted one letter from its grade only because I think that word should be printed more boldly on the label; it really isn’t clear enough if you glance at the bottle too quickly.)
But I’ll admit, once I figured out what this MANE ‘N TAIL Detangler is really designed to do and began using it as it was intended, I found that it does work exactly as advertised. It must have about 101 uses - I’ve tried it in several different capacities and it has truly worked well, and quickly too!
A few months ago, I wound up with a knot in my shoelaces (I’m old-fashioned and haven’t switched over to those newfangled velcro doohickeys yet), but just one quick spritzing and those laces practically detangled themselves. I was doing a little knitting recently (don’t tell anyone, because I’m not as big as Rosie Greer and they’ll laugh at me) when my yarn got all jumbled up. Well, I gave it a good spraying and I was back to knitting in a matter of minutes. Amazing stuffs! It’s no wonder that MANE ‘N TAIL Detangler is used and endorsed by celebrities: it works! Bob Dylan used it in 1974 when he was “Tangled Up In Blue”, and from what I understand, Bettie Page wouldn’t leave home without it.
And the MANE ‘N TAIL Detangler doesn’t just detangle the color Blue or common rope-like things; it works just as well on ANY kind of tangled mess. Heck, a year ago about this time, I was having all kinds of trouble with the Internal Revenue Service over my tax return. Uncle Sam was insisting that I owed him more of my money than I had figured. (Personally, I didn’t feel that I had gotten what I paid for to begin with.)
So, in refiguring my taxes, I gave the form a good soaking with the MANE ‘N TAIL Detangler just before mailing the tax form for a second time, and wouldn’t ya know it? Three weeks later, I received a tax refund check in the mail from Uncle Sam, WITH an apology for all the pain and suffering that he had caused me, and a promise that he would return to truth, justice, and the American Way in the very near future! Now, that’s what I call getting positive results from a product that more than delivers on its promises. (Maybe we ought to drench Washington D.C. in the stuff using crop-dusting planes, eh?)
The MANE ‘N TAIL Detangler works equally well on detangling personal relationships: I sprayed it on a troublesome woman once and she and her paternity suit disappeared in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, I learned that later the kid in question was drafted by the Los Angeles Dodgers and signed to a six and a half million dollar contract. Oh well, ya win some, ya lose some. (I’m an Old School, ponytail-free guy, so I couldn’t really say, but according to my Sister, this stuff can detangle long hair, too. Just an added bonus from a really versatile product.)
However, I can tell you from firsthand experience that the MANE ‘N TAIL Detangler works well at the breakfast table, too. Never again will some restaurant charge you for fresh-squeezed orange juice but secretly slip you a glass of cheap ‘Tang’ instead. One little blast of Detangler on the liquid’s surface and, if it’s 'Tang' in that glass, faster than you can say “The moon landing was filmed on a soundstage”, it will turn into clear water.
Now, they’ll REALLY have something special if those nice folks at MANE ‘N TAIL can just come up with a product that will then turn that “detangled” water into wine.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
You regular readers of my blogs (yes, I’m yakkin’ at BOTH of ya) will undoubtedly recall my recent blog bit in which I told of how I had been reunited with an old friend of mine, the guitar-slinging ‘Big Man On Campus’, Lelly Losen – better known as “F-in’ Lelly” by those who really know him well and who are at a safe distance from his 6’4”, 250 pound 'bad self'. [Was this a run-on sentence?]
If you don’t remember it already, I told how my ol’ friend Lelly is a Rockin’ Bluesman and a member of two bands in the Los Angeles area. Well dogged if he didn’t up and send me a couple of compact discs, one of them being the 2007 album ‘Life’s Too Short To Eat Cheap Pizza’ by Doc Rogers And The Roc Dodgers. Lelly plays guitar on the album and I dig every track on this set of “Irreverent Rock For Irreverent Times”.
[This is Lelly. As it says in the album’s liner notes: “When not playing, Larry works as the bouncer at the local Christian Science reading room.” So, read to yourself, quietly; don’t make him have to hit you with that guitar!]
The songs were written by bassist Terry Rangno and he is a clever lyricist. I would describe the songs as being “From the Jim Stafford School of Songwriting”, so if you love Jim Stafford as much as I do, you are GUARANTEED to love Doc Rogers And The Roc Dodgers too.
[This is Terry Rangno; just like it says. He writes funny “stuffs”.]
But I gotta tell ya, my favorite song on this collection is “I Seen It On TV”. Is this the best, most humorous political song ever? It just might be. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of a better, funnier one. Check out the lyrics:
c Rangnomusic 2007 BMI
The country’s in a crisis, the president’s a dope
Everybody’s unemployed, we’re on a slippery slope
Old folks droppin’ dead, we’re starvin’ ‘em you see
I know it’s all the truth, I seen it on TV
There’s poison in the water, there’s poison in the air
It’s all them SUV’s, you see ‘em everywhere
Ain’t nobody guilty in the penitentiary
I know it’s all the truth, I seen it on TV
Food Stamps, open borders, Welfare checks
People gettin’ married and they’re both the same sex
Boy Scouts gettin’ kicked around by city hall
Wonder when there’s gonna be an end to it all
I know them talkin’ heads would never lie to me
I know it’s all the truth, I seen it on TV
Turn in all your guns and put an end to crime
Forget the Constitution, it’s from another time
What we gotta have is some more diversity
I know it’s all the truth, I seen it on TV
The Left is always right, the Right is always wrong
Don’t bother learnin’ English, it’ll take ya way too long
Housing, food, healthcare should be completely free
I know it’s all the truth, I seen it on TV
Food Stamps, open borders, Welfare checks
People gettin’ married and they’re both the same sex
Boy Scouts gettin’ kicked around by city hall
Wonder when there’s gonna be an end to it all
I know them talkin’ heads would never lie to me
I know it’s all the truth, I seen it on TV...
And if it’s on TV you know it’s true . . . . . ain’t it ?
Now speaking for no one but myself (not speaking for Terry Rangno, or F-in’ Lelly, or anyone else but me), I think the president we had in 2007 really was “a dope”. But the one we have today is “a dopey Commie”. Ahh, but “CHANGE is good”. Didn’t Buddha say that? Or was it Victor Buono? Rosie O’Donnell? Well, anyway, I know it was one of those men who’re “way too fat”.
Hey, if you want to hear song samples from the ‘Life’s Too Short To Eat Cheap Pizza’ album and to perhaps purchase a copy of it for yourself or for someone who has a better sense of humor than you do, click on the convenient link I’ve thoughtfully provided below. ...Below. ...Down a little bit further!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
["The link - are we there yet?"
"Just a little further…"]
by Doc Rogers And The Roc Dodgers
Wait! You went too far. Back up.
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
You regular readers of my blogs (yes, I’m yakkin’ at BOTH of ya) will undoubtedly recall my recent blog bit in which I told of how I had been reunited with an old friend of mine, the guitar-slinging ‘Big Man On Campus’, Lelly Losen – better known as “F-in’ Lelly” by those who really know him well and who are at a safe distance from his 6’4”, 250 pound 'bad self'. [Was this a run-on sentence?]
If you don’t remember it already, I told how my ol’ friend Lelly is a Rockin’ Bluesman and a member of two bands in the Los Angeles area. Well dogged if he didn’t up and send me a couple of compact discs, one of them being the 2007 album ‘Life’s Too Short To Eat Cheap Pizza’ by Doc Rogers And The Roc Dodgers. Lelly plays guitar on the album and I dig every track on this set of “Irreverent Rock For Irreverent Times”.
[This is Lelly. As it says in the album’s liner notes: “When not playing, Larry works as the bouncer at the local Christian Science reading room.” So, read to yourself, quietly; don’t make him have to hit you with that guitar!]
The songs were written by bassist Terry Rangno and he is a clever lyricist. I would describe the songs as being “From the Jim Stafford School of Songwriting”, so if you love Jim Stafford as much as I do, you are GUARANTEED to love Doc Rogers And The Roc Dodgers too.
[This is Terry Rangno; just like it says. He writes funny “stuffs”.]
But I gotta tell ya, my favorite song on this collection is “I Seen It On TV”. Is this the best, most humorous political song ever? It just might be. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of a better, funnier one. Check out the lyrics:
c Rangnomusic 2007 BMI
The country’s in a crisis, the president’s a dope
Everybody’s unemployed, we’re on a slippery slope
Old folks droppin’ dead, we’re starvin’ ‘em you see
I know it’s all the truth, I seen it on TV
There’s poison in the water, there’s poison in the air
It’s all them SUV’s, you see ‘em everywhere
Ain’t nobody guilty in the penitentiary
I know it’s all the truth, I seen it on TV
Food Stamps, open borders, Welfare checks
People gettin’ married and they’re both the same sex
Boy Scouts gettin’ kicked around by city hall
Wonder when there’s gonna be an end to it all
I know them talkin’ heads would never lie to me
I know it’s all the truth, I seen it on TV
Turn in all your guns and put an end to crime
Forget the Constitution, it’s from another time
What we gotta have is some more diversity
I know it’s all the truth, I seen it on TV
The Left is always right, the Right is always wrong
Don’t bother learnin’ English, it’ll take ya way too long
Housing, food, healthcare should be completely free
I know it’s all the truth, I seen it on TV
Food Stamps, open borders, Welfare checks
People gettin’ married and they’re both the same sex
Boy Scouts gettin’ kicked around by city hall
Wonder when there’s gonna be an end to it all
I know them talkin’ heads would never lie to me
I know it’s all the truth, I seen it on TV...
And if it’s on TV you know it’s true . . . . . ain’t it ?
Now speaking for no one but myself (not speaking for Terry Rangno, or F-in’ Lelly, or anyone else but me), I think the president we had in 2007 really was “a dope”. But the one we have today is “a dopey Commie”. Ahh, but “CHANGE is good”. Didn’t Buddha say that? Or was it Victor Buono? Rosie O’Donnell? Well, anyway, I know it was one of those men who’re “way too fat”.
Hey, if you want to hear song samples from the ‘Life’s Too Short To Eat Cheap Pizza’ album and to perhaps purchase a copy of it for yourself or for someone who has a better sense of humor than you do, click on the convenient link I’ve thoughtfully provided below. ...Below. ...Down a little bit further!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
["The link - are we there yet?"
"Just a little further…"]
by Doc Rogers And The Roc Dodgers
Wait! You went too far. Back up.
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Monday, May 2, 2011
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.

"Well done, thou good and faithful servant."
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'

"Well done, thou good and faithful servant."
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
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