(No. That's not right.)
So, I woke up this morning feeling really great!! I don't know why I did, but I did.
Yeah, I know that you're not supposed to start out a piece o' writin' with the word "So". SO what? My writing is a GiR (1C4:7); it did not come from genes or from a man. SO I will break the literary rules of men (and Man's other rules, as well) whenever I feel that God is telling me that it's the right thing to do.
...And that is an ideal segue into today's blog bit.
Read on, [link> Gomers...
I woke up feeling so terrific this morning that I said a prayer to God, thanking Him for His many blessings and His mercy in my life. This was a special, unique, ad lib prayer - a prayer that I said EVEN BEFORE I said my regular morning prayer to God, which I say every morning before getting out of bed for the day.
A couple days ago, I made an appointment to donate blood today at 10:45 A.M. Then later that same day, I decided to cancel the appointment and just drop in to donate blood whenever I was next in the area of the donation center. I called the center to cancel my appointment, but no one answered the phone. Therefore, I figured I would just take that as a Sign to keep the appointment and force myself out of my house earlier than I normally would go anywhere on my day off from work.
I got to the blood donation center today about five minutes earlier than my appointment, and as I was approaching the front door, I saw a sign posted that said "face masks" were required inside. {*I call "bullsh*t" on that!*}
When I opened the door, I saw a bunch of nurses wearing face masks, as well as a guy donating blood at one of the beds, lounges, or love seats - whatever those things are called that you lie down on while those
The receptionist at the front desk was also wearing a face mask. Hereafter, I will refer to her as Mrs. Yoey O'Dogherty, because I wouldn't want to get her in trouble with The Stupid Powers That Be.
I approached Mrs. Yoey O'Dogherty, told her my name and said, "I have a 10:45 appointment to donate blood. But I'm going to have to cancel it and come back at some later date, because I just don't do the face mask thing."
Mrs. O'Dogherty slightly lowered her face mask and quietly said to me, "Thank you".
We then had a fairly brief discussion in which she expressed her appreciation at meeting a "normal" person who still had "the ability to think for himself". She told me that her employer REQUIRED her to wear the face mask. She knew this whole fear-mongering Uncle Scam scam was... a scam - she wasn't buying it for a second. And Mrs. O'Dogherty seemed extremely relieved to finally meet a blood donor who was strong enough and informed enough to openly speak against the face mask requirement, and who was willing to take a stand against it by refusing to donate blood until the ridiculous requirement was abolished.
I won't bleed (for anyone) while wearing a face mask, like some common criminal shot by the police while he was trying to rob a bank. (No, not even for a BLOOD bank, I won't!)
Mrs. O'Dogherty and I then quickly exchanged some simpatico views about our state's governor, and she told me she would send me an Email directing me to where I could sign a petition to have his idiotic, communist ass recalled. (She did NOT say "idiotic, communist ass". I just added that for extra seasoning, and because *I DO* consider him an idiotic, communist ass... because he *IS*!)
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Was that woman in the poncho attracted to the real me? Or did she just like my big camera? |
In Mrs. O'Dogherty's Email, which she sent to me an hour or two later, she included a link to the following video. It's an EXCEPTIONAL video that I encourage all of you to watch from beginning to end. Dr. Buttar not only has impeccable credentials, but - *GASP!* - his passion and intensity reminds me so much of myself!

(And I have known The Truth that Dr. Buttar speaks of since shortly after the day Christ Yeshua baptized me in my own tears on April 6, 1994. See [link> HERE.)
EXCLUSIVE Dr Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses
Having watched that top-notch video that Mrs. O'Dogherty directed me to, I realize that she is certainly ready for the two videos I am going to recommend to *her* in my next
r-E-ply to her last E. First, there's this short confession directly from Hollywood itself:
"The World is a Corporation" (Network, 1976)
And then there's the REALLY HARD-CORE AND PROVEN "NEW WORLD ORDER" SATANIC TRUTH, as explained to the smarter Americans by Aaron Russo in 2006:
'AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism' [Directors Cut]
Listen, Peoples! Get right with God and Jesus Christ right NOW! Because the End *REALLY IS* near.
Nearer than you know!!
{"Can't you feel the whole world's a-turnin'?
We are real, and we are a-burnin'!"
~ 'Diamond Girl' by Seals & Crofts}
Blog Bit Inspiration: Mrs. Yoey O'Dogherty at the Blood Donation Center
Soundtrack: 'Me, Lynth And The Beach Report' (Side A)
~ Stephen T. McCarthy