The Declaration Of Independence And The Constitution Of The United States Of America
by Our Founding Fathers
The Declaration Of Independence says, "All men are created equal." It does not say that women are created equal to men.
Just a joke to break the ice. Women ARE created equal to men, but also DIFFERENT.
The Communist Manifesto
by Karl Marx
Marx's Manifesto says, "Communists everywhere SUPPORT EVERY REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT AGAINST THE EXISTING SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ORDER OF THINGS. Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible OVERTHROW OF ALL EXISTING SOCIAL CONDITIONS."
And Clara Zetkin writes, "Comrade Lenin frequently spoke to me about the women's question. Social equality for women was, of course, a principle needing no discussion for communists. In 1920 he said, "We must create a powerful international women's movement."
Weak Link: The Feminization Of The American Military
by Brian Mitchell
Feminism is one of the most destructive weapons Socialism ever unleashed on our society. Bear in mind that Socialists attack en masse any book damaging their agenda, so many of these titles will show many negative reviews. No, this is not to imply that EVERY dissenting voice is that of a socialist or card-carrying Communist, but I strongly urge you to be wary when considering them.
The Kinder, Gentler Military: How Political Correctness Affects Our Ability to Win Wars
by Stephanie Gutmann
Dedication And Leadership
by Douglas Hyde
I believe you will find every title I have included on this list to be a good buy. Some are now out of print, but used copies are available.
DEDICATION AND LEADERSHIP is not specifically about Feminism, but it shows how socialists operate and why they are so successful, making such an impact with few numbers. This is a very valuable book for a variety of reasons!
Why Women And Power Don't Mix
by J.P. McDermott
As far as I know, this remains the most comprehensive book on Feminist psychology. It also explains the methods and the consequences. For every man or woman, the path to understanding starts here. (Overlook the poorly chosen title. You can't always judge a book by its title.)
The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality
by Dale O'Leary
An absolutely essential publication for gaining an understanding of Feminism's hidden agenda. This is one of only a few books to make the valid Feminist/Marxist connection. It simply doesn't get any better than this one.
Manhood Redux: Standing Up To Feminism
by C. H. Freedman
Here's one of the best books ever written on the subject (and definitely the most humorous). About 'feminist males', Freedman writes: "Some especially obedient little dogs bring their masters their leash when they want to be harnessed up for a walk."
Women Who Make The World Worse: And How Their Radical Feminist Assault Is Ruining Our Schools, Families, Military, And Sports
by Kate O'Beirne
The Privilege Of Being A Woman
by Alice Von Hildebrand
A truly powerful little book if you don't mind just a bit of Catholic flavoring. (I myself am not Catholic.) This book made me almost sorry I was born male.
Real Men Don't Eat Quiche
by Bruce Feirstein
OK, look, this is included strictly for comic relief. Only emasculated males lick the black boots of Feminists. And eating quiche? Aww, come on, fuhgeddaboudit: "Real Men" can't even pronounce it!
Spreading Misandry: The Teaching Of Contempt For Men In Popular Culture
by Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young
The Feminists and their emasculated boy puppets are Spreading Misandry throughout society, and they're spreading it on THICK!
Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame To Systemic Discrimination Against Men
by Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young
A tour de force about the atrocious inequality that Feminism has "legally" leveled at men. One Amazon.com reviewer wrote: "It ought to be read by every man who considers getting within 500 yards of a female."
The ACLU Vs. America: Exposing The Agenda To Redefine Moral Values
by Alan Sears
One of Feminism's most effective supporters has been the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) - a Marxist organization since its founding. There is a symbiotic relationship between Marxism and Feminism. Gender is to Feminism what class is to Marxism. (Since Secular Humanism is essentially a modernized form of Marxism, you will find the "Humanist Manifesto" crowd also endorses Feminism.)
The Party Of Death: The Democrats, The Media, The Courts, And The Disregard for Human Life
by Ramesh Ponnuru
One of Feminism's most carefully protected gains is the (pseudo-Constitutional) legal right of a woman to murder her unborn child. Read this book and see if your previously held beliefs about abortion can withstand scrutiny.
Everything Starts From Prayer: Mother Teresa's Meditations On Spiritual Life For People Of All Faiths
by Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa was one of the great embodiments of Womanhood: caring, giving, forgiving, nurturing, selfless and Loving. I rarely cry when a person dies, but my tears fell the day this poor old world lost Mother Teresa.
Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fatherhood, Marriage, And The Family
by Stephen Baskerville
'TAKEN INTO CUSTODY' by Stephen Baskerville is an absolutely shocking look at the tyrannical judicial system that is ruining fathers and deliberately undermining "the family" (i.e., society's fundamental group unit). The Constitutional rights of men are being trampled on and obliterated by the courts of this country. Read this book if you give a damn about anyone other than yourself!
Holy Bible: From The Ancient Eastern Text
by George M. Lamsa
The biggest enemy the Feminist movement has is God: Genesis 3:16; Isaiah 3:11,12; 1st Timothy 2:11-15; Titus 2:3-5, et al. Atheistic radical Feminists won't care, but female Believers are expected to know!
Evidence For Faith: Deciding The God Question
by John Warwick Montgomery
And if you've ever wondered whether or not THE HOLY BIBLE truly was inspired by The Biblical God, this great book will certainly put that question to rest for you once and for all!
The Fountainhead
by Ayn Rand
A politically liberal, self-professed "feminist" female psychologist and former friend of mine recently wrote the following to me in a letter:
I don't believe I am being naive or "seeing what I want to see" if I focus on what is good and compassionate. I see the results of ugliness daily in my practice. I also believe that what you oppose grows, and what you put your attention on grows. I personally want to see the beauty and kindness that is all around me. So, really, I'm not interested in reading any anti-feminist articles.
That is the reply I received after recommending that this feminist psychologist read a few of the books on this list. It should be noted that decades ago, this same "liberal" (i.e., "socialist") introduced me to the writings of Ayn Rand, whose philosophy had a major impact on her at that time.
As for my former friend's current political views, I guess it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind. But her response to my suggestion that she read a few of the outstanding books on this list says a great deal about a Feminist's lack of objectivity and feigned interest in discovering truth. Her motto might as well be: "See, hear, and READ no truth."
Bonus Material:

Demographic Winter
Fuhgeddabout Paul Ehrlich's "Population Bomb." One of our real and most serious socioeconomic problems will soon be revealed to be a lack of population replacement resulting from a number of factors, not the least of them being the effects of "Feminism." This one-hour documentary is loaded with facts that pack a punch and will knock the teeth right out of your optimism. Stick a fork in us: we're done!
And always remember to Just Say, “NO!” to Hellary Clinton
and to Popeye Palin!

~ Stephen T. McCarthy
.YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement. .