"A dry martini you always
shake to Waltz time."
shake to Waltz time."
~ Nick Charles
confession time...
In my 54th
year of life on this planet, I am finally ready to confess that I am...
[*gulp!*] ...“gay”. Is that OK? Will you still like me anyway? ... “Not that there's anything wrong with that”(?)
I’m sure
this will come as a shock to most of you. Sorry about that.
In truth,
it comes as a shock to me, too!
Over the
last couple of months, I have fallen in love with a man. Prior to that, I had no
idea that I was really “gay”.
The man I
am in love with is named NICK CHARLES, and it was actually my Ma who introduced
me to him back when I was about 17 years old.
Knowing I
loved movies and that I wanted to become a professional actor, my Ma suggested
I watch one or two of the ‘THIN MAN’ movies with her. ‘The Thin Man’ was a
series of 6 movies starring William Powell and Myrna Loy as Nick and Nora
Charles. (Nick was a detective until he met, fell in love with, and married
Nora, who had inherited a lot of money. After the marriage, Nick gave up the
detective business – or tried to, anyway – to concentrate on his drinking.
Unfortunately for Nick, life and his wife had a way of dragging him back
into the detective business.)
remember watching one or two movies from ‘The Thin Man’ series when I was about
17, kind of shrugging my shoulders and thinking: “I dunno. I don’t get it. What’s
the big deal?”
Of course
I was young and stupid then and I thought every movie ought to be like ‘The
Deer Hunter’ and ‘Ordinary People’. I really wasn’t intellectually capable at
17 of following a story (and grasping the humor) of a movie like ‘The Thin Man’,
and the 5 subsequent installments in the series.
Where I
work, they have a book and DVD library, and seeing some of ‘The Thin Man’
installments there, and remembering how much my Ma had loved them, I took a DVD
home with me one night.
that’s how I fell in love with Nick Charles (William Powell) and got on this
TOTAL ‘Thin Man’ series kick! (I guess I’m old enough, mature enough, mentally
sharp enough to “get it” now, as opposed to when I was 17 and “knew everything”
but knew nuttin’ at the same time.)
‘The Thin
Man’ series, a total of 6 movies, revolves around Nick and Nora Charles, their
dog Asta, and the murder mysteries they always seem to get drawn into.
“Asta! You’re not a terrier, you’re a ‘police dog’!”
~ Nick
Nick just
wants to retire from detective work and spend his time drinking and socializing
at fancy, uptown joints and dinner parties, but somehow murder always finds him
- and when it doesn’t, his wife Nora pushes him into the next adventure. She’s
madly in love with Nick and just wants to watch the way his mind – and fists –
work. Nick looks like a second-rate used car salesman with that soft body and
cheesy moustache, but you’d better not let his looks fool you: Nick is always
at least 4 mental steps ahead of everyone else, and he can knock a man down like he can knock a drink down!
Charles and W.C. Fields – probably the only two men in history who could have
drunk ‘The League Of Soul Crusaders’ under the table!
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“Shaken, not stirred” – what a weak line. Only a sub-intelligent society could
embrace a quote like that when Nick Charles had a Martini line so much better!
And that
leads me to something ELSE...
Nappy and I watched the first ‘Thin Man’ movie tonight (yeah, we’ve been going
out of order, due to availability), and at one point I said to Nappy that most
Americonned People couldn’t even keep up with a movie like ‘The Thin Man’
today. We have been so dumbed-down as a society that what was common
entertainment back in 1934 is sometimes way, Way, WAY too complex for modern
American movie audiences.
Below are
the movies in the series listed by title and year...
1: The Thin Man
2: After The Thin
Man (1936)
3: Another Thin
Man (1939)
4: Shadow Of The
Thin Man (1941)
5: The Thin Man
Goes Home (1945)
6: Song Of The
Thin Man (1947)
So far,
Brother Nappy and I have seen numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5. Numbers 4 and 6 are currently
at the very top of my NetFlix queue.
to the consensus, #1 was the best and #5 was the worst. But, so far, Nappy and
I agree that #2 is the best we’ve seen, and if #5 (when Nick Charles goes “on
the wagon” because he’s visiting his Pa, who doesn’t approve of “drinking the
juice”) is the worst, well... it was still pretty damned entertaining! It
includes a scene where a bunch of ex-cons go running out of a house, each one
cradling an infant in his arms! (That’s another running gag in the series: Nick
Charles is such a likeable detective that all the criminals he “sends up the
river” or “to The Rock” eventually find him again, after parole, to shake his
hand and share a drink with him. Some classic sh!t here, Peoples!)
Below is
a collection of ‘Thin Man’ movie trailers I found at YouTube. These trailers,
while amusing, don’t even begin to hint at the wonderfulness of the ‘Thin Man’
The Thin Man series - Trailer
Charles... I love you, man!
that there's anything wrong with that.”
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.