(No. That's not right.)
So, I woke up this morning feeling really great!! I don't know why I did, but I did.
Yeah, I know that you're not supposed to start out a piece o' writin' with the word "So". SO what? My writing is a GiR (1C4:7); it did not come from genes or from a man. SO I will break the literary rules of men (and Man's other rules, as well) whenever I feel that God is telling me that it's the right thing to do.
...And that is an ideal segue into today's blog bit.
Read on, [link> Gomers...
I woke up feeling so terrific this morning that I said a prayer to God, thanking Him for His many blessings and His mercy in my life. This was a special, unique, ad lib prayer - a prayer that I said EVEN BEFORE I said my regular morning prayer to God, which I say every morning before getting out of bed for the day.
A couple days ago, I made an appointment to donate blood today at 10:45 A.M. Then later that same day, I decided to cancel the appointment and just drop in to donate blood whenever I was next in the area of the donation center. I called the center to cancel my appointment, but no one answered the phone. Therefore, I figured I would just take that as a Sign to keep the appointment and force myself out of my house earlier than I normally would go anywhere on my day off from work.
I got to the blood donation center today about five minutes earlier than my appointment, and as I was approaching the front door, I saw a sign posted that said "face masks" were required inside. {*I call "bullsh*t" on that!*}
When I opened the door, I saw a bunch of nurses wearing face masks, as well as a guy donating blood at one of the beds, lounges, or love seats - whatever those things are called that you lie down on while those
The receptionist at the front desk was also wearing a face mask. Hereafter, I will refer to her as Mrs. Yoey O'Dogherty, because I wouldn't want to get her in trouble with The Stupid Powers That Be.
I approached Mrs. Yoey O'Dogherty, told her my name and said, "I have a 10:45 appointment to donate blood. But I'm going to have to cancel it and come back at some later date, because I just don't do the face mask thing."
Mrs. O'Dogherty slightly lowered her face mask and quietly said to me, "Thank you".
We then had a fairly brief discussion in which she expressed her appreciation at meeting a "normal" person who still had "the ability to think for himself". She told me that her employer REQUIRED her to wear the face mask. She knew this whole fear-mongering Uncle Scam scam was... a scam - she wasn't buying it for a second. And Mrs. O'Dogherty seemed extremely relieved to finally meet a blood donor who was strong enough and informed enough to openly speak against the face mask requirement, and who was willing to take a stand against it by refusing to donate blood until the ridiculous requirement was abolished.
I won't bleed (for anyone) while wearing a face mask, like some common criminal shot by the police while he was trying to rob a bank. (No, not even for a BLOOD bank, I won't!)
Mrs. O'Dogherty and I then quickly exchanged some simpatico views about our state's governor, and she told me she would send me an Email directing me to where I could sign a petition to have his idiotic, communist ass recalled. (She did NOT say "idiotic, communist ass". I just added that for extra seasoning, and because *I DO* consider him an idiotic, communist ass... because he *IS*!)
![]() |
Was that woman in the poncho attracted to the real me? Or did she just like my big camera? |
In Mrs. O'Dogherty's Email, which she sent to me an hour or two later, she included a link to the following video. It's an EXCEPTIONAL video that I encourage all of you to watch from beginning to end. Dr. Buttar not only has impeccable credentials, but - *GASP!* - his passion and intensity reminds me so much of myself!

(And I have known The Truth that Dr. Buttar speaks of since shortly after the day Christ Yeshua baptized me in my own tears on April 6, 1994. See [link> HERE.)
EXCLUSIVE Dr Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses
Having watched that top-notch video that Mrs. O'Dogherty directed me to, I realize that she is certainly ready for the two videos I am going to recommend to *her* in my next
r-E-ply to her last E. First, there's this short confession directly from Hollywood itself:
"The World is a Corporation" (Network, 1976)
And then there's the REALLY HARD-CORE AND PROVEN "NEW WORLD ORDER" SATANIC TRUTH, as explained to the smarter Americans by Aaron Russo in 2006:
'AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism' [Directors Cut]
Listen, Peoples! Get right with God and Jesus Christ right NOW! Because the End *REALLY IS* near.
Nearer than you know!!
{"Can't you feel the whole world's a-turnin'?
We are real, and we are a-burnin'!"
~ 'Diamond Girl' by Seals & Crofts}
Blog Bit Inspiration: Mrs. Yoey O'Dogherty at the Blood Donation Center
Soundtrack: 'Me, Lynth And The Beach Report' (Side A)
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I love the pic you snapped at that rally. You know how I can tell you took it? Because everyone is a typical, friendly, normal looking human being. Have you noticed that whenever they snap pictures of people at these rallies and post it on mainstream media articles, it must always be of the one redneck who's missing some teeth and is wearing a sleeveless shirt? Because they MUST let you know that it's only inbred idiots protesting... not normal people. No, normal people wouldn't DARE question the gubmint...
ReplyDeleteFantastic blog bit, and Mrs. Yoey O'Doggerty sounds like a real gem of a woman. It's funny, isn't it? It's like halfway between Nazi Germany and a zombie horror movie out there. Normal people like us wander about, but we have to communicate in secret about being normal, because if you ARE normal and aren't afraid of the big bad boogeyman, then you're a mean, scary person who's a disease-ridden terrorist, just running around spraying Corona-chemicals into the atmosphere for everyone to breathe and then... uh, die or something.
I also say zombie movie because it's hilarious walking amongst these mask-wearing people. As I told a friend recently, it's like being in the middle of feral humans. When you pass one, someone who's already lumbering by, hunched over, eyes darting back and forth like they're about to be attacked, they suddenly make eye contact with you and realize you don't have a mask like they do. And they just stare at you, eyes locked on yours as they pass, with a mixture of fear and aggression in their eyes. It's a look that says, "What are you going to do? Are you going to attack me (or sneeze on me, I guess)?" But I just pass by, and suddenly they're back to their same cautious, lumbering gate... until I pass another one, and the dance continues.
It's not easy living amongst the animals - you know, the ones that want their nice padded dog house (now with 6 foot extendable leash!) provided free of charge* by Big Daddy Gubmint. It's scary times... but at least we're not all feral humans.
*subject to taxation, theft, and gubmint regulations
That is a great story. I am very pleased that not only did you find someone awake, but you found someone awake who is at least nominally in the health care field on a local level.
ReplyDeleteIt is as clear as the nose on my face (and that is one giant proboscis) that this is a giant plan to accomplish "a cashless society, mandatory vaccinations, universal basic income, a surveillance state, restricted freedom of movement and a complete restructuring of the global economy."
If you can't see that you are either a liberal, senile, asleep, or all three (see Joe Biden.)
Sixgun McItchyBrother ~
DeleteFirst, before I even respond to your comment, I want you to know that only about 30 minutes ago, I finally finished watching that video you linked me to ('Out Of The Shadows'). I was watching it in phases, while doing my workouts. But because I'm old, I don't work out for very long, which 'splains why it took me this long to reach the end.
Also, I am reading the Zero Hedge article you linked me to this morning, and I am nearly finished with it. So... expect a r-E-ply from me sooner than later.
Now then, onto the matter at hand...
Thanks for coming by to check out my mumblin' and for commenting.
Yes, sir! We are seeing the Biblical End-Time prophecies being fulfilled in our own lifetime! How exciting! And how terrifying it will be for many.
But for us, we know what The King said:
"Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
Hey, I just had a thought... do you think The Great Musical Divide will still exist when you and I are both in Heaven? Will we be arguing about which band is better, Michael And The White Lights or Gabriel And The Golden Trumpets?
~ D-FensDogG
An article about my friend, Victoria Reynolds from Colorado:
ReplyDeleteAurora Sentinel Colorado, April 8th, 2020:
"Victoria Reynolds, chairwoman of the Libertarian Party of Colorado said the orders should be scrapped entirely.
"Reynolds said people who can stay inside should, or otherwise practice social distancing.
"But she said the stay-at-home order is “absolutely unnecessary” because most people would do so even without the government telling them to.
"'I think we’re capable of taking care of ourselves,' Reynolds said. 'Last I looked, Mr. Polis was not my mommy.'
"She said she and her neighbors around her Sedalia home are consolidating grocery runs for senior residents and checking in on each other.
"In her view, at-risk people such as the elderly and immune-compromised people should especially stay at home to protect themselves — but the decision should be theirs alone.
"'That’s why we live in a free-market society where people can do as they please,' Reynolds said.
"Libertarians aren’t alone in pushing against pandemic mandates."
While I do not consider myself to be a Libertarian, I do have to agree with my friend Victoria. These governors and rule makers are not my mommy. They can suggest we do these things to stay safe during the pandemic, but to make them mandatory just makes me want to rebel.
Hope all is well with you, ya ornery cuss.
ReplyDelete>>... ya ornery cuss
I've been called worse (and more accurate) things. ;^D
Yeah, there's not much to disagree with in Victoria's statements. (However, I wish she would have revealed her secret.)
As I said to a guy today at the second public protest I have attended in a week: "If the Founding Fathers were still with us, the air would already be filled with musket smoke."
One reason there will never be another *real* second American Revolution is because most Americans have been so dumbed-down into Americonned Sheeple that they don't even know what America *SHOULD* be like. They don't have the slightest concept of what principles were enshrined / established in The Declaration Of Independence & The Bill Of Rights.
Hell, most Americans think the phrase "separation of church and state" is something from The Constitution. (Freakin' nitwits!)
Well, bottom line: The people get the government they collectively deserve.
No, I'm not a Libertarian, either.
Nor am I a Republican or Conservative. (Those labels are meaningless today.)
The political label I *ALWAYS* apply to myself is "Constitutionalist". And if someone wants further clarification, I'll add, "...of the Anti-Federalist variety". (Sadly, few people understand what that means.)
~ D-FensDogG
You really took me on a trip with that blog bit. Very interesting excursions with so many truths and other great observations.
ReplyDeleteI've been having this stormclouds-gathering sense of late. This year might prove to be a very interesting and maybe scary for some year.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
DeleteOh, yeah, storm clouds are gathering, that's for sure. And they are storm clouds of a spiritual nature.
Every month that passes, I become more and more convinced that my timeline for the return of Christ is right in the ballpark!
On one hand, I look around me at all the people frightened out of their wits (if they ever had any to begin with), wearing face masks and gloves, and I think to myself: How can they not see how badly and blatantly they have been lied to? How can they fall for this New World Order bullshit so damned easily?! I mean, it really boggles my mind.
But then later, I think back again on The Scriptures and remember what God and His Son and Their representatives foretold us about these times that we are barreling into:
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, ...
Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator...
For this reason God gave them up to vile passions.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
~ Saint Paul
Romans, chapter 1
The Bible clearly tells us that the majority of the world's population is going to worship "the beast" and receive his mark. That's how freaking stooooopid the average person is!
So, why then should I be so surprised at how easily the people around me are being misled by these ridiculous, fear-mongering lies about coronavirus?!
Hell, of course they fall for it!
They're going to fall for ALL of the lies of "the beast", too!! They have no power of discernment, no critical thinking ability at all, so they buy into every lie vomited from the mind and mouth of satan.
~ D-FensDogG
ReplyDeleteI invested in a big screen tv that covers three living room walls and a safe behind my Edward R Murrow portrait that is full of Soma. I think we should all take some Soma, chill out, and trust the mainstream media.* On Fox and CNN, guests shout at each other so you know we're hearing both sides of an issue -- any issue always has two sides. "There are two sides to every story," my grandpappy told me on the porch between his spits of chaw, is all he would say about his ex-wives. I'll tell you what. I don't know what story his second wife Betty Sue has for cutting off his penis. At the time it was the biggest penis hunt in the history of the state. Turns out Betty Sue drove two miles and put it on a railroad track and, back in those days doctors couldn't reaattach it. Eight years later, doctors had the technology and stitched Grandpappy up with a dead guy's penis who checked the box on his driver's license. Grandpappy never did press charges against Betty Sue and he'll always love her. There are two sides to every story... although everyone in the family has been mum all these years as to what either side's/Grandpappy and Betty Sue's stories could be.
* I also think a 16 year old Swedish girl is the world's greatest climate scientist. In contrast, some people think Leonardo DiCaprio is. Two sides to every story, by cracky. I prefer her story because she says the rain forests will be gone in the shortest amount of time/ten years. Have you seen the rain forests? They're not at all like the majestic Arctic with its snow wolves, caribou, polar bears ("I'm the polar bear king I can do anything" is their latest jocular catchphrase), sea lions, whales - the A team of nature. Oh no, the rain forests are full of bats, trees that live off of snail vomit, ants that gather pieces of leaves so when the leaves get fungus they can feed the fungus to their larvae, orangutans that put a stick in a tree hole until the stick is covered with ants then eat it, tigers who use ink beetles to give themselves swastika tattoos, wombats with Raiders caps, all one big bad neighborhood. With extra effort, I think the rainforests can be gone in five years.
"We make the rules pal. The news, war peace famine upheaval the price of a paper clip. We pick that rabbit out of a hat while everyone out there wonders how the hell we did it."
- Gordon Gecko
I loved your comment, mang! Your comment (along with this Harvey's Bristol Cream Sherry) has made me (temporarily) forget how pissed off I be!
I love finding all the hidden references in your comments. You and I are like McBruhthuhs separated @ birth! I was always hiding countless obscure references to things in my Amazon.scum reviews, and I remember you picking up on 'em, too.
>>... Fox and CNN guests shout at each other so you know we're hearing both sides of an issue
Right, right!!
Either that, or... seein' some good actin'.
Information or Entertainment... I'll take whatever ya got.
Dang! Cuttin' off Grandpappy's penis wasn't enough? Betty Sue even drove 2 miles to put it on a railroad track? I hope Betty Sue was wearing ear plugs! Can you imagine how loud that penis must have been screaming when she put it down on the tracks?
We need to get Tony Baretta and Starsky & Hutch to solve the mystery of
"Why Did Betty Sue Done Go And Do
What She Done Did Do?"
>>... I also think a 16 year old Swedish girl is the world's greatest climate scientist.
Yip! You and all "The People Of Walmart" whom I saw wearing masks in Walmart earlier today. (For the record, I only went to the Walmart pharmacy to buy some condumbs. It's not like I normally shop at Walmart!)
>>... "I'm the polar bear king I can do anything"
Oh, mang! That really *DID* make me Guffaw-Out-Loud-!!
>>... I prefer her story because she says the rain forests will be gone in the shortest amount of time ... With extra effort, I think the rainforests can be gone in five years.
G-DogG, your comparison of the Arctic with the Rain Forests is one for the ages! Dude, we need to collaborate on a book (or movie) while there's still time. (And that's just 9 or 10 years left, according to my Biblical understandin'.)
I dig it when you stop by to visit and comment.
And, by the way, I'll have a new BOTB post going up on May 1st (you know, 'The Commie Celebration Day'.)
Please don't be a stranger:
[Link> People Are Strange
[Link> People Are Strange
~ D-FensDogG
I want to announce my new Kickstarter campaign: I want to raise 2.3 trillion to pay G Dogg to comment on all McCarthy blog bits. I think it should be easy to put together that much for him, especially if I apply for an SBA loan posing as a Fortune 100 company or an Ivy League college.
Delete"...tigers who use ink beetles to give themselves swastika tattoos, wombats with Raiders caps..."
WTF?!?!? The non sequiturs alone have have a value of 1 Trillion.
Until the word gets out about the kickstarter, please believe me that the cash is coming and so keep commenting. The trillions will come in eventually in the form of Papiermark: they will really be worth something!
Somehow, this comment got past me. I probably published it at the same time as some others and then lost track of where (which blog) it went to.
Sorry 'bout that!
I'm sure you already know this, but G DogG and I hooked up back in the Amazon reviewing years, and we seemed to really hit it off because of our stream-o'-consciousness writing styles. We had some cool knack for riffing off of what each other wrote. And I remember that back then, somehow everything always seemed to circle back again to Tony Baretta.
I had several people tell me they came to my Amazon blog just to see where G DogG and I were going to take the conversations. My blog bits were nothing more than the starting gates for the wackiness that would then ensue... all the way to Baretta... and back again.
In all seriousness, when Amazon scrubbed me from their website, it was the loss of the G DogG / STMcC conversations that bothered me much more than the elimination of the reviews and blog bits I had written.
I told you all of that just to tell you this...
I'll kick in a buck.
Tony and Fred will kick in two more.
~ D-FensDogG
ReplyDeleteWith the exception of medical personnel, masks are for cons and clowns. Or is it the conned and cloned?
Engaging conversation here, Stephen T!
Howdy, dIEDRE ~
DeleteI am pleased as spiked punch to see that you are not buying into all this bull....
The conned clowns; the cloned clowns; the conned, cloned clowns? (Try saying that three times fast!) Or as I usually call them: the Americonned Sheeple.
So phunny that you linked me to Paul Harvey! I always enjoyed listening to him. And the night before you submitted this comment, I was mentally responding to G DogG's most recent comment on my BOTB blog bit, and I got this Paul "Now You Know The Rest Of The Story" Harvey idea. The next morning, I found YOU, here, linking me to Paul Harvey brilliance.
All I can say is... great minds... drink alike.
And... THANKS!
May you ever be
~ D-FensDogG
ReplyDeleteWell the insanity has drawn me back. Oh the irony to see a comment made long ago by me close out this piece. And the words are even more true today.
I have gone back to listening to Alex Jones and watching all the videos containing any truth disappear off YouTube faster than a conman pockets your cash. In this case, it feels very much like the same thing. Ha!
I remember when you tried to discourage me from seminary... It has been a struggle. You are right about the church. It's completely infiltrated. My goal has just been to push through because people need to hear the gospel. But it's wearing on the soul. Watching the church handle this "crisis" is indicative what trouble we are actually in. I participated in a staff phone call to discuss procedures for when we meet again in person. They are going to insist (in June) on taking temps and people wearing masks to attend service.
I have been dating someone for a year now (don't fall over in shock!). We both think this is nonsense and have decided that even though I am on staff we aren't going back until the mask thing is lifted. Of course, you and I know that will be never. The NWO is rolling out their agenda.
The place where BF and I diverge is that he thinks the American people are smart and will catch on. I think they will line up and take their vaccines like the good sheeple they are.
On the interesting side, the more YouTube bans videos, the more new people are waking up. Is it enough? Is it too late?
Alex Jones is telling people to move to the country. The cities are 5G kill grids. I have also pulled up the Agenda 21, now Agenda 30 maps and they also suggest cities are the relocation zones for human settlements. Of course, to pack and stack most of the population will have to be depopulated via vaccines. Or 5G. Or both.
FYI: I don't have your phone number any longer. I lost it when my phone died. If you still have mine, text me and I will add you back:)
Robin (Girl Wonder)
Look what the cat dragged in!
DeleteIt's a ROBIN.
Long time, no yak!
That's phunny how I used your old comment and... here you are! It must have been calling to you.
Yes, the churches have been infiltrated by minions of "the adversary". There are probably still a handful of churches out there that are Biblically sound, but even those would kick *me* out for being too much of a "Maverick".
Personally, I don't feel we need anyone preaching the Gospel at this point. It has been preached to the ends of the earth, and "they" are without excuse now. (Plus, I always have Adrian Rogers sermons at YouTube to watch, when I get in the mood. My current addiction is watching testimonials of Messianic Jews on the channel 'One For Israel' at YouTube. I find those fascinating!)
I generally just point people to 'The First Epistle of John' (1 John: 1-5) and tell them: That is the entire Bible in just 15 minutes!
>>... I have been dating someone for a year now
Is it worth it? Ha!-Ha!
I wholeheartedly applaud your decision to leave the church until they stop playing along with these New World Order scare tactics.
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
~ 2nd Timothy 1:7
And I am in agreement with you. The Americonned Sheeple will line up for *ANYTHING* that Uncle Scam offers them "for your safety".
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
~ Hosea 4:6
>>... new people are waking up. Is it enough? Is it too late?
It is!
In fact, stay tuned here, as I plan to address that very subject in a new blog bit, hopefully this weekend - today or tomorrow.
I'm sure I still have your phone number. I'll look for it and text you from the protest rally I'm about to leave for in a couple minutes.
Really nice to hear from you again, GIRL WONDER! Don't be a stranger.
~ D-FensDogG