Wackypedia describes TDS this way:
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a term for criticism or negative reactions to United States President Donald Trump that are perceived to be irrational, and have little regard towards Trump's actual policy positions, or actions undertaken by his administration. The term has mainly been used by Trump supporters to discredit criticism of his actions, as a way of reframing the discussion by suggesting that his opponents are incapable of accurately perceiving the world.
I believe there is now a second form of Trump Derangement Syndrome which has manifested in many individuals, and it is almost a (reverse) mirror image of the original form of TDS. TDS II afflicts many irrational, illogical Trump supporters (Trumptards) who are incapable of seeing reality for what it is. They cannot seem to entertain the possibility, and wrap their minds around the fact, that Trump has sold them and America out; that Trump has become a traitor to the "MAGA" cause he claimed to be initiating. (Mark Dice, I'm looking at YOU!)
Donald "Traitor" Trump was sworn in as president on January 20, 2017. Steve Bannon, who in 2016 served as chief executive of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, later said, "We got elected on Drain the Swamp, Lock Her Up, Build a Wall."
On August 18, 2017 - just 7 months after the start of Trump's presidency - Bannon, who had the audacity to keep a record of Trump's campaign promises to the people, and the double-audacity to record what Trump was doing (or not doing) to actually deliver on those promises, was fired from his chief strategist position.
I think Steve Bannon made the same mistake that millions of Trump voters had made (myself included) - he had actually EXPECTED Trump to keep his campaign promises!
"He's so blatantly stupid, he's a punk, he's a dog, he's a pig, he's a con..."
~ Robert De Niro
That's what moron De Niro said about Trump while attempting to convince people to vote for Crooked Clinton. Donald Trump isn't terribly bright (he nicknamed her "Crooked Hillary" instead of the catchier, alliterative "Crooked Clinton"), but Trump isn't any more stupid than DeNiro is.
However, De Niro WAS right about Trump being a punk and a con!
When Trump fired Bannon, I knew we were in trouble. The tainted smell of Trump Traitorism was then noticeable to me. And as time went on, I could see the way Trump worked at NOT doing what he had promised We The People he would do. He had a way with framing situations so that, optically, it appeared that he was attempting to fight against "The Swamp" to get things done, but it was clear that he was doing very little. And often, he had a way of doing some little thing, and then turning right around and reversing himself on it in some other way. The Trump Kool-Aid drinkers never seemed to notice the about-face that this punk and conman was committing against his campaign promises.
No matter how badly Trump reneged on his promises, his Kool-Aid drinkers always found some (irrational) explanation for it: "Oh, he's just so brilliant that he's playing 4-Dimensional chess! He's outsmarting the opposition and maneuvering them into a position where he can checkmate them."
The checkmates never occurred, but that didn't stop the "4-D chess" claims!
Why was Trump putting Swamp creatures into so many cabinet positions, rather than simply ousting the creatures from Washington D.C. altogether? It's because Trump was brilliantly applying that old maxim: "Keep your friends close, and your enemies CLOSER!"
Yeah, right. Sure, sure. And here we are, nearly four years later, and the stench of the Swamp is worse than it's ever been!
Four years later... still no checkmates, Trump's administration is STILL loaded with Swamp creatures - many of whom he himself installed - his campaign promises are still just empty promises, with the economy and the entire country on the verge of completely collapsing!
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In Nevada, Fat Steve Sisolak is our Stalin-in-Charge. |
In my nearly 61 years of life, NO ONE has ever disappointed me more than Donald "Traitorous" Trump has, and for that, I am actually HOPING he LOSES the next presidential election (if in fact there even IS a next presidential election).
And some "conservatives" are still lapping up the Kool-Aid and planning to vote for this egomaniacal punk and conman for a second time / second term! UNBELIEVABLE!!
Where's the wall? Nonexistent.
Where's Crooked Clinton? She must have had a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card.
Has the Federal Reserve been audited? No.
Are Planned Parenthood's abortion mills still supported by YOUR tax dollars? Yes.
A person doesn't get my vote just by simply tweeting out that he is more patriotic than his opponent. He has got to EARN my vote! And in four years, all Trump has earned from me is my scorn. And there is a greater likelihood of me having gay sex with the corpse of Karl Marx than there is of me voting for Trump a second time and letting him make a fool of me TWICE!!
So, if there is another presidential election, and if I decided to cast a vote in it, who would I vote for? I will write in the name "Christ Yeshua" (aka Jesus Christ), and then hope He hears and answers my plea. (2029, I'm looking at YOU!) I may not be the brightest bulb in the hardware store, but at least I'm smart enough to learn from my past mistakes.
I urge all true patriotic Americans to "Dump The Trump" in November. There isn't much hope that the Kool-Aid-drinking Trumptards will see the light and wake-the-hell-up before the next election, but I know there are other sincere, patriotic, Constitutionally-minded Americans out there like myself who now see Trump for the punk and conman that he is.
For example, in the comment section of the Breitbart article [link> 'Donald Trump Threatens Regulation or Shutdown of Social Media Companies', one astute commenter named Phil wrote this:
“POTUS threatens” is basically the theme of the Trump Presidency. Lots of threats, very little follow through.
Birthright citizenship
Ending H1B
Defunding Planned Parenthood
Leaving Afghanistan
Draining the Swamp
Etc., Etc., Etc.
Please, let's not let Traitorous Trump make fools out of us AGAIN!!
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If I had these masks professionally printed, I'll bet I could make a fortune selling them to fellow Nevadans! Steve Sisolak and 666 - the infamous Biblical mark of the anti-Christ. |
A Bit About Masks:
I believe that Trump is entirely in on this coronavirus (covid-666) scam. And he is doing everything he can, surreptitiously, to crash the economy (e.g., having the Fed print trillions and trillions of dollars - 'counterfeit money' - out of thin air and flooding the economy with it by giving it away to all Americans, whether or not they even need or want it).
Face Masks have become the symbol of the Illuminati's 'New World Order' global crime scheme. There are several reasons they like seeing Americans wearing masks everywhere, but I'm not going to spend the time 'splaining all of that here. Just know this: If he wanted to, Traitorous Trump could put an end to all of the mask-wearing by employees in businesses in a single day.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an agency of the United States Department of Labor, has established standards for what Uncle Scam considers safe and healthy work environments. And it has repeatedly been shown that within a minute or less, the wearing of a face mask over the nose and mouth diminishes the oxygen level of a person's environment (the atmosphere immediately underneath the mask) to a point BELOW what OSHA has officially established and declared to be healthy.
And yet, we've now got employees required to wear face masks for full 8-hour workshifts. With the greatest hypocrisy of all time being that we also have representatives from OSHA visiting business establishments to ensure that all employees are in compliance with local face mask "guidelines" or "suggestions" (they AREN'T actual laws!) In other words, OSHA is policing the governors' unlawful demands that employers keep their employees in a condition that OSHA itself has determined to be unhealthy. Can hypocrisy possibly get more hypocritical than THAT?!. "This world" has officially gone INSANE!!
Trump could make a public announcement TODAY and say that from now on, all businesses that are negligent in providing sufficiently healthy oxygen-level environments for their employees will be fined, or worse, for ignoring Federally established OSHA standards.
'Bye-'bye, face masks EVERYWHERE! American employees would immediately be freed from the illegal demands of their employers, mayors, and governors that they consciously create for themselves unsafe, unhealthy working conditions! YES, Trump could put this into effect today, and employees would no longer be caged under face masks by tomorrow morning.
No doubt, Traitorous Trump knows as well as I do that he could free the people from masks with a single statement and Executive Order. But being the punk and conman he is, he just ignores the crimes committed against We The People, who put his fat ass into the White House! Make no mistake about it: TRUMP is PART of the satanic NEW WORLD ORDER crime being perpetrated on God's children across the planet!
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Baby Herman calls "Applesauce!" to the idea of harming your health by wearing face masks supposedly meant to keep you healthy. What kind of pretzel logic world is this?! |
Finally, someone has actually written an excellent article illustrating so many of the things I've been saying about Traitorous Trump for about 3 years now:
[link> Trump Cannot Be Anti-Globalist While Working With Global Elites
Also, you can be sure that Trump will be a major voice in the 'Mandatory Vaccination' criminal cabal when we reach that stage of this scam, quite possibly before the end of this year:
[link> Donald Trump Partners With Gates-Funded Global Vaccine Alliance (GAVI) (Video)
If you want to understand what is Spiritually going on right now, below is a good video / sermon delivered by Christian pastor Carter Conlon on March 5, 2020. We are surely in that brief period that Christ Yeshua called "the beginning of sorrows" and which He said would occur just prior to the Biblical 7-year Tribulation time period ruled over by the satanic anti-Christ (666).
The Beginning Of Sorrows 2020
Yes, let's "Dump the Trump"! Traitorous Trump is a punk and a conman. Even an idiot like Robert De Niro can get something right every once in awhile, as do broken clocks and blind squirrels.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Fantastic blog bit, and timely, because I was going to text you about this. Instead, I'll just post it here. Did you see recently that Trump bragged about "acing" a cognitive test, since people were trying to say that he has dementia? This was his exact quote...
ReplyDelete[Biden] hasn't taken any cognitive test, because he couldn't pass one. I actually took one when I -- very recently, when I -- when I was -- the radical left were saying, is he all there? Is he all there? And I proved I was all there, because I got -- I aced it. I aced the test. And he should take the same exact test, a very standard test. I took it at Walter Reed Medical Center in front of doctors. And they were very surprised. They said, that's an unbelievable thing. Rarely does anybody do what you just did. But he should take that same test.
Now, here's the thing. That test he took? They gave that same test to Uncle Jim often, in the late stages of brain cancer, to see where he was at mentally. In it, they do things like ask you to draw a clock, and then draw the clock hands at a certain time (example - draw me a clock that shows 2:30). Or they have pictures of animals, and ask you to identify which one that is (this is an elephant). It looked a lot like this.
Toward the end, Uncle Jim lost the concept of time, and couldn't remember words for longer than 30 seconds. That's to be expected with terminal brain cancer.
But, wait... Trump's doctors were SURPRISED that he aced this test? They said no one ever does that? He considers it a monumental feat to draw a clock, identify a camel, and remember the word "church", without help, over the span of 5 minutes?
I just want every conservative to remember that quote, the next time they still believe that he's playing 5D chess and he's 8,000 steps ahead of "the swamp".
Oh! Oh! Looky! A comment.
DeleteJULIO ~
Mucho sorry-o for being this late with my response, but [insert excuse here] _____.
Truthfully, I'll be glad when the world is open again, so I won't be so busy anymore. The tighter the commies restrict life, the more harder I seem to be working. Counterintuitive, I know.
While typing this reply, I'm listening to music that takes me away to a simpler, better time. Can you guess what music I'm listening to?
No, not 'Me, Lynth & The Beach Report'.
Not this time.
I'm listening to a tumbler of 100-proof Evan Williams Bourbon and 90-proof George Dickel Rye Whisky yakking with 7-Up. (Oh, yeah, and the soundtrack to 'American Graffiti', too.)
At work today, I thought I might possibly wind up in a physical fight with a loud-mouthed dude wearing a man-bun. Fortunately, it didn't get that far... so I can *STILL* say I've never beaten up a woman.
Great comment, mi Hermano!
Only Trump would boast about passing a test designed for people who might be suffering from dementia ...or retardation. Trump sets the bar so low for presidents that "Man-Bun-Boy" could probably step in for Trump and no one would notice the change!
My Biggest Dream:
My second biggest dream?
I've always thought the biggest "blowhard" I've ever seen was [Link> 'The Bumble Monster' from 'Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer'.
But that was *BEFORE* Blowhard Traitorous Trump became the latest loser to reside in the Commie Red House.
Move over, Bumble Monster! A bigger blowhard has arrived!!
Thanks again for your comment... and your objective view of reality. It's nice to know that others have also seen through the four years of "blowhard bullshit!"
Ooh! 'Green Onions' by Booker T & The MGs just started playing! I gotta go and dance now! (Either that, or go look for Man-Bun-Boy to see if he's found some cojones and wants to try something other than run his mouth.)
~ D-FensDogG