Monday, July 11, 2022




[DOG POUND NOTES are simply random thoughts, ideas, and maxims that have occurred to me. I am totally convinced of the merit of some of them. Others may merely be food-for-thought or even outright Doggy Doo-Doo. I'll let you guess as to how I categorize each of them.]


The challenge and the goal is trying to learn how to see others as God created them, rather than seeing them as they perceive themselves to be.

.~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. You need to be kicked in the head if you believe that.

    1. Hokey-Smoke! An actual comment on one of my F-FFF blog bits!! I can't remember the last time that happened. So, I thanks you, Mr. Grinch! (BTW, you are one of my all-time favorite Christmas characters, and I've been watching you every single December since 1966.)

      I have been kicked in the head many times, but it's never fixed the problem. (Wild Turkey 101 couldn't fix the problem, either. But I haven't yet given up on Jack Daniel's single barrel 130.6 proof whiskey.)

      Now, I has a Q 4 U:
      Although I have thus far failed at "the challenge & the goal", do you really believe that "the challenge & the goal" is false and/or unachievable? If so, please tell me why. Thanks!

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  2. You need to be kicked in the head for wasting your time in trying to understand humans so much when you should be stealing their Christmases instead. They are rotten to the core (unlike me) and thus deserve it.

    1. MR. GRINCH ~

      I have it from reasonably reliable sources (i.e., Sir Sixalot) that you are NOT the person I suspected you of being (i.e., Sir Sixalot). I thought you might also be SigToo, but Sir Sixalot says he doesn't believe you are.

      Therefore... the Spiritual Lesson shall begin with my next blog bit on this (*criminally!*) underrated blog.

      I thanks you for your interaction, Sir Grinch (or, SigToo?)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Mr. Grinch, your comment came without ribbons.
    It came without tags.
    It came without packages,
    boxes or bags.

    OK, consarn it,this is F-U-N-! This is why I'm still craz-- er... I mean, this is why I'm still blogging after all these years.

    Now, this is you, eh, Corn Pop?!
    If you ain't Corn Pop, then you're...
    or... Anonymous.

    Here's why this is so fun for me: 1) I was just about to turn the computer off and go to bed (at about 21:30), because old people suck and have no lives. But then I found this comment awaiting approval. 2) Last night I watched the movie 'MAN ON THE MOON' (starring Jim Carrey), and that stuffs can mess with your mind. 3) Last night...

    I had a dream which included this small pug dog. The dog was bright green with striking blue eyes. Then later in the dream he changed and became bright blue with striking green eyes. The dream was about a long-distance bicycle race (20 or 40 miles, or so) and each contestant was required to hold their small dog, or have their dog lying upon the bike’s handle bars, while they rode. I was just an observer of this race.

    One guy (and his blue-green pug) was so superior to the other racers that he’d often leave them out of sight in the distance. So then he would stop and wait for the others to nearly catch up to him before he’d start racing again. (Kinda like the tortoise and the hare.) I heard the guy say, “It’s no fun unless you can see the people you’re beating.”

    4) I am still in the presence of Mister Evan Williams, that 86-year-old gentleman from Bardstown, Kentucky,

    Now then... if you really are Sir Sixalot (aka The Amazing Sixwell, Corn Pop and Anonymous), there's no point in me 'splainin' my philosophy to you because you already know the Bible verses I will use.

    But it you're NOT really Sir Sixalot (aka The Amazing Sixwell, Corn Pop and Anonymous) let the lessons BEGIN!

    Finish this sentence if you're able: "There'll Be No ______ ."

    ~ Stephen
    DogGtor of Alcohology &
    King of Inebriation Nation


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