The day before yesterday, my buddy Mr. Paul sent me an astounding political cartoon. It seems that this originally appeared in the Chicago Tribune in 1934, during the midst of "The Great Depression."
I’d love to know who the cartoonist was because he was one doggoned politically astute observer. Anyone who thinks this cartoonist was overreacting to the situation at that time obviously does not know their American history and evidently knows even less about the intent of our Founding Documents. The charge that this cartoonist was making in 1934 was accurate, just as it is accurate today in 2009.
Study this cartoon, and then readjust your jaw into the “closed” position. (I hope it posts large enough to make out the text.)
Thirty-Four or Aught-Nine? You tell me!

*Postscript: Unfortunately, I could not get this cartoon to post any larger, so I will type the text below:
The banner across the top reads: "Planned Economy Or Planned Destruction?"
The bottle in the fist of the college scholar shouting "Whoopee!" is labeled "Power." The sign below them reads: "Young Pinkies from Columbia and Harvard."
The sign at the back of the wagon, below the drawing of Wallace shoveling money out, reads: "Depleting the resources of the soundest government in the world."
To the right, Stalin says approvingly, "How Red the sunrise is getting!"
To the left is Trotsky (where else would you expect to find Trotsky?) who says, "It worked in Russia!" And on the poster he's creating it reads: "PLAN OF ACTION FOR U.S. --- Spend! Spend! Spend under the guise of recovery - Bust the government - Blame the capitalists for the failure - Junk the Constitution and declare a dictatorship."
Is it 1934 all over again, or what?! The only difference is, this time, I’m concerned that The Pink And Red Elite really mean to Deep Six us.
A Blog Bit I posted here at XTREMELY UN-P.C. recently is largely related to the subject matter of this political cartoon. If you want to take a quick gander back at it, click here: MARX VS. KEYNES: COMPARATIVE SOCIALISM IN MINIATURE
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I e-mailed this to a couple friends it's great.
ReplyDeleteI agree, Br'er Marc; it seems to have quite an effect on everyone who sees it. And for that reason, I'm certainly pleased to learn that you are "spreading the news."
ReplyDeleteLove ya, man!
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
This really is a great find. Kudos to your friend Paul. I'll save a copy of this cartoon forever. I also will be passing it on.
ReplyDeleteIt's really quite astounding how we continually repeat our errors from generation to genration.
Knew ya'd dig it, OL' WP.
ReplyDeleteI found it so surprising that a political cartoonist way back in '34 was able to discern the agenda behind the window dressing. One doesn't ordinarily find anything but the most superficial analysis in a political cartoon, but this artist really knew the gig.
And yer right (as usual), history just repeats itself. And why shouldn't The Elite recycle their tactics? If they work once, they ought to work again, especially against a sleeping, Boob Tube-addicted populace.
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>