The dude’s in disguise! Whether you call him “Slick Rick” or “Scary Perry” the bottom line is that here you have an Elitist French Poodle trying to pass himself off as a Conservative Pit Bull Terrier.

As I did in my last Pro-Paul blog bit, here I’m posting a collection of some of the better Anti-Perry videos I have culled from days of YouTube surfing – I suffer the sunburns and the wipeouts so you don’t have to.
As before, I have selected predominantly shorter videos because I know that your MTV-attention span is short and “time is
The longest video in this collection features Alex Jones (just like in my Pro-Paul installment), and again, I urge you to watch it anyway because by now you probably have a jones for Jones that needs to be satisfied. And on top of that, Jones proved himself prescient, so let’s see if he can predict the future yet again – this time as it pertains to Sarah Palin's political future.
Attack of the Texas Chain Saw NeoCon Clones:
I disagree with this following videomaker’s remark that “a Rick Perry presidency would almost promise nuclear war”, and I wish he had urged the viewer to vote Ron Paul with a less defeatist attitude. Despite those couple of missteps, this is certainly a recommended video:
“…Even the damn Democrat opposed it!”
“Republicans Are Democrats Too!”
I like this guy, Mr. Viz Fact, and his snarky asides! Watch his brief but very informative video – you’ll be wiser for it.
Here’s additional info about the "Trans-Texas NAFTA Super-New-World-Order-Highway". You need to dig for the truth about these things, people, because the NeoCon whores like Michael Medved will only lie to you about them. You can't trust the "conservative-costumed" mainstream media outlets like Faux News and the talking heads that pretend to represent Conservatism - warmongers like Medved, Hewitt and Prager. You are responsible for your own education, my ferret-faced fascist friends. And you always were! :
Did you know that back in ’88 Rick Perry served as Al Gore’s presidential campaign chairman in Texas? Yep. That’s about as unconservative as conservatism can get.
Would you elect a Perry/Palin ticket to the White House? According to Alex Jones, that’s likely what The Elite Behind The Sheet are going to push on you. And Jones was entirely correct in announcing Perry’s run for the presidency BEFORE Perry announced it. Watch the video, all you D-FensDoggs & D-FensDoggettes of the ‘Loyal American Underground’ :
For the D-FensDoggs who prefer their political info dressed in nice, young, fine femininity - (“femininity” – ahh, now there’s a fresh idea whose time has come… back again!) - there’s this video:
OK, you got it now? Repeat after me . . .
“YES to Ron Paul; NO to Rick Perry. YES to Ron Paul; NO to Rick Perry. YES to Ron Paul; NO to Rick Perry . . .”
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Is Rick Perry more like Ron or like Harry Potter?
ReplyDeleteJust say YES to four more years of the Obamanation...and get the slide to Communism over with!
Uh . . . I think he's more like Sarah Palin with a better voice and minus the testicles, chest hair, and mounted mooses.(Or would that be "meeses"?)
ReplyDelete~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
OK, ok, got it...NO to Harry Perry, YES to Ron Potter.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if you saw the last debate, but no surprise that Perry and Romney got to stand behind the podiums that were at center stage. Wouldn't alphabetical order be more fair? Or maybe they could draw straws instead.
The last question, asked to Ron Paul, was no mistake either. It left the clueless viewers with an impression that Paul would rather let children starve rather than get involved. At least Paul made it clear that he resented the implication.
That girl in the last video is as cute as Bellatrix LeStrange. Uhh, sorry, Harry Potter reference.
ReplyDeleteHa!-Ha! You might want to work on memorizing those names a bit more!
Dang, Sister, you're really "with it", aren't you? You see how the system operated by our Elite managers manipulates the voters and herds them into the gates they want them herded into, all unbeknownst to the majority of the Baa-Baa-Baaing masses.
I had to work the night of the debate, but I did later view a video that contained highlights of Ron Paul's moments.
I like how he called the moderator on it when the discussion was about ObamaCare and Ron was conveniently left out of it. To paraphrase, he said something like he didn't appreciate not being addressed about it, and it was particularly odd seeing as how he was the ONLY physician on the stage.
It seems Ron Paul is really showing up with his "game face" on these days.
Thanks for the comment, my friend!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I fixed that thing you were telling about, your comment.
ReplyDeleteFACTMAN ~
ReplyDeleteYep. I see it's posted now. Thanks, my friend!
You do good "stuffs". Keep educatin' 'em, man!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'