"CAMERA . . . ROLLING! And . . . ACTION!"
I was putting up Christmas decorations, thinking about something my friend Arlee Bird of the “Tossing It Out” blog had said, and-- uhm...
[An Off-Camera Aside: Recalling what I had been taught in school as a young whippersnapper (whatever’n hell a “whippersnapper” is!), I used to assiduously avoid starting any written piece with “I”. But then as I got older, I came to realize that some of the classic and most influential written pieces in history began with the word “I”. For example: ‘Civil Disobedience’ by Henry David Thoreau, and ‘On The Road’ by Jack Kerouac both begin with “I”. So I decided that nonsense about NEVER starting any written piece with “I” was just more of that bolshevik that they crammed into my brain when I was a captive of Uncle Sam’s federal indoctrination centers, also known as “public schools”.]
"Alright, TAKE TWO. CAMERA . . . ROLLING! And . . . ACTION!"
I was putting up Christmas decorations, thinking about something my friend Arlee Bird of the “Tossing It Out” blog had said, and I was drinking this good beer that I’d just discovered from the Lagunitas Brewing Company in Petaluma, California. What Arlee Bird had said was-- ...er . . . hmmm...
[Another Off-Camera Aside: In case you’re interested, the beer in question is called “New DogTown Pale Ale” and it has a rich, robust bitter hop bite right upfront, but it has a nice, clean, soft finish, without all that heavy aftertaste that normally hangs around in your mouth after the sip of a potently hopped-up brew has gone down the pipe.]

I was putting up Christmas decorations, thinking about something my friend Arlee Bird of the “Tossing It Out” blog had said, and I was drinking this good beer I’d just discovered from the Lagunitas Brewing Company in Petaluma, California. What Arlee Bird had said was this:
"I listen to [radio station KFI] in the early morning then shut it off when loud-mouth Limbaugh comes on."
It being Christmas time, I then made the mental association between Rush Limbaugh (or “Limboob”, as I often call him) and the “big blow-hard” Bumble Monster from the TV special ‘Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer’. And I remembered what the wannabe dentist Herbie (or, Hermie) said about the Bumble Monster after he had defanged him:
“Don’t let this big blow-hard scare you anymore.
Just walk right past him!”
To which Yukon Cornelius added:
“…He’s nothing without his choppers. Let me at him!”
And that’s when I got the idea to create this LOL at the
‘I Can Has Cheezburger’ website:

Awhile back, blow-hard bumble monster Rush Limboob said, “This Ron Paul is going to destroy this [Republican] party...”
To which I say: “From Limboob’s lips to God’s ears!”
"CUT! . . . PRINT . . . THAT'S A WRAP!"
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
You had me on the edge of my seat to see what I had said. Perhaps a dubious honor, I'm glad I got your thoughts stirring, as though you would need anything I say to do that.
ReplyDeleteThe part here that surprised me most was you putting up Christmas decorations. How absolutely charming!
The Republicans will defeat themselves in the coming election with negativity.
Wrote By Rote
ReplyDeleteI know the piece was undoubtedly something of a let-down after all the build-up to it. (THREE takes to get there!)
Well, it was really just a toss-off/throwaway blog bit, but I thought it was something a wee bit different anyway.
Christmas decorating? Oh, heck, man, it wouldn't be Christmas without that. I have always deeply loved Christmas - far and away my favorite holiday - and even if I lived all alone in an apartment somewhere, and didn't get to see any friends or family for the entire Christmas season, I'd still put up a Christmas tree and my Nativity scene, etc., just for me!
Yak in 2012, McBuddy!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'