by Stephen T. McCarthy (aka ProvDog)
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
It is good. Did you do it up yourself?
ReplyDelete"Gold: change you can believe in"
On World Net Daily is a funny bit slamming "Hope and Change" bumper stickers:
Mr. Paul
This may be too controversial for me....
ReplyDeleteThe illustration had been posted by someone else at the 'I Can Has Cheeseburger' site and I just added the pink text to it.
Hey, I loved that faux ad! Great stuffs! "Even works on a Prius." HA!
I still have my "Ron Paul For President" bumper sticker on the back of my truck. I had applied it to a magnet, so I could just very easily peel it right off after the election. But I've decided to leave it on as a message to every driver in my rear view mirror: "DON'T BLAME ME!"
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Don't get me started - Kramer from Seinfeld.
ReplyDeleteChange is good - Seinfeld.
Stephen Tremp
>> Change is good - Seinfeld. <<
ReplyDeleteHope and Change is bad.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
~ D-FensDogg
Sheesh, why are ya'all picking on poor Prez Barry? After all, he inherited such a mess, and it's only been two years in office.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that change is a comin' if you'll just be patient, and maybe vote Democratic in the fall.
Look at the bright side-sodomy is legal, abortions are funded by the Feds, and there's sure to be some other bailout right abound the corner!
ReplyDeleteYou make many valid points.
I stand corrected.
~ D-FensDoggboy
Since when is change bad?
ReplyDeleteIf I had enough change, I'd go for a soda right now.
Change is good!