Stephen Sez: I’m on the corner of Drunk and Staggering, And I need an ear to bend. How about you, my ferret-faced fascist friend? Ain't you got an ear to lend? -- Stephen's Motto Iz: May our tolerance of diversity empower our non-judgmental, non-meanspirited multiculturalism. Can't we all just get along, give peace a change and vote for "Chance"?
. WorldNetDaily
is the only media outlet that
has been courageous enough and honest enough to fully vet Barack Obama; the
rest of the so-called “conservatives” - NeoCons like Rush Limbaugh, Ann
Coulter, Sean Hannity, Michael Medved, Glenn “Marshmallow Head” Beck, and Bill
O’Reilly - have refused to even discuss the facts concerning Obama’s blatant
Ten days
ago, the WND website posted the following article:
As a student at HarvardLawSchool, then-bachelor Barack
Obama’s practice of wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger puzzled his
Now, newly published photographs of Obama from the 1980s show that
the ring Obama wore on his wedding-ring finger as an unmarried student is the
same ring Michelle Robinson put on his finger at the couple’s wedding ceremony
in 1992.
Moreover, according to Arabic-language and Islamic experts, the ring
Obama has been wearing for more than 30 years is adorned with the first part of
the Islamic declaration of faith, the Shahada: “THERE IS NO GOD EXCEPT ALLAH.”
me for pointing out the obvious but . . . if the “wedding” ring Michelle (Robinson)
Obama put on the finger of the Marxist Muslim was in fact the same ring he was
wearing in the 1980s, before marrying Michelle, then it’s not really a wedding
ring at all. This lends even more credence to the suspicion that Barack really
is a closet homosexual as I speculated in ‘Call
Me A “Homophobe”, But Dogged If This Doesn’t Have The Ring Of Truth’. The
word “ring” suddenly and unexpectedly takes on an added dimension.
Well, I
knew all along that Barack was not really a Christian, as he claims. I knew he
was really a Marxist Muslim (“Marxslim”), but now I’m taking these “homosexual”
charges against him very seriously.
I really
don’t care that Obama is probably a homo; that’s between him, his more
masculine partners, and God (the “real” God, not the demon, Allah, pretending
to be god). But if his homosexuality is a fact, it just points further to
Obama’s pattern of lies, lies, and more lies (as well as lies “with a male as with a woman” ~Leviticus 18:22).
[You do realize, don’t you, that it is lines like that one above which should have made Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends one of the most popular
political blogs in the country. Oh well, too late. To quote League Of Soul
Crusaders member Twinkie: "F#ck 'em if they ain't gonna f#ck with me!" . . . Yeah, I don’t really know what that means either,
but that’s the genius of it.]
Anyway, I
finally got around to buying Joel Gilbert’s documentary ‘DREAMSFROMMYREALFATHER’
and I’ve watched it twice. Believe me, it is way better than the more popular
documentary ‘2016: Obama’s America’.
‘Highway 61 Entertainment Co.’ documentary makes the argument that the now-deceased,
well-known ‘Communist Party USA’ card-carrying propagandist and “poet” Frank
Marshall Davis (CP USA card #47544) was Barack “Marxslim” Obama’s real biological father - NOT the Kenyan goat-herder,
Barack Obama Sr.
were some elements of the documentary that I did not care for and felt they
slightly diminished Joel Gilbert’s presentation, but nevertheless, you can
color me “convinced”.
The same
‘Director’s Note’ appears at the beginning and ending of the documentary. It
says: “This film is based on actual events, interviews,
and archives, as well as re-creations of probable events, using reasoned logic,
and approximated conversations to provide a cohesive understanding of Obama’s
(“Is this the story Barack Obama should have told, revealing his
true political foundations and his agenda for fundamentally transforming America?”)
It is the
“re-creations of probable events ... and approximated
conversations” (as well as the first-person narration)that I don’t much care for and which undermines
Gilbert’s documentary slightly, in my opinion. For example, Gilbert speculates
that the young Barack Obama may have discovered that the Kenyan Obama wasn’t
really his father by stumbling upon a copy of his birth certificate stored in a
trunk one day and noticing that in the space for ‘Father’ the word “Unknown”
was printed.
maybe... who knows? But I don’t want my documentary directors speculating that
much! It would have been better to make no mention whatsoever about HOW
Barack Obama may have learned that the Kenyan goat-herder was not his real
the story in a nutshell:
Dunham (Obama’s mama) was the daughter of Stanley Dunham, a CIA agent [they wouldn’t have him in the MAF-I-A!] In the course
of conducting his assignment of keeping watch on Hawaii’s commies, Stanley got to know the Communist Party propagandist and (so-called)
“poet” Frank Marshall Davis. Davis – who photographed naked women in his spare
time – had an affair with the CIA agent’s daughter. She got pregnant.
clown figured he’d lose his job if “The Agency” found out that his daughter had
been impregnated by a Black commie (“frank-ly speaking”, I think the wicked,
anti-America CIA would have promoted him), so he convinced the former Kenyan
goat-herder, Barack Obama Sr., whom he knew in Hawaii, to engage in a sham marriage to his
daughter Ann Dunham to cover for the fact that commie Frank Marshall Davis was the real father of future president "Barack Obama Jr."
[Hell, there's hardly a resemblance at all!]
Obama Sr. (already married to a woman back in Kenya) agreed to go along with
the façade just so long as it would be kept quiet, would advance his plans to
get a Harvard education, and if he had no legal responsibility to take care of
the little bastard. He went through a sham marriage ceremony (later ended in a
divorce) and when Barack Obama “Jr.” was born, the father was listed on the
birth certificate as “Unknown” so Obama Sr. couldn’t be held responsible for
the bastard’s upbringing.
Quite a
coincidence that Stanley Dunham (Ann’s dad) had a connection to both Barack
Obama the Kenyan AND Frank Marshall Davis the Communist, eh?
commie Frank Marshall Davis - Obama’s real
papa - infected our future president with his views about class warfare and the
need for a socialistic society based on the teachings of Karl Marx.
And get
this . . . according to Joel Gilbert’s documentary, Barack Obama, our lying
leader, was NOT born in either Kenya or in Hawaii; he was born (with the
assistance of a midwife) at 516 13th Avenue in Seattle, Washington.
In short,
the whole reason Obama has refused to release his authentic birth certificate,
and had a (really, Really, REALLY bad) forged birth certificate concocted
instead, is because his real birth certificate lists his father as “Unknown”,
and his real father was communist propagandist and (so-called) “poet” Frank
Marshall Davis.
“I am bisexual.”
~ Frank Marshall Davis
“ACORN” doesn’t fall far from the sexual deviant, does it?]
“Your tales about Jesus of Nazareth
Are no-go with me. ...
Christ is a Dixie Nigger.”
~ Frank Marshall Davis
Ooh! What
a word-genius he was!
“poetry” of Frank Marshall Davis sucked dog butt! If my poetry was as
canine-crappy as his was, I never would have posted some of mine on the
worldwide web. Seriously!]
All in
all, I highly recommend you watch Joel Gilbert’s documentary ‘DREAMSFROMMYREALFATHER’.
Gilbert may or may not have the whole ‘serpentine’ story sorted out correctly,
but what he presents sure does add up and make sense.
There’s one
thing I can say for Barack “Marxslim” Obama: he has set the new standard for
liars in the White House. I mean, there has been nothing but liars in the White
House during the lifetime of every person currently standing and breathing in
this country. But when you remember the lies of one Bill Clinton, and realize
that “Marxslim” Obama has far surpassed the former master, it’s quite an achievement
that deserves to be acknowledged.
Clinton would not only lie at the drop of a hat, but he’d emit a lie before
that hat had even hit the ground. However, Obama has done him one better: Obama is
lying before the hat has even left the head!
Well, the good news for America is that in just a little over two weeks, Barack "Marxslim" Obama is going to be voted out of the White House; the bad news for America is that Mitt Romney is going to be voted into it.
from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Let me start off with the most glaring error in this post.
Bill Clinton would not only lie at the drop of a hat
This is patently untrue.
There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that a hat had to be dropped for Clinton to fib.
On a serious note, while you cover a lot of ground in this post, what strikes me most is the topic that supports a comment I made to my father just yesterday-the for both of the "candidates," their alleged religion is a sham to get votes.
Of course, America sucks it up. Because we're frigging idiots.
Have you watched the debates at all?
Have you ever seen such a mockery of debating?
You have seen me get silly holding onto a point with nothing to back it just because I feel like debating, and it's never been as much of a joke as these farces.
"The other candiate is lying just because I say so."
At one point on Wednesday, I though they might throw down, and figured, why not-the spoken part has all of the intelligence of the old Morton Downey shows, we may as well add an element of World Championship Wrestling to the proceedings.
TODDFAN DISCMAN ~ I watched perhaps half of each of the two debates so far, and will probably watch about that much again tomorrow night.
Can you imagine either of these two jokers trying to debate Ron Paul one-on-one for 90 minutes? I'd pay money to see that!
>>...At one point on Wednesday, I thought they might throw down
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know the point in the debate that you're referring to. The tension between the two was palpable.
Two egotistical traitors vying with each other to see who can be the Illuminati's top tool. Sad.
I'm sure that this election is already over and Mitt will get to be the top tool for the next 4 years.
And I actually WANT Mitt to win because I'm just sick and tired of Marxslim's 16 tons of lies and tired of writing about them on this blog. That is one arrogant bastard (literally) that I "HOPE" to see LOSE for a "CHANGE".
However, I don't want to see flip-floppin' Mormon boy win so much that I'm willing to cast my vote for him. On my ballot, I will be writing in the name of the sole Constitutionalist (again), and leaving it up to the Americans who value their votes less to cast them for "the lesser of two evils".
You have more faith in the American people than I do.
I thought that since his "debate" consisted of calling Romney a liar and bullying Candy what's-her-face that most Americans will find that "tough" enough to vote him back in.
Truth is, besides being an illegal alien, a Muslim, and a liar...he's also a wuss.
Do you think the Secret Service would take action against me simply for WANTING to kick the President's butt?
In fact, if I have already kicked the illegal alien's arse from here to Nairobi in my mind, is that a crime?
{Well, the good news for America is that in just a little over two weeks, Barack "Marxslim" Obama is going to be voted out of the White House; the bad news for America is that Mitt Romney is going to be voted into it.}
Your right on both accounts. I'll be glad to see O'bummer go but Romney means no chance for anything but commies for eight years (no matter how you look at it). Ya, I know anyone worth their name on the ballot has no chance in winning. What has happened to Ron Paul is living proof of that. Still, Romney means no chance of having a Ron Paul influence the Repubs. So if Romney wins best case scenario is were working through parties like the libertarian and constitution party. They have no chance. Ron Paul really didn't have a chance either, but these third parties really have no chance. I voted for the constitution party candidate anyway.
Yeah, I will be shocked to my toes if Marxslim is reelected. I'm sure he's done. I'm sure he was already done before the first debate, but if not, that sealed the deal.
As I wrote in a comment on somebody else's political blog a few days ago: "The Democrat party cannot lie, cheat, and steal enough to save Obama's presidency."
No, he disappointed too many people in his 4 years, and the novelty of voting a Black man for president is long gone.
Even the liberal-leaning polls like Gallup already show Romney ahead and there are some political animals out there who are saying that Romney will beat Obama in a "landslide".
As I also wrote in the same aforementioned comment: "I don't know about a 'landslide', but Romney is going to win with plenty of breathing room."
Obama's finished; the "unfiltered socialist" has done his work well. Unfortunately, we can now look forward to 4 years of a "filtered socialist" in the form of Mitt Mormon Boy. He works for the same Wizards Behind The Curtain, so there's no reason for anyone to do a 'Happy Dance'.
I'm just pleased that the biggest Liar to ever occupy the White House is about to receive his "walking papers". Of course, he doesn't really "walk"... that snake "slithers."
BR'ER MARC ~ I've received my "early ballot" and I will fill it in within the next few days. I'm going to write in "RON PAUL", but I have never had a problem with any 'Constitution Party' candidate. In the absence of Ron Paul, the Constitution Party candidate is always my first choice.
Like a good American citizen I registered to vote. The only problem is that I don't want to pick between Turd #1 and Turd #2.
See, I know you're anti-Obama, but I might have thought that made you pro-Romney in exchange. This is 'Murka; you HAVE to be for one or the other, right? But alas, I should have realized you're smarter than the average bear and that's not the case, because Mr. Magic Underpants who wants to shit-can PBS and thinks that rich people paying lower taxes is just 'incentive for the working class to want to become millionaires too' isn't any better.
Barry the liar. Barry the homosexual. Barry being influenced by that pervert Marshall. Sure, anything is possible. Fortunately, I ‘blew up the TV’ (well, at least any connection to commercial TV) years ago, because I can’t even stand to hear his voice. BUT, even though this particular blog post didn’t start out speculating on Barry’s chances at another four years, as liar in chief, I’m surprised and hopeful that you all think he’s DTR. Personally, I think the wizards want to keep him around, while keeping America on the verge. As the disenfranchised US citizen that I am, I think you’re in for four more years of his lying ways.
MR. BEER ~ First, thanks for the kind words about me being "smarter than the average Bear". By the way, just how smart IS the average Bear? A really smart Bear would make sure he got traded to a warmer climate. A really smart Bear would become a Charger!
When it comes to politics, I am pro-Constitution and anti-Everything & Everyone else.
Yes, "Mr. Magic Underpants" (HA!-HA!) is the lesser of the two evils. However, since there is not a single sentence in the U.S. Constitution that authorizes the U.S. Government to take tax money from me and funnel it into a Public Broadcasting System, I too am all for "shit-canning" PBS.
Also, I am all for EVERY American citizen paying less in taxes - both the wealthy AND the middle-class.
The "graduated income tax" system that the U.S. currently has, do you know where you'll find that recommended? Not in the U.S. Constitution (the Constitution calls for an "apportioned" tax system). You'll find the tax system that we are currently enduring recommended in Karl Marx's 'Communist Manifesto'.
Yes, when it comes to taxes (and most other things) we are more Communist than Constitutionalist.
I applaud Romney for saying he'd like to stop funding PBS (even though he will never actually attempt to do it). But if Mr. Magic Underpants wanted to SERIOUSLY help America and put us on a more Constitutional path, he would be talking about "shit-canning" The Federal Reserve System, which is also entirely un-Constitutional and far more harmful to America than is PBS.
Romney and Obama BOTH work for the "Wizards" and neither one of them really gives a crap about America and Americans.
FAE ~ Oh, there is absolutely NO QUESTION about who the "Wizards" prefer. They want Barack "Marxslim" Obama to rule for another 4 years because with a Democrat in power, the country can move full-steam ahead into Socialism. (And "Global Socialism" with the Wizards as the Oligarchy behind the curtain is the ultimate goal of the Wizards.)
If the Republican wins, the Wizards are forced to slow down (not stop, but simply slow down) our progress toward Global Socialism in order to keep the Americonned People convinced that the Democrat and Republican parties represent two vastly different worldviews.
Yeah, the Wizards will always do all they can to promote the Democrat candidates. But, the question is, can the Democrat party (with help from the Wizards and their media minions) garner enough votes from Dead People and Illegal Aliens to pull off an Obama victory?
I don't think so. I think by and large the Americonned People are fed up with Obama. It's 4 years later and the economy is still in the toilet and our troops are still in the Middle East.
As I said before, I think the Democrats will simply be unable to cheat enough to overcome the number of people who are going to vote for "CHANGE" (i.e., Romney, who now represents a "change" from the last 4 years).
No one needs to prove how non-racist they are this time around by voting for a Black man. They already "proved" that in the last presidential election.
I will be extremely surprised if Romney doesn't win by a fairly comfortable margin.
Might I add that Norton's commentary on the communist manifesto states 4 things need to be implemented to generate a communist country.
1. A graduating income tax (The IRS)
2. A central bank (The federal reserve)
3. Loss of property rights. (try cutting down a tree on your property, ya you pay taxes on the deed but really try not getting a permit to cut down that huge maple in your front yard).
4. Loss of personal freedom. (Your now forced in a couple years to purchase healthcare regulated by the feds.)
Ya, I know bread lines are not here YET. Still, the feds have ordered mass graves, moved their pandemic factory (they would call it a disease testing lab) from an isolated island in Manhattan to the middle of the United States. Not to mention the concentration camps going up everywhere. I don't know how far off we are. But tyranny is moving in next door. How much longer until it knocks directly on our door.
The police departments have been "militarized" in both equipment and psychology. And the Americonned People have been effectively dumbed-down.
We are like sheep who will line up to receive whatever "injection" DR. SAM (our mad Uncle) says is in our best interest to receive.
We'll allow federal terrorists to photograph our naked bodies or handle our family jewels or breasts (the choice is ours, depending upon our gender) before we step aboard an airliner. Etc., etc., etc.
>>...But tyranny is moving in next door. How much longer until it knocks directly on our door?
Hell, in my opinion, tyranny is already "IN THE HOUSE!"
BR'ER MARC ~ True. But by MY definition, we don't need to be "in" FEMA camps for Tyranny to be "In The House". When the Phuckin' Phederal Government dictates how much water can flow through YOUR toilet at a single flush, the phuckin' tyranny is IN YOUR HOUSE!
When we are imprisoned in FEMA Concentration Camps, the tyranny is no longer IN our house. Our house IS the TYRANNY!
I guess it all depends upon how one interprets the words.
--> NOTE: COMMENT MODERATION IS ACTIVATED. <-- All submitted comments that do not transgress "Ye Olde Comment Policy" will be posted and responded to as soon as possible. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
STEPHEN = The first person known to have been martyred because of their personal testimony of Jesus Christ (Acts 6-7). My foremost allegiance is to my Holy King, Jesus, who has been given all authority in Heaven and on Earth, and to His God who bestowed it upon Him (Matt. 28:18; John 20:17). ----- T. = Thoreau, as in Henry David Thoreau, the writer and staunch abolitionist whose classic 1849 essay Civil Disobedience includes this: "I cannot for an instant recognize that political organization as my government which is the slave's government also." I abhor slavery and injustice in all of their forms! ----- McCARTHY = The Wisconsin Senator, Joseph McCarthy, one of America's greatest heroes and the MOST unjustly vilified individual in our country's history! His efforts to expose Communist infiltration of our government transformed this embattled man's name into a pejorative catchword: McCarthyism. If you still believe that Joseph McCarthy was the most evil American of the Twentieth Century, educate yourself today. Go to... ...and see how you've been misled.
What People Are Saying About Stephen T. McCarthy And His ‘Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends’ Blog:
A Cat Picture?!!!
"Extend An Olive Branch To Democrats And They'll Smack The Living Daylights Out Of You With It."
And Not All Of It Bad?
"Shock Value"
The Return Of A Life-Changing Blog...
Don't Drink The Red Kool-Aid,
But Take The Red Pill.
Likes: Raindrops on roses; whiskers on kittens; bright copper kettles; warm woolen mittens; girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes; snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes.
Dislikes: Dog bites; bee stings; tattooed women; Uncle Sam; U2; Quentin Tarantino; Madonna; Clint Eastwood; conforming "nonconformists"; martinis made with anything other than gin and vermouth.
"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man," . . . Al Gore invented the Internet, and I was able to put all of my childish words and understanding and thoughts in a Blog.
So, special thanks go to Al Gore (for the Internet) and to Saint Paul (for the inspiration of that opening sentence), and to you, MY READER, for taking time out of your busy day to read my "stuffs." I appreciate your attention and your vote in the Reader Satisfaction Poll below - even if you hate me and your vote reflects that hatred. (You didn't forget to vote, did you?)
ReplyDeleteLet me start off with the most glaring error in this post.
Bill Clinton would not only lie at the drop of a hat
This is patently untrue.
There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that a hat had to be dropped for Clinton to fib.
On a serious note, while you cover a lot of ground in this post, what strikes me most is the topic that supports a comment I made to my father just yesterday-the for both of the "candidates," their alleged religion is a sham to get votes.
Of course, America sucks it up. Because we're frigging idiots.
Have you watched the debates at all?
Have you ever seen such a mockery of debating?
You have seen me get silly holding onto a point with nothing to back it just because I feel like debating, and it's never been as much of a joke as these farces.
"The other candiate is lying just because I say so."
At one point on Wednesday, I though they might throw down, and figured, why not-the spoken part has all of the intelligence of the old Morton Downey shows, we may as well add an element of World Championship Wrestling to the proceedings.
We get the leaders we deserve.
ReplyDeleteI watched perhaps half of each of the two debates so far, and will probably watch about that much again tomorrow night.
Can you imagine either of these two jokers trying to debate Ron Paul one-on-one for 90 minutes? I'd pay money to see that!
>>...At one point on Wednesday, I thought they might throw down
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know the point in the debate that you're referring to. The tension between the two was palpable.
Two egotistical traitors vying with each other to see who can be the Illuminati's top tool. Sad.
I'm sure that this election is already over and Mitt will get to be the top tool for the next 4 years.
And I actually WANT Mitt to win because I'm just sick and tired of Marxslim's 16 tons of lies and tired of writing about them on this blog. That is one arrogant bastard (literally) that I "HOPE" to see LOSE for a "CHANGE".
However, I don't want to see flip-floppin' Mormon boy win so much that I'm willing to cast my vote for him. On my ballot, I will be writing in the name of the sole Constitutionalist (again), and leaving it up to the Americans who value their votes less to cast them for "the lesser of two evils".
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Wow-so you still think the "O" won't get reupped?
ReplyDeleteYou have more faith in the American people than I do.
I thought that since his "debate" consisted of calling Romney a liar and bullying Candy what's-her-face that most Americans will find that "tough" enough to vote him back in.
Truth is, besides being an illegal alien, a Muslim, and a liar...he's also a wuss.
Do you think the Secret Service would take action against me simply for WANTING to kick the President's butt?
In fact, if I have already kicked the illegal alien's arse from here to Nairobi in my mind, is that a crime?
{Well, the good news for America is that in just a little over two weeks, Barack "Marxslim" Obama is going to be voted out of the White House; the bad news for America is that Mitt Romney is going to be voted into it.}
ReplyDeleteYour right on both accounts. I'll be glad to see O'bummer go but Romney means no chance for anything but commies for eight years (no matter how you look at it). Ya, I know anyone worth their name on the ballot has no chance in winning. What has happened to Ron Paul is living proof of that. Still, Romney means no chance of having a Ron Paul influence the Repubs. So if Romney wins best case scenario is were working through parties like the libertarian and constitution party. They have no chance. Ron Paul really didn't have a chance either, but these third parties really have no chance. I voted for the constitution party candidate anyway.
Br'er Marc
Ha! No, not a crime. A patriotic deed.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I will be shocked to my toes if Marxslim is reelected. I'm sure he's done. I'm sure he was already done before the first debate, but if not, that sealed the deal.
As I wrote in a comment on somebody else's political blog a few days ago: "The Democrat party cannot lie, cheat, and steal enough to save Obama's presidency."
No, he disappointed too many people in his 4 years, and the novelty of voting a Black man for president is long gone.
Even the liberal-leaning polls like Gallup already show Romney ahead and there are some political animals out there who are saying that Romney will beat Obama in a "landslide".
As I also wrote in the same aforementioned comment: "I don't know about a 'landslide', but Romney is going to win with plenty of breathing room."
Obama's finished; the "unfiltered socialist" has done his work well. Unfortunately, we can now look forward to 4 years of a "filtered socialist" in the form of Mitt Mormon Boy. He works for the same Wizards Behind The Curtain, so there's no reason for anyone to do a 'Happy Dance'.
I'm just pleased that the biggest Liar to ever occupy the White House is about to receive his "walking papers". Of course, he doesn't really "walk"... that snake "slithers."
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteI've received my "early ballot" and I will fill it in within the next few days. I'm going to write in "RON PAUL", but I have never had a problem with any 'Constitution Party' candidate. In the absence of Ron Paul, the Constitution Party candidate is always my first choice.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Like a good American citizen I registered to vote. The only problem is that I don't want to pick between Turd #1 and Turd #2.
ReplyDeleteSee, I know you're anti-Obama, but I might have thought that made you pro-Romney in exchange. This is 'Murka; you HAVE to be for one or the other, right? But alas, I should have realized you're smarter than the average bear and that's not the case, because Mr. Magic Underpants who wants to shit-can PBS and thinks that rich people paying lower taxes is just 'incentive for the working class to want to become millionaires too' isn't any better.
"The lesser of two evils." Man, you sure said it.
Barry the liar. Barry the homosexual. Barry being influenced by that pervert Marshall. Sure, anything is possible. Fortunately, I ‘blew up the TV’ (well, at least any connection to commercial TV) years ago, because I can’t even stand to hear his voice. BUT, even though this particular blog post didn’t start out speculating on Barry’s chances at another four years, as liar in chief, I’m surprised and hopeful that you all think he’s DTR. Personally, I think the wizards want to keep him around, while keeping America on the verge. As the disenfranchised US citizen that I am, I think you’re in for four more years of his lying ways.
ReplyDeleteMR. BEER ~
ReplyDeleteFirst, thanks for the kind words about me being "smarter than the average Bear". By the way, just how smart IS the average Bear? A really smart Bear would make sure he got traded to a warmer climate. A really smart Bear would become a Charger!
When it comes to politics, I am pro-Constitution and anti-Everything & Everyone else.
Yes, "Mr. Magic Underpants" (HA!-HA!) is the lesser of the two evils. However, since there is not a single sentence in the U.S. Constitution that authorizes the U.S. Government to take tax money from me and funnel it into a Public Broadcasting System, I too am all for "shit-canning" PBS.
Also, I am all for EVERY American citizen paying less in taxes - both the wealthy AND the middle-class.
The "graduated income tax" system that the U.S. currently has, do you know where you'll find that recommended? Not in the U.S. Constitution (the Constitution calls for an "apportioned" tax system). You'll find the tax system that we are currently enduring recommended in Karl Marx's 'Communist Manifesto'.
Yes, when it comes to taxes (and most other things) we are more Communist than Constitutionalist.
I applaud Romney for saying he'd like to stop funding PBS (even though he will never actually attempt to do it). But if Mr. Magic Underpants wanted to SERIOUSLY help America and put us on a more Constitutional path, he would be talking about "shit-canning" The Federal Reserve System, which is also entirely un-Constitutional and far more harmful to America than is PBS.
Romney and Obama BOTH work for the "Wizards" and neither one of them really gives a crap about America and Americans.
Thanks for the comment, Beer Bro!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteOh, there is absolutely NO QUESTION about who the "Wizards" prefer. They want Barack "Marxslim" Obama to rule for another 4 years because with a Democrat in power, the country can move full-steam ahead into Socialism. (And "Global Socialism" with the Wizards as the Oligarchy behind the curtain is the ultimate goal of the Wizards.)
If the Republican wins, the Wizards are forced to slow down (not stop, but simply slow down) our progress toward Global Socialism in order to keep the Americonned People convinced that the Democrat and Republican parties represent two vastly different worldviews.
Yeah, the Wizards will always do all they can to promote the Democrat candidates. But, the question is, can the Democrat party (with help from the Wizards and their media minions) garner enough votes from Dead People and Illegal Aliens to pull off an Obama victory?
I don't think so. I think by and large the Americonned People are fed up with Obama. It's 4 years later and the economy is still in the toilet and our troops are still in the Middle East.
As I said before, I think the Democrats will simply be unable to cheat enough to overcome the number of people who are going to vote for "CHANGE" (i.e., Romney, who now represents a "change" from the last 4 years).
No one needs to prove how non-racist they are this time around by voting for a Black man. They already "proved" that in the last presidential election.
I will be extremely surprised if Romney doesn't win by a fairly comfortable margin.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteMight I add that Norton's commentary on the communist manifesto states 4 things need to be implemented to generate a communist country.
1. A graduating income tax (The IRS)
2. A central bank (The federal reserve)
3. Loss of property rights. (try cutting down a tree on your property, ya you pay taxes on the deed but really try not getting a permit to cut down that huge maple in your front yard).
4. Loss of personal freedom. (Your now forced in a couple years to purchase healthcare regulated by the feds.)
Ya, I know bread lines are not here YET. Still, the feds have ordered mass graves, moved their pandemic factory (they would call it a disease testing lab) from an isolated island in Manhattan to the middle of the United States. Not to mention the concentration camps going up everywhere. I don't know how far off we are. But tyranny is moving in next door. How much longer until it knocks directly on our door.
Excellent comment, BR'ER.
ReplyDeleteThe police departments have been "militarized" in both equipment and psychology. And the Americonned People have been effectively dumbed-down.
We are like sheep who will line up to receive whatever "injection" DR. SAM (our mad Uncle) says is in our best interest to receive.
We'll allow federal terrorists to photograph our naked bodies or handle our family jewels or breasts (the choice is ours, depending upon our gender) before we step aboard an airliner. Etc., etc., etc.
>>...But tyranny is moving in next door. How much longer until it knocks directly on our door?
Hell, in my opinion, tyranny is already "IN THE HOUSE!"
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
"Hell, in my opinion, tyranny is already "IN THE HOUSE!"
ReplyDeleteVery close to that indeed. But were not in FEMA camps yet.
ReplyDeleteTrue. But by MY definition, we don't need to be "in" FEMA camps for Tyranny to be "In The House". When the Phuckin' Phederal Government dictates how much water can flow through YOUR toilet at a single flush, the phuckin' tyranny is IN YOUR HOUSE!
When we are imprisoned in FEMA Concentration Camps, the tyranny is no longer IN our house. Our house IS the TYRANNY!
I guess it all depends upon how one interprets the words.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'