A few times in the past I've recommended the website FELLOWSHIP OF THE MINDS. I still recommend it. It's a collective blog that keeps up on important breaking stories and I visit there regularly.
Nearly all of the bloggers and readers of FOTM are intelligent, informed, patriotic Americans. But a recent encounter I had there in the comment section goes to show that sometimes even the intelligent fail to take into account this magnificent maxim:
There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation.
FOTM recently embedded the following video, and then a predictable onslaught of anti-Soy comments ensued. Wanting to be helpful and point out some overlooked information to my fellow American patriots, I posted a pro-Soy Lecithin comment.
Immediately, people with NO FIRST-HAND EXPERIENCE in taking Soy Lecithin, and no time invested in researching it, began contradicting what I'd posted. In other words, it was a classic case of "contempt prior to investigation".
Below, I am going to post just MY (slightly edited) portions of the conversation. If you'd like to read the entire back-and-forth dialogue, simply Google...
FOTM: Soy Boy Epidemic: How Soy Makes Men Into Leftist Wusses
FOTM: Soy Boy Epidemic: How Soy Makes Men Into Leftist Wusses
Here's the video that the FOTM post began with:
The Truth About Soy Boys
Posting under my D-FensDogG pseudo-pseudonym, I wrote the following:
OK, that video was amusing, but in the spirit of love and concern for my brothers and sisters, I must mildly object. I haven’t been here long, but I dig this blog and have promoted it several times on my own blogs. I like most of youz people here, so I want to clear up this misconception about Soy before it gets out of control and everyone starts buying into it.
I became a lacto-ovo-vegetarian (NOT vegan!) in late 1985. That’s about the time I first started eating Soy products. My Soy intake increased greatly over the years, primarily because I discovered Soy Lecithin granules in 1995 and began taking that daily. Why? To make sure I never have a heart attack or a stroke, and to preserve my youthful looks (and boyish charm? Ha!) But, yes, I’m actually serious!
Not to boast or pound my chest but in high school I was on the football team and was a varsity wrestler my senior year. I have always been a [link> “Confident Heterosexual” .
And despite my decades of regular, daily Soy Lecithin intake, I can assure y’all that I do NOT have moobs, there is nothing the least bit effeminate about me, and no one in their right mind would mistake me for being gay or girlie. I’m a strict Founding Fathers-era Constitutionalist — as conservative as it gets — and even at the age of 58, I can do more push-ups than any gay or girlie Leftist of any age.
So, now, my FOTM friends, let me save y’all from future heart attacks and strokes (and maybe even help you preserve your youthful appearance — or reverse some of the aging, anyway)...
This is too many words to post here in a comment section, so I’m including a link below to a review I originally wrote years and years ago promoting the benefits of Soy Lecithin granules and some of the first-hand testimonials for it that I am connected to:
Bless And Be Blessed!
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Someone named Noreen -- who undoubtedly did not even bother to read my LEFT FOR DEAD book review -- jumped on my comment. I responded with this:
I suspect that this anti-Soy campaign is a CIA disinformation program meant to scare conservatives away from Soy so that they will all eventually die of heart attacks and strokes and then the Soy-ingesting communists can take over the world!
No, I don’t REALLY suspect that, but it’s certainly within the realm of possibility.
What I do think is that this “Soy Boy” slur quite possibly began as a way to poke fun at Leftists — those pinky-in-the-air, Little Debbie cupcakes who live at Starbucks. Much like the terms “Libtard” and “Snowflake” (both of which I use regularly, by the way). But then people started taking it too seriously. And now, something that is really beneficial in so many ways is being scorned. Ain’t it just like the devil to work that way in “this world”?
It’s true that nearly all Soy products, including Soy Lecithin, are now GMO, and that’s the one thing I don’t care for about it. (But then the majority of what the majority of us now eats is also GMO.)
I very recently learned that a non-GMO Sunflower Lecithin is also available. (Lecithin from Soy and Sunflowers are the only forms I’m aware of.) It seems, however, that the Sunflower variety lacks a certain element or compound (its scientific name escapes me), and I haven’t yet had the time to research it to see just how important that missing chemical is.
I may eventually switch to the Sunflower Lecithin, but for now, the Soy version, which I’ve used for 2 decades, is just fine. True, I’ve never had a sperm count conducted, but for many people, that’s not a matter for concern. And besides, I’d need to study a peer-reviewed report on that before putting any stock in it.
I agree with you in that I wouldn’t be feeding Soy milk to infants, or anyone whose body is still in early development stage. But as for adults, the results as noted in my review — namely, the health food customer, my Ma, myself, and others — are enough to convince me that Soy Lecithin is almost a wonder food. (I’m 58, but no one thinks I look that old.)
Frankly, I think, not Soy, but American universities are primarily responsible for creating a country full of panty-waisted, limp-wristed, so-called “male”, cupcake communists! It’s not Soy we should be avoiding, but professors of higher education institutions... who themselves should be institutionalized!
I believe this Soy milk craze is just the latest Loony Leftist fad and will soon be replaced by a new “in crowd” fad for fruits. Meanwhile, we conservatives will stick to our traditional fad of clinging to our guns and religion.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
When the conversation didn't improve and what I considered under-informed comments continued piling up, I decided to post one final comment and then quit the comment thread:
This conversation has taken on a more serious tone than I'd have ever imagined. As it should be, everyone is free to make their own decisions about what they consume. But I want to add one final E-Ticket plug for Soy Lecithin, and then I'll bow out.
Although I'm still highly Spiritual and have a very reAlationship with God and Jesus, I was at the peak of my Spiritual life in 1995. At that time, I was working in a health food store and, in fact, it was while working in that store that I was visited by the first of three real angels. (Believe me or not. That's your choice.)
With my off-the-charts blood pressure and cholesterol count, I'd have probably died years ago if I had not been introduced to Soy Lecithin. Looking back on it all these years later, I wonder if perhaps God guided me to employment in that health food store simply so that I'd meet that man (mentioned in my LEFT FOR DEAD book review) and become aware of Soy Lecithin. I only worked there for about a year and a half, but the good side benefits of that job are still with me 21 years later. First of all, I'm still alive.
I feel certain that, with my reAlationship with God and Christ, if Soy Lecithin was detrimental to my health, they would have warned me about it long before I ingested it for 20 years.
A good friend of mine -- I'll call him Al -- is a Trump-supporting conservative who works out strenuously in Mixed Martial Arts. He once even traveled to Thailand in order to train there in Muy-Thai Kickboxing. (Is that masculine enough?)
I learned from Al that he was a longtime sufferer of clinical depression. Yes, he'd seen a doctor about it and had been prescribed meds for it.
Wanting to help my friend if I could, I suggested he might give Soy Lecithin a try, and I sent him some info on it, including this:
"Choline is one of the few substances able to break through the brain blood barrier. ... Fledgling research indicates that Choline from Lecithin may be able to boost memory and counteract depression and dementia traced to a deficiency of acetylcholine."
He completed the 12-Day Flush to clear out all the gunk from his arteries, improving the blood and oxygen flow, and then he went on the reduced daily regimen of two tablespoons a day.
Not long later, I received the following from Al in an Email:
Where I've noticed it most is my skin, believe it or not. My wife actually had all of her hair salon girls examine and touch my face, and all of them were jealous. I think the majority of them are now taking soy lecithin just because they can see how youthful and smooth it's made my skin. Not that I was ever some haggard, wrinkled harpy, but I guess it's a huge, noticeable difference.
Maybe a week later, he sent me this:
I just went for a run, and the craziest thing happened. I could not get tired. Now, I hate running. I'm not good at it. It's one of those things I do just because I know I should, and I don't try to overdo it. But today I could not get tired. I just kept pushing myself and pushing myself, whereas usually I have to slow down quite a bit and my heart is racing like mad. I know soy lecithin is good for the heart, but is it supposed to help with your cardiovascular system? Because this is a striking difference to me.
And I'm not saying that it IS the lecithin, mind you, but it's just very, very startling to me that I've never been good at running and always quick to exhaust during runs, and suddenly, after taking this stuff for a month, I feel like I could run so much harder without tiring.
I wrote back:
This actually makes sense to me. Because having done the 12-Day Flush to scrub your arterial walls, and with the daily maintenance, you now undoubtedly have much better blood flow, delivering more oxygen to all of your internal organs. Improve the delivery system and it should improve the capacity and efficiency of the body parts.
And then a couple weeks later, he wrote me again and doubled-down:
During my [latest] boxing workout, I pushed myself to 195 Beats Per Minute (my new max), which implies that I have the heart of a 25 year old. While it's not 100% scientific, it's generally accepted that to figure out what heart age you have, you push yourself to your absolute limit, and then you take down your BPM. Subtract that number from 220 and you'll see what 'age' your heart is. So I'm a 34 year old with a 25 year old heart.
Secondly, as in my previous workout, I could NOT get tired. I actually was throwing in more combos, throwing harder punches, and pushing myself harder than usual. I boxed for 45 minutes straight.
At the end of each workout, my watch tells me my average heart rate throughout the entire session. Usually it's something like 110, because it counts the highs of when I'm really pushing myself, along with the lows of when I'm resting or just warming up.
My average BPM for that session was 164. I was at my 'peak' for almost the entirety of my workout, and yet I kept going without ever feeling the need to stop for more than just a few sips of air. Also, my resting heart rate was 64 before I started taking lecithin. Now it's 58. None of my exercise habits have changed, nor has my diet otherwise.
Al related the following to me, in regards to his depression:
Just last night I noticed that I was in a particularly bouncy mood. Then I realized I've been like that for a while now. I asked my wife, do you notice an improvement in my mood? She laughed and said for the last month you've been a totally different person. It's almost strange.
So I told her you'd probably get a kick out of hearing that. Yes, *I* think the soy lecithin is definitely affecting my mood, but since I'm probably biased, I'm just glad to hear my wife thinks it's such a night and day difference. And she used those exact words to describe it. Like night and day.
As a final note, Al is into researching things, and just this morning, he shared the following with me:
Thinking of soy lecithin in regards to soyboys, it makes me wonder... does soy lecithin not produce estrogen? Is it different from regular soy products? Because it IS a known fact that soy produces estrogen, which even caused male lab rats to grow breasts (but didn't shrink their genitals). It may also increase femininity, but no one seems to be clear about that.
But is soy lecithin different? Here's an article excerpt I found that might interest you:
Recent research suggests that excess levels of estrogen in the female or male body can have negative consequences on health. Estrogen Dominance can lead to acne, weight gain, changes in mood, male breast development and may increase risk factors for hormone sensitive cancers.
Soy foods include phytoestrogens, which are plant estrogens. These estrogens molecules are found specifically in soy proteins.
As a result, many people are concerned with limiting their intake of soy products to help maintain a healthy hormone balance. This may cause some to avoid soy lecithin, which is a derivative of soybeans
However, phytoestrogens found in soy protein are purported to have different effects than certain “bad” forms of estrogen found in the body. When these weak phytoestrogens bind to cell receptors in the human body, they antagonize those receptors by blocking the binding of natural estrogens.
And, so, that's all I has to say 'bout this. Let each person do their own research and follow their own conscience and wisdom. Me? I'm off to the kitchen for today's two heaping tablespoons of Soy Lecithin...
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Anyone interested in looking into the topic further might want to start here:
What Is Soy Lecithin?
I want to close by saying that we should all be wary and conduct our due diligence before accepting as gospel any so-called scientific studies on ANYTHING.
Many of the scientific reports we learn from were bankrolled by Foundations and Corporations, and when they fund research projects, they expect to receive the results they paid for.
This is the reason that approximately every 15 to 20 years, so-called scientists in every field -- including the field of Nutrition -- reverse themselves on previous pronouncements:
DOH! Actually, it turns out that a little beer and red wine IS good for you.
DOH! Actually, it turns out that a Non-Fat diet is bad for you; there are some "good" fats you should be getting in your diet.
DOH! Actually, it turns out that there's NOT overpopulation, but a dangerous dearth of Population Replacement.
DOH! Actually, it turns out that the world is NOT about to die in a new Ice Age after all, but that it's going to die by Global Warming, thanks to mankind's "First World" lifestyle.
It also doesn't help in a quest for truth when scientists feed lab rats outrageous amounts of anything -- well beyond what any human would ever relatively consume -- and then announce that there were negative side effects: Yeah, no kidding! In four weeks you fed Vitamin B-17 to a lab animal at a ratio of 1,000 times its body weight, and you think the fact that it developed cancer warrants a dire warning to the American people?
Listen, if you seek your own reAlationship with God the Father and His Son, Christ Yeshua, you will not need to worry about being deceived by all the charlatans in "this world". Christ will show you The Way and implant within you The Holy Spirit of God to lead you to Truth. Turn your life over to God, NOT to scientists!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
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