: ) Have a nice day.
Although that was primarily meant to humorously irritate Liberals, it also happens to be true. I've never lost a debate to a Liberal. Nor lost a debate to a Neo-Con. This blog bit is intended to explain "how come that", while simultaneously pointing you toward some highly recommended publications.
On March 4, 2009, a gentleman named
Edward, whom I did not know, posted the following in one of the comment sections of this blog:
Dear Stephen,
I had intended to write to you earlier, but never found the time.
I just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed reading your reviews on Amazon particularly on geo-politics, and especially on McCarthy which I thought was a detailed and very thorough analysis. I was shocked to see that Amazon had gagged you by deleting your brilliant ripostes to the comments aimed at undermining you and your reviews.
I think it was inevitable, since all the detritus thrown at you failed to stick, and you kept demolishing the attacks incisively and often with good humour, which served to strengthen your argument, and undermined theirs – no wonder they cut you off. They were beaten.
And recently, an old friend complimented me in the following funny way:
I don't want to debate you. I've seen what you do to people who debate you. I don't feel like getting my head cut off and stuffed in a camera bag.
Derned if he didn't make me feel like a badass Mafioso! :o)
Truthfully, I'm neither brilliant or lucky. I won those debates the old-fashioned way -- by doing my homework, and lots of it! An awful lot of studying was the "secret weapon" I used in debates against Libtards. (My motto for debating Liberals is:
If they bring a feeling to the fight, we bring a fact.)
Let me share with you a sample of the books I've read over the years, most of which I recommend to y'all. By no means are these
ALL of the books I've read under each category. These are just some of those which I have read, dog-eared,
highlighted (always in yellow), and decided to save for future reference... and for beating Communists with.
In fact, a number of exceptional books I've read and saved don't even appear in these photos. For one example,
An Enormous Crime: The Definitive Account Of American POWs Abandoned In Southeast Asia by Bill Hendon and Elizabeth Stewart could easily have been included under the
'Conspiracy' heading. (Or I could have used it to start a whole new category titled '