It's no secret that I have long-believed that average Americans are morons. But their reactions to the deliberate coronavirus {* small "c" *} scare tactics lead me to believe that I was always vastly overestimating them.
All across the nation, grocery store shelves have been emptied, like the heads of Ameritards:
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Walmart |
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Smith's (Kroger) grocery store |
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Raley's grocery store |
The Americonned Sheeple are never able to see through Uncle Scam's scams! (A big part of that problem is actually Spiritual in nature.)
Here's the comment I posted a couple nights ago on a friend's blog:
The best quote from the greatest movie made in the last 20 years:
“It’s time to call bullshit.”
“Bullshit on what?”
~ movie: ‘The Big Short’
As usual, UNCLE SCAM has deliberately whipped the mASSES up into an irrational hysteria.
{*It reminds me so much of that Twilight Zone episode titled 'The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street'. The only difference being that, in the Twilight Zone episode, it turned out that there really WERE monsters.*}
The average American is a moron.
But what’s REALLY scary is the fact that 33% of Americans ARE EVEN DUMBER than the average!
Today, I was in a grocery store that happened to have a few remaining rolls of toilet paper and bottled water on their shelves. But being WAY-fvckin’-smarter’n the average Ameritard [1C4:7], I left them on the shelves for some hysterical halfwit to buy. I figured maybe it would help some American chucklehead to sleep better tonight. (SM-F-H!!!)
Yesterday, I went into my local Smith's grocery store to check out the carnage. And seeing the panic on the faces and in the shopping carts of my fellow Willoughberrians, I caught the fever and engaged in some "Panic Shopping" of my own.
I know that alcohol is in high-demand in the Ameritard grocery stores because it will, or should, or could, or might kill germs and viruses and other nasty things. So, tapping into the mindset of average Americonned Sheeple, I went straight to the alcohol section...
...and I engaged in my own "Panic Shopping" :
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Pigeon Head Brewing Company makes the best Pilsner beer I've ever tasted, and I was worried that Smith's might run out, so I grabbed a sixer while I still could. |
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
DogGtor of Alcohology &
King of Inebriation Nation
soundtrack: 'The Moody Blues Anthology'
You're right the average American is a moron! I believe in taking care of oneself, doing the right thing all always but let's face it before the coronavirus frenzy started people rarely washed their hands while out in public, they don't attempt to avoid others who are sick, nor to they make an effort to cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough. All three of these basics an individual should be doing all along but aren't and at least two of these three things they still aren't practicing. Probably the very people who'd cut Granny down in the supermarket aisle to get to the last bottle of hand sanitizer or to remove 329 bottles of it from the shelf without giving a single bottle to a the pleas of a lone customer. People aren't just morons but selfish. I'm sorry I had to blow off some steam, you know that's what Ameritards do to you. The good news is you found a supply of alcohol before it the masses figured out they are missing out on but be warned....that's NEXT! lol
ReplyDeleteCATHY ~
DeleteOK, seriously...
Below is an excerpt from an article at CarsonNow.org
>>... [Nevada] Gov. Steve Sisolak {* a "Democrat", which is synonymous with "Communist" *} on Tuesday ordered a sweeping shutdown of nonessential businesses, including casinos and retail stores, for 30 days, a move that would have been unthinkable weeks ago before the novel coronavirus wreaked its havoc around the world.
>>... Nonessential businesses that will be forced to close include restaurants, bars, pubs, wineries, breweries, coffee shops, gyms, shopping malls and salons, though restaurants will still be able to offer drive-through, curbside takeout and delivery services to their customers.
>>... A total of 55 people in the state have tested positive for COVID-19, with one death. Nationwide, the number of confirmed cases is more than 5,700, though the total number is likely higher due to a lack of widespread testing.
55 in the state have tested positive.
1 has died.
Nevada population:
3.034 million (2018)
As The Holy Bible tells us, satan is a liar and the father of lies, and satan is "the ruler of this world". Even Jesus confirmed that satan is the ruler of this world.
Therefore, our government rulers are agents of satan, and just like their leader - the father of lies - they too are liars. Probably 90% of everything ever said by an agent of satan is a lie.
This whole deliberate, illogical coronavirus scare tactic is most likely a test run for the next event of mass hysteria that they will foist on the Ameritards. Next time, they will probably insist that anyone who does not receive a government-approved vaccine must be quarantined in a FEMA (concentration) camp.
A word to the wise: NEVER allow Uncle Scam to inject *ANYTHING* into you. Because - for just one reason - computer chips can now be injected into a person through a hypodermic needle. And there is very good reason to believe that the Biblical "mark of the beast" will be a computer chip, by which the world's satanic governments will be able to control all commerce worldwide.
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
~ The Holy Bible - Revelation 13:16,17
Cathy, when that day comes, do NOT forget what I have told you here today. NEVER accept any government-mandated vaccine - NEVER, EVER!! Your soul will regret it if you do!
This has been a very, Very, VERY successful test run by Uncle Scam. Our evil government wanted to see if any true American patriots would utilize their 2nd Amendment Right to resist government tyranny. However, the meek Ameritards have responded with nuttin' but, "Yes, master. Whatever you say, master. Please, master, just keep us safe and healthy."
Well, the Americonned Sheeple are NOT safe and healthy! Their souls are sick and in great danger! But they won't realize that until it is too late for them.
Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
~ The Holy Bible - 2 Corinthians 6:17
2029 cannot come fast enough to suit me!
~ D-FensDogG
Fear not, your government will save you! Sorry, couldn’t write that with a straight face. Snowflaking of the USSA is in full swing.
ReplyDeleteThis didn’t start with some Chi-Knee making bat-dung soup. It started with this conversation:
Mr. Vanderbilt: I’ll bet you 100 million that I can make the world shake hands with their elbows.
Mr. Morgan: Make them wear masks and you’ve got yourself a deal my good man.
Would be interesting to know how many on your mailing list are on their death beds. Of course, it might be a little concerning if they didn’t answer.
I have to keep this short, just heard on the fake news that corona germs are now transmitted through the internet.
Stephen, stay safe...I guess.
COSIG-19 minus 17
COSIG-19 minus 17 ~
ReplyDelete"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you" might *still* be the funniest thing anyone ever said (or wrote).
Great to hear from you, Sig 19 minus 17! I was seriously concerned {and I *really do* mean "seriously"} that maybe something had laid you 6-feet under (before the coronavirus could).
Miss yer witty comments on my BOTB installments, McBruhthuh. The comment section ain't the same widout you and G-DogG in it. (May the Bluebird of Happiness poop on your coronavirus "Get Out Of Jail Free" card!)
If anything good has come of this #FakeCrisis, it's that people are finally washing their hands after visiting the men and women's restrooms.
And if anything really, truly, horribly bad has come out of this #FakeCrisis (other than people being put out of work and the economy crashing), it's that 'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends' has been resurrected.
As some moron once jubilantly exclaimed:
Really nice to hear from you again, Sig II.
~ Stephen
DogGtor of Alcohology &
King of Inebriation Nation