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'The Big Short' - a must-see movie! Easily the best film of the last 20 years!! |
My buddy, Julio, and I were joking about the coronavirus a couple days ago. (Yes! While you were panicking and "panic shopping", Julio and I were joking. See, we know who God is. If you don't, then go ahead and 'panic'-away. You Americonned Sheeple probably SHOULD!)
Julio said that as of a couple days ago, coronavirus had killed a grand total of 282 Americans. That's 82 more fatalities than falling vending machines are responsible for every year (200).
Stairs kill 1,600 people a year! The coronavirus is going to have to work really hard and start exerting itself more seriously if it wants to become as dangerously notorious and frightening as a flight of stairs!
{*Of course, when coronavirus turns out to be nowhere even remotely as lethal as the so-called "experts" in the Mainscum Media have predicted, the Ameritards will say, "It's ONLY because we closed down business in the USA and took extreme precautions that so many lives were saved!" Yip! Conning the Americonned Sheeple ain't exactly Rocket Science! Just keep repeating the same bullshit often enough and they'll eat it all up with a fork and spoon, and even ask for dessert!*}
A good friend of mine who has worked as a professional nurse in a Washington state hospital for many years has said this about the coronavirus hysteria:
"Public hysteria is far more dangerous than the virus. ... It's pandemic by media. Or pandemic in name only. So overhyped, and there is no justification for it. And yet, here we are."
So, how did Uncle Scam (he of the horns and pitchfork who rules your life) pull off this mass hysteria about... a phuqin' flu bug? Below is a video illustrating how it was done. All you gotta do is pretend that the yakking heads are yakking about coronavirus [*shudder! shudder!*], rather than whatever their talking point was at the time these broadcasts were recorded:
How To Brainwash The mASSES
OK, now that you see how you were frightened into a (totally unnecessary and economy-wrecking) panic, let's hear a voice of reason amidst the Chicken Little "The sky is falling!" hysterics:
Dr. Shiva, PhD | COVID-19
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I paid a visit to my 99-Cents Only store the other day and I got into the "hoarding" fad. |
Also, some days ago, my Brother and I had a textversation in which I made a list of my choice for the Top 3 of UNCLE SCAM's greatest scams. I'm not even sure what my own criteria was for determining how to number these events. Perhaps a combination of 'Most Detrimental To America' and/or 'Most Audacious'. Anyway, here's my list:
UNCLE SCAM's Greatest Scams:
#1: The Federal Reserve Act.
(read: [link> Our Monetary Mayhem Began With The Fed and [link> 'The Creature From Jekyll Island')
#2: The Fake Moon Walks.
(read: [link> 'Wagging The Moondoggie'; and watch: [link> 'A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon')
#3: The Coronavirus Scare.
(See: the inside of your local grocery store)
Certainly 9-11 (an inside job) would make any Top 5 (or Top 3?) list. And man-made Global Warming along with The Killing Of A President in broad daylight in front of countless American eyes would have to be seriously considered as well. And how about Sandy Hook?
This #FakeCrisis is being perpetrated deliberately in order to crash our economy (to set up the coming global currency) and to institute total government control over We The People... exactly as God told us would occur in "the last days", as referenced in 'Revelation', the final portion of The Holy Bible.
This #FakeCrisis comes as no surprise to us who have taken God's Word ('The Holy Bible') seriously and studied it. If you know what it says in The Bible, then none of the evil in "this world" takes you by surprise, because you know perfectly well who Christ Jesus said was the ruler of "this world".
As I recently wrote to a friend o' mine:
As The Holy Bible tells us, satan is a liar and the father of lies, and satan is "the ruler of this world". Even Jesus confirmed that satan is the ruler of this world.
Therefore, our government rulers are agents of satan, and just like their leader - the father of lies - they too are liars. Probably 90% of everything ever said by an agent of satan is a lie.
This whole deliberate, illogical coronavirus scare tactic is most likely a test run for the next event of mass hysteria that they will foist on the Ameritards. Next time, they will probably insist that anyone who does not receive a government-approved vaccine must be quarantined in a FEMA (concentration) camp.
{*NOTE: I've since come to strongly suspect that *THIS* may in fact be the "REAL" False Flag event and NOT just a "test run".*}
A word to the wise: NEVER allow Uncle Scam to inject *ANYTHING* into you. Because - for just one reason - computer chips can now be injected into a person through a hypodermic needle. And there is very good reason to believe that the Biblical "mark of the beast" will be a computer chip, by which the world's satanic governments will be able to control all commerce worldwide.
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
~ The Holy Bible - Revelation 13:16,17
When that day comes, do NOT forget what I have told you here today. NEVER accept any government-mandated vaccine - NEVER, EVER!! Your soul will regret it if you do!
This has been a very, Very, VERY successful test run by Uncle Scam. Our evil government wanted to see if any true American patriots would utilize their 2nd Amendment Right to resist government tyranny. However, the meek Ameritards have responded with nuttin' but, "Yes, master. Whatever you say, master. Please, master, just keep us safe and healthy."
Well, the Americonned Sheeple are NOT safe and healthy! Their souls are sick and in great danger! But they won't realize that until it is too late for them.
Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
~ The Holy Bible - 2 Corinthians 6:17
[link> 2029 cannot come fast enough to suit me!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
DogGtor of Alcohology &
King of Inebriation Nation
What is going on has been astounding. The run on toilet paper is funny. As someone who has always been a bit of a prepper, I ALWAYS have a little extra of everything on hand. I have not bought one roll of TP since the s**t hit the fan... as it were.
ReplyDeleteThe leaders are truly destroying the world's economy and people are going along with it like lemmings. Hell, even the PLAGUE would not be worth killing the economy over.
We live is an age of virtue signalers. We do not live in an age of thinkers. "Imagine."
"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace."
Like the Eloi in The Time Machine. Of course, that doesn't work with Morlocks around.
These virtue signalers say "if we can just save ONE life, everything we can do is worth it." Ok, so we save - humanly speaking - some lives but we destroy all commerce and put the government in charge of every aspect of our lives. I have heard some people advocating what South Korea did, which is essentially testing every single person, putting them in a database and then tracking their EVERY MOVEMENT. Exactly what you are warning about, McCarthy!
"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."
We’ll see how this all shakes out. But I don’t allow ANY pills or injections in me already, and I SURE as heck won’t allow one mandated by the governors of “this world.”
DeleteSorry about the slow response, but thanks to the Grace of God and the generosity of my employer... 'I've Been Workin''.
>>... These virtue signalers say "if we can just save ONE life, everything we can do is worth it."
And bizarrely, these are the same people who have no problem with killing lives in wombs, even up to the point of birth (and in some cases, even AFTERWARDS).
Great Bible verse choice!
I have long-said that when it comes to my body, that is where I draw the line for the satanic Uncle Scam. I am willing to tolerate some of the government's evil lawlessness (such as the un-Constitutional Income Tax), because I know that my Redemption is near and because God has said vengeance is His and He "will repay" them for their wickedness. And I believe what God says.
However, when it comes to my body, that's where I say, "Up to here and no further". The day that our evil Uncle decides that I must receive a government-mandated vaccine, he had better send a whole lot of people who are willing to die to see me vaccinated! Because I will be willing to kill and even die myself in seeing to it that the satanic government injects NOTHING into me! That is the line "they" cannot cross with me.
{*Uncle Scam, you have been forewarned. Be careful about just how far you think you can push some of us. Because... "I'm not the only one".*}
~ D-FensDogG
Every day, I wake up at peace because I still THINK. I PRAY. I'm not saying that I don't have bumps in the road -- Lord knows, I do. But whether it's family, friends, work, illness, finance...I have peace.
ReplyDeleteLooking for the Prince of Peace to guide my way, my conversations, my actions...if I get turned around, I have a REFERENCE BOOK.
I have peace.
Amen & Amen, DOC ~
DeleteI do not worry about "this world" because I believe in 'The Lord's Prayer'...
and YOURS IS THE Power
and YOURS IS THE Glory forever."
I have tried to 'splain this to people but I don't think everyone gets it. However, in a nutshell, those three little words, "YOURS IS THE", are the foundation of my confidence and sense of peace. All three of those words are LOADED with meaning!!!
~ D-FensDogG
'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'
A few more goodies for you…
ReplyDeleteAbout 355 people die from falling off ladders every year. About 450 die from falling out of bed. If you want to go bigger, a whopping 9,000 people die (per Wikipedia) from consuming raw/unprepared meat every year.
When is the gubmint going to start enforcing Mandatory Beef Cooking Orders™????
So, I don’t know how things are in Willoughberry, but our governor (you know, the one who signed those red flag bills and pledged our electoral votes to whichever Democrat got the most votes, uh, I mean whichever ‘candidate’ gets the most votes regardless of electoral outcome) decided to trample the Constitution even more by ordering a "mandatory" stay-at-home order, in which any civilian caught making "non-essential" trips outside of their home will be… “educated” by law enforcement.
Sure looks and smells like 1984! Good thing I don’t give a phuq, since I’ve already left my house twice today, and I’m going to hang out with a friend this weekend. We probably won’t even be sitting the government mandated 6 feet apart (gasp!).
At least the gubmint was smart enough to start printing more money, since we don’t have enough now, which means I have a nice $1,200 Monopoly money check to look forward to soon. Hooray for inflation!
Lastly, let me leave you with this actual front page headline I spotted just an hour ago.
13 Deaths in a Day: An 'Apocalyptic' Coronavirus Surge at an NYC Hospital
13 whole deaths, in NYC, one of the most populated and heavily congested areas in the US? No, say it ain’t so! This is almost as apocalyptic as the 22 people who are kicked to death by angry cows every year!
ReplyDeleteAs much as I really hate [*and I really do mean "hate"*] what is being done to Americans by The Wizards Behind The Curtain in the guise of this #FakeCrisis [*people losing their jobs, struggling to pay rent, struggling to pay leases on business properties, etc.*], there's a part of me that - I also hate to admit it - occasionally thinks that some of the Americans (aka Ameritards) are getting what they deserve.
By NO MEANS am I implying that everyone being hurt by this deserves the pain! BUT!... let's face it, Americans have had it really good for a really long time. The residue of our Constitutional life left us in such great shape that we have been living exceptionally well, even though we abandoned the Constitution long ago and fell for the Communist propaganda coming from our politicians, mainstream media, and schools... and people like LOLeon, yakking their brainless thoughts throughout social media.
We've got more than half the country thinking that it's OK to kill human beings in the womb! And I'm thinking that maybe it's time the Americonned Sheeple got a dose of pain to wake them... THE-PHUQING-HELL-UP-!!!
It's a good thing for the majority of Ameritards that I myself am not the god of this planet. Because our God is Patient and Loving and Merciful [as The Bible says many times, "His mercy endures forever"]. But I myself am NOT patient, and not always loving and not always feeling merciful, and I'd have wiped out the majority of America's population long, long ago, if I were the god of this planet!
I have long known that the vast, Vast, VAST majority of human beings LEARN ONLY THROUGH PAIN. I think of the pain in terms of 3 categories: 1) Physical Pain; 2) Mental / Emotional Pain; or 3) Economic Pain. (Although, technically, one could definitely put "Economic Pain" under the category of "Mental / Emotional Pain" and reduce the categories from 3 to 2.)
There's a small part of my (small) mind that thinks maybe this is a good thing for the Ameritards to experience. Maybe they'll stay home more, find a stronger sense-of-family, and realize that their comfort exists only by the Grace of God, and that He can remove it at any second He loses His Patience with the wickedness of We The People.
Of course, on the other hand, I myself, personally, have not been hurt by this #Fake(satanic)Crisis [*except for the fact that my favorite saloons in Virginia City have been closed*], so maybe my thoughts would be slightly different if I had been affected by this completely fake Illuminati crisis. I can't rule that out.
But, either way, I would still be saying that the Americonned Sheeple have needed A BIG WAKE-UP CALL for a long, long time. Unfortunately, however, the Americans who MOST NEED A WAKE-UP CALL are too Spiritually deaf to hear the alarm clock blaring, even when it is cranked "UP TO ELEVEN!"
The phuqin' American Spiritards! They insist on taking "the long way Home".
~ D-FensDogG
'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'
Fun Fact: I was just listening to 'Me, Lynth And The Beach Report', and that Supertramp song was playing while I came to the end of my comment. Some part of my mind said to me: Use it, Punk! Use it!!
(To borrow, once again, from 'Rocky & Bullwinkle'.)
What I *really* meant to say was...
"...BY THE GRACE OF GOD, I myself, personally, have not been hurt by this #Fake(satanic)Crisis..."
OK, soldier, as you were.
~ D-FensDogG
I think you've got a lot right about this pandemic. Definitely, something weird going on, but people tend to get weird when everyone else starts getting weird. Somehow I missed the notifications to stock up and hoard goods and food. Then a couple weeks ago I made my usual Ralph's run and was puzzled by some of the empty shelves. No worries for us since we had recently made our every-6-weeks Costco expedition and were already stocked up good for at least 6 weeks or more--just our typical shopping habit.
ReplyDeleteThen on March 16th I went to get a head of cabbage for our St Pat's dinner and by blarney what greeted me was apocalyptic. Still no TP or water, but that was fine since we had our Costco stock. The empty produce, dairy, and meat counters took me by surprise. Oddly though they did have a good supply of organic cabbage so I got what I came for. But it was weird seeing what was gone in the stores.
Yesterday was better, but still no TP and water! That's crazy! What is everyone doing? And so many people wearing those masks--usually Asians.
I'm sticking with the advice Jesus gave in Matthew 6 about not worrying. My wife sometimes gets annoyed by my Coronavirus jokes, but I'm of the opinion that laughter along with a positive attitude is the best medicine.
All is well in my world. Since we're both retired all this doesn't especially affect us as long as our checks keep coming in.
But something definitely weird is going on that seems to point to end times. My theory about the climate change, pandemic, and other big fears is that it is God-replacement secular theology leading people toward that one-world Godless government predicted 2000 years ago. Seems closer than ever. And I'm okay with that too.
Don't worry, be happy is my goal in the here and now.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
DeleteTheoretically, I should have more time than ever, now that my office has closed and I'm doing more of other tasks instead of the usual. But, no. I seem even more pressed for time now and I really look forward to the office re-opening (someday).
Yesterday, I read an article from a source I would trust long before any of the mainscum media sites, and they were saying that coronavirus is about only one-thousandth as deadly as a common flu virus. (The article was stuffed with facts and stats to back up their claim.) Uncle Scam is so salivating over this scenario that anyone with just two brain cells to rub together ought to be able to see through this scam. They'll do anything to keep control of us, now that they got it, and way too damned easily, to boot. (Most people are fear-based, but true Christians needn't fear the evil of "this world".)
On a more positive note, I'm starting to encounter some very funny coronavirus memes and videos now. I think that the emergence of humor is a good sign that maybe people will begin to climb down from Hysteria Ladder and start to *think* a little bit again.
And, you are right about the way things are aligning now. One can almost feel and smell the fire and brimstone these days. The end really is near. Praise God!!
Some days ago - two days consecutively - we experienced earthquakes here in Carson City. And although the bigger one was only measured at 4.5 to 5.00, lemme tell ya, in a mobile home, that feels like a freakin' 8.00 or 9.00! Honestly, despite having grown up in L.A. and having experienced almost countless earthquakes, THIS ONE was the first one that TRULY scared me. I literally called out "God!" and "Jesus!". If THAT was what a 4.5 quake feels like in a mobile home, I hope I NEVER, EVER have to experience something like a 7.00. I'm not sure that I wouldn't also experience heart failure.
Indeed, we are living in "interesting times" (putting it mildly).
~ D-FensDogG
'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'
I would have thought a mobile home would deal with an earthquake better. I can see where there might be more movement, but it seems like there would be less potential of damage other than to whatever is holding the whole shebang up.
DeleteInteresting times indeed. And rather odd times as well. But humans can get pretty weird sometimes.
With you on the humor front. I've been making a lot of covid jokes with my wife lately which were pissing her off at first but now she's laughing more at them. Gotta have humor or what's the use of living through the drudgery of sadness and despair.
A mobile home may indeed be better equipped to avoid damage in an earthquake. I can't really say, other than that no one in the park suffered any real damage that I'm aware of. But then this was just a 4.5 or 5.00. Not sure if this would be the case in something bigger.
DeleteBut I CAN say that a mobile home definitely feels "mobile" in an earthquake. The bigger quakes I experienced in L.A. did not seem to shake my homes as badly as what this minor quake did with this one. I mean, this place was violently SHAKING, and it was LOUD, too! I really thought the world was coming to an end. As I said before, if *THAT* is what a 4.5 or 5.00 feels like here, I would hate to experience a serious quake, like a 7.-something. Man, that would be TERRIFYING. Hell, I'll admit it, I was close to being outright terrified during this small quake.
The following quote is amongst my all-time favorites:
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."
~ Roger Rabbit
Yeah, even Roger was capable of wisdom once in awhile. Not a bad line for a dumb bunny.
~ D-FensDogG
'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'
Covid, Smoevid. Didn’t realize there was someone who was a bigger fan of “The Big Short” than me. Awesome. Now if there was a “Jaws Jeopardy” I’d slap that smug IBM computer “Watson” silly.
ReplyDeleteGot a big little short going on myself right now. To quote Mr. Mojo Risin, “I don't know what's gonna happen, but I wanna have my kicks before the whole sh*thouse goes up in flames”. (Even in these “trying times” I still have the composure to use an * where needed.)
I thought things might be a little more normal in your neck of the woods. I guess “stupid” has permeated all fifty states. Maybe they need to enforce a six foot distance between state borders.
Vinnie Daniel: It's like someone hit a pinata full of white people who suck at golf.
Jared Vennett: Let's not talk about my margins by the way. Being nice and fat... That's a nice shirt, do they make it for men?
COSIG-19 minus 17
COSIG-19 minus 17 ~
Delete"Jocularity! Jocularity!"
Helck yeah! ;^D
>>... Even in these “trying times” I still have the composure to use an * where needed.
You got me beat, McBruhthuh man! Sometimes I plumb fergit to use an asster*sk.
I LOVE 'The Big Short'! I just watched it again a few nights ago. Dr. McCarthy's prescription to Amerika is this: "Watch 'THE BIG SHORT' and 'WAG THE DOG' back-to-back, take two aspirin with a fifth of Kentucky bourbon and call me in the morning (not before 11:00 A.M.)
All this coronavirus (#FakeCrisis) needs is for Willie Nelson to write a song like 'Old Shoe' for it. Ha! Then the scam would be complete!
Nah, I'm afraid the cornovirus scare turned the Willoughberrian's brains into Jello, too. All the usual -- no TP or hand-sanitizer in the stores. Starting to see some bottled water show up now, so maybe it's starting to become just a panic with a small p, rather than a Panic with a capital P.
Those are great quotes from a great movie.
My favorite, however, will always be:
"Time to call bullsh*t."
"Bullsh*t on what?"
[L**k! I remembered to use the asster*sks this time!]
Best piece of dialogue since at least Sam Peckinpah's 'THE WILD BUNCH'.
Great to see ya here again, buddy! Take care o' you.
~ D-FensDogG
'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'