So, as I was saying, on Tuesday I found myself in an odduation. You see, my friend DiscConnected who has a great political blog called “Back In The USSR” - why aren’t ya reading it regularly, ya Low IQers? (to borrow a Bullwinkle J. Moose term) –
Uhm. Where was I? Oh, yeah . . .
As I was saying, on Tuesday I found myself in an odduation when one of my McBuddies handed me a ‘Bob Dylan In Concert At Brandeis University–1963’ compact disc and asked me if I wanted to keep it. It seems DiscConnected had ordered something online which came with a free copy of this CD as a bonus. But they had inadvertently shipped two copies to him and when he inquired about whether or not he should return one, they told him not to bother. So, someone’s mistake was my good fortune.
Well, the Dylan disc includes ‘Talkin’ World War III Blues’, a song I’ve always loved but do not own.
Down at the corner by a hot-dog stand
But at the same time that DiscConnected generously gave me his extra Dylan disc, he also handed me the latest edition of The New American magazine. You see, these days, my buddy subscribes to it, and after he’s read the issues, he gives them to me and I read ‘em and save 'em.
But the funny thing was that The New American is the official magazine of The John Birch Society (best current events magazine in the country, sez I!) but also included on the Bob Dylan disc is the song ‘Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues’. Ya see what I’m sayin’ ‘bout an “odduation”?
Well, I was feelin’ sad and feelin’ blue
So I run down most hurriedly
Well, Dylan was a genius. Anyone who can write something like ‘It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)’ is clearly a genius. But politically speaking, Dylan was ign’ant as a lib. And he still is ign’ant as a lib. He did, after all, get fooled by all that “Hope and Change” yak spillin’ from the mouth of our foreign-born USAP.
Well, it struck me “funny” that DiscConnected was giving me an anti-John Birch Society song and the John Birch Society magazine all at the same time. Anyway, I told you all that so I could tell you THIS:
I thought there was a really outstanding article in this October 11th issue of The New American. It was penned by Mr. Jack Kenny and titled ‘Tyranny Triumphing’. Most of the time The New American gives an even, unemotional, scholarly, Constitutionalist-view of the “odduation” America finds Herself in today. But every once in awhile, one of The New American writers will author an article that is unusually forceful and fiery. ‘Tyranny Triumphing’ was one of those “every once in awhiles”.
It is my opinion that a calm and calculated recitation of facts won’t make much of an impact, won’t get things done in America today. With the mainstream media and the blogosphere, there are too many voices asking to be heard. What you need is the rabble-rousing, torch-lighting, musket-loading passion of a Patrick Henry, a Joseph McCarthy, or an Ann Coulter, if you want to be heard and to get things movin’.
And so, in that spirit, it is my pleasure to repost for your edification and the fueling of your fire . . .
By Jack Kenny
America is sliding into tyranny, and few Americans seem to recognize it. Before you dismiss this as alarmist propaganda, consider the following:
A September 8 ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, often described as the nation’s most liberal, offers another example of a tortured balancing act. The court ruled that private persons may not sue over the government practice of rendition and torture of terrorist suspects because the defense would require the government to compromise “state secrets.” This extension of the “state secrets privilege,” argued by the George W. Bush administration and again by the Department of Justice under President Barack Obama, was used to cover even a subsidiary of Boeing, the giant aircraft manufacturer, that allegedly transported the suspects overseas for interrogation. Now even Boeing apparently enjoys the privilege of “sovereign immunity.”
Writing for the majority in the court’s 6-5 decision, Judge Raymond C. Fisher described the case as “a painful conflict between human rights and national security.” But the court’s majority assigned all the pain to human rights and gave all the security to those in both the government and private sector who plan and carry out the transfer of prisoners in U.S. custody to overseas jurisdictions, where interrogations are carried out in a fashion that is, to say the least, pre-Miranda.
The plaintiffs were five prisoners who claimed they were tortured during their detainment, a charge that the United States, so far, does not need to refute. That could change if the U.S. Supreme Court accepts an appeal from the American Civil Liberties Union, which brought the suit for the plaintiffs. The court declined to hear a similar appeal in 2007 and, according to the New York Times, the high court has not taken on the limits of the state secrecy privilege in 50 years.
For most Americans the issue will, perhaps, be of minor concern. When people are out of work or fearful of losing their jobs, what happens to people overseas is, in a manner of speaking, foreign to them. But Ronald Reagan was fond of saying that elections are not merely about who gets what, but about who we are as a people. And if we stop to look now at who we are as a people, we might not recognize the face in the mirror.
No Wonder Why
At the end of the 19th century, William Graham Sumner published an essay called “The Conquest of the United States by Spain, 1898.” Now at first glance you might think he got it backwards. The good old USA won that “splendid little war.” But no, he meant we lost by winning. Subtraction by addition. We came to resemble the nation we conquered, becoming more imperialistic and authoritarian and less liberty loving in the process. His essay is not widely read these days and was no doubt denounced at the time as unpatriotic. But it has proven to be prophetic. And I wonder today if we are not coming to resemble more and more the Soviet Union, the evil empire we thought we had vanquished.
Even the momentous issue of war or peace is no longer decided by our representatives in Congress, as the Constitution requires, but by a few people in and around the Politburo — I mean the White House. This was never more clear than when the United States was on the verge of the first Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm, in January of 1991, when the Congress was debating a resolution authorizing the President to decide what Congress refused to decide — whether the United States should go to war to liberate Kuwait.
During the House debate, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) noted that those arguing in favor of the war would often invoke the duty to “support American policy.” “What are we,” asked Frank, “the Canadian consulate?” In the Senate, Warren Rudman, Republican of New Hampshire, covered himself with ignominy by arguing that it was a matter for the President to decide. “It’s not a decision for a committee,” said the state’s senior Senator, who was apparently oblivious to the constitutional requirement that “a committee” called Congress, not the President, must declare war.
Also, the Founders, who did not contemplate a standing army, assigned to Congress the duty to “raise and support Armies” and “To provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such Part of them shall be employed in the Service of the United States,” so how did it become the exclusive role of the executive branch to determine how people captured by our armed forces or even our domestic police forces shall be treated — whether or not they shall be subjected to “enhanced interrogation” techniques and in what country and under what government such interrogation shall be carried out? What is the position of the Congress on that? What, come to think of it, is the position of the Congress on anything?
Well, it seems, the position of Congress is always the same: supine.
Obviously, we’re to blame in this as well. Most Americans can hardly believe their government would be engaged in torture, so they assume that it is not even true — that it is an exaggeration of “bleeding heart” liberals who are worried about prisoners enjoying the good life at “Club Gitmo,” as Rush Limbaugh and others like to call the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba — as though any of them would care to spend as much as a day there. And the stories of prolonged confinement in underground cells or cages, the stories of laceration and hot burning liquids poured into open wounds, electric shock, waterboarding, etc., go virtually unreported in our hometown newspapers.
You can read about such methods of “enhanced interrogation,” if you have the stomach for it, occasionally in the pages of the New York Times or the Washington Post. You may also read occasionally of legal arguments about the status of prisoners taken and confined as “enemy combatants,” who are suspects not entitled, according to the current as well as the previous administration, to hearing the charges against them, since the government need not file any formal charges to detain them indefinitely. No charges, no trial, no lawyers required, thank you. Welcome to the former United States of America, now the Brave New World where the Bill of Rights has gone down a black hole, there to keep the Magna Carta company. Our government now assumes the right even to target Americans overseas for assassination if they are suspected of engaging in or supporting terrorist activities. No “due process” problem there.
Rationalizing the Reasons
The gentleman is also a “conservative” of the neo-nihilist Cheney-Rumsfeld “stuff happens” variety and becomes predictably irate when the U.S. Supreme Court reaches across “the pond” to find a decision by a foreign court that seemingly buttresses the U.S. Supreme Court’s own finding. Yet he has no problem finding an international court opinion to support his contention that “waterboarding is not torture,” and uses that to trump the legal precedent of the United States government and its armed forces. The same gentleman was also predictably indignant when President Bill Clinton got caught in perjury and adultery. Yet, to update an old Republican argument, nobody drowned, was tortured, or lost their liberty in “Monicagate.”
To repeat: America is sliding toward tyranny and few Americans recognize it. Sometimes tyranny is advanced in the name of expanding our liberties, as when the U.S. or a state Supreme Court discovers a right in the Constitution that has been there all along, you see, but simply never before had been found. Thus, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts found somewhere in that state’s 1781 Constitution the “right” of homosexuals and lesbians to have their same-sex cohabitations blessed by the state as marriage. John Adams would have been amazed, but the state’s legislature dutifully obeyed the court and made the necessary change to the Bay State’s ancient marriage laws. Worse was the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade that denies every state the ability to legislate a defense of the life of pre-natal infants, or fetuses, formerly known as babies. Thus, we are supposed to regard the slaughter of some 50 million babies as, at worst, the Constitution’s collateral damage.
In New Hampshire, which used to provide a refreshing contrast to the “people’s republic” of Massachusetts, the state’s lawmakers have demonstrated time and again that the majority is “pro-choice.” So the real meaning of the state motto, “Live Free or Die” is that life-terminating women and their abortionists get to live free, while pre-born babies get to die. They call that “freedom-loving” in the Granite State. It is an upside down world as George Orwell described Big Brother’s empire in 1984: “War is Peace. Ignorance is Strength. Freedom is Slavery ”
You can sell almost any form of tyranny to the American public as long as you wrap a flag around it, sing “Yankee Doodle” and “God Bless America,” and call it patriotism. And the bean counters in government, the certified public accountants and those other CPA’s, the certainly pusillanimous Americans, and both John and Jane Q. Public can all be counted on to not recognize or raise the alarm about it.
And where, pray tell, are the friends of liberty among the members of the ruling class? I can think of only two members of Congress who spoke up against the government kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez, the Cuban refugee who was rescued at high sea by the same Miami fisherman who sheltered the frightened child in his arms before he was snatched away by Attorney General Janet Reno’s goon squad. One was then Sen. Bob Graham, a Florida Democrat, who protested that he had been assured by the White House that no such seizure would be undertaken until the legal appeals on behalf of the boy and his Miami relatives had been exhausted. The other was Bob Smith, a Republican and at the time the senior Senator from New Hampshire. As a longtime New Hampshire resident, I know how much ridicule and scorn was heaped on Smith for his efforts. Ridicule and scorn are the rewards the Sneering Class saves for those Americans who speak up for and act in genuine patriotism. If we didn’t recognize tyranny during the government siege at Waco or in the Gestapo-style “dynamic entry” of the Gonzalez home in Miami to capture and kidnap a six-year-old at gunpoint by a government thug in riot gear, then we might well wonder what might awaken us.
Where was Florida Governor Jeb Bush? Where was Gov. George W. Bush of Texas? He was apparently too busy campaigning for his party’s presidential nomination at the time to take a stand for either liberty or decency. Ditto John McCain, Sen. Bill Bradley, Vice President Al Gore, and others. And the same may be said about nearly every other member of the Congress of the United States.
A few members of Congress forced an investigation of the siege at Waco that resulted in the death of 76 people, including more than 20 children. The hearings were interesting and quite revealing. They reached the height of absurdity with Attorney General Reno, who told the House committee probing the atrocity that the tanks ramming the side of a wooden frame residence at the Branch Davidian “compound” in Waco were not armed with bullets or explosives. She saw the tanks essentially as “rental vehicles,” she told the committee. That was too much for committee co-Chairman Bill Zeliff, the usually placid Republican Congressman from New Hampshire.
“Rental vehicles?” he repeated. “Tanks ramming the side of a house?” Yes, the Attorney General said, that’s essentially what they were.
Well, as Groucho Marx said, “Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?” The ramming by the tanks against the house was accompanied by a voice over the loudspeaker, announcing: “This is not an assault! This is not an assault!”
“It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties,” wrote the “father of the Constitution,” James Madison, in “A Memorial and Remonstrance.” We are well beyond the “first experiment” in 21st-century America. We need to think and act on that “prudent jealousy” that Madison called “the first duty of citizens and one of the noblest characteristics of the late Revolution. The freemen of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they avoided the consequences by denying the principle.”
Perhaps liberty’s last word was written not by James Madison, but by George Orwell. Perhaps we don’t read or heed Orwell’s warnings any more than we do Madison’s. Orwell wrote what may be the epitaph of liberty in our time. He ended 1984 with the following observation about Winston Smith, Orwell’s Everyman: “He loved Big Brother.”
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
‘Loyal American Underground’
When my family first moved to Tennessee my mother used to complain that she couldn't understand what some of the locals were saying. I still feel that way when I listen to certain heavily ebonics influenced blacks speaking, or somebody from deep Cajun country, or a fast talking New Yorker.
ReplyDeleteThat's how I feel reading this article. I don't particularly like his style because it seems like he's rambling. Maybe it's just that I'm not used to reading this type of writing and the more I read the better I'll understand it.
I think I get the gist and I'm not sure I entirely agree. What's the alternative behavior in Jack Kenny's eyes?
I think I'm going to go downstairs and watch a documentary about the Waco incident.
Tossing It Out
I really, really liked this. I had not remembered that only two members of Congress spoke up about the Elian Gonzalez kidnapping. I was outraged.
ReplyDeleteHell, I am outraged at things all the time, but tend to give people too much benefit of the doubt.
But I am drifting.
It is now almost 3 am, so no time or brainpower for a more substantive comment.
Thanks, Brother.
ReplyDeleteIt seemed to you that the author was "rambling"? Hmmm... I dunno, Bro, but I thought he was "rambling" like the business end of a shotgun pressing against an intruder's temple. Oh well.
So far that's two votes "For" (Mr. Paulboy and myself) and one vote "Against" (you).
Anyone else want to cast a vote in this very scientific poll? I'll keep a running tally at the end of all my comments (*see below).
Glad ya liked it, Brotherman Six.
There was one sentence I was so drawn to that I added it to my collection of all-time favorite quotes on my 'STUFFS' blog:
You can sell almost any form of tyranny to the American public as long as you wrap a flag around it, sing “Yankee Doodle” and “God Bless America,” and call it patriotism.
~ Stephen
"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11
Did you like Jack Kenny's article?
Yes: 2
No: 1
Undecided: 0
Extra anchovies: 0
Hey, wait! Put me down for the anchovies. I didn't know we were ordering pizza. Also, add some jalapenos and onions. Okay, I'm weird, but that's the way I like my pizza.
Tossing It Out
DUDE, really?!
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm all for the jalapenos and the onions (and extra cheese is usually a good thing, too) but anchovies? As the J. Geils Band said: "NO ANCHOVIES, PLEASE!"
~ D-FensDogg
I'll read this later, but since I was critical of your comedy list on "Stuffs" I only think it's fair to tell you I'm picking up that penaly flag over there in light of the spot-on BOC reference over here!
ReplyDelete-The Harvester Of Eyes
"Well, it struck me “funny” that DiscConnected was giving me an anti-John Birch Society song and the John Birch Society magazine all at the same time. "
ReplyDeleteThere's just no pleasing some people....
I'd meant to point that article out to you but forgot by Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteThere was even a quote from Barney Fife..er...Frank, that if I read him right, and he was saying it was Congress' duty to decide on war, I have found one case where I agree with the man.
What would the founding fathers think of what we've done to what they fought so hard for?
ReplyDelete>>...There's just no pleasing some people....
You have multiple personalities -- all of them claiming ownership of the CD collection.
Actually, in simultaneously giving me 'Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues' and The New American magazine, what you were doing was "Incongrutiating". (Watch for an explanation of that word on this blog in the days ahead.)
Ya know what, McBuddy? I REALLY wanted to title this blog bit "7 Screaming Diz-Busters", but since Jack Kenny didn't refer to even a single Diz-Buster in his entire article, I feared that title might be inappropriate for this piece. "Tyranny and Mvtation" was my second choice.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteIn a discussion we had last night, DiscConnected told me he thought Jack Kenny's article was great. So, below is the updated tally.
Did you like Jack Kenny's article?
Yes: 3
No: 1
Undecided: 0
Extra anchovies: 0
~ D-FensDogg
And not a diz-buster in the lot...screaming, silent or otherwise...