follows is Part 2 of ‘MY SH#T LIST’, or the 3 additions to
my original 2008 list. To view the 2008 original, click HERE.
By Glenn
Added April
21, 2013
THAT. [This
expression came to me when I combined phony conservatism with Ed Wood
transvestism and Seinfeld Sentimentalism.] 'IDIOTS UNPLUGGED'
means "Keepin' it safe". Otherwise an electrical mishap could turn Marshmallow
Head Beck into a Toasted Marshmallow Head.
 |
"If I only had a brain... instead of a broom". |
Mike Broomhead
Broomhead is one of the so-called “conservative” talk radio hosts at 550 KFYI
in Phoenix, Airheadzona. Mike has become so
buddy-buddy with Glenn or Glenda Beck lately that, frankly, I suspect that Beck
and Broomhead are sweeping together.
With any
luck at all, Mike Broomhead will beat George W. Bush to Oz and get that brain
from the Wizard.
having been a loud-mouthed, unnecessarily antagonistic, jackass Liberal in San
FranCrisco, Susan Shannon had a religious experience which transformed her into
a loud-mouthed, unnecessarily antagonistic, jackass “Xhristian”.
Some of
you may remember my little encounter with the Short Little Psycho. After having
praised her on my blog, she suddenly turned on me, publicly, in one of her many
unreasonable, bipolar episodes, and gave me a ration of sh#t.
setting the record straight and retracting anything positive I had previously
said about her, I didn’t really think about Susan Shannon again until the
Boston Marathon bombing. A day or two after the terrorist attack, I got to
wondering if the S.S. had posted anything on her blog about it, so I paid a
No, S.S.
had not posted on the bombing, but I did find that she was still the same nasty
“Xhristian” she’d been before; apparently she hadn’t learned a thing from my
friends and me about the inappropriateness of her “un-Christian” demeanor.
Below are
a few highlights from her recent “warfare” (a.k.a. “attempts to display the
love of God and Christ for man”).
militant sector of the Christian community is WRONG and it is they who are
working against God.
[STMcC: Ha!-Ha!-Ha! “This militant
sector of the Christian community”?! If that ain’t the pot calling
the North-African kettledrum player “Black”, I don’t know what is!]
Daniels says:
Comment was deleted.
yes, I really do believe that a man is 100% responsible for ABORTION. I do. [Blah, blah, blah; yadda, yadda, yadda; etc., etc., etc., …]
Daniels says:
You have
the nerve to delete my comments but you still reply to me? If you had let my
comments stand you & everybody else would have seen I was speaking against
your man-only blame game. BOTH parties are responsible but you are hell-bent on
putting all the blame on the man. [...] you are wrong in your decision to
support abortion, at ANY stage of pregnancy. All your screaming about what men
are, how they function relating to sex with women, woman’s behaviors is
irrelevant to the law of ‘thou shalt not murder’. I don’t care that this is
your page. You think that gives you the right to speak lies? God is watching
& you will be held accountable for your actions.
All I can do is LAUGH at your indignation that I should blame men. How many
women have YOU used for sex? Based on your reaction here, I would guess quite a
few. … So this time, I WILL let the world see your hypocrisy. [...] Sorry,
Shawn. I think YOU have some skeletons in your closet that might need looking
at. Most Christian men today do.
And there
we have it, Ladies and Gentleman! The Christian lady who is ticked as all get
out at me wants to…. (drum roll please!)…. PRAY FOR ME! And my soul! And my
CONVERSION! [...] Christina, the more you talk, the more convinced I am how
right I was to block you from my FB page. btw, no thanks on those prayers. I’ve
already got my bases covered. hypocrite. *spit*
I came to
you the other day and saw you were having a really bad day. People had pounced
on you concerning your view while on Facebook. I was not one of them. I did not
have any part in that episode, Rebel.
I came to
you after that incident and tried offering you some reasonable advice, solace
and some wisdom concerning what I believed was the problem.
Today you
come back at me with a vengeance – your attitude with me is way out of line and
I am going to point that out to you right now. You say you’re a Christian,
alright – begin showing the world that’s what you are. Your actions show
anything but Christian character. I never yelled at you, nor wrote in capital
letters which would indicate shouting, yet you come here today and make all
kinds of allegations concerning men, those people on facebook and so on. When
you settle down, come back to talk. I will listen and give my very best. May
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless and keep you, Rebel.
Really? Now,
that makes me laugh. A ‘Christian Character’ is what? Someone that agrees with
you? My response to you stands. You come with soft, religious words when you
really mean a rebuke. I am just more honest than you. Also, more honest than
most Christians would dare to be. I
never go around saying I will pray for someone when in fact, I am upset with
them. I never use my God as a weapon against others. […] So, my basic
attitude, as ‘UNCHRISTIAN” and shocking as it may be is, “Shut up.” Go mind
your own relationship with God. OK?
[STMcC’s NOTE: Jesus said, “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray
for those who persecute you...” In other
words, YES, our Savior told us to “pray for someone when in
fact, (you are) upset with them”, and believe me, it sometimes takes an
awful lot of inner strength to do it! But apparently Susan Shannon wouldn’t
know, being a “Xhristian” rather than a Christian.]
She wants
to be a teacher of God’s Word and yet she doesn’t possess The Holy Spirit’s
guidance within her to effectively be that. That’s the reason she ultimately pisses
off 100% more people than she brings to Christ. Some examples of her false
teachings follow:
Shannon: “FEARING GOD is right and moral. Would we fear
a God who is always sugary and nice and forgiving and loving? No! You fear a
God who can kill and destroy you at a moment’s notice! He HATES sin and
if the sin is great enough, he HATES the sinner too.
Well, if Susan Shannon is going to take every word from her NIV Bible
hyperliterally, then I guess, for the sake of consistency, she is forced to say
that you and I cannot be disciples of Jesus until we literally “hate” our
family members. After all, Jesus did say: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother,
wife and children, brothers and sisters - yes, even their own life - such a
person cannot be My disciple.”
The S.S.
does not comprehend the way language is often used in The Holy Bible, and that
leads to all sorts of misunderstandings and false theology. She’s the poster
child for the degree of damage that one short, little, big-mouthed rebel with limited
knowledge can do.
The S.S. answered:
Jesus knew that they would be violently attacked for
continuing to spread his ‘blasphemous’ message. That he was the Son of God.
Therefore, they would indeed need money, along with a bag for their blankets
& supplies- and a sword for protection. But note that he said that only two
swords were enough. While it is important to protect ourselves, I believe his
point was that we are not to be militant. We are not to use them in OFFENSE. Rather,
[STMcC: The reference to a sword
by Jesus Christ did not pertain to self-defense. I could tell you what The Holy
Spirit of God has taught me about this Bible verse – but I’d rather that all
y’all began reading The Bible for yourselves and learn to hear what God’s Holy
Spirit has to say to YOU personally. I will state, however, that if you
think about it in context, or just get quiet enough to hear that “gentle whisper” of God’s Holy Spirit within, you
will be taught what it’s all about. But it’s NOT about killing humans in
Shannon was wrong (again) but it is my sincere opinion that there isn’t
anything wrong with Susan that a hundred dollars and The Holy Spirit couldn’t
fix. Let’s hope she lets go of her old San Francisco attitude soon, because that ego
of hers is making enemies of people who should be Susan’s “brothers and sisters
in Christ”.
said all that, I admit that Susan did give me an A-list laugh recently. I
realize that everyone reading this ‘SH#T LIST’ may not be well educated about
the Life of Christ, so I will provide the Biblical context which will give all
y’all the necessary background info you'll need to enjoy the following as much as
I did.
Vermeire says:
I have come to the conclusion that she [Susan Shannon] thinks she is God. I will continue to pray for her
had no idea how much gold she had struck with that comment! But being as familiar
with The Bible as I am, I discerned the Messianic pattern that the S.S. was
following in a recent post, and it inspired me to nickname her SUSAN “THE
“All this I have told you so that you will not fall away. They
will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who
kills you will think they are offering a service to God. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or
me. I have told you this, so that when their time comes
you will remember that I warned you about them. I did not tell you this from
the beginning because I was with you, but now I am going
to Him who sent me. [...] But very truly I tell you, it is for your
good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you;
but if I go, I will send Him to you. When He comes, He
will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and
judgment: about sin, because people do not believe in Me;
about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where
you can see Me no longer; and about judgment, because
the prince of this world now stands condemned.”
~ Jesus (‘John’ - chapter 16)
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on
earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with
you always, to the very end of the age.”
~ Jesus
(‘Matthew’ – chapter 28)
“I would stay until the end if God allowed it. But don’t you
remember my warning? That God might remove me from you? That he might remove me
so that each and everyone of you might go out and tell thousands of other people
about Jesus and that his return is near? My page was a comfortable place for
everyone. Sometimes I worried about that. You were always amongst friends.
[...] But like the Jews in Israel after Jesus was raised
from the dead, had persecution not come, they would not have left Israel and gone out into the
world to spread the news. Perhaps you would have remained forever on my page
instead of embarking on your own.
“Many of you have already begun your journey alone and have already
faced demons. It will only get worse. But working for Christ is a glory in and
of itself and brings its own rewards. You will be strong because that is his
After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two
by two ahead of Him to every town and place where He was about to go. He told
them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the
harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending
you out like lambs among wolves. [...] Whoever listens to you listens to Me;
whoever rejects you rejects Me; but whoever rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.”
The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us
in Your name.” He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have
given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the
power of the enemy; [...] At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy
Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have
hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little
children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.”
~ Jesus
(‘Luke’, chapter 10)
“If I can not get back onto FB, I will be content. Because this
would not be the hand of man, but of God. No one can thwart his will. And if I
can not get back on, your ‘home’ will be gone on FB. That means you are all
ready. That means that God wants each and everyone of you core 1,800 people to go
OUT and do what I did! Tell the truth. Take the Bible as your sword and save
lives. People will get angry at you- pagan and Christian alike! That is how you
know you are doing a good job! [...] The religious community is the one who
hung Jesus on the cross. It will be the religious community that will persecute
you the most. Where there is no love, there is nothing. Where there is no
compassion, there is nothing. Christians
who live by the letter of the law and have no love in their hearts are as evil
as the pagans. No, worse. Because they know better.
“Be brave my friends. Be bold. It is your turn now. Go. And lay down
your lives for your friend as our Lord commanded.”
“Christians who live by the letter of the law and have no love in
their hearts.”: Those
are Susan Shannon’s own words, but given three days I still couldn’t come up
with a better description of Susan herself!
Ha! Yes,
thinks she’s the 21st Century Internet Jesus, sending her flock out into the
world to do battle for God! Yes, SUSAN “THE GRAND DELUSION”
SHANNON, the newest member of ‘MY SH#T LIST”.
[Thanks for the laugh, S.S., but you really should come back down to Earth
soon... and save us all!]
Kaye Mason says [to Susan Shannon]:
You probably won’t remember me. I had a few questions about the
Rapture and Grace and Law. You answered them…. and I felt pretty good about
your answers. Then last night you deleted my comments and blocked me from your
Facebook simply because I don't feel that ALL of the blame lies on men. I don't
expect this comment to be posted. I simply want you to remove me here like you
did there. It hurt. It stung. But you have a deep hate of men that you have to
fix before you can be a leader for me. And you refuse to hear anything from
anyone else. No, I won’t go make a copycat page or smear your name... I am a
Christian. But I did see a side of you that shocked me, and shook anything
you’ve taught me. My advice? Leave out the drama... it is erasing any testimony
and teaching you may have. Please remove me from here so that I wont get
anymore emails... if you don't want me on your Facebook, why would I follow
I’m sure
it never occurred to Susan Shannon that God might have shut down her Facebook
page because she was misrepresenting Him and His Son, and giving Christianity a
bad name with her nasty “Xhristian” demeanor, but that’s probably where I’d bet
my federal funny money.
‘Dogfish Head’ 60 Minute IPA
John Lee Hooker
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.