ONE click HERE.
For a very few this [War] racket, like bootlegging and other
underworld rackets, brings fancy profits, but the cost of operations is always
transferred to the people – who do not profit.
Brigadier General Smedley D. Butler
‘War Is A
I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure
of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought
of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended
animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with
everyone in the military service.
I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil
interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the
National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half
a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record
of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international
banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar
interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it
that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a
swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a
few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I
operated on three continents.
Brigadier General Smedley D. Butler
let’s look at Robin’s fine questions...
Here's what I don't understand:
1) Surely the International Bankers (IB) are acutely aware of Russia's building of their
own pipeline to circumvent OPEC. They had to know it was only a matter of time
before this project hits the aforementioned "tipping point," but they
continued on with destabilization of the Middle East in an effort to
control OPEC. This doesn't seem like the smartest plan.
2) I don't get why they have not done what Russia was doing here. My
understanding is that natural gas in Alaska and other US operations is being
suppressed, rather than actively pursued. If the economy they are in control of
is ours, the government they have control of is ours, then why haven't they
controlled the oil where they can? (That would be here.)
3) These IB are the richest bastards in the world. The
handwriting has been on the wall with OPEC for a long time. I have a difficult
time believing that they aren't actively infiltrating the competition (Russia). In other words,
when they are done with our President/Government being the Primary Puppet to
carry out their agenda, won't they just move on to where the Power/Control is?
If that is the case, it really doesn't matter to them how this all turns out.
They are always going to be manipulating whoever is in Control, no???? From
their standpoint, this is their game. They have been Winning for a long time. I
don't see that changing.
4) Or am I dead wrong and if/when OPEC fails they will just take
their money and run and allow Russia to control the game
(without their intervention)?
the International Bankers, who are the principal force behind the “New World
Order” Conspiracy (to create and control a single global government) will NEVER
cut and run and give Russia the rule. These Bankers (or as I
like to call them, “Wizards Behind The Curtain”) are geniuses. They’re EVIL
geniuses, to be sure, but geniuses nonetheless. They know what they’re doing –
everything is planned out well in advance. Furthermore, the Russians couldn’t
find their asses with both hands! Except for the chess playing anomaly,
Rooskies are some of the dumbest human beings in captivity, on a par with
Airheadzonans. (What does that say about Obama-Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong, who seems
to have just been outmaneuvered by the Rooskies in this Syria fiasco?)
[In the
first week of 2011, I posted the 8TH installment of SEX,
TATTOOS & VIOLENCE R US. Therein, I included some observations about
the general Russian intelligence under the category WASTED AWAY AGAIN IN COMMIE
I am not
an Insider nor a genius (evil or otherwise), but here’s what I believe based on
about 20 years of in-depth study of the “New World Order” (NWO) conspiracy:
contemplating domestic policy and geopolitical strategy, it is imperative to ALWAYS
keep the ‘Ultimate Goal’ in mind. If you will do that, you will never be left
confused and scratching your head; even the seemingly nonsensical will appear
reasonable to you.
What is
the Ultimate Goal? To create a One-World Socialistic Global Government ruled
(initially) by an Illuminati oligarchy, largely made up of International
Bankers. Everything is being gradually directed toward that goal. Keep that in
mind and you will always be ahead of the curve when attempting to analyze
current events. Forget about money; money is simply a tool to achieve control,
and control is the means to... The End, or Ultimate Goal. Checkmate, mate!
"Without exception, we operated under directives issued by
the White House. We are continuing to be guided by just such directives, the substance
of which was to the effect that we should make every effort to so alter life in
the United States as to make possible
a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union."
~ H. Rowan Gaither (President of the Ford Foundation) to Norman Dodd (director
of the Reece Committee, investigating Foundations) in 1953.
Is it
only highly-placed Americans who are in on this Conspiracy? Not by a long shot!
Take a look at some of the folks who have attended the Bilderberg meetings.
Europeans are in on this global conspiracy as well. Listen to Carroll Quigley,
one of the most important mentors to Bill Clinton:
“There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an
international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the
radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may
identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the
Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so.”
Professor Carroll Quigley
And Hope’ – page 950
of the oil that flows from the Middle East is important, because the global currency
(currently the dollar) is tied to the oil, and it is the oil that keeps the
dollar relevant. The oil itself is important because it supports the tool (the
dollar) that leads to the control of the globe. Neither the oil nor the dollar
are independently important, beyond the fact that they are instrumental in the
matter of control. And control is crucial only because without it, The Wizards
cannot achieve their Ultimate Goal.
Wizards are so wealthy that they no longer care about money; and their wealth
is well protected in myriad ways. The dollar could collapse tomorrow and it
wouldn’t affect The Wizards. They are concerned about the Middle East oil only because they are concerned
about the dollar, and they are concerned about the dollar solely because
they’re concerned about maintaining CONTROL, which they need to create the NWO
Global Government.
aside: The NWO is, at its heart, a satanic plan which can be found alluded
to in both the Old and New Testaments of The Holy Bible. The global government
is being set up for the Biblical “Beast” and his “False Prophet” to step into
and takeover. Are all of The Wizards conscious of the fact that they are
actually working for the devil? Certainly not. However, some of them
undoubtedly are, and I would say that it’s a good guess that those who attend
the Bohemian Grove ceremonies are fully informed about what they are covertly
Robin: My understanding is that natural gas in Alaska and other US operations is being
suppressed, rather than actively pursued. If the economy they are in control of
is ours, the government they have control of is ours, then why haven't they
controlled the oil where they can? (That would be here.)
question! Without a doubt, U.S. production of oil has been
suppressed and even Fracking is being fought against. Why? I believe the answer
to this conundrum is: The Wizards no longer care about oil in and of itself.
They are interested only in controlling the Middle East oil because it forces all nations
to support the dollar, and THEY control the dollar! Ultimately, it’s
never really about oil or money (“they” have enough of both), it’s simply about
would happen if the U.S. began producing more of its own
oil by drilling and/or Fracking? The price you pay for almost EVERYTHING
would go down. Certainly you’d pay less per gallon at the pump, but all
products that utilize oil (meaning nearly ALL products) would decrease in
value. Giving the Americonned People a bargain is the LAST thing The
Wizards Behind The Curtain want to do! Don’t you know that they’ve been deliberately
destroying your economy since 1913, when the Federal Reserve System was
The Fed, the Illuminati (Wizards) have been purposefully trying to lower your
standard of living. Our economy isn’t falling apart by accident, you know? It’s
being ruined BY DESIGN!
What The
Wizards did before, they will surely do again, when they have all their assets
secure and feel the time is right...
(The Great Depression) was not accidental. It was a
carefully contrived occurrence...the International Bankers sought to bring
about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as the rulers of us
~ Congressman Louis McFadden (Chairman of the House Banking And Currency
Why do
they eventually want to destroy America by destroying its economy? I’ve
said it often, but here comes “often” +1... As long as one nation is greatly
prospering (i.e., the United States of America), that nation would have no
reason to abandon its old (outdated) method of government (i.e., The
Constitution and Bill Of Rights) and adopt a new, socialistic global
government. Only when the U.S. is brought down to level the
atrocious global playing field, will the Americonned Sheeple beg for a new form
of government (which has conveniently already been in the planning stage for
decades, thanks to the Illuminati).
economy must be destroyed, gradually, so the Sheeple don’t catch on and start a
revolution against the Wizards. And the economy must be destroyed so that we
will accept the coming New World Order global government that will be offered
as our “salvation from national poverty”. In the previously mentioned
installment of SEX,
TATTOOS & VIOLENCE R US, I wrote about our communist president, Obama,
and a Red (or at least Red sympathizer) who occupied the White House before him
- "Ike" Eisenhower. You’ll find that under the category USAP: FIRST
Welch wrote a controversial book titled ‘THE POLITICIAN: A Look
At The Political Forces That Propelled Dwight David Eisenhower Into The
Presidency’. Following (in red) is a brief excerpt. We’ve all heard about $500.
toilet seats being ordered by the U.S. Military in our time, but, believe me,
that shit has been going on for a long time:
Coupled with a shouting for ever larger appropriations “for defense”
have gone such treasonous inefficiency and exorbitant waste in the spending of
military billions as to make a deliberate “intention to squander” beyond
question. In fairness it should be stated that this trend was already strongly
in evidence, as the “rebuilding” of our armed strength got under way in the
latter years of the Truman Administration.
But it has gone so far now that the Navy’s having on hand a 72-year
supply of canned chicken and a 60-year supply of ketchup doesn’t even surprise
anybody. When a 60-year supply of hamburgers for the whole American Army was
located in one depot in New Orleans, and reported to an
Assistant Secretary of Defense, it turned out that the Army had lost all track
of even having such a depot, and didn’t know it existed.
In 1955, it was disclosed that the Defense Department was paying thirty-three
million dollars per year in interest and storage charges on three billion
dollars’ worth of excess clothing it could never use.
There is no question but that the colossal wastefulness, of which
these are but isolated examples, is far greater and more widespread, today. Nor
is there any question in this writer’s mind that it was cleverly planned that
way by some of the sinister forces behind our “great military President” [Eisenhower] – the same forces which were at work in this field before he
ever became President.
~ Robert
Politician’ [1958]– page 113
"...This disdain for the American work force is partly
because of corporate pursuit of maximum profit above all else and partly
because decision makers consider themselves to be internationalists, with no
special interest in America except as a cash cow to be milked as regularly and
thoroughly as possible.
"As will be illustrated in the following chapters of this
book, some of these people, acting through organizations such as the CFR
(Council on Foreign Relations), are consciously pursuing policies designed to
lower the economic stature of America so it can be more
comfortably merged into global government. Taxing money from American workers
to build up the economies of foreign countries has done much to advance that
goal." ...
"It has become the prime directive to weaken the United States both militarily and
economically. And this directive has come from AMERICAN leaders, not those of
other countries. CFR members sitting in the White House, the State Department,
the Defense Department, and the Treasury are now working to finalize that part
of the plan. ...
"The American economy is being deliberately exhausted
through foreign giveaways and domestic boondoggles. The object is not to help
those in need or to preserve the environment, but to BRING THE SYSTEM
And Uncle
Sam WANTS YOU to join the military and help protect the NWO
agenda by killing foreigners in other lands. It's your patriotic duty!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted").
After all, this isn’t,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Bleary eyed and incomplete, but here goes.
ReplyDelete1-" If I understood Brother Martin’s analogies correctly, he was indirectly questioning some of the same things Robin was." Yeah, I'd say my comment was the "for dummies" version of what Robin went into more detail on.
2- y'konw I'm not much the conspiracy theorist... many of these things I think would happen even without a conspiracy to guide it, just from sheer human greed and stupidity. But I have always wondered what the connection between 911 and let's attack Afghanistan was. Like you said, some things do start to make sense.
3- the Russian intelligence thing- Russians are traditionally great at claiming someone else's bright idea as their own. I compare the Syria thing as Obama tripping over Kerry's lip and Putin saying, "See how cleverly I did that?"
4- the Great Depression thing- I could go with that a lot easier if you can explain to me how the world war that pulled us out and made our economy even stronger falls into the picture.
5- I guess maybe I don't give such things much worry because, to MY personal theory on Revelation, the USA will be out of the game, the Russians will strike first and fail, and Armageddon will involved the "revived Roman Empire" (the IB, perhaps?) vs the Chinese. Thus, no matter what they do, they'll never get their one-world government. And I think if you consider that Ezekiel's Tyre and John's Babylon both sound like a fully prosperous USA (before it gets destroyed in just one hour), it doesn't sound like they exactly wipe us out either. (Keeping in mind that 500 years ago, England or France may have sounded like Tyre/Babylon, and someone else might look more like it 500 years from now.)
Part One Of ?...
>>... I'm not much the conspiracy theorist... many of these things I think would happen even without a conspiracy to guide it, just from sheer human greed and stupidity.
Although not all of the “conspiracies” being promoted “out there” are genuine (some is misinformation and some is disinformation), it is not advisable to use the word “theory” or “theorist” in connection with the word “conspiracy” anymore, particularly if the conspiracy under discussion is of the “New World Order” (NWO) variety.
When some of the actual conspirators have publicly acknowledged their One-World, Global Government “New World Order” conspiracy in public settings, there’s no point anymore in attaching the word “theory” or “theorist” to it. It is a FACT. And anyone who attaches the word “theory” or “theorist” is essentially, unintentionally confessing their lack of research into the subject.
Only a very small sampling of conspirator public confessions did I quote HERE:
“While the American people bicker from their standard Republican or Democrat party viewpoint, the biggest problems are going entirely unaddressed by the two mainstream parties. While we argue over stale leftovers, a Super-Elite is incrementally destroying our Constitutionally guaranteed liberties and surrendering our nation’s sovereignty in favor of what will ultimately be a totalitarian World Government, as the following small sample of quotes illustrates:”
“National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.” We ought to be aiming for “the goal of world government.”
~ Zbigniew Brzezinski (Council on Foreign Relations member; ‘National Security Advisor’ under president Carter; ) from his own book ‘Between Two Ages’ published in 1970.
"The house of world order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."
~ Richard Gardner (a top advisor to President Jimmy Carter; Ambassador to Italy) writing in the April 1974 issue of Foreign Affairs magazine, the official journal of the Council On Foreign Relations.
"Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete, all states will recognize a single, global authority...national sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all."
~ Strobe Talbott (U.S. Deputy Secretary Of State; Council On Foreign Relations member) writing in Time magazine, July 20, 1992.
"Today, I say that no nation in the world need be left out of the global system we are constructing."
~ Madeleine Albright, U.S. Secretary Of State, speaking at the Harvard University commencement, 1997.
>>... Russians are traditionally great at claiming someone else's bright idea as their own.
Agreed. What they’re also known for is accusing others of doing the very nasty, dastardly things that they themselves are doing. (As mentioned on page 318 of the book ‘WITNESS’ by Whittaker Chambers; pages 59 and 159 of the book ‘THE POLITICIAN’ by Robert Welch; and page 201 of the book ‘TREASON’ by Ann Coulter.)
I gotta go to bed now, Friend, but I will return later and finish replying to / answering your questions.
To Be Continued...
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Part 2 Of 3:
My sincere apologies for having taken this long to get back to ya. I give my word that I never forgot I owed you a more extensive reply here. In fact, I would be composing a review of a book about the U.S. Constitution tonight (for my blog), if it were not that my further reply to you is so overdue.
The thing is, I have been quite busy, and just last week I changed jobs into a new (old) line of work, so things have been a bit hectic. Anyway, I’m here now and prepared to proceed...
>>... “...the Great Depression thing - I could go with that a lot easier if you can explain to me how the world war that pulled us out and made our economy even stronger falls into the picture.”
First, I want to elaborate a little bit on the premise I proposed earlier, that the stock market collapse was in fact an “engineered” event. There are plenty more sources I could cite, and some which include additional details and “mechanisms” beyond just what you’ll find below, but I always like to go to G. Edward Griffin’s ‘THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND’ first, when possible:
“Immediately after the meetings, the monetary scientists began to issue warnings to their colleagues in the financial fraternity to get out of the market. On February 6, the Federal Reserve issued an advisory to its member banks to liquidate their holdings in the stock market. The following month, Paul Warburg gave the same advice in the annual report to the stockholders of his International Acceptance Bank. [...]
“John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Joseph P. Kennedy, Bernard Baruch, Henry Morganthau, Douglas Dillon - the biographies of all the Wall Street giants at that time boast that these men were "wise" enough to get out of the stock market just before the Crash. And it is true. Virtually all of the inner club was rescued. There is no record of any member of the interlocking directorate between the Federal Reserve, the major New York banks, and their prime customers having been caught by surprise. Wisdom, apparently, was greatly affected by whose list one was on. [...]
“Meanwhile, the American people were being assured that the economy was in sound condition.
“On August 9, the Federal Reserve applied the pin to the bubble. It increased the bank-loan rate and began to sell securities in the open market. Both actions have the effect of reducing the money supply. Rates on brokers’ loans jumped to 20%. On October 29, the stock market collapsed. Thousands of investors were wiped out in a single day. The insiders who were forewarned had converted their stocks into cash while prices were still high. They now became the buyers. Some of the greatest fortunes in America were made in that fashion.”
~ G. Edward Griffin
‘The Creature From Jekyll Island’; pages 471 – 503
As I said, there are many sources that show the stock market collapse was “engineered”; just go to Google and have fun (trust but verify).
My own review of Griffin’s masterpiece, ‘THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve’, can be found by clicking here: ‘An Evil Of Monstrous Proportions’. That is no less than an “essential” book for understanding American politics and the geopolitical landscape.
Continued Below...
Part 3 Of 3:
Delete>>... “...the Great Depression thing - I could go with that a lot easier if you can explain to me how the world war that pulled us out and made our economy even stronger falls into the picture.”
Well, Brother, you’re starting from an assumption that I do not concur with. I do not believe that World War II pulled us out of The Great Depression. What I believe is that The Great Depression and World War II allowed Franklin “Some Of My Best Friends Are Communists” Roosevelt to utilize his “New Deal” to further ‘Socialize’ our country under the guise of rescuing “u.s.” from the economic disaster that had been engineered. As I said in this blog bit, we are dealing with “evil geniuses”, and they know how to administer the “poison” and then save us from the “poison” with a “cure” that further “poisons” “u.s.” into the sickness of the devil’s choosing. Brother, we are NOT dealing with plain, simple, greedy, evil men, but agents of the devil who have infiltrated our government!
Now, again, there are many, many sources I could cite to support my belief that no war, including World War II, ever pulled us out of economic troubles. I selected the article below because it’s very good, very accurate, and comes from a website that I have visited many times before and know to be a reliable source of information.
Although the article is fairly lengthy, I ask you to read and think about THE MYTH OF WAR PROSPERITY by Anthony Gregory, April 3, 2007.
And again, I would urge you to consider that article to be just a starting point for future researches and intellectual study / contemplation.
Along those lines, I will tell you that, if you’ve not read it, the book ‘ECONOMICS IN ONE LESSON’ by Henry Hazlitt is exceptional; probably the overall best book on the subject of economics that I’ve ever read (and I’ve read more than a few). Very quickly out of the chute (chapter 2, page 23), Bastiat’s “Broken Window” analogy is dissected and examined in Hazlitt’s book.
>>... And I think if you consider that Ezekiel's Tyre and John's Babylon both sound like a fully prosperous USA (before it gets destroyed in just one hour), it doesn't sound like they exactly wipe us out either. ... and someone else might look more like it 500 years from now.
First, there are a few prophetic verses in The Bible that seem, to me, to indicate that if there is a “500 years from now” without Christ on Earth, The Bible has contradicted Itself (neither of us believes in that possibility). And...
Do I understand you to say that you suspect “Babylon the great” in the book of ‘Revelation’ may be the United States? If so, I’m surprised you’d consider that, but it is in line with my own “bestest” speculation. On this blog I have written a long piece about why I think John’s “Babylon” might very well be New York City (not the whole of the U.S.). But if our economic heart – N.Y.C. – were destroyed in a single hour (nuclear attack?), it would surely spell the end of the U.S.A. as a superpower or even a relevant player in the End-Time scenario.
>>... Thus, no matter what they do, they'll never get their one-world government.
Whereas your comment about “Babylon = U.S.A.” [?] surprised me, this remark above completely shocked me! “They” (whoever “they” are) will “NEVER get their one-world government”?!?!?!
Please re-read Revelation 13:7-17 and tell me, if that’s NOT a “one-world government”, what IS it?
I hope these replies adequately addressed your questions, Brother Martin.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Revelation 13: 7-17 is a one-world government... but Satan's and not necessarily belonging to Those Who Pull The Strings.
DeleteAs for Ezekiel and John, yes I believe that the US is in the crosshairs of both, and I believe either NY or LA (specifically Hollywood, "the mother of all the harlots and abominations of the world") fit well.
I will get to that link here in a bit. If war doesn't help the economy as were are taught (and yet seems counter-intuitive) then the GDep scenario does indeed make sense. Also tend to explain why nobody goes looking for a "jolly good war" anymore.
One more question (and please take these, like the others, in the spirit of curiosity it intends): Herbert Hoover: fall guy?
Part 1:
>>... Revelation 13: 7-17 is a one-world government... but Satan's and not necessarily belonging to Those Who Pull The Strings.
Well, we may disagree on this, but as I stated above in this blog bit (and many, many times on this blog throughout its history), I believe – actually, I am convinced, really – that the New World Order and satan’s one-world government are one and the same. ‘The Wizards Behind The Curtain’ on this Earth are setting the table for The Beast and his False Prophet to control. Again, here’s what I wrote in this blog bit:
[An aside: The NWO is, at its heart, a satanic plan which can be found alluded to in both the Old and New Testaments of The Holy Bible. The global government is being set up for the Biblical “Beast” and his “False Prophet” to step into and take over. Are all of The Wizards conscious of the fact that they are actually working for the devil? Certainly not. However, some of them undoubtedly are, and I would say that it’s a good guess that those who attend the Bohemian Grove ceremonies are fully informed about what they are covertly accomplishing.]
I specifically mentioned those who attend the Bohemian Grove ceremonies. These traitors, many of which are highly-placed people in American government, are secret occultists and luciferians, and they are CONSCIOUSLY working for the devil, Brother Martin! They are setting the table that The Beast will eventually sit down at and rule from.
When you have the time, please watch the Alex Jones video production ‘The Order Of Death’, linked below. It may surprise you:
THE ORDER OF DEATH [History Of The Bohemian Grove] by Alex Jones.
Continued Below...
Part 2:
Delete>>... As for Ezekiel and John, yes I believe that the US is in the crosshairs of both, and I believe either NY or LA (specifically Hollywood, "the mother of all the harlots and abominations of the world") fit well.
I’m as convinced as I can be that NYC is ‘Babylon the great’, mentioned in ‘Revelation’ – the most powerful city in the world with a seaport, which goes up in flame in one hour (most likely a nuclear attack). Hopefully, you and I will be gone before then, but I wouldn’t count on it.
>>... One more question (and please take these, like the others, in the spirit of curiosity it intends): Herbert Hoover: fall guy?
Yeah, I could go along with that but, in a sense, ALL of the presidents are “fall guys”. As Bill Clinton said:
When you get to be the leader of a big country, someone else makes all the decisions.
~ President Bill Clinton
Speech in Ireland; August, 1998
Following is something I’ve copied from my book ‘THE SHADOWS OF POWER: The Council On Foreign Relations And The American Decline’ by James Perloff:
[T]he Republicans were issued a death sentence. Newspapers blamed President Herbert Hoover for the Crash and Depression. The Federal Reserve, instead of moving to stimulate growth and recovery, contracted the money supply by more than one third between 1929 and 1933, thus sustaining the Depression and giving no relief to the thousands of banks dying from runs.
President Hoover had a plan to bail out the banks, but he needed backing from the Democratic Congress. After losing the 1932 election, the lame duck President appealed to Roosevelt: Would he issue a statement encouraging Congressional support, and thus help end the crisis? FDR gave no reply, later claiming that he had written one, but that due to an oversight it was not sent. The banks were allowed to go on collapsing right until his inauguration, thus attaching maximum stigma to the Republican Party. Ironically, when the new President announced emergency banking measures, he used the very plan drawn up by Hoover’s Treasury Secretary.
FDR did much to indulge his mentors. In his first year in office, he granted recognition to the Soviet Union, fulfilling an objective long promulgated by ‘Foreign Affairs’ [the official publication of the Council on Foreign Relations].
CW, the truth of the matter, though, is that ALL presidents – Republican and Democrat – take their orders from ‘The Wizards Behind The Curtain’ (i.e., the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR], which represents The Federal Reserve, which represents The Illuminati). Undoubtedly, Hoover was just desperately trying to save his “presidential legacy”.
Here’s another sentence from the same publication:
This book is not intended to vindicate Herbert Hoover, who sometimes compromised with the international bankers, and even joined the CFR in 1937. ...
NONE of the “accepted history” of the United States should be taken at face value after the year 1913 without the historian doing a lot of in-depth research into “unconventional” arguments that refute the “common knowledge”. The Americonned Sheeple have entertained a false belief about their (so-called) “great country” for a very, Very, VERY long time.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
I read the entire article that you linked to in the first blog bit. It explained a lot and even answered my question about pipeline building. Turns out we ARE building a pipeline, but ours won't be ready until 2017 and the Iranian-Pakistan pipeline is supposed to be finished Dec. 2014. Given the fact that our dollar is attached to the oil, that is unacceptable. (So, it makes sense that a contingent of soldiers will still be overseas until 2014 - despite the claim that our "involvement" will be ending sooner than that.
ReplyDeleteAs for my question about the IB and their Ultimate Plan... is it safe to say that draining our economy on this unwinnable war in the Middle East to protect the petrodollar is actually part of it. It is clear to everyone in Washington that the petrodollar is the only thing propping up our economy. So, it is an easy sell for the IB to encourage our leaders to Spend Spend Spend! to fight to keep control of the oil.
Meanwhile, inflation is hitting here, manufacturing is packing up and moving, and the "comfort" of the American citizenry is in decline. If The Goal is (actually) the collapse of the petrodollar, which will be devastating to Americans, then there will be an outcry when it hits (and it feels as bad, or worse, than The Great Depression) and the people will demand more Hope and Change. That will enable the IB to throw out the Constitution and throw in with Russia and China (making the US Socialist) and part of a One World Government in order "to form a more perfect Union." And the people will be so desperate that they will "buy" anything that appears to improve the situation.
In that event, the IB will now control the world (via the One World Government). As you say, they don't truly care about oil or the petrodollar. It is all just a means to an end.
Have I got it now?
DeleteThanks for the comments! A wee bit hectic right at the moment (dealing with house issues and preparing for a new job) but I'll fully reply to both of you very soon (hopefully tomorrow after work).
Yak Soon...
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Part 1:
DeleteROBIN ~
>>... Turns out we ARE building a pipeline, but ours won't be ready until 2017 and the Iranian-Pakistan pipeline is supposed to be finished Dec. 2014.
Correct. I neglected to mention that because, truthfully, I don’t think it changes things any. I could be mistaken, but I suspect they will completely “pull the plug” on our economy before 2017.
>>... is it safe to say that draining our economy on this unwinnable war in the Middle East to protect the petrodollar is actually part of it.
I think it’s entirely safe to say that. It was that sort of understanding that allowed me to boldly say before Obama was even elected THE FIRST TIME that he had NO INTENTION of bringing the troops home from the Middle East, his “dovish rhetoric” notwithstanding
Just Call Me “Superpsychic Stephen, The Wonder Boy”:
Those folks who really believe that Obama will recall the troops from Iraq are setting themselves up for a major disappointment: if he ever truly does pull them out of Iraq it will only be to establish them somewhere else in the Middle East. Whether you elect Obama or McCain, the soldiers are not coming home anytime soon, so just get used to the idea!
In fact, Robin, I think it’s safe to say that ANYTIME you find money being wasted in a way that even just basic common sense (which isn’t quite so “common” anymore) dictates is patently stupid and unreasonable. Think about some of the grants our government awards to research teams to study things like “how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall”. Those are OBVIOUS endeavors to rob the laborer, siphon off our wealth and squander it on ridiculous projects that can’t possibly benefit us.
>>... So, it is an easy sell for the IB to encourage our leaders to Spend Spend Spend! to fight to keep control of the oil.
Yes, but there are other ways to keep our politicians in line as well; Uncle Sam doesn’t need to reason with them if he doesn’t want to. Reason is probably the first option, but if the politician doesn’t get on-board with the program, Uncle Sam has other resources.
In my old blog bit titledLetting The American Economy Fall: The Owen Lattimore Model, I wrote the following:
They are NOT fools. I've said it over and over again: one does not occupy an important position in Washington D.C. by being a fool. I'm sorry, you can be a liar (Bush Sr.), you can be an evildoer (Carter), you can be an ass (all of them!), a crook (Nixon), a warmonger (“W”), a sex addict (Clinton), a drug dealer (Clinton), a traitor (all of them!), and a foreign-born Marxist (USAP). But what you CAN'T be is an "utter, utter, fool". Not in the White House, not in the State Department, not anywhere in a prominent place on Capitol Hill. They don't let fools into the D.C. Club; they are much too careful with the power they have consolidated for themselves to risk it all on a loose cannon or a fool.
Believe it or not, those people understand the laws of economics every bit as well as we do. Although we would like to think that they are not as intelligent as we are - when we see the senseless, seemingly stupid things they do - the truth of the matter is, they are no less intelligent than you and I are.
Here's the key that unravels ALL OF THE MYSTERIES about the seeming stupidity on Capitol Hill: Their goal is to literally wreck this nation entirely - but particularly economically. However, they wish to accomplish this destruction without allowing it to appear that it was done by design [i.e., to let our economy fall – but not to let it look as though they pushed it.] If you believe that they are wrecking us via economic stupidity, you are believing EXACTLY what they want you to believe about them.
Continued Below...
Part 2:
DeleteRobin, most politicians being what they are (scoundrels, jerks, and selfish assholes), it’s not hard for The Wizards to dig up dirt on them that can be used to blackmail them into voting WHICHEVER WAY The Wizards want them to vote when it’s important to the NWO agenda. There are myriad ways for The Wizards to control the politicians just like they control the geopolitical landscape.
>>... In that event, the IB will now control the world (via the One World Government). As you say, they don't truly care about oil or the petrodollar. It is all just a means to an end. Have I got it now?
In my opinion, you have got it now... EXACTLY.
Incidentally, the MensaMonkey has done it again. MM has posted a really good blog bit which includes a video I think you will want to watch. The video is titled ‘Rothschild Conspiracy, International Banking Cartel, And The Federal Reserve’, and you will find it posted here: Fed: Position Available
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Yo McCarthy, don't you know how a mullet's supposed to work? It's supposed to be business in the front, party in the back. Not the other way around. I almost missed these two very important posts with the BotB "party" up front!
ReplyDeleteSo before I put on my dancing shoes, I had to read and dissect all this good info.
And Uncle Sam WANTS YOU to join the military and help protect the NWO agenda by killing foreigners in other lands. It's your patriotic duty!
That reminds me of a great video from a retired military sergeant giving advice on kids wanting to join the military to be 'a hero for their country.' Of note, pay particular attention to 2:20 until the end, which I find the most chilling. It's the spot where he talks about his job as an officer defending the US Constitution from threats.
[I better get off this topic before my head “LITERALLY” EXPLODES!]
That would be exspecially terrible, Bro! You were just starting to get pacific about things!
I wish I could contribute more to this topic, but as said before, I'm still reading and still "learnding." It's hard to sort through all the crap, you know? As Bruce Lee said, "Absorb what is useful, discard what is not." Well, it seems this shovel of mine is a lot more full of shit than it is of gold nuggets. But at least I'm still shoveling!
4-B ~
Delete>>... don't you know how a mullet's supposed to work? It's supposed to be business in the front, party in the back. Not the other way around. I almost missed these two very important posts with the BotB "party" up front!
Yours is the second complaint I've received about that. (I knew it was BAD timing at the time I posted it, but I was behind on my promise to "deliver the goods", and decided to post it then (rather than wait even longer), knowing it would quickly be covered by 'HAIR'. ("Uhp! I'm an idiot!")
Guess I'll have to do sumpthing about the overgrowth.
>>... That would be exspecially terrible, Bro! You were just starting to get pacific about things!
Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Beer Boy? "Just starting to get pacific"? Hell! I was BORN on the Left Coast! Grew up body-surfin' 'n' shit; went to the same skool with them Dogtown Z-Boys. But having been a member of the 'Scamrocks', I was ALWAYS ready to ru-uuuuu-mble! Wanna 'cha-cha'? All ya gotta do is aks.
I was pacific in locale, but atlantic in attitude. (Don't get upset by my response. I was just being ironic LOL.)
~ Stephen J. McIlliterate
Nice to see that "Petrodollar Explained" video get a quick 3000 view spike over the last few days.
ReplyDeleteYour 2-parter is a veritable 'dollars for oil' linkfest, and more. Those inquisitive enough to keep asking "why", looking for the root cause, will get the answers here.
The 4 part Jerry Robinson essay was worth the read; all parts were equally educational.
Convincing people that there actually is a secret petrodollar/Eurodollar war going on now is not as difficult as getting them to understand the big picture...the NWO,and the role that these nameless, faceless international bankers play.
I'd like to see an organizational flow chart entitled, "Who Controls the World" complete with pictures. Those who are clueless would be dumbfounded when they see the president of the U.S. somewhere in the lower part of the chart, and someone they never heard of, like Count Sukalot from Bumvuckastan at the top of the chart, the supreme ruler of the world. I'm sure a Rothschild or two would still be up near the top.
Count SigTuu from Dartthrovia
Count SigTuu From Dartthrovia ~
DeleteWhat are you saying? That our divine president Barack H. Obamessiah is not the king of the hill, top of the heap, A-Number-One, top of the list?
Why, only a godless commie would say something like that! You lousy, no-goodnick, pinko, egg-sucking, chicken-stealing commie (did I say "commie" already?) scumbucket! "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
[Yeah, I think the Rothschilds still b rockin' in the U.S.S.A.!]
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
You forgot "I wave my private parts at your aunties, you cheesy lot of second-hand electric donkey-bottom biters."
ReplyDeleteI've not had time to review all of it, but I did go thru most of the smart ape's material. All of it very informative and spot-on. I think he should remove the chimp photo on his site and replace it with an orangutan's. As we learned in "Planet of the Apes," THEY are the smartest primates.
Thanks to you, and also to Monkey-Throw-Dart-boy.
DeleteI thanks ya, my mudder thanks ya, my brudder thanks ya, my granmudder thanks ya, and my udder granmudder thanks ya!
>>... orangutans... As we learned in "Planet of the Apes," THEY are the smartest primates.
Uh, but wait a second! Aren't orangutans the ones who would SEE no evil, HEAR no evil, and SPEAK no evil?
I do all three of those things, and I thought I was smarter'n an orangutan. (Maybe I'm just a self-deluded chimpanzeeeee...natives are getting restless. [Don't ask, 'cause I have NO IDEA what that means! Seriously. I was just practicing some riff-of-consciousness writing there.]
~ D-FensDogg-boy
'Loyal American Underground'
I first read this two part blog bit late Saturday afternoon, and was mesmerized. The only complaint I could possibly have was that you posted it the day before I knew you would post the next installment of BOTB. I still think it’s unfortunate that this extraordinary piece is not front and center on your blog for days, so as to allow as many people as possible to view it. It does appear your regular followers have sought you out, and hopefully they will send others, I for one have already suggested it as a ‘must read’ to several people.
ReplyDeleteI had intended to leave this comment – This piece is nothing short of BRILLIANT. Your quotes and links tie everything together in a nice neat package that even the most uneducated (as in uneducated to these truths) person can understand. While I personally have been familiar with the 'dollars for oil' scheme for a long time, I never saw it all so clearly and exactly how so many seemingly simple things tie in (like why the American automakers have not been able, encouraged to, or otherwise make a fuel efficient vehicle and have been rewarded - bailed out by the government for abject failure). Now armed with a complete understand of the entire cycle it all makes perfect sense. There are so many 'little things' that were interesting before, that now are like finding that missing piece in the 1,000 piece puzzle that you thought was lost the last time you pulled it out, and were convinced that it really didn't matter. Once the puzzle picture is complete I experienced a genuine a-ha moment of ALL of the dots being connected.
This whole thing is so beautifully horrific in its intricate design that it's obvious no 'man' is behind it, but it is clearly the 'Master of Deceit and Lies' working the larger puppet strings. Of course, that's something I've known all along, but this has cleared away any misconceptions. Interesting that in connecting all the dots - even those that had seemed so far out in space - really makes characters like Barry and Putin seem like such pathetic 'little men'.
In making that comment now, I also want to add that you have continued to instruct with some incredible EXTRAS in your replies to the comments left by others. I also checked your link to the Monkey Man site and I’ve been sending people to that post all day; particularly to view that in depth video on the International Bankers. Perhaps some of the folks to whom I’ve been preaching for years will have more faith in someone other than this dumb blonde. After all how long can you keep your head buried in the sand when you are instructed by so many varied and educated individuals?
Thank you for the time and effort put into all of this for all of us.
DeleteThanks so much for the wonderful, complimentary comment!
>>... The only complaint I could possibly have was that you posted it the day before I knew you would post the next installment of BOTB. I still think it’s unfortunate that this extraordinary piece is not front and center on your blog for days, so as to allow as many people as possible to view it.
Well, I'm with you. Ordinarily, I don't like to put that much work into a blog bit and then post something else on top of it too soon.
I'm hoping to sorta, kinda correct that bad timing issue tonight before I hit the sack. (Besides, I think my BOTB #4 blog bit has now probably received all the votes it's gonna.)
>>... I for one have already suggested it as a ‘must read’ to several people
Thank you! Honestly, when I posted it, I didn't feel I was putting up one of my really A-list blog bits, but the response has been pretty good (especially from you).
>>... There are so many 'little things' that were interesting before, that now are like finding that missing piece in the 1,000 piece puzzle that you thought was lost the last time you pulled it out, and were convinced that it really didn't matter.
That's me: The missing puzzle piece. The one you find under the sofa sixteen years later, covered with dust, loose hair, and encrusted mac & cheese sauce residue.
>>... I also checked your link to the Monkey Man site and I’ve been sending people to that post all day; particularly to view that in depth video on the International Bankers.
Ahh, good work! MensaMonkey seems to find a lot of good videos.
There are some people we could NEVER get through to because, subconsciously, they really DO NOT want to know the ugly, political, spiritual truth. And, of course, our 'Handbook To Life' tells us plainly that many people will not "get it" until it is too late to choose aright.
All we can do is keep hammering home those nails and hope that those who CAN grasp the magnitude of the problem, WILL grasp it, if exposed to the truth often and loudly enough.
Thanks again!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
POSTSCRIPT: I should have deleted your comment for slipping a "dumb blonde" in there. But how could I when you had such nice things to say about my post? Next time though...
What you say here makes a lot of sense and I think is true. Not that it probably matters other than allowing us to be informed and possibly find some way to prepare for it all.
ReplyDeleteEssentially I think the earthly fates of us little folks is under control of the Guys at the Top and there's not much that we can or perhaps should do to try to change the course of any of it. Those Guys have their fate coming as well.
This is all informational--good information and very interesting information. It's like knowing how all the tricks are done in the middle of watching a magic show. At first the audience may have been fooled, but when they know what's happening they just have to sit tight and watch things unfold. Unless of course we fly out of our seats to watch from a comfortable distance.
Wrote By Rote
Good comment, ARLEE BOIDMAN.
Delete>>... there's not much that we can or perhaps should do to try to change the course of any of it.
Well, I agree with your use of the word "can", but less with your word "should". I think we "should" do all we can, while remaining true to the Principles of Christ (meaning non-violent, spiritual opposition).
Someday, our Father may ask us: Did you know what was occurring and did you attempt to oppose it, according to My Word? I think we should be able to answer that with: "Yes, and yes." (I don't believe our success is what will determine God's approval or disapproval, but only our effort. If He has foreordained certain events, then our "success" is not even possible. But do we have a spirit willing to fight for God's Principles? I think THAT'S the real question.)
>>... Those Guys have their fate coming as well.
Without a shred of doubt!
>>... Unless of course we fly out of our seats to watch from a comfortable distance.
Ha! I LOVE the way you worded that.
It probably won't surprise you to learn that I have a somewhat unique opinion about The Rapture. I'm not certain, of course, but I suspect (based on my extensive Bible studies) that there are actually two Raptures: a pre-Trib and a post-Trib Rapture.
However, I believe the pre-Trib Rapture will be relatively small, and I seriously doubt it will include the likes of me. I sure would prefer to escape The Wrath To Come by acquiring a "comfortable distance"-seat in "peanut heaven", but I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'