Monday, August 21, 2023

MARY POPPINS: My Own Spiritual Interpretation (Part 1)



Part 1 of 2
Following is an edited & expanded version of two Emails that I sent to a friend regarding the Disney movie 'MARY POPPINS'. I was explaining my own personal interpretation of the movie which has imbued the story with greater meaning and greatly enhanced my love of it. (Beware: spoilers galore!)
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I recently borrowed the book 'Mary Poppins' by Pamela L. Travers from my local library, in part, because I wanted to see just how much of what Walt Disney gave us in the 1964 movie was taken from the original 1934 book. As it turned out, Walt took a pretty lame book and turned it into a cinematic masterpiece. Walt and The Sherman Brothers managed to take six nonsensical, utterly pointless, unexplainable events from the book and tie them all together with a moving storyline (an actual plot!) which said something very important. The movie 'Mary Poppins' made a grand statement while also being thoroughly mysterious and entertaining.
But the PRIMARY reason I read the book 'Mary Poppins' was because I wanted to see if the way I have personally come to interpret 'MARY POPPINS', the movie, was outright expressed in the book. It was not. Not in any way whatsoever. There was NO EXPLANATION even hinted at for why Mary showed up and nothing to explain how it was that she and Bert (who appeared in only one chapter) had these unusual abilities.
The Disney movie is what inspired my brain to interpret the story Spiritually. However, there is no indication in things I've seen and read that Walt and The Sherman Brothers were actually attempting to introduce any significant Spiritual meaning into the story. I think they were just masters at storytelling and were able to find ways to take a stupid book and make it intriguing and interesting and actually lead to a meaningful conclusion. However, I can say that without the Disney film, the story (or "lack of a story") told by P.L. Travers in her book would NEVER, EVER have caused me to start looking at these bizarre events in any sort of Spiritual sense.
In my opinion, when the subject of "Better Movie Than Book" (which is a pretty rare thing) comes up, 'MARY POPPINS' will now be my immediate "go-to" example.
I have always liked the movie 'Mary Poppins', but the more I've watched it these past few years the more it has resonated with me and become better and better. (To be entirely honest... I have fallen in love with 'MARY POPPINS'... as well as with Mary Poppins. šŸ˜‰) The movie even moistened my eyes the last couple times I watched it -- {*"John Wayne! John Wayne!"*} -- because the way I CHOOSE to interpret it endows it with so much Spiritual meaning and makes the story seem so POWERFULUPLIFTING and INSPIRING! Just the way the movie starts (nothing like the book!), with Mary Poppins sitting on a cloud over London, waiting to be summoned, it almost seems like an obvious Spiritual implication that is just begging for a Spiritual interpretation.
Here is my "point of view" of the movie: 
MARY POPPINS, sitting on a cloud, is an angel of God; and as an angel of God, she comes to Earth to do the Will of God. She is sitting on a cloud waiting to be called. And Mr. George Banks tearing up and throwing away his children's paper prayer (a list of things they are looking for in a nanny) CANNOT stop the paper prayer from being delivered to God's angel on high!
Something I especially LOVE about the movie is how Mary Poppins is so FULLY (100%) in control of every single situation. This person never experiences a single moment of doubt. *SHE IS THE MASTER OF EVERY MOMENT!* She is able to manipulate circumstances to assure that the correct outcome is always arrived at. Even when the father of the children thinks he is the boss, he always winds up confused, befuddled, later trying to figure out how things turned out contrary to what his intentions were. He has NO CONTROL over Mary Poppins whatsoever. And neither does anyone else (except God and Christ, we can safely assume).
All this makes perfect sense if MARY POPPINS is an angel. Because an angel, sent by God, could rearrange any circumstance in order to direct events so that they will ultimately align with His Will.  Mere human beings have NO POWER over God's messengers. God's Will is Supreme at all times, so an angel carrying out the wishes of God cannot be interfered with by mere mortals. No man can fire an angel:
You don't tug on Superman's cape;
You don't spit into the wind;
You don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger;
and you don't... challenge an angel!
I also view BERT as an angel. He too has unexplainable mystical abilities and he is CRUCIAL in the plot of this movie, leading the story to a satisfying conclusion. Particularly notable is Bert employing some reverse-psychology tricks on Mr. Banks, which eventually results in Banks' 180-degree worldview turnabout.
Mary is more to the point, perhaps, but Bert interjects a lot of fun into his God-given assignment while assuming multiple characters or roles in manipulating things according to the Will of God. Note that Bert somehow *knows* that Mary Poppins is coming down to Earth prior to her arrival, and Bert tells us that what is about to happen has happened BEFORE
I like to interpret this to mean that Mary and Bert -- two angels from Heaven -- have worked together before in bringing families together when there is trouble and a lack of familial bonding. I think Mary (Julie Andrews) and Bert (Dick Van Dyke) are a team of angels, and UNCLE ALBERT (Ed Wynn) is another member of that team. A three-angel team working on behalf of God!!! ("Am I gettin' through to ya, fella?", as Barney Fife said. šŸ˜„)
George and Winifred Banks, the two parents of the children, Jane and Michael, are so caught up in their own stuff (the mother with her Feminist social activism and the dad with a materialistic get-ahead mindset) that the kids are not bonding properly with their mom and dad. They're practically orphans oiphans in their own home! The family unit is in disrepair, but God's messengers are going to fix it; and afterwards, the humans won't even be able to completely understand and explain how it happened.
[Perhaps angels are also made in all sizes and shapes, you know?]
Is Andrew, the dog, the angels' team mascot? It's clear that Mary and Bert are very familiar with Andrew and that they both speak the dog's language. And, after all, it was Andrew who sent Mary to see Uncle Albert (with his tea party on the ceiling). And that's where Bert, in conjunction with Uncle Albert, create the silly joke about the man with a wooden leg. And this joke is what is later employed by George Banks (having learned it from his own children) while he is being dismissed from his bank employment. This joke is the catalyst which helps Mr. Banks escape his materialistic mindset; and it converts the bank manager, Mr. Dawes, Sr., -- also changing his mind about his incorrect priorities just before his death. Job well done by our three-angel team and their dog! 
As you know, my Spiritual slogan is: 
"We have fallen asleep in God's Embrace, 
having a nightmare that we are elsewhere."
You may (probably) think that is a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, but I not only believe there is great Truth in that slogan, I also believe it was directly given to me by The Holy Spirit. I believe that a lot of what we think of as "real" or "reality" is merely perception. We have our own individual perceptions of what life is, and we are also all caught up in a kind of collective perception (or mass nightmare). 
Continued in Part Two...

MARY POPPINS: My Own Spiritual Interpretation (Part 2)

This is Part 2 of 2. Part 1 is here.
(Psst! The "dog" is in Part 1.)
For me, those are the Spiritual messages being primarily conveyed in the wonderful film 'MARY POPPINS'. Being an angel from God, Mary is able to alter "perceptions" at will. The movie seems to address how it is our own personal perceptions that impact what we "think" is real (what we seemingly experience as "real"), and what we "think" is important in life.
Mary: "Never judge things by their appearance. I'm sure I never do!"
Let us not be fooled by false Appearances; and let us be vigilant in aligning our Priorities with God's value scale, eschewing the manner in which "this world" misjudges things.
Ever heard of the famous saying, "Change your mind, change your life"? Mary changes minds, she alters the way others perceive big and little things. I feel that the movie entertainingly illustrates to some extent what my Spiritual slogan is hinting at, and what I believe is probably True in a deep, mystical way. It requires some real Spiritual understanding to wrap the mind around this idea or concept.
Thirty years of diligently studying The Holy Bible, and my quest to understand ultimate Spiritual Truth, has led me to take a cursory look at Quantum Mechanics. This has been addressed in a few books I've read over the years.
{*Click on photos to enlarge them and read the text.*}
In another book I read which addressed elements of Quantum Mechanics, the author stated that a number of scientists who have studied this subject in great detail have reached a point where they believe the word that seems to best describe what we think of here as reality is an "IDEA". In other words, what a person or people imagine or believe has a strong effect on what they perceive to be their reality / our collective reality. You change the "idea" and the so-called "reality" changes with it.
I'm reminded of Jesus saying, "Let it be to you according to your faith" (Matthew 9:29) and "Your faith has made you well" (Luke 8:48). This seems to coincide perfectly with the concept that our perception of reality is primarily associated with our ideas, thoughts or beliefs.
Where does a Man walk on water? In a dream. That's my answer, because walking on water (or flying without wings) strikes me as being almost stereotypical dream imagery. (I have not walked on water in any of my dreams, but I have been able to fly without wings on several occasions. And I didn't even need an umbrella, like Mary Poppins does.)
On the first page of that Bible Cheat Sheet I sent to you a year or so ago, you will find one category titled "WE ARE SLEEPING". It includes 4 Bible verses that seem to be alluding to the idea that we are asleep and that what we think of here on Earth as "reality" is in fact a dream (or better yet, a nightmare) that we are collectively having. My Spiritual slogan may be more accurate, may coincide with Spiritual Truth to a greater degree than you have likely imagined.
How secure is the "reality" of Mr. George Banks when his son, possessing only two pennies, can cause a run on a long-established bank? That scene makes me Chuckle-šŸ˜„ut-Loud every time I see it!
FUN FACT: In my childhood years, flying kites was actually a fun activity that was pretty common in parks and on school playgrounds on weekends. I have memories of my own Pa, in the mid-1960s, taking us kids to grassy areas a couple of times and flying kites with us. This really WAS a bonding sort of experience that dads and kids shared way back when the world was *relatively* sane. I can't remember the last time I saw anyone flying a kite. Now we have drones being flown about, but those are more for adults than they are bonding activities between parents and their children.
That concludes the trip through my own Spiritual interpretation of the truly wonderful 1964 Disney classic 'MARY POPPINS'. Now, I gotta run. I have a date with Mary; we're going to have a jolly holiday together and drink a practically perfect amount of...
~ Stephen T. McCarthy

Saturday, August 5, 2023


For awhile now, my primary source of news articles has been Hey, any site that regularly publishes articles by Dr. Ron Paul is A-OK by me!
Certainly I like some writers at better than others. And some I rather dislike. Ironically, Lew Rockwell himself is one of my least favorite writers at However, overall, I think this is probably the best news site operating today. You will likely find more truth at Lew's than any other place calling itself "news". (That should be made into their official advertising poem-ette.)
It was through this website that I discovered Donald Jeffries and, despite his misguided hope in Robert F. Kennedy Jr., he is amongst my favorite writers at Below are a few fairly recent articles by Donald Jeffries that I recommend to you:
QAnon, Trumpenstein, and the art of Winning
The Most Corrupt Country in the History of the World
Who are the Masters Behind the Curtain?
In that last article, I actually posted my first (and so far, only) comment on one of Jeffries' online articles. For the 1 or 2 of you who may be interested, here is my two-cents worth on the subject of 'Identifying Who's Really In Charge':
Stephen T. McCarthy
July 18, 2023

Mr. Jeffries, you seem like a good guy, and I am sure you wouldn't have banned a commenter unless you genuinely felt it necessary. I discovered your site a few months ago via and this is my first comment (please don't ban me. šŸ˜‰)
I have been studying this N.W.O. agenda for a very long time, having been led to it at the same time I was led to Christ Yeshua (no coincidence in the timing).
Over the decades I have wondered who is at the very center of it all. The Illuminati, the higher-degree Freemasons, the Bilderbergers, the CIA, the CFR, the Club of Rome, English royalty, luciferian New Agers? etc., etc. The list of suspects is nearly endless, and there is unquestionably a lot of overlap. In the human realm, a solid, can't-miss target is "International Bankers". That's the category I have often pointed my longest finger at when discussing this topic with folks who are new to it. But, still, there is undoubtedly lots of overlap in the International Bankers category as well. (Surely many of them are Freemasons, luciferians, etc.) Or, if I want to capture all of the suspects at one time under a single tent I'll just say "The Wizards Behind The Curtain", and leave the particulars vague.
In John Stormer's epic and essential anti-Communism tome 'NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON ...25 YEARS LATER', the 1990 update of his 1964 classic 'None Dare Call It Treason', the author refers to the cabal like this:
"It is the result of a gigantic conspiracy - but it is a conspiracy of shared values. ... Millions have become a part of the conspiracy of shared values."
Over time, I have come to believe that this is the best way to view the situation. There are just TOO MANY suspects, too many varied cults & organizations, in on the same agenda to believe that they are ALL being secretly directed by a single human being or a single small group of inner-circle master manipulators. I believe that when it comes to the "human" portion of this conspiracy - although some groups may have more influence than others - John Stormer's "conspiracy of shared values" makes the most sense.
However, stepping outside of the "human" realm, I *DO* believe that a single spiritual entity directs all of the various groups / cults, and that entity is the Biblical satan (fallen angel and God's greatest enemy). Here is the reason we can never "vote evil out":
"Then the devil, taking Him [Jesus] up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; FOR THIS HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO ME, AND I GIVE IT TO WHOMEVER I WISH. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”
~ Luke 4:5-7

And this...
"We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one."
~ 1 John 5:19

Yes, the vast majority of human beings who have been placed into positions of authority and influence (the International Bankers, the leaders of Big Pharma, judges, lawyers, politicians, etc.) have been assisted and positioned by satan. And the "conspiracy" is a convergence of various cults and groups being orchestrated (some knowingly & some unknowingly) by "the wicked one" & his minions (demons) in the unseen realm. After 30 years of digging and contemplating, this is the only explanation that completely makes sense to me.
Three of the most important and underrated words in The Bible are "it is written". What "is written" in Scripture is a legal contract between God and His children (us) and nothing and no one can alter it. Jesus made it clear that things will go as "it is written" (His crucifixion was included because it was "written"). All End-Time prophecies including the demonic infiltration of "this world" MUST occur, and is increasing. (I believe we have entered "the beginning of sorrows" period of Biblical End-Time prophecies, with Christ's return just around the corner.)
So, I believe the most important thing we can do is get right with God, our Creator; and try to encourage our brothers & sisters to do the same. I always recommend that people begin with 'The 1st Epistle Of John' (it takes only 15 minutes to read).
Voting won't save this country nor "this world", because their fate "is written". But praying can help us and others, individually, in the short time that remains.
May You Bless & Be Blessed!!
~ Stephen
(a.k.a. D-FensDogG @ 
'Loyal American Underground')
POSTSCRIPT: This blog bit was edited amended on September 21, 2024.

Saturday, June 17, 2023


Although they generally anger me more than I want to be angered, my Mr. Toad mania phase sometimes kicks in and I periodically go on sprees of watching 1st Amendment Audit & Police Interaction videos at YouTube. (I even created a playlist of some of the best videos which you can find here: 99% Of Cops Give The Rest A Bad Name!)
Five nights ago I came across a video that had me laughing so loudly that my Brother came into the room to see if I was OK.
I left the following observations in the video's comment section:
5 days ago
The female cop comes across EXACTLY like the angry female elf yelling at Ralphie in the Santa Claus department store scene in 'A Christmas Story'!
It was right around the 11:40 mark when she started shaking her head back and forth so violently that I could almost see the bell on the tip of the female elf's hat going back and forth! It literally made me Guffaw-Out-Loud! (I watch 'A Christmas Story' every December, so that action just jumped right out at me.)
Below is the video in question. Butterfly Boy does a mean Tiny Tim impersonation. And the "officeress" has got the angry elf bit spot-on as well. Enjoy!
Cops Owned by Best Cop Troll of the Year - Maybe EVER
Here's The Deal

~ Stephen T. McCarthy

Thursday, May 11, 2023

'Mr. Sandman Always Rings Twice' (Or, 'Dreams Dreaming Dreams?')

Dear Reader ~
Mark Twain wrote, "In our dreams - I know it! - we do make the journeys we seem to make: we do see the things we seem to see; the people, the horses, the cats, the dogs, the birds, the whales, are real, not chimeras; they are living spirits, not shadows; and they are immortal and indestructible."
Perhaps so. But what about the dreams that our dreams have? Are they real, too?
My fascination with dreams began with a recurring nightmare I experienced when I was in third or fourth grade. Several times I found myself alone on the schoolyard playground at night, when I saw the Bogeyman running toward me. In total terror, I would run away, toward the school buildings, but could always hear him getting closer and closer behind me! I would run and run until, thoroughly exhausted, I would manage to wake up, still feeling the Bogeyman's hot breath on my neck.
Then somehow - either by unexplainable intuition or by secretly receiving information from a mysterious Source - a day arrived when I KNEW that I was able to awaken from a dream at any moment I chose. That night, the Bogeyman came for me again. This time I ran only as far as the nearest schoolyard water fountain, and that's where I decided to take my stand.
I stopped at the water fountain, turned around to face the quickly approaching Bogeyman, and I stuck out my tongue and started blowing 'raspberries' at him. I waited until the moment he reached me, stopped, extended his arms and attempted to grasp my neck with his hands. AT THAT VERY MOMENT, my eyes popped open and I found myself lying on my back, in my bed, staring at my bedroom ceiling above me. The Bogeyman was gone. That was my first 'lucid dream' experience (i.e., when the dreamer is conscious of the fact that he or she is dreaming). And soon, the Bogeyman stopped pestering me in my dreams. He was smart enough to know that he could not terrorize a child capable of awakening at will.
Fast-forward about 26 years. An adult now, I was on a Spiritual journey and had begun daily meditation sessions. While meditating one day in April of 1997, a still small voice in my mind said, "We have fallen asleep in God's embrace, having a nightmare that we are elsewhere". From that day forward, this has been my personal Spiritual slogan, which has been a mighty help in my life.
In 2018, The Spirit led me to move from Reno to a place I call Willoughberry, which is the friendliest place I've ever lived and the hometown of my dreams.
These days, I have extremely vivid dreams on a regular basis. Fortunately, I rarely have what I would categorize as "nightmares". However, unfortunately, I also rarely have what I would call "pleasant" dreams.
My subconscious mind creates dreams as if it's writing a story or a screenplay; and any story must always have some sort of conflict which the protagonist is required to face and attempt to overcome. That's where the "drama" is; that's what keeps driving a story forward to some sort of denouement. And that's how most of my dreams are; there's nearly always some sort of tension, something I'm struggling to deal with.
Two of my all-time favorite dreams occurred recently, while I was asleep here in Willoughberry. On January 4 of this year (2023), I dreamed that I was chasing after my dog, Muddy, who was chasing a cat that was chasing a rat that ate the cheese that lay in the house that Jack built (or something like that). So I was running down stairs, climbing over fences, and jumping over hedges. After awhile I began to notice that I was seeing everything from a unique perspective. I was perceiving things at interesting angles and seeing buildings, cars, and people framed between trees and archways in a uniquely creative way. Suddenly, I mentally said to myself (my subconscious mind speaking to itself), "Wow! This is the best cinematography I've ever had in a dream!"
Questions: If my dreams are being produced and directed by my subconscious mind, why was my subconscious mind so surprised and impressed by what IT had created? And why doesn't it provide me with such artistically "filmed" views in ALL of my dreams? Why isn’t my mind fashioning dreams with this level of creative imagery on a nightly basis?
Late last year, I had an even more unusual dream. This one was quite extraordinary!
I don't recall all of the specific details, but I was experiencing a tremendous amount of stress; a pressure that felt as though the weight of the world was upon me. It felt like a life or death situation with the degree of angst cranked "up to eleven". I was sweating and gasping for air!
Suddenly, my eyes popped open and I found myself lying on my back, in my bed, staring at my bedroom ceiling above me, and realizing that the whole thing had been nothing but a bad dream. Feeling an instantaneous sense of great relief, I mentally said to myself, "Whew! Oh, thank God that was just a dream!"
I continued to lie in bed for a minute or two, just enjoying this feeling of relief and deep peace. Then I yawned, stretched, and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Upon entering the kitchen to brew a cup of coffee, suddenly my eyes popped open and I found myself lying on my back, in my bed, staring at my bedroom ceiling above me! I instantly understood that EVERYTHING had been a dream!
I'd had a dream that I had a nightmare, from which I awoke. In other words, my dream had been dreaming!
This 'dream within a dream' scenario has me considering how it might apply to my long-standing Spiritual slogan. Maybe I don't have the slogan quite right. Perhaps it needs to go something more like this:
We Have Fallen Asleep In God's Embrace,
Having A Dream That We Are Having A Nightmare
That We Are Elsewhere.

Are dreams real, as Mark Twain proposed? Or are they just dreams of dreams?
Yours Dreamily,
~ Stephen T. McCarthy