For Part
So, my
friend Robin and I were yakking. She was telling me about a guy she knows who
is very active in the Republican party and devoted to its supposed fight against
the Democrat party. When she Emailed the man a link to one of my “New World
Order” Global Government conspiracy posts – exposing International Bankers and
Elite Insiders as the true enemies of America – he quickly dismissed this
truth, stating “he knew all about the Bilderberg
Conspiracy talk, but just couldn't waste any more time on it. It detracted from
the ‘real issues’.” Robin was shocked by his response.
ROBIN: The problem is that too many people are blinded by the Dog and Pony
Show and have no clue who the enemy is. It makes it difficult to win a war when
you don't know who the enemy is!
totally agree with you. Very few Americans even recognize the real enemy. They
all think “it’s that OTHER political party!”
ROBIN: So, I think his "research" of the Bilderbergers actually
equated to "I've heard of that and someone like Glenn Beck said it was a
conspiracy and I dumped it in File 13." Of course, he did NOT say that,
but I suspect that is the TRUTH.
STMcC: For
most mainstream “thinkers”, that’s usually enough for them to base their
opinion on. If someone they believe they can trust, someone who makes a lot of
money to keep them informed, makes a pronouncement about something, they take
it as gospel and never research it deeper for themselves. And it NEVER
occurs to them that the “great American” they’ve been listening to on talk
radio for 15 years might actually be an Insider who is deliberately deceiving,
dividing, and conquering them. The Americonned Sheeple are such trusting little
lambs who are being led right to the slaughterhouse.
It would
be totally illogical to think that persons whose very livelihoods are earned in
the political arena and who rub elbows regularly with policymakers and other
important political figures DO NOT really know about the ‘New World Order’
conspiracy. As “The Congressman” said, it is not possible to climb as high on
the political ladder as he had without learning the underLYING truth -
without learning about “The Wizards Behind The Curtain”.
And I would argue that people like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly,
Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin are every bit as high on this
country’s political ladder as any single 5-term Congressman from one state.
ROBIN: Everyone is aware of the disenfranchisement. However, you are SO
RIGHT: it is Republican vs. Democrat, Black vs White. In fact, this George
Zimmerman trial highlights the race issue which has been blown out of
proportion since Obama took office. They made the dude a "White
Hispanic" in the media in order for it to be filled with racial tension
and hate... instead of two minorities, which is what it is. I understand that
the DOJ has even used their resources to stir the pot and the President (early
on) made the comment that if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin.
STMcC: The
whole "divisiveness" aspect is the MAIN CLUE to the entire
trial. There's much more to this than the mainstream media wants the
Americonned People to realize. (And when I use the term "mainstream
media", I am ALWAYS also
including the pseudo-conservative media outlets like Fox News and talk radio.)
I was listening
to Sean Hannity yesterday and yelling at the radio because his deliberate
refusal to tell his listeners WHY the liberal media has spun the trial
into a "racial" issue was really pissing me off.
night, I was thinking about writing something about Obama's real worldview,
tying it into the reason the pseudo-conservatives routinely tell their listeners
only half of the story. Now that you've pretty much PUSHED me into the topic...,
I have decided to make it a part of my next F-FFF blog bit.
And so,
my “Magnificent Seven”, that’s where Robin and I left off, and what follows are
my further, deeper thoughts on this issue:
how many people understand that the International Bankers of the “New World
Order” conspiracy, the Communists, and the Socialists all share the same
essential goal? It is Totalitarian Global Control.
Only the
means of getting there differ. The International Bankers use stealth and the power
of their funding to manufacture a Global Government which they – representing
monetary control – will rule over. Communists foment violent revolution to
create a Global Government that (only theoretically) the people in general will
control. [It might be argued that the only true idealistic communist ever in a
leadership position was Nikolai Bukharin. He was executed for his devotion to
the real Communist ideal and his growing disenchantment with the State
Dictatorship.] And the Socialists use “Gradualism” or “Incrementalism” to
create a Global Government in which private property and production in private
hands are not completely outlawed, but all of it is overseen and dictated by
the State. Why own it when you can utterly control it? That is every bit as
totalitarian delicious!
All these
political factions are thematically interlocked by what author John Stormer
refers to as a “conspiracy of shared values”. All
three seek the same end result: a Totalitarian, Fascistic Global Government.
proves that it was the International Bankers (primarily American Bankers and
European Bankers using agents in the USA) who supported, propped up, and
resuscitated Communism around the globe.
have used garden variety liberals as “useful idiots”, and International Bankers
have used communists as “useful idiots”. As John Stormer accurately noted in
his book ‘NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON ...25 YEARS later’: "Every Communist country in the world literally has a 'Made In The
USA' stamp."
and widening natural fissures in social strata and fomenting violent reactions
to the divisions has been the bread ‘n’ butter tactic of Communism. Communists
seek to completely raze the old world in order to rebuild on the smoking embers
their own communistic new world. For that reason, communists love the potential
that violent reactions provide them with. Marxism is very clear:
Karl Marx's
‘Communist Manifesto’ says:
Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that
their ends can be attained only by the FORCIBLE OVERTHROW OF ALL EXISTING
As I said
years ago in my book review titled Will
We Wake Up Now, Or Wait Until The Mourning?, I consider ‘NONE DARE CALL IT
TREASON ...25 YEARS LATER’ by John Stormer to be truly one of the most
important political publications of all time. (The “Dynamic Duo” is Stormer’s
book coupled with ‘THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND’ by G. Edward Griffin.
Thoroughly learn those two books and you’ll never lose a political debate again
as long as you live.)
Stormer writes:
That Communists work to exploit and aggravate racial tensions and
rioting and terrorism in America’s cities is no surprise
to any student of Communist theory and tactics. Communists seek to exploit any
differences – between black and white, rich and poor, labor and management,
Catholic and Protestant, or Democrat and Republican. In 1902, Lenin wrote this
guide for future Communists:
“We must go among all classes of people as theoreticians, as
propagandists, as agitators, and as organizers … The principal thing, of
course, is propaganda and agitation among all strata of people.”
Following the 1989 ‘National Organization for Women’ convention in Cincinnati, Gus Hall, in his weekly
cassette tape message to ‘Communist Party U.S.A.’ members and fellow
travelers, said:
“...it’s clear from many of the speeches that they more clearly now
see the struggle for the equality of women as related to the class struggle.
That is a very important step in the political arena. ... Women are the advance
force [of the
revolution] in the present day period. ... As the
Communist Central Committee report said, ‘We will appeal to women on the basis
of their aspirations as women’.”
Bankers do NOT want to see Communism truly die, because Communism and its
sister Socialism have been very useful tools in moving us toward the “New World
Order” Banker-controlled Global Government via the ‘Divide & Conquer’
tactic so commonly used by the communists and their sister. And the Bankers
always get what they want.
Americans have been deliberately misled into believing that Communism is mostly
dead. However, despite the "appearance" of Communism's collapse in
the Soviet Union, you should know that this new democratic "false
front" and even the demolition of the Berlin Wall was foretold by the
top-level KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn in his book, 'NEW LIES FOR OLD.' The
communists are not gone, just working underground a bit more these days. The
same hard-liners are still in power and “playing nice” to lull us into a false
sense of complacency. And they are STILL being supported by the International
It has
been beneficial to the International Bankers to have the Communists working
more by stealth (as the Bankers also do), and so they have allowed the
Americonned Sheeple to believe that the threat of Communism is gone, and
through their mouthpieces, the pseudo-conservative celebrities of Fox News and
talk radio, they speak only in vague and fuzzy terms (using words like “Liberals”
and “Socialism”). They never really come out and call a communist a
from having the #1 all-time greatest book cover ever conceived, ‘YOU CAN STILL
TRUST THE COMMUNISTS TO BE COMMUNISTS (Socialists And Progressives Too)’ by
Fred Schwarz and David Noebel (published 2010) contains a wealth of valuable information
about Communism’s history and its presence in current-day America (even if the book too often
refers to communists as socialists).
pages 288 and 289 comes the following:
Most Americans are totally unaware that the US House of Representatives
crawls with a large, well-organized assembly of Socialist organizations. These
organizations are dedicated to (a) bringing about the destruction of the
Capitalist economic system (portrayed as greedy, conservative, religious,
and/or filthy rich) and (b) slowly but surely bringing production, education,
food, and health care under the complete control and regulation of the federal
government. …
The legislators involved in this Socialistic undertaking belong to
one or more radical House organizations: the Progressive Democrats of America
(6 House members), the Congressional Progressive Caucus (83 House members), the
Congressional Black Caucus (42 House members), and the Democratic Socialists of
America who do not identify their House members since they consider all members
of the Congressional Progressive Caucus part of their membership due to the
fact that they both shared operative social democratic politics.
Now, I
argue that many of those “socialists” are in fact communists, but
to use the word “communist” would tip off the Americonned People and blow their
“undercover” work.
take, for example, Barack Obama. You know the saying, “If it looks like a duck,
swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.” Well,
Barack Oliar has always surrounded himself with communists, and if you listen
closely to what he says, he’s frequently yakking communist ideals (“to fundamentally transform America” ... “spread
the wealth”, et al.)
To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends
carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign
students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural
feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore
leather jackets. At night, in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz
Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy. When we ground out our cigarettes
in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake,
we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling conventions. We
weren't indifferent or careless or insecure. We were alienated.
~ Barack
Surely I
don’t need to explain what “Marxist professors”
profess, nor explain the implications in the words “bourgeois
society”. Barack Obama is and always has been a Marxist (read:
“Communist”). If he believes in any god at all (other than himself) it is allah
– which would make Obama a Marxist/Muslim hybrid. [Do you remember Obama’s
‘Freudian slip’ when in a TV interview he said, “my
Muslim faith”? If not, go to YouTube.]
remains as president of the U.S.A. at the pleasure of the International
Bankers who own that “White Black” slave (and at the pleasure of the
International Bankers’ agents at the “other” end of the political spectrum –
namely, Republican celebrities such as Limbaugh, Beck, O’Reilly, and Hannity).
Oliar still chooses his friends carefully – like communists Bill Ayers and Van
Jones. Do you remember those words of Lenin?... “We
must go among all classes of people as … propagandists, as agitators, and as
organizers.” ...Oliar learned his trade as a “community organizer”
by studying communist Saul Alinsky’s writings. And contrary to what you’ve
heard, Barack Oliar’s biological father was NOT a Kenyan goat-herder,
but a card-carrying communist propagandist and Jazz aficionado named Frank
Marshall Davis.
back up to that photograph of the ‘YOU CAN STILL TRUST THE COMMUNISTS...’ book
cover. You see the Black man just above and between John Lennon
and Karl Marx who is in the gold band uniform and holding the horn? That man is
Frank Marshall Davis, official communist, father and mentor to YOUR
president, Barack Obama!
You won’t
hear that from Lush Limboob and Sean “Bad American” Hannity. Why not? Because
Frank and his son Barack were/are both COMMUNISTS; because Rush and Sean
work for the International Bankers; because the International Bankers
appreciate having a “useful idiot” communist like Barack in the White House.
Limbaugh and Hannity began telling the Americonned People the truth – that Barack
is not just a “liberal” with “socialistic” ideas, but a full-fledged
“communist” just like his father was – even the brainwashed Americonned Sheeple
might wake up and demand that White Black communistic president’s removal from
the White House.
Friday, I listened to Sean Hannity’s radio program, and he repeatedly stated
that he couldn’t understand why the Liberal media focused so intently on the
Zimmerman / Martin situation when so many Blacks are being shot and killed in
other places like Chicago. Hannity was lying. He knows
perfectly well that the “Liberal media” is crawling with communists, and the
communists can’t exploit a Black on Black situation. But if they can label
Zimmerman a “White Hispanic”, they can “aggravate
racial tensions and” encourage “rioting and
terrorism in America’s cities.” [Why does the media never refer to
Obama as a “White Black”, when his mother was Caucasian?]
Monday, Rush Limboob said on his radio program that Liberalism “is what it is”. Later, he defined it more narrowly as
a push for “big government”? Is that all
Liberalism is? A desire for bigger government? (If that’s so, then by that definition
most “Republicans” are also Liberals. Which, in fact, they ARE!) And
why would Liberals want a bigger government? That’s really the $64,000
Tuesday, Limboob said that the reason Liberals want to confiscate your guns is
so that you will have to rely solely on the police; they are conditioning you
to believe that Big Brother Government is the answer to your every need.
BULLSHIT! That’s just surfing the surface.
What they REALLY want is what communists have ALWAYS wanted: to
establish Global Communism. And as long as you have guns, they would have a
very difficult time doing that.
To recap:
Liberals and Socialists have the same goal as Communists: to create a Totalitarian
Global Government. Many influential “Liberals” and “Socialists” are crypto
Communists. The Communists have gone “underground”, but are still supported and
protected by International Bankers. The goal of the International Bankers is to
create a Totalitarian Global Government. Most influential Republicans are
agents for the International Bankers. And no one wants to call a communist a
“communist”, because doing so might get the “communists” ousted - and that
would be unfortunate because “communists” are such “useful idiots” for the
International Bankers.
EVERYTHING these influential Democrats
promote – from racial strife to gun control to open borders to “green” energy
to wasting taxpayer money to Socialized health care to removal of Christ and the
Biblical God from the public square – is predictable from the Communist worldview
Mainstream Media, honeycombed with communists, conditions the Americonned
people to accept and even embrace these agendas. While the influential, phony,
pseudo-conservative Republicans pretend to fight back against the Democrats and
the Liberal media, they deliberately, gradually give into the Communist goals
inch by inch, measure by measure, bill by bill, year by year. And the
International Banker Wall Street Magician Corporate Thug Fascists are behind it
all! They control BOTH sides of the fake fight!
Wake up,
Americans! This is how your country really operates. And once a person
finally understands the ultimate objective, seemingly nonsensical political
moves make perfect sense.
“conservatives” are “Constitutionalists”, NOT “Republicans”. Most
“Constitutionalists” are registered as Independents.
On those
very rare occasions when genuine Constitutionalists (like Ron Paul) come along,
International Banker agents like the balloon known as “Rush Limbaugh” nearly
have strokes while trying to discredit them. (If you can’t detect Rush
Limbaugh’s fear in the following video, you are asleep at the monitor.)
And then,
sadly, sometimes it takes a stoopid Liberal to prove that Republicans are not
“conservatives”... [In this next clip, Limbaugh is speechless; he has no
reasonable answer. Later, he disconnects the caller and then rambles on and on,
trying to recover from the whuppin’ he just received. Many years ago, I also
called in to a political talk radio program, and when the so-called
“conservative” Republican talk show host realized that I was destroying him on
his own program, he disconnected me and pulled a “Rush Limboob” ramble ‘n’
recover act. These fake conservative talk radio hosts do it all the time.]
As one
viewer commented:
Rush: Where do you get this silly notion that Reagan raised Social Security
Rush about three minutes later: Reagan was forced to raise Social Security
What is it, Rush? A silly notion or did he actually do it?
If much
of the information in this blog bit was news to you, don’t feel embarrassed.
Back when David Caruso and I were Irish-American gangbangers in Any City, U.S.A., I was “Americonned” too. But “I
got better.” And so can you...
David Caruso puts the "ham" in The Shamrocks. |
Stephen T. McCarthy (upper right corner) protesting Reagan's Social Security tax increase! |
Beer: Anything
except the Boston Beer Company’s
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.