junkyard dog bark is back!
The D-FensDogg snark is back!
Just when
you thought order had been restored to the Blogosphere, crazy Doc Brown fixes
the flux capacitor on my computer (for $150.00 worth of Valium and CRUZAN Black
Strap Rum) and I’m back in bidnith.
On Thursday,
July 4, 2013,
I posted a blog bit titled... [Link:]
‘The Declaration Of Independence’ and off-the-cuff and on-the-fly reinterpret
that great document for our (post)modern times and our Masters of today –
primarily International Bankers and their ‘New World Order’ political and occult
cronies, all supported by the mainstream media.
That blog
bit received several fine comments, one of which came on July 6TH
from my McBuddy SHEBOYGANBOY SIX who wrote:
I would like you to consider which 56 people you think would
sign such a document, and let me (or us) know. I suggest not limiting yourself
to just contemporary times, but go back as far as you like. (Lincoln may be as far as
necessary... don't know what you'll decide.) Some are obvious, but when you get
past the first 20 you may find it difficult to choose one conniving, evil
asshole over another.
That's a major assignment, some serious homework, but I'll see
what I can come up with. This will probably take me quite a few days, maybe
close to a week, if I'm going to give it much thought.
And what’s today’s date again? Well, at least we’re still in 2013, eh?*]
[...] My first thought was that I'd be going back much further
than Lincoln. But then it
occurred to me that maybe, since this was a take-off on 'The Declaration Of
Independence', the founding document of the United States, you intended for me
to limit myself to Americans when coming up with 56 signers. That changes
things quite a bit.
Is that the question then? What 56 Americans do I think would sign this
'Declaration'? Or what 56 persons regardless of nationality?
Above "on the right is a poster produced by the European Union
symbolically depicting their mission. It combines the 12 stars of the EU flag
with the rebuilding of the tower of Babel, with the motto ‘Europe: Many Tongues, One
Voice’. Note also that the stars are shown as inverted pentagrams, an occult
symbol for Satan."
Six ~
thought I wasn’t going to follow through with this assignment, eh?
the fact you never answered my question, on my own initiative I came to my own
conclusion: I decided that since this is an imaginary American document, I
would restrict my signers to American-born people only. (That left out some
A-list individuals like Charles Darwin, John Maynard Keynes, John Kenneth
Galbraith, Henry Kissinger, and John Lennon.)
Was it
difficult coming up with the names of 56 signers for this “New World Order”
Global Government declaration? Pshaw! A day or two after you proposed this
idea, I sat down with a pen and paper and, going just off the top of my head,
in 15 minutes I had TOO MANY names!
So, the
difficulty of the assignment was in trying to whittle down my list, while
maintaining a good cross-section of various types of elite fascists. I wanted a
good representation of different careers including both genders.
The fact
is, this project was too easy. I mean, theoretically, I could have posted the
names from the current ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) membership list and that
alone would have given me a few thousand signers, without even delving into
‘The Trilateral Commission’, ‘The Bilderbergers’, ‘Skull And Bones’, and ‘The
Club of Rome’. It was too easy. Literally, any American communist could have
been included.
Again, I
decided to go for a good representative list of “types” rather than, say, the MOST
important or influential Totalitarians (even though many of those made my
the fact that my imaginary ‘DECLARATION OF INTERDEPENDENCE – JULY 4, 2013’
mentions the goddess Gaia as its deity, I did not permit that to influence
which names I included on my list. Sure, Al Gore would have no problem kneeling
and praying to an imaginary Earth goddess, whereas communists like Bill Clinton
believe in no god but the State (or themselves).
But I
figured that most or all of these Fascists would be willing to PRETEND
belief in ANY kind of so-called “god” so long as it advanced their own
global agenda and/or benefited themselves in some personal way.
So, below
is my list. I could just as satisfactorily alter it on any given day, and there
are probably plenty of other names that just as easily and/or more deservedly
could replace some of those I’ve included. But, at this moment, THESE are the
people I FEEL like outing. I worked on a whim du jour basis.
I will
add a label to each of these dastardly dudes and dudettes, and in some cases
will include a URL link to a site featuring text or promoting a book that would
tell you a bit more about the person in question.
Are we
ready? Here is today’s list - in no particular order - of 56 signers to my
Abraham Lincoln [president; fascist; White
supremacist; destroyer of The Constitution]
Janet Napolitano [Big Man at Dept. of Homeland
Security; talentless]
Janet Reno [U.S. Attorney General; Elton
John look-alike]
John J. McCloy [CFR chairman]
Jimmy Carter [president; fascist; traitor; moron]
Prescott Bush [international banker; Nazi
sympathizer; father and grandfather to 2 a-hole presidents]
George H. W. Bush [president; CIA director]
George W. Bush [president; evil-doer; war
monger; mental retard]
Bill Clinton [president; communist; adulterer]
Barack Hussein Obama [president; communist; liar; Muslim;
arrogant asshole]
Woodrow Wilson [The USA’s worst president and
the international bankers’ best friend; globalist]
Harry Truman [president; communist sympathizer]
Dwight “Ike” Eisenhower [president; traitor; globalist; communist, or at least
a communist sympathizer; a-hole]
Franklin D. Roosevelt [president; communist
sympathizer; traitor; globalist]
Edward Mandell House [international bankers’ agent;
presidential advisor; traitor; globalist; astoundingly bad writer]
down to the book title ‘Philip Dru: Administrator’.)
J. P. Morgan [international banker; investor;
Bernard Baruch [international banker;
presidential advisor]
Michael Eisner [Disney CEO; elitist; social
Michael Medved [movie critic; talk show host;
traitor; arrogant asshole]
Ruth Bader Ginsburg [supreme court judge; feminist
social engineer; communist]
Sean Penn [actor; idiot]
Julius Rosenburg [executed communist spy]
Harry Dexter White [communist spy; politician]
Alger Hiss [communist spy; liar; founding
member of the United Nations]
Newt Gingrich [politician; globalist; fat fascist frog]
William O. Douglas [supreme court social engineer]
John Marshall [supreme court social engineer]
Margaret Sanger [social engineer; White supremacist; eugenicist; founder of the
‘Planned Parenthood’ abortion mill; ugly]
Hugo Black [supreme court judge; social engineer]
Jesse Jackson [pseudo-Christian minister; race
hustler; general a-hole]
Liar Ranter
Warren Burger [supreme court judge; social
Earl Warren [supreme court judge; social
Roger Baldwin [communist; founder of the ‘American
Civil Liberties Union’ or ‘ACLU’]
Nicholas Biddle [traitor; agent for international
John D. Rockefeller [international banker; “oily”
character; traitor, representing the entire Rockefeller family of traitors]
Joseph Kennedy [banker; traitor; jerk; father of
Ben Bernanke [Federal Reserve chairman;
Alan Greenspan [the former Ben “Bank” Bernanke]
Nancy Pelosi [politician; elitist, communist c*nt]
down to “Good Morning, Mr. & Ms. Socialist. This Is Your Wake-Up Call!”]
Nelson Aldrich [Federal Reserve conspirator;
Frank Vanderlip [Federal Reserve conspirator;
Benjamin Strong [Federal Reserve conspirator;
Al Gore [politician; traitor; inventor of the Internet; liar;
communist; mental midget]
Jane Fonda [communist; traitor; actress;
Timothy Geithner [Federal Reserve chairman;
traitor; tax cheat]
Ted Turner [businessman; globalist; elitist;
total a-hole]
Carroll Quigley [professor; globalist; traitor;
writer; principal mentor to the “first White trash Black president” Bill
Dean “The Red Dean Of Fashion” Acheson [politician; traitor; communist
sympathizer; globalist; pseudo-British, striped-pants bastard and enemy of Senator Joe McCarthy]
William Ayers [communist; domestic terrorist;
college professor; good friend to Barack Hussein Obama.]
John Dewey [educator; liar; immoral scumbag]
Hillary Clinton [fake Feminist; real communist;
liar; Nurse Ratched look-alike]
down to “Good Morning, Mr. & Ms. Socialist. This Is Your Wake-Up Call!”)
Al Sharpton [see: “Jesse Jackson”]
Dick Cheney [dick]
Susan “Short Little Rebel” Shannon [obnoxious identity thief; in my opinion, a pseudo-Christian
blogger and hater of mankind.]
Liar Ranter
David Gergen [political commentator;
presidential advisor to Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan and
Bill Clinton; member of the Bohemian Grove occult cult]
The Unknown President (whoever becomes our next POTUS)
globalist; liar; agent for international bankers]
And that
concludes my list du jour of the 56 signers to my DECLARATION OF INTERDEPENDENCE – JULY 4th, 2013 found HERE.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Postscript Toodle-Oo:
I simply
got tired of looking up URL links for these fine people, so if you wanna know
where to find mo’ ‘bout ‘em, you can just aks me. If you could care less, then
supposably you won’t need to aks me nuttin’.
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
You know me... I can't agree with all of them, and I'm sure you can guess which ones...
ReplyDeleteI'd have left SLR off, if for no other reason that she probably wouldn't sign anything she didn't write herself.
You probably could have added well more than half of all university professors, but hey, there are space constraints.
That suspicious "X" at the bottom looks a lot like Babs Streisands' mark... or is it Hanoi Jane's?
Delete>>... You know me...
You stole FAE's line. (Ooh... She's gonna be sooooo pissed!)
>>... I can't agree with all of them, and I'm sure you can guess which ones...
No, actually, I can't. But if you name 'em, I'll be happy to point you to the truth about 'em. ("You know me...", I don't post nuttin' in public that I'm not fully prepared to back up.)
>>... I'd have left SLR off, if for no other reason that she probably wouldn't sign anything she didn't write herself.
HA!-HA! Excellent point! (You win on that one, Bro.)
By the way... she's such an egotist that I strongly feel she has already seen this post. (She Googles her name and the name of her blog regularly, probably on a daily basis... maybe even hourly.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Delete"No, actually, I can't. But if you name 'em, I'll be happy to point you to the truth about 'em."
Lincoln, both Bushes, maybe Ike. And you do know me, I believe in "do not call a conspiracy..." Which I think God was telling us, don't get all bent about it. As I was just telling an atheist that doesn't know the difference between surrendering an argument and keeping my lunch from burning, the thing is, we as Christians forget our kingdom is not of this earth. I find your researches informative, well-done, but I just don't change my life over them. I do respect them, though, and I know you have reason to believe them- and you may very well be right all the way down. But I'm not about to put Lincoln on a skewer over it. Frankly, I think if he were a "white supremisist", why would he have bothered? I certainly wouldn't have. You have a better case for LBJ being a WS, but I'm willing to say, "I think he was rather just a product of his upbringing". But, I guess it just depends on how stringent your definition is.
See? We've walked this road before, I told you, "you know me"...
DeleteI have an Email to compose and send, a bill to pay, and maybe a checkbook to balance before I shower and head off to work again at about 7:00 PM. So I likely will not get a chance to respond tonight.
And tomorrow morning, when I get home and before going to bed, I will need to fully compose my 'BOTB' blog bit for Oct. 15th posting. So I may not even get a chance to respond to you here until Tuesday.
But I will get back to you on this before too long because there are a couple of things I want to clarify for you, where I believe you are misunderstanding my intent (similar, in a way, to how I was misunderstanding YOUR intent with your 'Desert Island' song challenges).
Yak with ya again a little later, Bro.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
You've already given up on whoever the next POTUS may be, huh?
ReplyDeleteInteresting list. I'd have to agree on some and disagree on others. It's cool to blast 'em for their political stances and/or stupidity, but now, now, it isn't nice to gig 'em for being ugly.
DeleteYes, the next POTUS is absolutely, positively a traitor to the country and will be flat-out lying when he/she places their hand on that Holy Bible and swears to uphold the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
I know this because if it were otherwise, he/she would never be allowed to enter the office.
Truthfully, I agree with you about not dinging someone for being ugly. What God hath done, I do not like to criticize, so that was a very rare exception to my personal rule. (Rarely if ever will you find me disparaging someone about God-given appearances; never about being physically or mentally handicapped - as in 'clinically" handicapped.)
But when it comes to Margaret Sanger - a repulsive, morally bankrupt individual who was indirectly responsible for the murdering of so many millions of the innocent unborn - the gloves come off and I consider her fair game on just about everything. (For me, abortion, above all, is "that button" that ought not be pushed.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Seems as though this list was fairly easy to construct; too many to choose from. There really are so many good posts here at F-FFF relating to the CFR, and the hypocritical nature of our elected and non-elected "officials".
ReplyDeleteThat reminds me, I contacted the "politically incorrect guide..." author through his college e-mail not too long ago asking him about the Fed omission from his book. I'll have to dig it up for you. ( I asked him to post in your comment section but he chose not to) His response was nothing to write home about, kind of a non-answer which is why I forgot about it.
I see you gave "extra-credit" to Tim Geithner. No need to give him any more credit since he has done enough damage as president of the NY Fed and Secretary of the Treasury.
Now I'd really like to know who the good guys are. That seems like the bigger challenge.
DeleteFirst... great catch on my Tim Geithner boo-boo! Thanks for the correction! (Take note, y'all.)
Of course, the NY Fed is the biggie, but it still don't make him THE Fed Chairman.
There's an old sports-related salesman's pitch that goes, "You can't tell the players without a program! Get yer program here!"
Sometimes I post without my program in hand. Those are the times when I mistakenly call the "catcher" the "pitcher".
I'm gonna leave my boo-boo standing, however, because I'm trying to break myself of this obsession with (failed) perfectionism.
Thanks for the kind words, SigSigSigDogg.
The good guys, eh? SHEESH! That really WOULD be a challenge, wouldn't it?
I'll say Senator Joseph McCarthy, Ron Paul, and... I'm done.
No, not really. I would also add Senator William Jenner and... OK, now I think I might really be done.
Hey, did you REALLY contact and hear from Kevin Gutzman?! If so, PLEASE tell me exactly what he said! You can submit it as a comment or just Email it to me privately if you'd prefer. "I gotz ta know" how he 'splained his glaring omission.
~ Stephen
>First... great catch on my Tim Geithner boo-boo! Thanks for the correction!
DeleteNit-picky on my end. I make more mistaikes in one paragraph than you do in a years- worth of posts. I just happen to know too much about Tim Geithner. You're right up there on the accuracy scale with Koji Uehara. (Not really a baseball fan but I will jump on the Red Sox bandwagon in the post-season for a little diversion.)
>I'm trying to break myself of this obsession with (failed) perfectionism.
That's a healthy choice.
>I'll say Senator Joseph McCarthy, Ron Paul, and... I'm done.
No, not really. I would also add Senator William Jenner and... OK, now I think I might really be done.
Good start. Damn, two out of the three are no long with us. Bizarro World really is a lonely place.
I'll drop you an e-mail soon.
I like your list, not surprised are you. Although, I’m not sure I would give any more ‘air time’ to some of the well known Hollywood has beens; they certainly would agree with your Declaration of Interdependence. Personally, I also would never mention the name of that linear challenged female who thinks so much of herself.
ReplyDeleteI do applaud the fact that you included so many jurists. Today even the people who think…tend to forget that these so called thinkers of supreme justice, have caused to misshapen the values and morals of the US in so many sad ways. While it’s true that all have been hand-picked to take their places in infamy, it is once again ‘we the people’, who are left to ‘little note nor long remember their names’, but live with their unscrupulous decisions.
Reading through your comments, it’s apparent that some of your readers are still looking for the ‘good guys’, even way back in history. Truth be told, I don’t think there are any. Unfortunately, even those who might start out with high ideals soon become corrupted. Consider also, those who believe they are only slightly ‘dirty’, in an effort to stay in office and make a difference. It takes me back to a comment you made on somebody else’s blog.
“If you work for the devil, you have to expect to get burned.” (or something very similar)… STMc 2013
OK, I typed up my comment in word and came by and pasted it here, before I read ALL of the comments. After I pushed publish, I noted that you did manage to find 'a few good men'.
ReplyDeleteALL ~
ReplyDeleteI'm feverishly working on my Oct. 15th BOTB composition (send lawyers, guns and money!) and came here to get a link to something from my old 'Stuffs' blog. Found these comments waiting to be published. Clicked "Publish".
Will return to respond when time permits, but right now, I must finish this blog bit and go to bed (work calls again at 8 PM today).
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Delete"I'm down on my luck!"
~ D-FensDogg
When we discussed this project, I fully intended to come up with my own list. I'm surely glad I didn't to it. Mine would have been a cliched and uninteresting list, and even then it would have taken me forever to compile. You just whipped out your list off the top of your head... and it is interesting and (as far as I can tell), accurate. I would say that there are about 10 names on this list I need to go look up. I don't know 'em. The list is a good one, with all those damned Supreme Court monkeys (sorry, Sig) shredding the Constitution with each and every ruling.
ReplyDeleteI will say that there is one person on the list that I'm especially pleased you included. Can you guess who? It is not someone I would have thought to include, but who is certainly deserving. Words cannot describe how much I loathe the guy.
One reason the list is so good is that, just like our Declaration of Independence, not everyone who signed was broadly-known or important beyond the signing. Some were, but some were just "people."
As for where would you find "good people" to sign? Most of the signed it the first time. Except the greatest President of all: Washington. And of others who would sign, they almost all lived in the time of the Declaration or earlier, like Thomas Paine, Adam Smith, Hobbes, Locke (if they didn't have to be American). For more recent signers, I would nominate Ayn Rand, Andrew Napolitano (Napolitano believes that the 9/11 incidents including the subsequent collapse of the World Trade Tower buildings in New York City did not take place as the US government has publicly communicated), Milton Friedman (opposed the Fed, ended conscription), and John Stossel,
Yup. I did NOT think you'd follow thru!
DeleteI have a little time while waiting for the last coat of paint on my pumpkin to dry, so I figured I'd get started on my replies here. (Damn! THREE COATS just for the green eyeshadow? I knew I should have laid down a white base first!)
Thanks for the kind words, Brotherman. I'm pleased my list of signers met with your approval because the sole intent of this blog bit was to respond to your unique request. This one was for you. (Originally it was intended to be just a multi-part comment, but so much time had elapsed that I figured you'd never see it unless I put it front and center as a separate blog bit.
>>... I will say that there is one person on the list that I'm especially pleased you included. Can you guess who? It is not someone I would have thought to include, but who is certainly deserving. Words cannot describe how much I loathe the guy.
Hmmm... Well, my first thought would have been Susan 'Short Little Rebel' Shannon, but since you said "guy"... and she's a lot of nasty things but "a guy" isn't one of them.
Looking back over the list now...
Wow! I really don't know. Obviously it's not an "obvious" inclusion, based on what you said.
I'll make 5 guesses and see if I can hit it in that number:
We've exchanged several comments over the years, both of us expressing how much we loathe that "arrogant asshole" MICHAEL MEDVED. So I'll make him my first guess.
Second guess: WILLIAM AYERS.
Did I hit it?
Looking over my list again to compile my guesses, I noticed a glaring omission. If I were going to re-do my list today, I would have to make room for JOHN McCAIN. How the hell did I leave him off of my first draft? I didn't even have him on my muy grande list that I had to whittle down. DOH!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
You hit it first try.
DeleteI would not have put Medved on the list because I would not have thought to include him. BUT... I like him on this list. He would have written a giant Hancock-like MEDVED first, if he could. HE thinks he is important, and he certainly is the biggest stinking hypocrite on the list. Except ALL THE OTHER stinking hypocrites on it, that is. Plus McCain, who certainly is deserving of inclusion on it.
SBB-6 ~
And I like your giant Hancock-like "MEDVED" on the document. Fo' sho'.
Here's the thing that gives "the Medveds" away as Constitution-hating globalists: Their obvious knowledge of history!
Some political commentators I can read or listen to (e.g., Ben Shapiro, at least in the beginning) and think: He/she is gonna be correct a fair amount of the time based solely on taking a conservative position.
But their lack of nuance clues me in that they don't really understand the whole political landscape, and they are still in the earlier stages of being groomed for "advanced enlightenment".
But then you get a guy like MICHAEL MEDVED, and you can just let your logic take over and lead you to the right conclusion about him. Good logic will lead us to the REAL truth a good 95+% of the time. (It's a fact that occasionally a genuine truth will defy logic, but these are very rare occurrences, and we can trust our good logic to reveal the truth to us the vast majority of the time.)
With a character like Michael Medved, one can listen to him long enough to realize that he really DOES know a great deal about history; he is NOT ignorant! This I will say for him: He is truly well educated.
And it is THAT which gives him away as a secret globalist and Insider agent for the 'New World Order'.
No one could possibly know as much authentic history as he does and yet remain, somehow, ignorant of the 'New World Order' global conspiracy! Especially considering how many of the important, influential Insiders have openly acknowledged their support for a Global Government replacing America's Constitutional Republic.
The MEDVEDS cannot(!) have their cake and eat it too! They cannot display their obvious knowledge of history and then PRETEND that they never heard of a 'New World Order' conspiracy and that only tinfoil hat-wearers believe in such a thing.
In short, Medved's wide range of knowledge on so many topics PROVES that he is lying when he denies any knowledge or facts regarding The Global Conspiracy.
I've been saying this for years, but even my Brother still hasn't fully accepted this very basic truth based on very basic logic.
Everything I've said above about Medved applies equally to Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Coulter, Beck, and all the rest. Every one of those folks who earn their living by commenting on politics, and who rub elbows with the political elite on a regular basis, but who refrain from criticizing The Fed and the New World Order conspiracy are - logic dictates - either a part of the conspiracy, or willing to give it a pass because they are personally benefiting by ignoring it and not informing their viewers/readers about it.
Medved ticks me off so much because not only is he one of the conspirators (via propaganda), but he pokes fun at the "tinfoil hat" folks who are actually telling the Americonned People the truth about the International Bankers, et al. I'd kick his ass if I ever saw him on a sidewalk.
Now... if I saw Michael Medved standing on the North sidewalk and Quentin Tarantino standing on the South sidewalk, I'd probably get hit by a car while I was standing in the middle of the street, trying to decide whose ass to kick first.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
This is an interchangeable list. These folks could also comprise the crew of a ship to be sent off to a far off galaxy many light years away.
ReplyDeleteBe back for your BOTB post.
Tossing It Out
I don't really have much to say other than I'm interested to see your reply to Brother Martin. I've heard before that Lincoln didn't free the slaves because of the belief of black men being equal but rather as a political move. I jumped over to that old blog excerpt and was fascinated by the superior race quote.
ReplyDeleteAll I have to say is this... I'm amazed how people are often memorialized in history as something they were clearly not.
I don't know squat about Lincoln, but I can tell you about John Lennon (who I thought I'd bring up after his dishonorable mention above) as an example. He was memorialized as a peaceful hero, and Yoko Ono was memorialized as, well, a "Yoko," a phrase coined after her for crashing band practice and as a way of essentially blaming her for his weird hippie phase/downfall.
And yet... most people don't know that John Lennon was a physically abusive asshole. He hit Yoko, he cheated on her routinely but absolutely refused to let her out of sight for even a moment for fear she'd cheat on him or leave him, and best of all, he forced her to come to all of his band practices because of the aforementioned insecurity. He'd even make her go to the bathroom with him. He was controlling, and manipulative, and yet Yoko was somehow remembered as being the 'controlling' one who wanted to constantly crash band practice and be in his way. He, meanwhile, is known as some kind of modern day Jesus who just preached love and peace and tolerance.
Because of that, I'd be willing to bet there are a lot of immortalized heroes who were actually the exact opposite of their 'legend.' I don't know who of them, but I don't think you could rule out former US presidents.
Either way, funny how history works, right?
4-B ~
DeleteThere is no celebrity I dislike MORE than I disliked John Lennon. He was as big a hypocrite as I've ever come across (as well as a communist).
Shortly before he died, he was featured in an unflattering Esquire magazine piece and that's when I first began to understand just what a jackass he really was.
Lennon (Lenin) was even a phony artist - not even the better part of the Lennon/McCartney songwriting team. Although I do like some Beatles songs, history shows that The Beatles were influenced instrumentally and arrangement-wise by Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys (as I pointed out in a recent 'BOTB' blog bit), and lyrically, they were influenced by Bob Dylan. In both cases, in my opinion, they never came close to measuring up to their primary songwriting influences.
And Lennon, for all that yak about his idealism regarding peace and love (as you already illustrated), he was in actuality a very bitter, angry man. (Take a look at any of his later pictures - the lemon juice and vinegar is written all over his face! The bitterness was seeping right out of his facial pores!)
And, of course, we're supposed to believe that Lennon was "Mr. Understanding", "Mr. Live And Let Live", but when Dylan discovered Jesus Christ, the communist John Lennon had a near apoplectic fit over it.
When you have the time, do a Google search for the lyrics of a song Lennon wrote titled 'SERVE YOURSELF', which was his answer to Dylan's Jesus-based hit song 'GOTTA SERVE SOMEBODY'.
I'm pretty certain that 'Serve Yourself' was never released on an album, and may have never even been recorded on a demo. But Lennon DID write the lyrics.
And who the hell was John Lennon to tell Bob Dylan what he should believe, what he should do, how he should live his own life?
John Lennon: hypocritical, bitter-assed, skinny-puss dictator-wannabe. If I were including non-Americans on this Signer's List, you can be certain that I would have included John Lenin.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
>>... I don't really have much to say other than I'm interested to see your reply to Brother Martin.
DeleteYou still waitin' for that?
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
It's too late, and I'm too tired and/or drunk to reply to these excellent comments tonight. But I will return soon, maybe even tomorrow, after I finish decorating this pumpkin for my new employer's contest. (If I get them the 1st place Blue Ribbon award, shouldn't I also get a raise, a promotion or, best of all... a new job in a new city?)
ReplyDeleteDon't know if my decorated pumpkin will win 1st place, but I'm going to, as much as possible, duplicate the pumpkin I won first place with at UCLA circa 1987. If it was good enuf for Californ-i-a, it ought to be good enuf for Air-head-zona, eh?
Yak again soon, my friends.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Pumpkinhead'
The Margaret Sanger "ugly" line is why I'll always love ya STM. Out of nowhere you always make the "bad little boy" in me laugh. Guess who...
Welcome back, my friend, to the show that never ends...
DeleteOver the Labor Day weekend I traveled to L.A. and met with a bunch of the old gang. While there, we had dinner at El Coyote with the original "MR. BREEZE"; I hadn't seen him in about 28 years.
He'd obviously aged because... he actually said "Goodbye" and shook everybody's hand before disappearing into the night. For the first time ever, no one said... "Hey, where did Danny go? He was here just a minute ago."
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'